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Petitioned against because it's "satanic" Elena Tsagrinou of Cyprus's El Diablo song from Eurovision 2021

Posted: Sun Feb 28, 2021 5:40 pm
by guesswho
I saw the headline and I had to know: What is this song that they are petitioning against it? Sorry that it is technically old news as this apparently started on the 24th of February 2021.

If you'd like to see and listen for yourself I've included the link to the video. And for those of you who are not familiar with the format for Eurovision videos - like me! - be prepared for Product Placement! Wowza!

The Artist is Elena Tsagrinou
The Song is El Diablo

The video, meh. (Just my opinion as skewed by product placement :crazy: )
The song itself, I think it's pretty decent. (Again, just my opinion)

Re: Petitioned against because it's "satanic" Elena Tsagrinou of Cyprus's El Diablo song from Eurovision 2021

Posted: Wed Jun 15, 2022 6:50 pm
by Nighthawk
Hahaha of course she's his 'angel' to soften the so called scandal. Hoping for her to be his demon or at least a fallen angel. But she is trying to push that envelope. Yeah the product placement is wild for someone like me not used to it. Thanks for posting this, it was fun to watch.

Many Christians and such view anything that doesn't 100% support their views and ideas as discrimination, at least here in the USA. I think of baseball's Devil Ray's (Tampa Fl, of course Florida) hassled to change their name to The Rays. Naturally the Los Angeles Angels are still going strong. :seasaw:

The progressive state we now live in now finally passed a law to eliminate school sport names that denigrate indigenous tribes and peoples. Many other places haven't, and I applaud all efforts for change. In our nation's capitol of all places, they finally changed the American football team's name to something that isn't a slur.

We just got a hockey team that we named the Kraken, after a legendary sea monster off of the coast of Norway. How that relates to Seattle I'm not sure but I loved it. Wynd and I cheered over that and bought a couple of shirts the day they announced it.

My biggest pet peeve? Is when I read something in a supposedly liberal, open-minded, forward thinking source calling a person 'witch' as a slur for a terrible person, and it usually denigrates a woman. Used very casually, too, like it's such a normal word to say and not a description of people who practice certain religions and spiritual practices. I've heard it too, and depending on circumstance I try to correct it. I hope to become brave enough to correct it all the time. I believe the Demons will help me with this.

Re: Petitioned against because it's "satanic" Elena Tsagrinou of Cyprus's El Diablo song from Eurovision 2021

Posted: Wed Jun 15, 2022 8:26 pm
by Wynd Runner
This is a pretty cool song. I like it. I knew there had to be a story behind it, so I dug a little in the internet.

The singer, Elena Tsagrinou, was from Greece representing Cyprus in the 2021 Eurovision contest. And naturally, there was some conservative Christian group protesting the song representing Cyprus. Thankfully, the Cypriot decision makers said the protest was ridiculous, and she went on to sing and represent Cyprus.

This story behind the song and the writer's meaning is that it described someone who was "falling in love with someone as bad as the devil", and the song was created as a metaphor for Stockholm Syndrome.

All very interesting!

Re: Petitioned against because it's "satanic" Elena Tsagrinou of Cyprus's El Diablo song from Eurovision 2021

Posted: Thu Jul 14, 2022 6:19 pm
by CharmingOwl
This song is going to be a field day for Illuminati conspiracy theorists!