Tea Chat: Darkness of the Summer Solstice

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June 18th 2021- Darkness of the Summer Solstice


Today the topic we will focus on is the different types of darkness woven into the world specifically the energy around this time. Despite the summer solstice being the brightest time of the year, the concentration of darkness is most intense. The summer solstice is when the sun is at the highest point and days are the longest; where Akelta is located the sun doesn’t set till 10 pm or so on the solstice. Even though it is an incredibly bright and vibrant time of year it is also an amazingly dark time of the year. This is also when the shadows are most dark and concentrated; we can find incredible pockets of darkness within the world around us.

The Carnivale event the last few times was in April, but the original Carnivale was done first on the summer solstice in order to emphasize that darkness. There are pockets of darkness that arise during the summer solstice which allow us to shift and move through them to enter a world that is mysterious, sublime, and topsy turvy where everything isn’t what it seems. These spaces are where madness takes over and insanity reigns. There are unique elements that embody the Carnivale which is why S&S first did it during the summer. Akelta is excited to have the Carnivale during the summer solstice this year because she loves the way the energies blend, as it’s spectacular.

During the summer solstice the darkness that is around and the concentration of shadows make it a great time to connect with the insane aspect of our shadow self. When you are walking out in the desert one of the things that can occur is succumbing to madness, dehydration, seeing illusions or mirages. We can see that madness holds a huge element of it. Thus, it is a good time to explore and embrace the madness of who you are and what is inside you. It is a unique type of shadow work; it is one that takes us into the creative essence of our darkness.

Shadow work has an interesting judgement placed on it due to the impression that going into the shadows means you will be torn apart and broken down, to disintegrate to then be reborn or find pieces of yourself as you heal aspects of yourself. One element that isn’t covered in shadow work is the fun and sublime aspect where you go into the shadows and surrender into a sense of madness which allows us to disintegrate in a pleasurable way. This allows us to rise and step into this power as a dark aspect so we can embrace an empowered and beautiful darkness within us and from there we gain confidence and power. In this space we can shed any notions of how people view us, or shed any concerns we have from societal fears and worries as we step into a fluid aspect of ourself where we are 100% aligned to our true essence. This is an aspect of the Carnivale since it represents a place where we step away from the world and away from what we were told we have to be.

Through Carnivale we embrace the chaos, the fun, exhilaration, the crazy all around us and for a time get away from everything and embrace parts of ourselves we normally wouldn’t focus on. A powerful element of the summer solstice is that we can embrace these aspects and touch these shadows that are usually locked away. The solstice is a great time for this work due to the amount of light and concentrated shadows, which we can use the energy to focus in on these specific elements. The way we zoom in to these elements is by going into the shadow aspect of our mind and go on a shadow journey. We do this by meditating and entering the shadow regions of our mind which allows us to tap into the concentrated shadows within us. We can explore these areas and uncover different aspects of ourselves as well as play here.

There is an essence of play during the summer season; even within our society children get summer off. It is a playful time when we enjoy ourselves and surrender to fun. We can have a similar effect with shadow work where we let go, surrender to the shadows, and allow them to take us on incredible voyages and through this we can see what awakens in our soul. One of the nice things that happens when we step into these shadow aspects is that we don’t have to judge anything about ourselves but rather simply exist within them. We can watch the visions that unfold, and we can feel the sensations moving through us and get in touch with the inspiration that is there. It is a powerful and incredible experience.

When we tap into the energies of the solstice there are many potentials. We can work powerful dark rituals and energies or conjure amazing strength within us. If we have to do something we don’t want to or something that requires us to summon strength from within we can work the magick from the summer solstice to awaken our darkness and awaken the concentration of those shadows and charge ourselves, so we are capable of moving forward and taking the world by storm. There is strength and intense power from the sun which can be seen in its ability to incinerate and remove all obstacles in its path. There are so many powerful energies to work with during the summer solstice of both light and darkness.

What can you do with the energies from the summer solstice?

We can do deep shadow work – not just the shadow work where we face our traumas but also face dark aspects and dark creativity. Powerful magick can be done using the concentrated darkness of the shadows to manifest and to cast prosperity/abundance magick. Due to it being summer there is a lot of light energies which are useful because the sun and the heat are already tied to prosperity but when we tap into the dark energies and dark pockets in addition to it, we can amplify and empower our abundance spells. We can give our spells strength and push them forward.

We can also tap into healing currents during this time. One thing many people don’t understand is that just like light energy can heal so can dark energy. Dark energy has powerful healing vibrations and is exceptionally potent. The dark energies will wash through you and break up any blocks or anything that stands in your way. What we can do is blend the darkness of the summer solstice and blend the dark currents with the sun to run them through our body doing this can cleanse and warm the body. Some elements of necessary healing work are when parts of the body go dormant or dull so the energy can get cold, therefore we can use the solar and dark currents to warm it up and revitalize those regions of the body. You can also use the solar current to remove blocks and open the energy channels, so the energy moves freely in the body.

The energies during this period are also fantastic for powerful execration work. Akelta thinks summer is among the best time for execration spells because as mentioned you have the concentrated darkness and the sun, which work together well. Additionally, the pockets of darkness also naturally work very well together, so when merged there is a dual force. When they are blended with execration the results are powerful. It is also a good time for any banishment spells since we can incinerate people from our world.

We can also wrap unique fields around us that can shield us from drama and is one thing Akelta likes to utilize. Akelta finds it funny because on the social media accounts she will see people talking about drama, she always misses all of it because of these shields. These shields block and barricade her from drama and incinerates all knowledge of it, so she can remain in a place of positivity and creation. There are many neat things that can be done with these energies. Drama is something like a pendulum that swings and creates tension in the situation. These shields keep Akelta contained away from drama since she prefers to be immersed in a creative space and creative energies instead.

We can also use the sun to burn away anything that isn’t peaceful or tranquil. The way to do this is to sit in the center of a blazing inferno and to relax and meditate while focusing on doing what you want. By tapping into these energies, we can also use it to connect with our demon companions. The pockets of darkness can also stimulate our connection to the demonic divine and to our demon companions making it a good time to work together. We can work with them and go on fantastic voyages which is a lot of fun. Akelta loves these energies because they open many different places. She likes shifting so she can travel to different realms; there are certain places that open up only at certain times of the year. There are so many pockets of darkness, discoveries, realms to explore among many other things. The realms that open up only around the summer solstice are amazing.

Different Realms Opening at Different Times

When the sun is at high noon we can meditate. It’s fine to meditate in the shade because it is a concentrated shadow, we can connect with those energies, and they can take us into different places. We can use those energies and time of day to shift into various spaces and travel through them. There are a lot of amazing things that come from that.

There was one time when Akelta was meditating with Prince V and they ended up going to a very dark realm that had hands all over the wall. They were moving while making strange motions and there were strange pools of different colored liquid. After looking at them they ended up approaching a green pool. Akelta remembers laying and resting in it, and she felt so much love energy flowing into her. She felt really rejuvenated and refreshed. She entered a euphoric state where she was flooded in love energies and is an experience, she had through exploring one of these spaces. There are so many amazing places that we can visit from many realms and dimensions that we can gain access to if we meditate with specific energies at a specific time of the year.

Is there a difference between working at noon versus midnight on the solstice with dark energies?

There is a difference as high noon has pockets of concentrated darkness whereas midnight you get the blanket of darkness that encases the land. High noon opens certain aspects which are tied into the concentrated darkness. While midnight opens the entire dark aspect of the summer solstice.

High noon is a great time to explore more of the mad aspect that can be found in the Carnivale essence of madness. The Carnivale definition of madness is when we shed what society wants us to be and to embrace our true self. By doing so we appear mad to people around us even though we are perfectly sane. You appear mad to those that expect and want you to conform when in reality you are saner than ever. It’s like a topsy turvy effect because the Carnivale is sanity because you embrace madness whereas the real world is madness because you embrace saneness. It’s a neat concept to play with.

High noon is a great time with getting in touch with these energies from the Carnivale definition of madness, you allow the sun to strip away everything that is false within you. The sun incinerates anything false within us and is one of the many things we can do with that energy to embrace our true selves. We can dance in these pockets of darkness and madness it’s like our own secret world away from prying eyes of a judgmental society. There is a lot of self-discovery and self esteem work that comes from it because when we can accept ourselves fully, it’s a very empowering state. The world has taught us that we need to wear masks and falsities but through this process we are accepting of ourselves even if you call us mad. The energies of high noon can incinerate those masks as well as judgmental voices of people that put judgement on us. It is a great time to also awaken our primal side.

High noon is also very good for execration work because of those pockets of darkness whereas midnight is a very healing, replenishing and rejuvenating time. Midnight is a good time to practice astral projection and lucid dreaming. It’s also a great opportunity to work different healing energies through ourselves as well as explore different shadow aspects within us that need healing.

Using energies of the sun in summer solstice magick?

Yes, Akelta has used them before. All stars are technically suns, the difference being one sun (by our planet) is closer than the others. Our sun is close to us, so the energy is concentrated and makes it easy to connect to however when we tap into the other suns that are further away it requires a few more steps. To connect to other suns Akelta will astral project to those solar systems and then will harness the energy of those suns. There are components within the suns that are similar because they are part of this universe however each sun does have its own individual ‘flavor’ or currents. Even star energy is a form of solar energy it’s just energy that is further away, so it is less intense than the sun overhead of us. We can also work with the collective essence of the stars which is a collective of solar energy that is pulled together. There are different ways we can work with it.

Just because it is the summer solstice in our world doesn’t mean it is the summer solstice in other worlds. However, because it is in our world, we can draw power from our sun and the other suns at the same time to amplify the power of our sun. We can do this by pulling in the energies of our sun in alignment with the summer solstice and then empowering your magickal work with the essence of other suns. Also, since it is summer solstice in our world when it is night (in our side of the world) the stars are the only source of solar energies so we can pull them in to create their own incredible tapestry of energies. There are different colors, energies, vibrations, and spectrums that open with all the different aspects within the blanket of the universe.

There are many things to consider when wanting to connect to other suns like is the summer solstice occurring in the place where I am drawing energy from? It’s the combination of the sun and the shadows that are important. The planet creates the shadows because if it was only sun, it would only be sunspots. It is the energy of the planet combined with the sun that creates the shadows. The planet is what creates the dark aspects and because of the alignment it creates concentrated aspects of darkness.

We can align ourselves with planets in other solar systems and pull energies from those suns during their equivalent of the summer solstice, which is possible, but we need to understand the nature of the solar system we are drawing energy from. Working with celestial bodies outside of our solar system requires research and in depth understanding of what is going on. To do this we would have to astral project and study them. This work will depend on where you are and what results you want to attain. Akelta does have connections to other suns and other solar systems, so she has astral projected and used other suns before.

Are there specific rituals to do with companions related to the summer solstice?

It’s best to follow your intuition and you can ask your companions for guidance. Things Akelta likes to do is meditate in the shade, connecting to the shadow and then going into the shadow with her companions. There is the element of peace, tranquility, and seclusion along with the power amplified by the shadow. As we sit in deep meditation with our companions we can communicate in that dark space, and they will probably add their own ideas of what we can do together. Our companions can provide inspiration and they can even take us on incredible journeys, which is also one thing Akelta likes to do with them.

Solar Demons

The solar demons exist in a realm of incredible brightness and darkness; they have a very profound darkness to them, and it is expansive. It goes deep into the infinity of their realm which spans through endless desert. It’s an endless journey of darkness where we can keep exploring different facets of darkness and dark magick within the desert that the solar demons weave and work with. There is an incredible complexity to their darkness because their world is one of solar currents and suns.

There is an underlying essence that flows through their realm, and we can feel it when we are there it’s like a sensation that is complex, layered in mystery that moves through their world that they can tap into. The darkness of the solar demons and this time of the summer solstice is very mysterious. There are also some sinister elements to it as well as beauty. The fact that we are alive is because the sun is in balance with our planet however if it were any closer our planet we would be charred and gone- that is the power of the sun and the power of the darkness of the sun.

The Desert

The desert has magickal and mystical energy to it. There is something sublime about the desert, Akelta loves the energy there. The desert has entire worlds concealed within it that are hidden from those that only see a dry barren wasteland. Working with Solar demons Akelta has been able to see how deep and profound the energies in the desert are. There are incredible and powerful energies and journeys that can be tapped into in the desert there is discovery, prophecy, tenacity within it.

Better astral projection results in the day?

If you get better results during the day, it’s best to notice that and keep trying during that time as we are all unique with different preferences. Akelta likes to astral travel during the day and noon time is a great time because our biology is different at that time. It is also a great time to try lucid dreaming. If we are sleepy or like to sleep during the day and you find your dreams are more intense and realistic take time to nap or astral project during that time. This means you found a time during the day where you can connect in the dream world and attain these results.

Carnivale tied to the Underworld?

The Carnivale does dip into the underworld realm and those energies, it sinks into the essence of the underworld. There is a sinister underworld component to the Carnival as it has a happy/jolly side as well as a dark underworld belly to it. The carnival is also filled with mystery, darkness, destruction, storms, and the twisting desires hidden within the soul.

How do the clown knives in the quintessence of the clown magickal work?

In magickal workings, shields, and things we craft we can weave knives, spikes, daggers, and thorns and place the energy of magick into things. For instance, in the quintessence of the clown magickal that S&S offers it has clown knives. This magickal is very layered and it contains within it the essence of clown. This piece can shield and protect you as well as avenge you. When you are encased in it you are completely protected and are strengthened while being guarded by the sinister energies of the clowns. Clowns have a dualistic aspect; one being fun and playful and the other being the more scary and vengeful aspect. Therefore, if people have hurt or harmed you this magickal can protect you as well as deflect attacks from you.

When we create energy shields as Akelta mentioned it’s possible to infuse different aspects within it. In this magickal Akelta has taken the sinister nature of clowns and woven the clown knives into them. There is a horror concept to it but instead of you being terrorized by it you will be protected by it as it will be your protector who will surround you. This magickal will confuse and disorient your enemies and those who wish to harm you. The clown is an aspect that is full of illusion and mystery. The way the magickal works is that unexpected things will happen especially to those who try to harm you; the world will twist so it will reveal them, make them crumble, ward them off or repel them. Additionally, any entity that tries to go through them will be attacked by the clown knives. It deters anything from entering your space and comes at it from a dark aspect. It can also cloak or conceal us. This magickal was created during the first Carnivale that occurred during the summer solstice, so these energies were kept in mind. Thus, it also ties into the dark pockets where we can hide and stay safe. These pockets can act as dens of tranquility and the magickal operates on the notion of keeping you safe in the dark pockets and warping the world from those that wish to harm you.

When we have these energies from the magickal around us, we become the horror element which strips away our masks and can access the more ‘insane’ approach to things meaning we are more in touch with ourselves and saner. There is a lot of energy woven into this piece as well as power that it integrates with. There are also the elements of illusion, confusion, and distortion to make our enemies crumble and to make them reveal themselves. Sometimes people will get scared so they will confess that they did something wrong. Akelta remembers one time when her sister-in-law would have been valedictorian of her class, but another girl got it. What happened though was that this girl had a breakdown and confessed that she lied and cheated to steal the valedictorian title and from that her life crumbled and fell apart. That is in essence a component of this magickal and what it does.

For those interested in learning more the listing can be found here:
https://satanandsons.com/product/quinte ... the-clown/

Are there demons tied to cats like there are Arachne demons?

It’s currently an open question. There are no cat demons that Akelta knows of, but if she finds any she will let us know. There are hell cats though.

Do we purposefully make ourselves forget when we incarnate?

Yes, we make ourselves forget when we come here since we are coming here for different experiences and having knowledge of our past lives or where we come from could negate that. Sometimes in order to experience certain things we have to forget what we know.

Are we connected to a collective of energy or separate?

Akelta believes that some people are connected to large hubs of energy and others are individual. One thing she found is that in the spiritual world there are various deviations. What might be truth to one person may not be for another. Some people are connected to a collective of energy and interwoven energetically while others not quite. Even within the inner spiritual world (ISW) we see this where there is a level of connectivity while in the outer spiritual world (OSW) everything is detached from each other. In the OSW there is an essence of individuality, but there are pockets of collective energies but it’s both some people yes and others no. Again, within the ISW there is a level here where we are all connected but some of us more apart. It’s a huge topic.

The End! :devilflame: :crazy: :devilflame:
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An amazing discussion, as always! These chats are always so much fun and, of course, highly informative! And, Windyjune, thank you so much for putting these together. You put a lot of time, effort and love into these notes, and it absolutely shows: detailed, the spirit and ideas of the discussions well-reflected, beautiful formatting and organization… Much appreciated!!
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Thank you so much for this as always! ♥️
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Aw thank you both that is very kind of you to say :devillove:
Rasha wrote:
Thu Jun 24, 2021 3:04 am
An amazing discussion, as always! These chats are always so much fun and, of course, highly informative! And, Windyjune, thank you so much for putting these together. You put a lot of time, effort and love into these notes, and it absolutely shows: detailed, the spirit and ideas of the discussions well-reflected, beautiful formatting and organization… Much appreciated!!
Rasha you're so sweet! You touched my heart with your comment that really means a lot because that really is my intention and I love to put my heart into them and try my best to make the notes stay true to the chat and easy to read. It makes me so happy to hear it and I'm so thrilled to be able to help out in this way. I appreciate it! :cheekydevil:
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Thanks so much windy june. Because of work I can hardly attend yet can learn alot because of you.
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Thank you so much for always taking such incredible notes, English isn’t my primary language so being able to read what was said is insanely helpful!
And I could swear, that the ocean sings, and the mountains talk to me
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