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Tea Chat: Light and Darkness

Posted: Thu Jul 01, 2021 5:28 pm
by windyjune
June 25th 2021- Balance Between Light and Darkness


Today we will have a special tea chat discussing the balance between light and darkness and how important this is to the exploration and discovery of darkness. Akelta will tie it together with the summer solstice and Carnivale. The summer solstice is the brightest time of the year meaning the darkness is also concentrated and powerful. When we have a full grasp of our light side, we can embrace different facets of darkness to go further and deeper within it. Darkness is fascinating because many times people think of darkness as something tied to gore and violence and if that is something you like the darker your energies must be, however that is not true at all. It gets to a point where there are only so many topics you can go into before it becomes a matter of simply trying to shock yourself as you desensitize yourself more. However, darkness contains far more than that, there are many facets and paths of darkness that extend beyond one of the paths that has gore and violence.

The paths of darkness can be profound, layered, beautiful, complex, and intense in their ability to transform and mold you. However, the paths of darkness can also be fun and playful. We can walk through the darkness and find incredible empowerment, strength and courage that is fueled by darkness. Meaning it’s not only by facing darkness but fueled by being within the darkness and understanding your connection to it. You can rise in your power as you embrace the darkness. There are many different aspects of darkness, and this is just within the inner spiritual world (ISW). In the outer spiritual world (OSW) it breaks off into even more facets and areas.

The sun is a source of light and life in our world, yet it can also incinerate and destroy us. The light has its own duality and power, it’s not all fluffy and fun. Many people will say the light is good and darkness is bad, however it is far more nuanced and complex than that. As mentioned, the light can give life, but it can also incinerate. An example to look at are the sunspots in the sun, which are darker and cooler than the rest of it. It’s interesting that such a powerful source of life can also have dark spots. Akelta has done work with the sunspots and bringing out the darkness within them is a powerful way to charge energy and charge the essence of solar darkness; there is a lot of cool magick that you can utilize with that.

In the spiritual world there are so many paths of darkness and not all of them have a balance of light to them. In the OSW we move beyond the concept of duality (although it does exist) that are integrated in other facets and layers. Even if you look at aspects within the Divine council there are elements of duality as well as elements of multi-fractals and multi-segments of how it all works together, it’s not just duality. There are more things out in the OSW than we have here; there is a high level of complexity, layers, different genders/species it is beyond anything we can fathom here. The notion of duality is so embedded in our society thus breaking up all of the facets and energies is fun to try to do. There are light journeys and healing journeys we can go on as well as dark journeys as well as containing a large spectrum of other paths in the middle.

The darkness in the OSW is very complex however when we walk into these versions of darkness here and bring our light and shine it past a dark shadow it allows us to explore deep into various layers and journeys of darkness. Pain is one layer but there is also inspiration, awakening in darkness, awakening our power, there is endurance of darkness (the psychological aspect) and so on.

Darkness can have a profound influence on our psychology as there are so many layers within even the darkness of the mind and only a small part is illuminated. The darkness of the mind is an infinite well that we can explore. The concept of infinity is incredibly important with the OSW and even here in the ISW we have infinity. As we shine light within the mind on different aspects of darkness we can understand more and can explore even deeper within it.

There are creative facets within it as well as dark journeys that we can go on especially in the OSW since there are places that get so dark and different than our energetic makeup that we can’t even go there, and it is challenging to try to fathom it. You can’t go to certain places in the OSW because your energy makeup clashes so much that it would put your existence in danger due to some of these energies and spaces.
Within the ISW on the other hand there are many places that we can go and travel to. We can explore any part of the ISW although there are places that can be dangerous. We can still technically visit those dangerous areas if we wished because our energy make up is consistent with traveling within the ISW. The OSW is different because there are shifts and essences of different aspects of the OSW that change and some places we cannot enter or venture to because of how diverse and different it is from our essence. This is one way to tell travel apart from the OSW to the ISW is that we can travel anywhere in the ISW, but in the OSW there are places where we cannot gain entry there.

What exists in the ISW and OSW but still unique?

All the colors of the rainbow are one aspect. Within the ISW there are lots of colors and even within that each color has shades, including dark and light. Even within the ISW there are fractals and we have the ability to explore them all, which is quite vast for instance you have: dark blue, dark green, dark pink, dark brown, dark grey, etc. they all can represent different paths of darkness.

Akelta can see colors that are beyond the color wheel but describing them is tricky. It’s like trying to describe orange to someone who has never seen it. She has always had the ability to see them. This ability comes from clairvoyance. As a child she could always see auras and she used to draw them. When Akelta’s stepdad noticed her drawing auras he asked what she was doing and when she explained it’s the colors around the people. He made sure to tell her that those colors are there, but people will tell her they are not, so it’s probably best not to talk to those people about the colors especially if they can’t see them. Due to that encouragement and interaction Akelta thanks her stepdad for helping save her psychic skills.

It’s through this skill of seeing auras that Akelta is able to see beyond the color wheel. Our energies reach into different areas, spectrums and fractals of the spiritual realm that are beyond the colors that are visualized here. Therefore, Akelta can perceive and be exposed to the unique elements that people are tied to and allow her to see beyond what we have in our world. Akelta’s physical eyes have adapted to this, and she can see them. Due to this she has a tough time painting at times because she tries to add colors that are not there. It’s fascinating to go beyond and see how the world looks from that spectrum.

Fog and purgatory?

Akelta sees light and darkness moving through the realms. Heaven would have its own light and darkness similarly Hell would have it’s own light and darkness; there are dimensions within those realms that have the complexity of it there. Purgatory and fog would probably be a grey color and one of the intermediary realms connected to the underworld. A lot of the underworld realms are misty and foggy as they are tied to it. In the underworld though there are again light and dark aspects as well as things in between. They are all integrated together especially in the ISW, you can travel and experience all these different spectrums within it. Each place has their own vibrational feel and within that there are different aspects and categories, so exploring the dark energies in purgatory would be very different from exploring darkness in the fairy realm or in hell for instance.

Is it possible to see more color after the third eye attunement?

Yes, it is possible and some people do. It can open the senses and open the third eye. Connecting to the higher chakras can add a lot of colors and the lower chakras can also add new colors that we can see. With every chakra we open up different dimensions and other potentials to see the new elements and colors. Thus, as we open them we see colors beyond the physical spectrum because we are seeing the world from more dimensions than what our eyes are attuned to see. As our higher chakras begin to open and transmit messages from those places, we start to see new shades and colors, even new shapes and creative visualizations. An example is sometimes when Akelta will go to an art gallery and look at a piece and will notice that the artist sees more than they can capture in two dimensions. You can tell by how they are working with the color, imagery and painting. It’s like a spiritual experience in and of itself.

Forbidden Colors?

A lot of times when we experience other facets of darkness it can change our perception of the world which can open alternate gateways and other paths of darkness. There are forbidden things in the spiritual world. Akelta doesn’t know of any forbidden colors per say but there is so much out there.

Light and Darkness

A fascinating part is where segments of light meet the darkness. If we shift our energies, we can shift into the space between them and that can take us to incredible areas. As was mentioned earlier it’s not just light and darkness but there are other facets and journeys that we can go on. Some of those are incredibly detailed, intricate and fascinating to understand because as we are experiencing these elements of light we are also being exposed to elements of darkness. We are the catalyst for how they are interacting and mingling together and that shifts and opens our perspective to both aspects. We can see this in really well-done horror movies as some can really blend darkness and light within it. There are times when both of these aspects hit us and open up our mind which can be incredible. Light and dark interacting with each other can also reach a point where it shifts, and we can’t tell them apart from each other.

There are focal/center points within light and darkness that are also perfectly balanced where we integrate and become a dark aspect of light as well as a light aspect of darkness. Thus, we would be in balance to the opposite of each within our body; it’s an empowering state to be in. The feeling of empowerment comes from our command and integration of light, how the two work and fuse together. It’s a beautiful and profound state.

Many people will state that we have to ascend and go into the light however we would also be missing half of our self. People do have different concentrations of light and darkness within them. The energy mixed within everyone is different it’s not that we are exactly 50% dark and 50% light, rather we are a blend of it. It’s about finding our individual place. If someone is lighter and going into the darkness, it can be stimulating and awakening for them and vice versa; someone who is darker exploring light they will also have an intense awakening and new places to explore. It can get very complex.

We all explore and approach darkness differently it is vast and diverse. We all have our own inner dark world and how these elements come to life in that world will be reflected on us as individuals. Our own individual essence interacts with that darkness and adds to it. Darkness and light are forces of their own and they have a dance and energy that moves between them. The elements of darkness and light are stimulated by each other and influence each other to grow. Thus, as we move through the light and the dark, we also change by interacting with them and they change as well as our essence interacts with them.

Akelta says never judge anyone’s darkness levels especially through outside appearances because it’s always the person you least expect that will surprise you. It’s always the person that is jolliest or happiest and laughs the hardest that can conceal immense darkness within them. We don’t know what people have been through nor do we know their journeys and some people can shine radiant and brilliant light that stretches throughout the world but yet inside there is a lot that is concealed and inside there is much that they are capable of. This reminds Akelta of a story of two girls that shared a room, and they had a house that they rented out and one of their students always told them be careful there is a serial killer out there he would tell them how to avoid being stalked and what to look out for. In the end he turned out that to be the serial killer, so you never know what anyone can be hiding.

Specific example of light becoming dark and vice versa?

The Carnivale is an example of that, when we look within the light and realize how intricate light and darkness is. For instance, the brighter the light the darker the shadow and vice versa the darker the shadow the brighter the light becomes. An aspect of light becoming dark is for instance sunspots: the sun is the ultimate source of light, yet you get dark spots that appear on it. You have a massive form of light with the sun and then there are cracks of darkness that form in them.

The Carnivale is supposed to be fun yet there is also a darkness to it. The darkness that encases the Carnivale and creeps around in the shadows has mysterious energies as well as many other elements. It symbolically is light and fun yet there are many sinister, surreal, and beautiful aspects of it too. So, as you walk into that world the light of the Carnivale becomes dark because you are suddenly exposed to the darkness including the darkness within your soul. Being in this space of the Carnivale the energy takes us on a journey and allows us to explore and touch on these aspects while still being in a place of light and happiness.

Clowns are another example of light becoming dark. Clowns are one of the scariest things in the world yet they also bring life, happiness, joy and fun. The darkness of the clown has a sinister nature along with a joyful one, there is the foreboding element when something is so pure like that it reveals and opens up the dark facets within.

How can you tell what your balance is?

This is part of the discovery of self. It’s learning about your light from writing, seeing, experiencing as well as acknowledging and exploring this for your energies. Things we can look at is what we are drawn to, what our hobbies and interests are, what you are comfortable with. For instance, are you comfortable in the light and are you comfortable in the darkness? Where do you find home and where do you find your energies leading you? It starts with the exploration and is why spiritual paths are very individualistic because each of us will be unique. It’s about learning more about your own energies and interests.

There are often judgements and preconceived notions about light and darkness. The sun is light, and night is dark but how we see the different energies and how they work together is also important to figure out and see where we find ourselves drawn to. Don’t judge what comes up as you do this just trust it. We can always go inside and experience it within.

What’s a dark aspect of light?

People who conduct things in toxic positivity do it with the expectation that you are not supposed to express darkness; that is a dark aspect of light. Additionally, it is when the light denies your emotions and denies you feeling dark and turns to ultimate conformity and servitude to maintain the vision light has is another example of a dark aspect of light. There are many different aspects.

The sun incinerating you and types of manipulation are other dark aspects of light. The light also has the ability to destroy and corrode you. It can take out your colors so to speak as light can and will fade things. If you are exposed too much to the light it can fade your essence. The darkness allows you to find yourself on the other hand.

Does Akelta ever compare her energy to others, and does she feel darker or lighter?

There are different aspects of darkness and making comparisons can be deceptive. If Akelta compares herself to those who appear darker she can appear lighter but if she compares different aspects of herself, she can appear darker. It comes down to a personal aspect of how you feel your energies and vibrations. Akelta prefers to compare darkness to things like the night sky or things that are energetically dark or light instead of other people. For instance, the sun has an absolute of light and the night has an absolute of darkness so that is what she prefers to look at. People are very layered and detailed within themselves for example some people that appear very light are very dark and can even be some of the darkest people you will ever meet.

Which Demon Species is the Darkest?

Many people will often ask what species of demon is the darkest? However, this question isn’t so simple as there isn’t one answer. It’s hard to say which species because each demon is dark in different areas and when you analyze various facets of them you can see how unique they all are. Akelta has been trying to explain different dark facets within individual demon species but it is tricky since each one is different.

To understand the diversity in darkness we will use Akelta’s research on the Mutilation demons as an example. She found that they have a complex and layered darkness, and they understand the layers of darkness, which are hard for humans to process because of how detailed it is. The Mutilation realm borders some very dark areas and even the darkness that overtakes their realm is a part of that. There are aspects where the transition of their realm reflects within themselves. There are pockets of primal, mutilated, twisted surreal, and sublime darkness all meshed within it.

The Mutilation demon perspective on life is incredible and beautiful because they can see the world in fractals and have the ability to see the layers as well as being able to blend and combine them. Mutilation demons will see someone who was disfigured or injured, and they will say there is such beauty there and they can further bring out the beauty. They can be empowering and very helpful in many areas because they can see such surrealness, they don’t have a fixed perception of what is good, bad, right or wrong.

Mutilation demons are gifted healers and have the ability to transform and transmute pain. That is why they have a complex and layered understanding of darkness and this ties into the topic of light and darkness. Due to the realms they border and explore they have gone on incredible journeys of exploration to understand even darker and deeper facets of darkness. They are amazing demons, and the darkness of Mutilation demons is one Akelta has studied for many years. Mutilation demons have a balance to them; they can be observe, and understand horrific acts and at the same time when she speaks with them they can feel so innocent, childlike, playful and mysterious.

How does the Carnivale see the difference between light and dark?

Carnivale is a force that is alive, and it also has an element of challenging people. The Carnivale turns everything upside down to make it topsy turvy. Therefore, light becomes darkness and darkness becomes light. Through that we begin to understand the difference and how intricate and open they are. When we explore those facets, we can access a world devoid of what’s considered normal. Akelta has never had a normal perception of the world, many times Akelta’s friends would say about a topic, Oh yes that is a problem and Akelta would always ask why. Even people talking about their identity and others having an issue with it doesn’t make sense to her. We know ourselves better than anyone else so if someone tells you their identity why would we question them? Tying in with the Carnivale it shatters “normal” perceptions and allows us to move beyond what is considered civil or “normal” and allows us to enter a world where we shed those skins and inhibitions. Everything turns topsy turvy with the Carnivale and we can embrace the true aspects of ourselves through it- accepting the light and the darkness within us as well as getting in touch with our inner child, play, and feelings of exhilaration.

Can you use the Carnivale to get in touch with our inner child?

Yes, this is part of the darkness of the Carnivale. Childhood is supposed to be fun, lively and light yet for many people there are many dark facets as well as repressed sides and destruction of the inner child that could have happened. What can occur during the Carnivale is that along with the fun and playful aspects the other repressed, ignored, or denied destroyed sides of the inner child can come up. We can go into the Carnivale especially with the dark layers we can connect to our inner child and begin to piece things together from any fragmentation from our past or the lost aspects of who we are. The energies of our self and our soul can rise and, we can go down these roads where we have to face why our gifts were repressed and denied or why we are fearful of them. It can be healing but it can also be very dark and frightening as well as sinister in its own way because we have to face all these other facets.

The best way to explore the Carnivale is just let go and allow yourself to experience it. Let it take you where it wants. There are shadows that can open. The Carnivale is a place of freedom where you are surrounded by these energies that strip you of all your inhibitions and shame, just open yourself up to the endless possibilities.

Who was the first that Akelta met when she started working to create the Carnivale?

Madator, Lord of the Carnivale was the first one she met.

How did clowns get the murderous image?

There is an interesting aspect to them as there is a masking element: the mask conceals the truth. Clowns conceal something with the outfits and the makeup, yet they appear so jolly and happy so again this is a concept of light and dark. There are sinister aspects that hide under the mask; there is a dual or fragmented aspect tied to the mask and what it conceals. The jester’s job in the past was to shine a light on things that were wrong and to critique and criticize the King. The jester’s job was to poke fun at what is going on and reveal different elements including all the shadows.

Those who can laugh the hardest have often seen the most heartache and those who can make others laugh are generally those who have been hurt and mistreated. The clown hides the sorrow, sadness, trauma, and the pain they have gone through. They put on a mask to entertain and to help others not feel the pain, so there is a healing part to it. There is deep symbolism with the clown, they are revealers of truth, the symbol of joy, innocence, and childhood as well as childhood innocence that was lost or corrupted. The clown holds aspects of the past. The journey of the clown and how we perceive them changes as we grow up. As it changes it can show the loss of innocence and can show trauma that we have endured.

The End! :devilparty: :devilparty: :devilparty:

Re: Tea Chat: Light and Darkness

Posted: Sat Jul 03, 2021 5:59 am
by EgoDestruction
Thank you so much Windy!

Re: Tea Chat: Light and Darkness

Posted: Sat Jul 10, 2021 12:12 pm
by AlchemystCollective
Thank you so much for these notes.

I’ve been feeling the same way about the dark aspects of light for a long time and didn’t know how to phrase it, but they way akelta put it makes perfect sense.

Re: Tea Chat: Light and Darkness

Posted: Mon Sep 13, 2021 2:29 am
by Shershah.chowdhury
AlchemystCollective wrote:
Sat Jul 10, 2021 12:12 pm
Thank you so much for these notes.

I’ve been feeling the same way about the dark aspects of light for a long time and didn’t know how to phrase it, but they way akelta put it makes perfect sense.
Outer spiritual world doesnt exist. I've been told this by other high rated demon sellers... the dark lords dont categorize their infernal as inner and outer spiritual world. Also if theres another version of lucifer in the OSW younger than the real Lucifer then thats not the real Lucifer.

Re: Tea Chat: Light and Darkness

Posted: Mon Sep 13, 2021 3:06 am
by Snowy_River
People can have different world views. They haven’t explored nor come into contact with the osw like Akelta. They work with different Demons, likely not osw. Demon Lords can catagorise things differently than us but it doesn’t mean our catagories aren’t true. They are more advanced than us and can see things differently than us. We do as we are able to with what we can make sense of.

Re: Tea Chat: Light and Darkness

Posted: Tue Sep 14, 2021 9:24 am
by windyjune
Shershah.chowdhury wrote:
Mon Sep 13, 2021 2:29 am

Outer spiritual world doesnt exist. I've been told this by other high rated demon sellers... the dark lords dont categorize their infernal as inner and outer spiritual world. Also if theres another version of lucifer in the OSW younger than the real Lucifer then thats not the real Lucifer.
At the end of the day we all can believe what we wish. It exists, it doesn’t exist it’s all good. One thing Akelta always makes clear is to follow our own intuition and what feels good to us. She provides her notes and what she has learned through her research and how she categorises things but we are never forced or expected to believe it. If you explored, studied and researched or even simply decided this part about the ISW/ OSW is something you don’t want to subscribe to that’s fine. I personally couldn’t wrap my head around it at first and for the last year I’ve been researching on my own and studying energies to see what I felt was true for myself and now I can say that I understand and relate to the information Akelta shared on the various layers and realms so I appreciate it.

In regard to different Lucifers again it’s fine to not believe that there is more than one. If you reach out to Lucifer and have a connection and that’s real for you that’s amazing. Personally I have experienced meeting various versions of some DLs for instance what I felt was more of the ISW Belial versus the OSW I feel them as different energetically with differences in personality from interacting with both but that’s from my experience; so from my research I can relate and resonate to what was shared in tea chats but again if you don’t that’s fine since what matters is what resonates for you.

Even now my perspective changes with time and research but the thing I understand with Akelta’s descriptions of the various layers from the ISW, universes, multiverses, OSW are all to help understand and explain where she’s conjuring from which is her expertise so it’s a description of her life’s work and I think it’s super helpful and fascinating. Also I agree with what Snowy said. The other sellers are not Akelta of course if that’s their opinion that’s fine but no other conjurer will know her methods or research. This is why she never comments on other conjurers work either since their methods are their own . Those are just my thoughts on it but again we can debate if something exists or not but it doesn’t matter in the end. I find it fascinating and love being open to how Akelta describes the layers since I love studying and testing things. If you find it irrelevant you simply can ignore that part since it doesn’t affect you, which is the beauty of the path.

Also this was longer than expected oops lol

Re: Tea Chat: Light and Darkness

Posted: Thu Oct 21, 2021 5:15 am
by Shershah.chowdhury
windyjune wrote:
Tue Sep 14, 2021 9:24 am
Shershah.chowdhury wrote:
Mon Sep 13, 2021 2:29 am

Outer spiritual world doesnt exist. I've been told this by other high rated demon sellers... the dark lords dont categorize their infernal as inner and outer spiritual world. Also if theres another version of lucifer in the OSW younger than the real Lucifer then thats not the real Lucifer.
At the end of the day we all can believe what we wish. It exists, it doesn’t exist it’s all good. One thing Akelta always makes clear is to follow our own intuition and what feels good to us. She provides her notes and what she has learned through her research and how she categorises things but we are never forced or expected to believe it. If you explored, studied and researched or even simply decided this part about the ISW/ OSW is something you don’t want to subscribe to that’s fine. I personally couldn’t wrap my head around it at first and for the last year I’ve been researching on my own and studying energies to see what I felt was true for myself and now I can say that I understand and relate to the information Akelta shared on the various layers and realms so I appreciate it.

In regard to different Lucifers again it’s fine to not believe that there is more than one. If you reach out to Lucifer and have a connection and that’s real for you that’s amazing. Personally I have experienced meeting various versions of some DLs for instance what I felt was more of the ISW Belial versus the OSW I feel them as different energetically with differences in personality from interacting with both but that’s from my experience; so from my research I can relate and resonate to what was shared in tea chats but again if you don’t that’s fine since what matters is what resonates for you.

Even now my perspective changes with time and research but the thing I understand with Akelta’s descriptions of the various layers from the ISW, universes, multiverses, OSW are all to help understand and explain where she’s conjuring from which is her expertise so it’s a description of her life’s work and I think it’s super helpful and fascinating. Also I agree with what Snowy said. The other sellers are not Akelta of course if that’s their opinion that’s fine but no other conjurer will know her methods or research. This is why she never comments on other conjurers work either since their methods are their own . Those are just my thoughts on it but again we can debate if something exists or not but it doesn’t matter in the end. I find it fascinating and love being open to how Akelta describes the layers since I love studying and testing things. If you find it irrelevant you simply can ignore that part since it doesn’t affect you, which is the beauty of the path.

Also this was longer than expected oops lol
Apart from what you've only heard from another person...have you actually seen a outer spiritual world or been to it? Its not talked about or mentioned anywhere apart from here. And even edens apple & other sellers told me the same thing because "there's no such thing as a outer spiritual world The infernal is the infernal" . When all these magicians including EA koetting who work with the jinns and demons & conjure them too is telling me that the outer spirtual world doesnt exist then thats a clear red flag.

Re: Tea Chat: Light and Darkness

Posted: Thu Oct 21, 2021 5:57 am
by Shershah.chowdhury
windyjune wrote:
Tue Sep 14, 2021 9:24 am
Shershah.chowdhury wrote:
Mon Sep 13, 2021 2:29 am

Outer spiritual world doesnt exist. I've been told this by other high rated demon sellers... the dark lords dont categorize their infernal as inner and outer spiritual world. Also if theres another version of lucifer in the OSW younger than the real Lucifer then thats not the real Lucifer.
At the end of the day we all can believe what we wish. It exists, it doesn’t exist it’s all good. One thing Akelta always makes clear is to follow our own intuition and what feels good to us. She provides her notes and what she has learned through her research and how she categorises things but we are never forced or expected to believe it. If you explored, studied and researched or even simply decided this part about the ISW/ OSW is something you don’t want to subscribe to that’s fine. I personally couldn’t wrap my head around it at first and for the last year I’ve been researching on my own and studying energies to see what I felt was true for myself and now I can say that I understand and relate to the information Akelta shared on the various layers and realms so I appreciate it.

In regard to different Lucifers again it’s fine to not believe that there is more than one. If you reach out to Lucifer and have a connection and that’s real for you that’s amazing. Personally I have experienced meeting various versions of some DLs for instance what I felt was more of the ISW Belial versus the OSW I feel them as different energetically with differences in personality from interacting with both but that’s from my experience; so from my research I can relate and resonate to what was shared in tea chats but again if you don’t that’s fine since what matters is what resonates for you.

Even now my perspective changes with time and research but the thing I understand with Akelta’s descriptions of the various layers from the ISW, universes, multiverses, OSW are all to help understand and explain where she’s conjuring from which is her expertise so it’s a description of her life’s work and I think it’s super helpful and fascinating. Also I agree with what Snowy said. The other sellers are not Akelta of course if that’s their opinion that’s fine but no other conjurer will know her methods or research. This is why she never comments on other conjurers work either since their methods are their own . Those are just my thoughts on it but again we can debate if something exists or not but it doesn’t matter in the end. I find it fascinating and love being open to how Akelta describes the layers since I love studying and testing things. If you find it irrelevant you simply can ignore that part since it doesn’t affect you, which is the beauty of the path.

Also this was longer than expected oops lol
VELCA WHO IS PART OF THE S&S COVEN has literally just told me the outer spiritual world doesnt exist. If no one don't believe me then email him and ask him yourself. That is the proof i needed and all the other sellers telling me the same thing. So my question is ..What are you researching? Biggest red flag when every single magican including VELCA who is PART OF THE COVEN told me it doesn't exist and only 1 person in the whole world is saying a outer spirtual world exists.. can't believe I fell for this fake stuff. Feel sorry for all those novices believing it. Its time to leave this forum and it's deluded people for good. And I advise anyone to ask velca yourself if theres a outer spiriual world and ask other sellers so u see im not lying and and use your common sense.. IT DOES NOT EXIST.

Re: Tea Chat: Light and Darkness

Posted: Thu Oct 21, 2021 8:48 am
by windyjune
If that answer resonates for you then that’s what you believe now and it’s fine. Even it not existing is a belief because there’s no way on this planet (at this time) if you want indefinite proof to tangibly say if it is or not. So it comes down to does it resonate? what’s your experience? and what’s your own research for it?

Here’s the thing Akelta is using a term ‘outer spiritual world’ ‘inner spiritual world’ as an easier way to define energy, dimensions, layers that go beyond 3D to describe these places she conjures from. If I recall it correctly the ISW is more interconnected and easier for us to explore since it’s closer to our energy and OSW is a bit more disconnected and more different energetically. It’s far more complex than that and she’s better at explaining her research which reading the tea chat note shows how she tries to explain it.

To your question how I’ve researched: I’ve astrally explored different areas with companions, asked for downloads, spoke with DLs I work with how they experience the energies, asked them to send energies and I write down my notes of how it feels, results so on. Even now my searching is ongoing and exciting. I think of it like research and science because in a way Akelta is a researcher she has her methods, results, discussions, conclusions laid out in tea chats it’s just like submitting a dissertation but it’s a more casual chat layout.

With any research there is experimentation and learning there is no right or wrong but there’s analysis, hypothesis and so on. Additionally when there is something new or undefinable people will coin a phrase to help define what it is. In this case Akelta decided to call these aspects she works with the ISW and OSW which is a term to help define her research. Look at science there are debates there are sides of people who agree with research published others that say not enough proof and so on. It’s like a finding of a new hominid people debate is it part of this genus/species or another branch entirely or is it even considered human you have many sides. Just like that Akelta is presenting what she has learned but instead of debating hominids it’s different astral/spiritual layers and she shares to those curious. It’s meant to be a discussion and is done from excitement to share and our excitement to hear about it.

Again you don’t have to believe in it, it doesn’t change anything and it’s up to you to make up your mind but if it’s something you care about I would listen to all parts, sides and test things before making up my mind. Even those saying it’s not real that’s fine that’s their prerogative. But why do they say that and what’s their research and their view on astral that’s a fascinating question too; there’s no right or wrong. Each expert will have a specialized niche and experiences that’s always developing and I’m sure if you ask they have lots to share as well as their own research they’re excited about. So it comes down to what calls you? I would question thought processes on why it’s “not real” or why it might be and so on; in the end it’s just fun to think about at its very core. Research is fun and these tea chats are fun to listen to you don’t need to read them or even research if you don’t like it instead choose what does.

Life is too short to live with anger over something like someone’s research if there are beliefs you don’t like either understand what’s triggering you about it or ignore it entirely and move on. Either way cheers and good luck.

Re: Tea Chat: Light and Darkness

Posted: Thu Oct 21, 2021 10:01 am
by Eilana
Shershah.chowdhury wrote:
Thu Oct 21, 2021 5:57 am
VELCA WHO IS PART OF THE S&S COVEN has literally just told me the outer spiritual world doesnt exist. If no one don't believe me then email him and ask him yourself. That is the proof i needed and all the other sellers telling me the same thing. So my question is ..What are you researching? Biggest red flag when every single magican including VELCA who is PART OF THE COVEN told me it doesn't exist and only 1 person in the whole world is saying a outer spirtual world exists.. can't believe I fell for this fake stuff. Feel sorry for all those novices believing it. Its time to leave this forum and it's deluded people for good. And I advise anyone to ask velca yourself if theres a outer spiriual world and ask other sellers so u see im not lying and and use your common sense.. IT DOES NOT EXIST.
To clarify, Velca is no longer part of the coven and has not been for some time. He departed very bitterly and hates us. If you want to believe him that's fine, though you should be aware of his bias before just listening and believing because he states he was (or still is, which he is not) 'part of the coven'.

With anyone you speak to, you should be aware of their bias. We present our information for people to learn from and take what resonates with them, however even we still have our own bias. Every single person does. Our beliefs and experiences as human beings is colored by our life experiences. You can choose to believe what you want.

Some people believe there is only one god. Some believe in many. Some believe there are none. What is the truth? That's for the individual to decide.

You've continually attacked people on our forum and been given multiple chances to come here and learn.

I'm telling you one last time, as I know you've been spoken to before, to either conduct yourself respectfully or leave. If you choose to stay and continue to be disrespectful, you will be removed.

This is your final warning.