Tea Chat: Introduction to the Outer Spiritual World (OSW)

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October 29th- Introduction to the Outer Spiritual World

Today Akelta will be going into detail on her research and work to understand what she refers to as the outer spiritual world (OSW). She will share a map that she created and it will be added here in this tea chat. Akelta says to keep in mind that it’s a 2D model of something that is completely multidimensional. It’s the first draft that Akelta has and in this tea chat she will do her best to explain what’s going on there. This map compresses it all, so it’s more of an idea to help understand what Akelta means when she refers to the OSW. Akelta will be taking any questions throughout this discussion.

Understanding the map

Examining the middle of the map there is the inner spiritual world (ISW). If you look at the map Akelta has made it layered on top of each other but in reality, it’s not so clean or precise however it works for this model. The quantum universes and the universal realms are represented as the black dots. The black dots all represent a universe like the one we live in. The black dots show the sheer size of things in the spiritual world. There are even other dimensions where the different realms branch out into. The OSW is also absolutely massive.

There is a spiritual world within each of the universes, but outside of that in the ISW you have different spiritual realms, the etheric realm, the astral realm, the lower mental realm, the causal realm, the abstract realm, the higher spiritual realm, the inner god realm, the higher god realm, and the ascension realm. They are all part of the ISW as well as the inner void, inner infernal realms, inner abyss, and inner underworld. Every one of these is part of the ISW.

The two red lines on the map are the boundaries of the ISW. The ISW is connected so everything within that space is interconnected and linked together as it’s the nature and fabric of it. When we hear about the energy that makes everything up and that energy goes through everything that energy is interwoven in the ISW. Each universe can have a different energetic vibration and energy code within it so there can be a slight disconnect between universes but for the most part its interwoven and interconnected within the ISW.

Akelta believes that as you go into the different universes there are different mathematical undertones which is responsible for the laws and rules of each place. If you go into the pure mathematics of our universe there are certain mathematical proofs at the rawest level that can show you how everything is shifting and connected. Akelta’s brother is a mathematician so they have many conversations about this, and he has shown her that when you break down math at its purest level it can reveal so much. There are formulas and equations that can govern the different laws in each universe, so math does change as you go into the different universes. Thus, different universes can have unique laws, rules, make up, structure and so on.

There are multi-universes and then there are quantum universes. The multi-universes are different universes with different rules, laws, mathematical equations/formulas. The quantum universes are the multiple aspects of one universe. It is all the different dimensions of one universe, it contains the alternate realities. Within the quantum universe the math would be the same because it’s all based on a single universe. All of the universes have their own quantum universe. Within each of the universes there is a spiritual component. Akelta is working on creating another section within this map that demonstrates that and what is within each of the universes.

The neon green and neon red on the side of the map represents the monstrous realms which Akelta has mentioned previously in another tea chat. They interlock and are woven into it but in an almost alternate existence to the ISW. The eldritch realms can be found there and the different monstrous components of the spiritual world which are incompatible energetically to us.

The inner infernal realms, inner abyss and inner underworld are the dark realms of the inner spiritual world. They’re more complex and layered than what is being explained now, since they branch into different aspects like the dark trees. There you find different species of demons, various beings/entities all aligned with the ISW. They exist within the ISW, and their vibration is aligned to it. There is an interconnectivity here between the different realms and they are connected to each other within the ISW. The infernal realm for example is a darker aspect of the ISW which deals with different components of darkness.

The inner void is interesting because it does reach into different universes, and it represents a certain energetic aspect within the spiritual world. We can connect to the inner void and go where there are areas of darkness, madness, the essence of nothing, isolation, and loneliness. There are different journeys one can go on in these places. There are ISW demons that exist within these realms. That’s where you’ll find the Qliphotic tree of knowledge, the tree of death, and the sacred dark trees which are also down in these regions. Each of these trees represents a journey, a different aspect of darkness, and different area that someone can go and explore.

There is a vibrational synergy within the essence of the ISW and that’s one thing that makes the ISW unique from the OSW. There is a vibrational consistency between all aspects of the ISW so you can scan the inner underworld and the inner abyss, etc. and you’ll find a synergetic energy between them all. Moving between them is not hard because this universe is based off a similar frequency which allows us to do this with relative ease. There is still an interconnectivity between our vibration within the ISW world and each of the individual realms.

When you look at the inner abyss, inner infernal realms, inner void there are parallels to the OSW you can see the alignment within them and how the OSW has influenced the ISW. There’s almost a mirroring effect which is fascinating. However as mentioned there is interconnectivity and a different vibrational frequency in the ISW in comparison to the OSW, which is a bit out of order. This is due to the inner void being closer to the universes and inner infernal realms being further away (same with the inner abyss). The inner underworld is connected to the transition realms and the death realms because that is where people go to transition and reincarnate.

When Akelta talks about the OSW Upper realms that’s part of the outer spiritual realm as well as the OSW nether worlds, the OSW underworld, the infernal realms then you have the void, abyss, endless black ocean, eternal abyss, and the formless desolation. In the formless desolation it is absolute chaos. There is nothing there just surreal and strange energy. It’s a very dark place and all the vibrations of darkness can be found there but they are completely formless. It’s a place of energy and chaos. Akelta has never been there she was just told it’s there and received stories of it.

Inner void

The inner void is interesting because it is connected to our realm, and it is quite close to us. When people embrace the darkness inside of them, they can start to see the essence of the void and the essence of the shadow. In the higher chakra class that S&S had they spoke about the shadow chakra which allows us to shift and see the darkness in the universe and cracks in the void, creating different pathways, areas, and vibrations within the universe.

Cosmic Void

The cosmic void is where we would go into the universe. Akelta was talking with a physicist once about the space time ether theory. They both came to the same conclusion as this theory is mentally flawed but that there is something within space making it not a vacuum. Akelta thinks it’s a spiritual component or energy that we do not have the technology currently to map so we do not have the ability to see what’s going on. Many physicists would agree that space is not just a vacuum or void that there is something there between it. There are dimensions where the void energies crack and move through the universe, there is something within the universe. This is where you get the multi-dimensional layers of the universe that go beyond the 3rd dimension into, 4th, 7th. 8th, 9th, so on up to 13 dimensions. There are 13 dimensions and another 13 parallel counter dimensions so 26 total within one universe.

13 Dimensions

The 13 dimensions are dimensions that our universe exists from. We live in three dimensions but there are 13 within the universe and another 13 that is like the antithesis of those. These are the different areas where we can explore and different aspects within it like the void, the cracks, and the dark elements that impacts us. Shifting into different dimensions we can begin to see these cracks and pathways especially in our astral or spiritual forms since we can travel between them.

What are the big purple spheres above divinity on the map?

Those are different aspects of the Divine realms. There are different areas that can be found there for instance certain demonic realms but not all of them are demonic.

What’s the giant pyramid on the map?

It’s a division of energy, it’s pure darkness and pure light and then there are things in the middle. They are different aspects of energy which are so contradictory and disaligned with each other- it’s a fascinating concept. Akelta hasn’t fully developed that area yet or figured out how to note it. It’s something like an antithesis to the pyramid at the bottom. Akelta can explain the pyramid at the bottom but the one at the top gets into certain aspects that become complex and multidimensional.

What’s the pyramid on the bottom of the map?

The pyramid on the bottom half is a specific realm that Akelta calls the inner infernal realms or the inner underworld realms. It’s a section of energy which is a specific vibration condensed to that region. The underworld, the infernal regions, the void, the abyss they are all there. To highlight the demons there within this place you’ll find the Hellborn demons, the Lowborn demons, the Void demons, the Abyssal demons, the Chaos demons. Within the Nether realms you’ll find the Spectral demons, the Mutilation demons, the Crypt demons, and the Necrosis demons. Within the Upper realms you’ll find the Noble demons, the Tempest demons, the Solar demons, the Dynasty demons. This is what Akelta means that demons can be found in many different regions. This is how the demonic energies work within the various regions and is why you get unique demons.

Is the formless desolation close to the chaos realm?

It’s interesting because it’s a different phenomenon. It’s like chaos but it’s also different from the formless desolation. This is where you get a lot of complexity and there aren’t enough words in our language to describe it. The chaos realm is another phenomenon that exists within another dimension within the OSW. There is another aspect and another dimension to the OSW entirely. The formless desolation and the chaos realm are two different dark components that both act on different regions within the OSW.

At some points they may be interconnected and interlocked but in other parts they are completely broken up and separate which is one of the components of the OSW that things in some places can merge but be disconnected in others. It’s one of the big differences from the ISW since within the ISW everything is interconnected and in the OSW, things can be completely broken up. Akelta can scan the energies in the OSW and connect with some parts which she’ll follow and then suddenly it’s gone and there’s nothing. When that happens, she has to find the next piece to the puzzle because she can’t just connect to it and download it like she can in the ISW.

What is the white void?

It’s another phenomenon different from the black void. It’s a fascinating place and Akelta is still working on exploring and uncovering it. The white void has its own journeys and has its own interesting challenges that will push your growth and development in many aspects. It can also be very healing and has its own essence of madness. Some of the demons they have conjured are connected to the energy from the white void.

Would Akelta conjure entities from the white void?

Yes, they have conjured demons who have worked with the white void before.

Where are we on this map?

Where it says ‘quantum universes’ those black spheres one of those belongs to our universe. We are in a galaxy, in a solar system, within one of those. Akelta will modify the map later to show where we are. Considering how big our universe since it goes on for a long distance there can be an infinite component to it to. The infinite component is the other dimensions that consistently move out into ours. The spiritual world itself is infinite in its own way, even the universes depending on which dimension it is can break out into others. There is another layer to this which Akelta is figuring out how to visualize because within the universe there is another void, another underworld, abyss, infernal region within it.

Are realms in the OSW static or can they move and change?

Realms can move and change neighbors. It’s interesting because some that remain in one place and others that move around. There are others that don’t move around but due to the nature of the OSW the dimensions change so it looks like it does, but it hasn’t only different aspects have opened. It depends on where you are.

There are some realms that move around, change, break up and form back together, while in some realms the energies decay then come back together doing it over and over. There are some that are really static and remain as a point for other things to move around them. It comes down to where you are, within the OSW. Anything you can conceive or imagine it’s out there. Even things you can’t imagine is out there, it has everything the ISW has and more.

What does the end of a realm look like?

It depends on what realm you are in. Within the ISW there is an infinite component to it where certain dimensions of a realm go on forever whereas other dimensions tend to end. An example is if you go back or forth in the inner underworld there’s an infinite component however if you go up or down you will eventually reach another area. If you went up, you will eventually shift and transition into the inner abyss and if you go down you will hit a border that is the OSW transition realm. In that transition realm you will have to shift your attunements to be able to cross the border.

With the universes it gets interesting because if you are in a more universal energetic body traveling to another universe you have to shift into a higher vibrational component or aspect of yourself and then you can shift into the other world. If you shift with the energetic infusion of your physical make up within your body shifting into another universe where you are not compatible can mess you up badly. It generally won’t destroy you but will snap you back to your body and you may feel sick for a few days. This is instinctually quite natural to us and many of us know how to do this.

Many astral traveler’s bodies naturally adjust and shift knowing to change itself when traveling astrally. We know how to do this instinctually since it’s a part of us. Sometimes when we don’t shift there are elements of astral sickness which occurs generally because you snap back to your body when you didn’t adjust to the area and haven’t attuned yourself properly or because you’re in a wrong energetic vibration in order to travel there. There are many energetic states and vibrational frequencies that we can shift into and have access to. If we had past lives in another universe with completely different mathematical rules your higher self might have a natural aptitude for that energy and will tweak your energies automatically in order to move through it. Similarly, if you aren’t familiar with something you might snap back into your body. Sometimes if you astral travel you can slip into a new place and vibrationally it can feel very differently for instance very dense or light depending on where you are.

How do our companions help us to get to their homes?

They can help attune us and they can make different transitionary points and portals to help us move through the different realms. When Akelta conjures she has a massive portal system which allows her to move or allows them to come here. There are lots of different ways. Demons can attune us by being in proximity with us and by being with them as they travel. They can help move us into various realms and can monitor our energies and tweak us if needed to visit any realms.

Some realms are very easy to visit like the Divinity realms because there is an alignment with divinity that is infused within the ISW, so it’s very easy to transition into those worlds. On the other hand, there are parts of the OSW that are hard to reach and Akelta hasn’t been to some of them because you can’t get close to it due to our energies being so incompatible. Even in the ISW like some of the monstrous realms Akelta has noted them as poofs of energy because if you get close to them it’s like being stung by things because the energy is so clashing and can be corrosive to your energies. If you get too close to it, you can snap back into your body.

Can we accidentally access other realms without realizing it if we’re worldbuilding?

The psychic elements of our mind has the ability to tap into various vibrations and regions. Akelta doesn’t think it’s accidental to access these places she thinks it’s some place you’ve been in the past and somewhere you have a connection to. With world building and energies like that you can tap into and draw energy from a lot of places. Depending on where you have been in past lives and where you’re from you could have been in these worlds or traveled to these places that come up. When you are world building you can tap into places that you were in, in past lives and even lives that you lived that could be connected to you. When you are connecting to it with your mind you have your brain, lots of different energies, your higher self, your universal selves, your past life selves, and you have accumulated knowledge from places that you’ve been to. Any place that you’ve been to spiritually you have a connection to, if you remember that psychic connection and know how to tap into it you can link directly to that realm and download massive amounts of information.

You can get inspiration from places you’re connected to or from the lives you’ve lived. We have past lives, universal selves which is like an intermediary self between our higher self and the physical self. The universal self has all the memories of all your past lives in different universes. Then you have your higher self so there is a multidimensional aspect to yourself. We’re connected to so many places. There is a massive amount of energy that is linking you to all these different realms. When you get moments of energies and vibrations that come to you there is a connection there, it is something that has opened up that is giving you all this information.

Someone asked if it’s possible to see into their Abyssal companions living space

Yes, you can connect to them there. They can show you different areas of their space. There are different ways that they can show you it and many ways for them to connect with us here. Our companions can show us images from back home and there are some places that they can take us. If they take us, we shift into a different form in the OSW and become ghost-like there. However, there are places in the OSW where we cannot venture, and you wouldn’t want to go there either because they are dangerous places. It’s all about attunements and shifting energies when we travel with them which will allow us to visit different places. It’s about shifting into the right form.

There is an inner abyss and it has an ocean, so our companions can also shift from the OSW into the ISW and come swim around there with us. There are so many different places that they can visit with us here and each one has its own vibration.

Does the OSW have astral travel as a way to go to other realms?

No, it doesn’t. The astral world is an ISW thing. In the OSW you shift and travel differently at another vibration frequency. This is what Akelta means about becoming like a ghost in their world. That’s what is dangerous about the OSW; you can blink yourself out of existence or destroy yourself out there. You can get stuck in one of the realms and you’ll disappear, or you’ll get stuck and won’t be able to snap back into your body.

In the ISW it’s different if you get stuck in one of these places, you’ll snap back into your body due to the interconnectivity component of it. In the OSW there are certain places if you end up there you can die. You have to prepare yourself and take steps to go into these realms in the OSW.

How do demons interact with us if they can’t astral travel?

They can astral travel because they can come into the astral world and into our realm. In the OSW they are in their true form selves, and we are the ghost when we visit. They can actually take us around as ghosts while they’re in their form. In regard to demons traveling within the OSW, they have portals that they can move through. There is a magical component to the OSW, and they have a unique magick system that exists there, so they can open portals and move through them. There are different methods of travel open to them.

In our astral plane in the ISW the OSW demons can shift into an energetic state so they can move through it. They change from their form in the OSW into a different state to come here. They remain physical in their realm, and we remain physical in ours, so the astral point in the middle is where we meet.

If OSW demons change their vibration enough, they can physically appear in our realm and if we change our vibration enough, we can be a ghost in their realm. We shift energetically and then can be present in their realm. That’s why it’s hard for them to manifest physically here because you have to raise the energies to allow them to come through and shift here. Our demons can generally focus better than us to raise the energies and bring us into the OSW versus us bringing them here. It’s a parallel.

The process for shifting is that the OSW demons are physical in their realm and then start to move in the astral and then get to a point where they can manifest for us in our world. It’s the same with us as we are physically here and then we go into the astral and become a ghost in their realm. If demons have the focus and concentration, they can move things in our reality and if we can raise the energies sufficiently, they can manifest physically. Some demons are better at it than others, some have a lot of power and ability when it comes to manifesting physically. It’s a skill.

Has Akelta ever traveled to areas that aren’t demonic?

Akelta’s specialty is demons, but she has been to other realms that aren’t demonic. She has been to angelic realms and to certain natural realms. She has studied different areas; she’s worked with devas before too. Mostly it’s been demons, angels, devas and hellbeasts that she is familiar with. There is an infinite number of species out there.

Spectral Demons movement between ISW and OSW

The Spectral realms are connected to the death realms. There is an energetic connection between the Spectral realm and the death realms which are connected to the transition realms. Spectral demons can go in and out from the death realms to the inner underworld since they can shift and move out of them. They have an ISW and OSW component so it’s very easy for them to shift.

They also have many attunements they utilize that can help shift us into different realms that we can visit. Since they understand the nature of the OSW and the ISW due to them being both they can help with different transitions including those in the ISW too. There are some transitions in the ISW that are insane. These realms and areas are massive for instance if you look at the map one black dot is equivalent to our universe and it’s already huge- it’s about 15 billion light years at the speed of light to go from one side of our universe to the other. The spiritual world is even bigger than that, there are so many places to travel.

Do Demons and Angels share a realm?

No, each has their own realm, but their realms can be connected. If you look at the dots that Akelta placed on the map each one represents a realm. Some of them are angelic, some are demonic, and some are entirely different species. Down in the abyss in the OSW section there can be different circles within that which represent the abyssal angels, abyssal demons, and so on as there are different areas. The abyssal demons make up largely the endless black ocean because they have water there that they are more connected to. Whereas the Abyssal angels make up more of the endless black air of the abyss, it’s massive so Akelta hasn’t fully mapped it on there.

It’s been tricky for Akelta to try to fit a multidimensional structure into a 2D map. This is why she has taken so long to get a map to us because how do you encompass everything that is there?

Do the Dark Lords in different realms get along with each other?

The core demon group in the OSW does get along with each other but some of them don’t.
An example is that the Solar realm is massive and there are many different demonic tribes there. This is one of the places where they are not as connected. There is one Solar group that is massive and connected to the core demons, but a lot of the others are not. There are aspects that are so extensive that some groups don’t even know about the existence of the alliance (the core group) and live their lives in their own areas. It really depends on where you are.

The Solar realm is connected to an aspect Akelta likes to call the untamed wild it’s an infinite realm, these realms are massive and some of them do go on forever and have an infinite component. There is an infinity component to the OSW so you can find evidence of that there. As mentioned some of the tribes don’t even know each other; the core demons know each other because it’s a specific alliance within the OSW among different demonic races that have come together.

The Title of Dark Lord

The title Dark Lord exists among the core demons. This is where it gets a bit confusing because there are demons in the ISW and some of the Dark Lords in the ISW are not in the OSW. ISW Dark Lords do all know each other because of the interconnectivity of our world. However, in the OSW they don’t always know each other. Sometimes when you are working with an ISW Dark Lord they’ll say they know a demon, but an OSW Dark Lord might say, “no I don’t know them”.

As mentioned, there are also cases where Dark Lords in the ISW that aren’t Dark Lords in the OSW. The title Dark Lord can differ between the ISW and OSW because in the OSW it’s a specific title given to certain demons who are part of the core alliance whereas in the ISW the pantheon of Gods and Demons which oversee and assist things can have the title of Dark Lord because they work in the ISW, and they help guide us here.

Is the ISW younger than the OSW?

Yes, the ISW is younger than the OSW.

There is a certain essence to the ISW that allows one to experience different elements whereas your true form self you are that self. Within the ISW you can put on any skin, you can try different lives and be different beings there is a freedom component to it.

Did someone make the ISW or did it make itself?

Akelta thinks some of the powerful gods made it or divine source made it. It’s interesting because it’s like it formed from the energies of divinity and the void but at the same time it was influenced and directed by certain gods and certain higher beings in the OSW. There is a dual element to it where the ISW energies and interconnectivity started to form as an area for certain spiritual beings. There was an energy that was added to it, so there is an intelligence there.

There are certain spiritual beings in the OSW which have an incredibly high intelligence with a vast sophistication to them; they create different things and spaces. Sometimes they create different spaces with what has already been evolving and forming so they add their own creative essence to it. There is a huge essence of creativity within the OSW and the ISW; Akelta thinks this is part of a collaboration of different elements of creativity, creation, and frequencies of energy that came together to create these places. They are incredibly complex and there is an intelligence that contributed to it.

Akelta does believe there is an intelligence to divinity and the void, the energies themselves go beyond anything we can conceive and fathom. They influence and create things; there is a creative intelligence that comes from it and it’s fascinating to connect with it energetically. It’s a powerful force. That energy is created by a merging of intelligences.

Did the OSW underworld create the ISW?

The OSW underworld did not create the ISW, but these creative forces mentioned before did. The OSW underworld is its own specific energy that contributed to it. We see different reflections of the OSW in the ISW. As Akelta mentioned everything that exists in the OSW exists in the ISW and more ,the spectrum is greater in the OSW. However, the ISW becomes more sophisticated with time as more things are added and become a part of it.

What’s the difference between the ISW underworld and the OSW underworld?

There is the ISW underworld which is specific for resting points for reincarnating beings or beings that don’t have an OSW self. When you go to the ISW underworld you rest there for a while and then you reincarnate in the ISW. Going to the OSW underworld you return to your true form self. When this happens, you will go to the ISW and then you will be taken across the barrier to the OSW underworld where you will then be restored to your true form self.

Additionally, there is a transition between the OSW true form self to the ISW so there is a certain process that is involved. The process is that you go to the OSW underworld and your true form self is essentially put to sleep and your higher self emerges. Your higher self is taken to the ISW where within the ISW underworld you can reincarnate, and then when you die in the ISW you will continue to reincarnate there. When you are ready to return you then go to the OSW underworld, so that’s the difference between the two.

The Shade Realm

The shade realm is a place that Akelta hasn’t been able to figure out how to put on the map since it’s a completely different layer. It’s like the death realm in the OSW. Imagine it moving through everything but also, it is its own dimension moving beyond all the other dimensions. The shade realm kind of moves through everything but not in the ISW. The dimensional energies in the ISW are different from the OSW but it also doesn’t go into it. There are some places where the shade realm doesn’t exist or where it’s different.

Are the fae, vampires, and other non-infernal species all contained in the ISW?

They have their own realms in the OSW as well. Akelta hasn’t explored everything because the ISW is so massive, and her specialty is in demons which is largely her focus and knowledge. However yes, all the dots on the map above the outer realms of divinity are different realms. There are fae realms, vampiric realms, deva realms and more. There are even OSW humans that exist there.

The OSW humans are a reincarnating species so when they die, they continue to reincarnate as a human. That is a difference between the ISW and the OSW- that in the OSW if you’re human you stay human so even if you die you can’t try on a different skin like in the ISW. Akelta thinks this is why a lot of beings come to the ISW to try on all these different lives, skins, and experiences in many different places. There are also beings that are exclusive to the ISW as there are unique beings in the OSW too.

Does being an OSW human suck less?

Akelta has never asked one of them but we chose to be a human so it might be very cool out there. She thinks the great appeal is the wide variety of experiences we get to have here. Akelta knows that whatever you are in the OSW you likely won’t choose to be that here in the ISW because you want to experience something new.

All the species are from the OSW?

Some of them aren’t from the OSW for instance some demons aren’t. There are hellborn demons and for instance vampires that are purely ISW. There are realms in the ISW where these beings reside in and additionally there are realms specific to the OSW where they reside in, so there is a difference in vibrational frequency between them. Some ISW beings don’t necessarily reincarnate some of them do, some don’t reincarnate at all it depends. There are pockets in the ISW where they are from. It depends. It’s not just ISW and OSW there many other elements to it but for the purpose of explaining it more easily Akelta has broken it up this way.

There are places that have populations of only vampires?

There are planets and universes in the ISW for instance that are all vampires, it depends on the realm you are in. There are parallel universes that can happen where everyone on the planet is all vampires, or all fae, or all demons, or all angels in different universes. These things do exist, you will find these in different places.

Does the Nether realm have pockets similar to the formless desolation?

No, the Nether realm has its own vibrations. A lot of things form within the Nether; within this place you have the Mutilation realm, dark pockets, and different regions/energy. There is almost a sinister nature to the Nether realm. The formless desolation is a feeling of potential in everything, and the Nether realms have a twisted exploration aspect and dark pockets that evolve and grow into different areas. The Nether realms are very dangerous.

There are demons that exist there too under the Crypt realm and outside the Mutilation realm. The Crypt is as far as Akelta would go in regard to conjuring anything else she won’t even touch because there is no way to screen them. The Outer Crypt demons who are not part of the core group can be screened however there are other species that are a hard no.

Is there anything beyond the endless desolation?

Yes, it’s infinite it keeps going. The OSW is infinite, so it doesn’t have an end.

Where are the grey realms?

They are located around different areas. There are some in the Infernal realms some close to the Abyss, some in the Nether realms. There aren’t many in the Upper Spiritual World. There are lots of grey realms in the Underworld. Every single one of the Underworlds has grey realms.

***Akelta hopes this tea chat makes it a bit clearer on understanding what she means when she speaks on the ISW and the OSW. We’ll be doing more chats in the future to go into further detail and the map is a first draft to help us understand more about this topic.

The End! :devilpaper:
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I realized the attachment for Akelta's map isn't the clearest so I'll add a url link here for anyone that wants to get a better look: https://i.ibb.co/37Yp4Lk/Outer-Spiritual-World-Map.jpg
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Patron Deities: Hades, Haagenti, Oriax, Morrigan,
Your favourite Demon?: King Paimon, Buer, Haagenti and Oriax
Number of Demon Familiars: 3
Location: Cornwall UK
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Very much inline with my own research into the LOGOS and how Source created to experience itself and in turn that creation (a LOGOS) created another LOGOS and so on and so on ~ each discovering itself etc. Each LOGOS is separate from the other but ultimately all lead to the Source experiencing different things, thus all LOGOS are unique but loosely tied to each other as extended extended families reaching back to Source.

“One cannot step twice in the same river” – Heraclitus

“The unexamined life is not worth living” – Socrates
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