How can I verify if a certain deity would like to work with me and isn’t just my imagination?

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Hi, so I became interested in the Egyptian history and pantheon when one of my spirits wanted to explore it and got portals to Nut, Anpu, and Tjehudi. I was really wanting to connect especially with Anpu and Tjehudi, because of associations with afterlife and I wanted better knowledge of magick and of my own past and why I’m in the situation I’m in. But, when I got those portals, I started feeling like maybe they weren’t reaching out to me, didn’t want to connect with me, and I’m not one to push myself in anyone’s faces. So, I haven’t done much except talk to them a bit, give small offerings that was before Tjehudi came, and just feel like they didn’t have anything to say to me.
I don’t know maybe a month or two ago, I got an idea like Set may want to work with me, but I kindly turned it away because I’m not a big fan of chaos and I think I just didn’t understand him. So the thought went away.
But, I was feeling a little sad that I wished for some reason to be able to connect with Anpu, Nut and Tjehudi, and the thought of Set came back about a couple weeks ago with a lot more strength. I feel a lot more drawn to him, and like I may be encouraged to work with him.
But, I have a bad habit of interacting with thought forms, and with human beings at least, I’ve often developed strong feelings for those people who didn’t reciprocate those feelings. I’m worried I may be doing this again.
I’ve never been big into ritual, especially for deities. I always liked chanting mantras for Shiva and Quan-Yin, but have never been much into alters partly because I lack space and before lacked privacy. I write this because I feel shy about how to leave an offering or if he would even want one right now.
So, how do I know if he for real is reaching out to me or not? A few things I’ve experienced is feeling watched very intensely, very minor incidents of stuff going wrong in my day, and having poor sleep for a few days, but also hearing his name rattle around in my dreams. I just don’t want to give attention to a spirit who may be impersonating him to feel important.
I did try my tarot app but the reading wasn’t even giving me accurate information about myself, and when I did a general reading on myself, it was still inaccurate. Normally I get readings that give me good insight into my issues, so I just let those two readings go.
Because I was feeling drawn to him pretty strongly, I simply asked for him to verify that it is really him in a way that I’d know for sure.
Like I said, I have a habit of being infatuated with people who don’t feel the same, and have been not doing that for the past few years, so I don’t want to waste my time if this is just me getting into a state like that.
Thanks for reading and if anyone might be able to give me a little insight, I’d really appreciate your input.
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Divination is usually how it would be done, but like i would say actual physical divination tools not apps. Apart from that i would recommend researching the deity thoroughly their myths, offerings they like etc how those who work with them now-days interact with them and learning how to approach them respectfully ( which tbh for pagan deities it is a very good idea to approach first by respecting their tradition and using the traditions approach, before mulling it together on your own, this is more likely to get the actual deity) so more for the egyptian gods, look at kemetic recon and kemetic pagan sources would be my go to’s and researching a lot about them to, so you understand the paradigm with which to approach the deity. Also it would be very helpful for you to work out what you are reaching out to them for and what you want in terms of relationship and connecting with them; ie do you want to be a devotee? Do you feel they have something to teach you more in a mentoring role, or do you feel a connection to their nature? I also find that by delving deeper into a pagan deities mythos ie reading and researching about them and feeling how your energy reacts ie if you keep coming back to them or if you feel even more drawn to them - can also be an indicator of this. Ultimately though it will only be found out if you reach out to them. as for Setekh himself He is a patron of mine and we have worked closely together in the past, not as much now im working more with the demonic but i would recommend going to the pagan sources for this, not the temple of Set. They don't see him the same way and tbh he has mentioned to me it is less genuine, but it may also be how i get him as well. And Setekh is necessary chaos to create change, rather then all out chaos.
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Also a bit of a personal opinion but i would not use nor rely on portals if you want an actual connection to the deities. Because i assume you purchased the portals? There is no way to guarantee that the conjurer even connects to the “ real” being either especially if they are not a devotee of that deity or something. and they may also get a different version then who you would naturally connect too, as spirits and deities are multifaceted, and multidimensional. in my experience the deities tend to appreciate it more if you work to reach out to them yourself rather then through a tool. It builds a better relationship in the long run.

What you have done to verify so far is good though and it is good that you question what you are getting too. Perhaps cleansing your divination tools and trying again even using a circle to contain the energies and shield it could be helpful. And yes usually when a deity is reaching out you tend to come across their name multiple times etc, and also asking for an obvious physical sign is a good practice too.
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Sorry for multiple posts, but also a way to tell you are interacting with a real deity or not, a deities energy feels a certain way, it can be very present and for example when i started working with Set i would always feel his energy reacting and in my solar plexus and sacral chakras. A thoughtform however the energy has a distinct hollowness to it, they also tend to react and verify how you expect them to act whereas an actual deity will defy your expectations. So learning to sense the energy differences is very helpful. To me deities esp pagan deities have energy that while noticable and present is not as concrete in some ways as a demon lords energy is. Also the varying vibrations of darkness as well. But a deities energy is more diffuse and over a large area, at least in what i sense of it, they are very linked with “nature” and more earthen environemental forces, then a Dl is for example. I have found a DLs energy to be for me, much more prominent, but that also depends on the person individually as well and where your energy naturally is.
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^^ basically what Heretique. I have not worked with that pantheon but I have created and been exposed to thoughtforms a few times accidentally. If you do connect with something--ask yourself a couple of questions like.. do I feel this energy internally or do I feel this energy externally? Does this being know ONLY what I know,or does it know intelligent things beyond me? (( if it knows only what you know,you probably accidentally created a thoughtform to mimic what you expected to find)). If you are skilled with connecting with energies and you connect with it..feel those energies. If you tap into the flow and find out that there is a repeating anomaly that doesn't quite fit with the rest of the flow of energies its likely a thoughtform. Sometimes it may be like..a feeling of unstable energy in a spot surrounded by stable energy,or you may see an action play in your head over and over,or maybe even just repeating words.
Its a bit tricky to explain but..essentially that is the thoughtforms programming and you can tap into it if you know where you're looking.

As far as identifying anything beyond not much help. I can only tell thoughtform,nonthoughtform, something has ties to a death current, or something adept with sexual energies. Though its something to keep in mind! Good luck in connecting.
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Thanks so much for the replies!
I use a tarot app because I’m visually impaired and it’s easier than trying to use physical cards. Are there any other ways of divination to see if I’m actually being reached out to by Set?
I was reaching out to the Egyptian deities because I’ve been in a situation where I was falling apart and wanted protection and to understand why I fell into my situation. I got portals because I thought they would help me connect better, but they make me feel a little more distant. I never got one for Set, though, because when I got the thought he may want to work with me, I was like, no thanks lol. But that thought came back recently and it’s bugging me along with really harmless things going wrong in my life. The last thing to happen was when I wanted to put down a layaway payment for a divinity demon couple, my card wouldn’t work for me for the first time and there was no reason for it! I got it fixed, but they gave me the dumbest reason why it wouldn’t work, because it was being used to make a purchase outside of the state I used to live in, which I had done many times. But there are other things that happened consecutively which I was just telling myself it was me not paying attention, but all that may not even be a sign. I try to stay grounded because of my tendency to get caught up in my imagination.
I will keep looking for actual signs whether it’s him or just in my head, but really, I wasn’t looking to work with him, but have softened to the idea now.
I’ll probably update this post as I work on finding out if it’s him or not, because my experience of being unsure and working to find out what’s going on can help others who may have a similar situation.
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Well...if a deity reaching out to you, you will DEFINITELY know it keep popping up here and there...even if you not googling it......and it very much reflects on your interests....I mean, do you like its culture? Or specific deity? For my self, I m very into Greek culture since I was child, Eygpt also interested me but not that much...I mean, if a deity calling to you, you will definitely knows it as it is a calling you will finds very drawn to, and you cant keep your eyes out of it. For myself, I haven NEVER heard Hecate YEARS ago, but about 6 years ago, a friend ask me if I knows Hecate(He is very into Greek Myths) and in that moment when I heard the name Hecate...I feeling like I got STOKE by LIGHTNING. Then in the following few days, I research CRAZILY for any infomation about Hecate...and I was like....YES..YES...YES!!!!!!!. And now, she is my Patron. It also happens to Lilith's case. I m so much into her. but she is not actually my Patron, at least I dont have a statue for her on my altar but I m planning to get one. But for some reason, its Hecate, I felt the most YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS. Its a feeling you cant ignore if a deity reaching out to you. Also, if for confirmation, divination is the methods to do. But I m not using pendulum, I mostly use Tarots and Message Card also Oracle Card. And if using oracle cards.....(which is very simple..and straight forward) you will keep getting the "Yes" card. FOr tarot, define the cards meaning, it mostly would appears sort of "union" cards ( Lovers, Two of Cups, Four Of Cups....etc) or other "soft" cards.

Btw, I got the Dark Lords Reading from S&S, and the two goddess stepped forawrd were exactly Hecate and Lilith.
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It's also good to know that putting up a tiny shrine (different from altar) can be something that is really lowkey and simple and give you a pathway for developing a relationship. Something as simple as a picture with a bit of perfumed oil and water dabbed on the frame works well enough if you are just getting started and have space restraints. Usually fire and water are offered but you can just lit a candle and uplift it in your hands while you are communicating with them and then extinguish it and put it away later.
Starting a relationship is often just a matter of taking babysteps toward them.
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This is just my experience, it will different for everyone. I do not consider myself to especially "successful" following the LHP ((Demonalatry in particular) because I am somewhat infatuated with comparing myself to others. This is, of course, worse than pointless, it is counter-productive. It feeds those bits of myself that are dead set against my working successfully with any being, particularly demons and DL's, even though I have experienced the presence of Lord Satan and Marquess Marchosias and they (non-verbally) spoke with me and answered some pressing questions.

With that said, one might wonder, “How can you doubt it now? You have felt the power of being in Their presence. They have provided very valuable insights. You know, for certain, this is not just wish fulfillment or interacting with thought forms. (You will never, ever mistake a DL for a thought form when you have experienced both. I do not have words for it, but you will know.)

I tell myself things like.... “I should be MUCH further along my path than I presently am. I don't work hard enough because I don't care enough, and “they” know it. “They” have written me off because I am just so hopeless. Look at so and so, joined the board six months ago knowing next to nothing about demons or any LHP. Now she's posting selfies with Lord Satan has FIFTEEN DC's, gets invited to all the best parties, all she has to do is whisper a DC's enn and...Full body manifestation instantly!”

Where I am along my path is exactly that. Where I am along MY path. No one else is keeping track of it and I am not being “judged” Especially by DL's like Lord Satan and Marquess Marchosias. I do have some “real world” restrictions on how openly I can walk my Path, but they are more like excuses I can use to not try instead of working around them.

The hardest thing for me is to stop shaming myself into inaction. “I haven't done what I was “supposed to do” in over two weeks! If I just cold-start now all I'll be doing is drawing attention to the fact I was screwing around instead of doing (NAME OF RITUAL HERE). I'm sure they are deeply disappointed with me.”

I cannot overstate how wildly successful other people have been in using shame to control me. Using shame on myself to keep me away from my Path is, truly, second nature. And I constantly underestimate the ability of shame to block recognition of genuine contact. And if the contact is undeniable, then shame will try to morph it into something else. The phrase “That's not what you thought it was. It was just your own stupid imagination.” comes up a lot.
"Push something hard enough...and it will fall over."
Fudds First Law Of Opposition

“All art that is not mere storytelling or mere portraiture is symbolic...If you liberate a person or a landscape from the bonds of motives and their actions, causes and their will change under your eyes, and become a symbol of infinite emotion, a perfected emotion, a part of the Dark Divine Essence.”

William Butler Yeats

(The italicized word “dark” is my addition.)
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Oh belzhebub saya dalam kesusahan berikan apa yang saya butuh. Terlalu munusia" sekarang yang beriman pada tuhan mereka tapi takut membantu orang susah takut menjadi miskin :mwahahaha: :mwahahaha:
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