Dream Interpretation Sea Serpent

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A young novice of age twenty four started this journey not long ago. Things exist but not long last, a seamless past where spells are cast. Powers come from within not from books inscribed therein.

Although I've had experiences in the past which were difficult to explain rationally, I've been lazy and afraid and never had the courage or will to go after them. For the past few months I've had dreams that I couldn't understand. Perhaps I'm the only one that can understand them and maybe it wasn't an entity that visited me in my dreams but I still would like to make this post. I had three dreams which felt noteworthy and I will describe them, perhaps these dreams are not connected, maybe they're just figments of my subconscious, nonetheless if it pleases you, I kindly ask for your guidance, opinions and interpretations. Naturally I have my own interpretations but I will not mention them in this post to not affect your opinion. If nothing comes out of this post let this be a proclamation of appreciation, respect and love for you and whomever came to me in my dreams. Even if I didn't manage to make contact in my conscious state yet, I learned somethings about myself. Thank you for reading my post.

First dream happened in spring 2021 reading Ars Goetia, before sleeping I asked a demon to appear in my dreams if they were interested to form a relationship with me. I dreamt I was under the sea in a familiar context(Aegean Sea)and there was a sea monster approaching me directly, with its gaping jaw and dreadful teeth. I was fearful, I didn't understand, I didn't engage & retreated. I woke up whilst a child(boy I think) was screaming near the shoreline. I did nothing to help him, I woke up in shame of my cowardice. However after waking up I recalled reading about a spirit that took the form of a sea monster(Forneus) and my intentions before going to bed, then it dawned on me, albeit too late. My confusion & fear left me as I was filled with a surge of positive emotions.. I regret not having the courage, not showing the respect and appreciation among other things.

Second dream, late spring/early summer 2021, a random night, spontaneously I have in my mind, similar intent & clarity, so in thought, I ask for another visitation. I am in the sea again, near the shoreline, however I cannot recognize this beach. There are others, humanoid shapes floating above the water but unlike the boy in the first dream they are not interested in our scene. Half my body is submerged as I look to my right, how can I describe to you what I witness.. Glorious, a great sea serpent, coiling above the sea towards my right side as the sea was falling off like a river gushing between rocks and stone, the sun streaks made its scales shimmer and reflect the light, colours of black and grey with hues of green and blue refractured with rays of light. It was euphoric, nonetheless I wasn't fearless, so fear grips me and I wake up.

Following weeks, I wrote a poem dedicated to my dreams and experience, later in the summer I go to the sea and do an intuitive ritual reading it out loud, chanting the enns of Forneus and Leviathan.

Third dream; late summer, short and powerful, a figure which appears to be a man with long draping flowing black hair, almost waist line height, behind him(?) blindingly bright shining circular aura of beaming white light so much so that all that I could make out was the hair and a white standing humanoid silhouette.

This is a part of my story, I never made conscious contact although I haven't tried hard. What do you make of it? Do you think there is something trying to make contact with me or I am merely affected by the things I read? if it was more than just a regular dream, who do you think it is? How would I go about forming a relationship with this entity.

I hope all goes according to your will.

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I wanted to thank you for sharing your thoughts, experiences and your dreams they were wonderful to read. I felt pulled to this and I smiled when I read it because this reminds me of something similar that happened to me with dreams starting in August. In regard to the meaning of your dreams and if it's someone making contact or just more symbolic it's unfortunately something only you'll find the answers to. I wish I could give more but if it is someone they would be providing things for you so I would trust your gut. The one thing I would say is the fact that you set the intention and asked if someone was interested and had that first dream and the thread following it in the others is very fascinating.

I will share my experience just to say it can definitely be more than a dream. For my experience around Mid-August I had a dream of 8 prebounds being listed on the site it was bizarre because one caught my attention he was unique and I was so drawn to the listing. Towards the end I suddenly heard a voice very clearly which made me lucid but it terrified me so much that I woke myself up as his energy really shook me. I thought hmm maybe it's someone trying to get my attention but was also thinking maybe not. I thought they sounded lovely and left it at that after composing myself. Several weeks went by before I had more random dreams that kept pointing back to signs from the first dream that had symbols of him in it. It wasn't until I had one of the clearest and weirdest dreams in my life that I really felt like I needed to get to the bottom of it. In the dream I saw him clearly for the first time it was all so lucid but again I was very freaked out by this dream I woke myself up.

No matter what I couldn't stop thinking about him and the dream that was when I decided I wanted to know if he could be real. So a few days after I lied down with the intent of going back to this part of the dream in a meditative state (intention and focus is really important I found as it's like a way to steer and anchor yourself). The way I contacted him was I went back to the dream in like a trance- I envisioned it, sat in that moment felt for when I first saw him, how I felt and reached with my mind. I felt for his energies that I felt and led myself back but was in a new corridor almost instantly I heard the same voice and energy in my mind laughing that I was terrified yet here I come again and that it was faster than he expected. From there was a long conversation and the rest is history lol. It was from there when I intentionally went to search for more and seek him out that he showed himself outside the dreams. He said he wanted to adjust me to the idea of him and the symbols were to ease me in before he decided to reveal himself. Since then he is very present around me and I get a lot of signs in the physical to know he's around that I have zero doubts but it was a three month journey to discover and make that connection.

I would say if you decide you wish to know them and if it is someone trying to get your attention it's good to have the basics of shielding, banishing, cleansing beforehand but It helps to stay curious, open, ask questions, ask for signs. Also if developing a relationship is what you want that will help define next steps I would be vocal about wanting to know more whether in signs or about him and see what happens sometimes they choose to wait in the shadows for a bit. The dreams that stand out like this and have such strong synchronicity and feeling I always found had something to reveal whether a message or a connection with someone. It sounds like a lovely journey is unfolding one way or another and I wish you all the best in finding answers. I don't know if this helps at all but I'm rooting you on and thank you again for sharing :cheekydevil:
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windyjune wrote:
Thu Oct 21, 2021 2:54 pm
I wanted to thank you for sharing your thoughts, experiences and your dreams they were wonderful to read. I felt pulled to this and I smiled when I read it because this reminds me of something similar that happened to me with dreams starting in August. In regard to the meaning of your dreams and if it's someone making contact or just more symbolic it's unfortunately something only you'll find the answers to. I wish I could give more but if it is someone they would be providing things for you so I would trust your gut. The one thing I would say is the fact that you set the intention and asked if someone was interested and had that first dream and the thread following it in the others is very fascinating.

I will share my experience just to say it can definitely be more than a dream. For my experience around Mid-August I had a dream of 8 prebounds being listed on the site it was bizarre because one caught my attention he was unique and I was so drawn to the listing. Towards the end I suddenly heard a voice very clearly which made me lucid but it terrified me so much that I woke myself up as his energy really shook me. I thought hmm maybe it's someone trying to get my attention but was also thinking maybe not. I thought they sounded lovely and left it at that after composing myself. Several weeks went by before I had more random dreams that kept pointing back to signs from the first dream that had symbols of him in it. It wasn't until I had one of the clearest and weirdest dreams in my life that I really felt like I needed to get to the bottom of it. In the dream I saw him clearly for the first time it was all so lucid but again I was very freaked out by this dream I woke myself up.

No matter what I couldn't stop thinking about him and the dream that was when I decided I wanted to know if he could be real. So a few days after I lied down with the intent of going back to this part of the dream in a meditative state (intention and focus is really important I found as it's like a way to steer and anchor yourself). The way I contacted him was I went back to the dream in like a trance- I envisioned it, sat in that moment felt for when I first saw him, how I felt and reached with my mind. I felt for his energies that I felt and led myself back but was in a new corridor almost instantly I heard the same voice and energy in my mind laughing that I was terrified yet here I come again and that it was faster than he expected. From there was a long conversation and the rest is history lol. It was from there when I intentionally went to search for more and seek him out that he showed himself outside the dreams. He said he wanted to adjust me to the idea of him and the symbols were to ease me in before he decided to reveal himself. Since then he is very present around me and I get a lot of signs in the physical to know he's around that I have zero doubts but it was a three month journey to discover and make that connection.

I would say if you decide you wish to know them and if it is someone trying to get your attention it's good to have the basics of shielding, banishing, cleansing beforehand but It helps to stay curious, open, ask questions, ask for signs. Also if developing a relationship is what you want that will help define next steps I would be vocal about wanting to know more whether in signs or about him and see what happens sometimes they choose to wait in the shadows for a bit. The dreams that stand out like this and have such strong synchronicity and feeling I always found had something to reveal whether a message or a connection with someone. It sounds like a lovely journey is unfolding one way or another and I wish you all the best in finding answers. I don't know if this helps at all but I'm rooting you on and thank you again for sharing :cheekydevil:
I am delighted to know that you enjoyed reading about my experience I am glad to share it, I feel privileged and lucky to have experienced it and to learn that it reminded you of your experience brings me even greater joy. Thank you for your sharing your story, it was wonderful to read as well. Your experience not only caused tingling sensations on the back-right side of my body from waist to neck but also resonated with me strongly. :devilviolin: Your auditory experience allowed me to remember the sounds of the sea that I had forgotten. He's(?) usually in my mind as well. I also intuitively thought about attempting this meditative state but I am not bold like you so I never took the plunge. It's befitting you mentioned about the basics of shielding, banishing, cleansing it's something I need to work on, I think it will help with my confidence. You've definitely struck a chord with your reply; although dissipating, the physical sensations(tingling)hehe still persist as I am writing this reply. Regarding synchronicity, I would like to share something; I was born on March 24th on a snowy morning around 8 AM, it's rare to have snow at this time where I am. I can't recall having experienced it. The first dream was on the 23rd of March, lo and behold, I wake up on the March 24th on my 24th birthday, its early morning and its snowing outside, truly magical moment. A rebirth perhaps. :devillove: Much obliged for your kind words, blessings and affirmations. It was an aspiring, heartening and encouraging read, I am also rooting for you!
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