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Help with invocation

Posted: Sun May 15, 2022 6:56 am
by Chief keef
Hi to everyone, I'm new here.
I would appreciate if you could give me insights on invocation.

How do I know if I invoked some entity and there is someone with me at that moment?
I learned that I should know it through a change in the atmosphere, an intense and sudden energy in the room and I can visualize how that sensation should be, but I never experienced it while trying to invoke. At the moment I am only aware of 2 times that I invoked someone and I only knew it because I had clear visual manifestations by them, I did not feel their presence. They appeared almost immediately too. So I think I'm capable of that, to call on to an entity with my intention.

I am now trying to connect to demonic deities but I can't feel them nor have another type of manifestation, and people more experienced than me share different takes on this. They say that
- If they don't respond in 2-3 attempts, they are not the right deity to call on because our energies do not match
- Some specific entities do not commonly show up even if they want to work with you.
- Some entities do not show up at all unless they call you (and I think I experienced this type of "call" 2 times from the same entity but I didn't get a response when trying to invoke and reach to) .
- You have to continue to call on them with intention different times to show them that you really want to work with them.
- A lot of them are really willing to help us because that makes them have more power on this plane so they will show up.
- Some of them do not show up unless they receive a formal invocation respecting all their correspondences, their favourite incenses and offerings.

And it seems that everyone may be right in a way since that is their experience/gnosis.
So I can't know if they really do not show up and will continue to not be showing up or I am not able to get their presence.

What do you think about this?
Is there a way to be more sensitive to their energies?
Also I don't do things like ward, shielding, banishing (I know that I should do it). Can the presence of parasites weaken/block my call to deities and our connection?

Re: Help with invocation

Posted: Tue May 17, 2022 7:14 am
by Alexandrine
You should look into the clair-senses. (Clairvoyance, clairsentience, etc)

Everyone's senses develop differently, so once you're familiar with how yours manifest, you'll have an easier time telling when an invocation has worked or not.

Re: Help with invocation

Posted: Tue May 17, 2022 8:55 am
by JohnKnox666
Chief keef wrote: ā†‘
Sun May 15, 2022 6:56 am

What do you think about this?
Is there a way to be more sensitive to their energies?
Also I don't do things like ward, shielding, banishing (I know that I should do it). Can the presence of parasites weaken/block my call to deities and our connection?
It could be parasites & it could be you not having developed your clairs like the poster above me said.

If I were you Iā€™d focus on the basics like meditation, lucid dreaming & using active imagination to work your chakras.

Re: Help with invocation

Posted: Thu May 19, 2022 6:45 am
by saelstown
I agree with the other two responses above me, and I'd say it may be due to you not being aligned/attuned to their energy, especially if you've never connected with the demonic divine before. They may show up but you may not be able to get a sense of it as you're not able to read their energies/notice them so it doesn't come through any of your clairs. In my personal experience, beings I am more aligned with are easier to feel and get clair impressions from compared to those I may not be as aligned with.

For the demonic, enns are a great way to start becoming attuned with their energies are the enns! Chanting the enns, meditating to the enn meditation that S&S has up on their YouTube, as well as gazing at or carrying their sigils with you are all great ways to connect with their energies better and actually be more attuned to them so you'll notice them easier. I don't do anything formal for my invocations besides a candle and incense as a sign of respect, but they have always showed up. Sometimes I didn't get a read of their presence through clairsentience when my abilities were weaker, but I had a knowing feeling of their presence through claircognizance instead. So it's good to pay attention to the other clairs as well and other signs of their presence. Periodically I will consult tarot cards as well after invocation if I can't get a clear feel of their presence. If you're lighting a candle for them, usually a good indicator can be that the flame becomes more active after the invocation, despite there being no wind or physical force moving it. I don't always rely on that and prefer to combine it with other signs to get a clear read, but it can help you out. You can invoke the demonic divine through enn chanting as well. My strongest invocation was when I invoked Lucifer through chanting his enn, to this day it's the strongest I've ever felt anyone's presence. I didn't do anything special, just had his candle lit and meditated to and chanted his enn, and he showed up after the first two chants. You will have to pay attention to your own individual experiences and see what personally works for you, and if that differs from entity to entity. If so, see if there's a pattern in how things differ and maybe you can start to figure out why. Journaling these experiences can help, but I don't always do it, most of this I've kept track of mentally so it's up to you whatever helps.

Further developing your abilities will definitely help a lot, when my clairs were weaker as a result of blockages it was extremely difficult to get a read on anything, no matter the intensity of energies present. It was like being spiritually deaf, blind and without any senses, but as they opened up more and energies flowed, that started to change. Be sure to practice and work on your abilities as it will help a ton, there are exercises you can try on the forum. Personally I don't do anything special here either, I prefer to exercise my clairs through divination with tarot, I find it most fun and easy to keep up with, but meditation is also a great way. Also imagination, exercise your imagination and let it flow, that helps the most in my experience when it comes to really opening up the energies and letting them come in.

Astral parasites and such can definitely hinder your abilities, they can block or disrupt the flow of energies in your body which does mess with clairs. I don't like saying they can block your connections, I don't think they can, but simply they'll make it harder for you to feel those connections, but that doesn't make them blocked. Parasites aren't all that common though, you may have some or you may not. However, shielding, warding, cleansing, grounding and all that really helps with feeling energy. It helps to create a much cleaner and focused space energy wise, thus making it easier to perceive any new energies coming in. If your space is cluttered with energies it's going to be difficult to sense any presence coming through in all that mess. Your mind will also be more focused if you practice these and that too will make perception of energy easier. So definitely try to practice these more, it's going to help you a lot, it will also help you get better at seeing and feeling energy and understanding how it works, because you work energy as you craft and create your shields and so on. Besides, it's entirely possible to attract the attention of something malicious when you're practicing invocations and working up all that energy. If that malicious something sees you doing that and sees no barriers or wards stopping them from getting to you and messing with you, they will definitely go for it and make things way more difficult for you down the line. It's best to keep safe, it'll help you out in many ways, now and later on as well.

I hope that helps and I wish you the best of luck on your path!

Re: Help with invocation

Posted: Sat May 21, 2022 12:25 am
by Wynd Runner
Valerian wrote: ā†‘
Tue May 17, 2022 7:14 am
You should look into the clair-senses. (Clairvoyance, clairsentience, etc)

Everyone's senses develop differently, so once you're familiar with how yours manifest, you'll have an easier time telling when an invocation has worked or not.
This is exactly what I was thinking. Figure out your best psychic sense and work on developing that. Once you start developing it, you will learn to trust it, and they you'll get the answers you seek.