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Re: Weird experience last night

Posted: Fri Aug 14, 2020 3:18 pm
by yuurae
VioletShirokuma wrote:
Tue Jul 28, 2020 9:36 pm
I would say just be careful. I'm not going to fancy any guesses what it could be.. But if you feel sexually violated in any way by what you experienced, I second what was said, it's likely negative. I've gone through the experience of being assaulted and violated by a malevolent incubus and another male entity that "allied" with it for nearly over a year, way back in 2016-2017. This one was conjured up by a man though who tried to interfere with my long-term relationship with my Twin Flame for years... I acted extremely hypersexual without knowing during those years and nearly lost myself completely...
So guess my experience is different in that aspect, just a disclaimer--

I went through months of that incubus trying to force themselves on me in my a lot of what you described kind of reminded me of a lot of the things I went through... and even when I had moved to an apartment for a few years... Then he eventually attached to my ex-partner because it "preferred her" and would take possession of her since she's extremely spirit sensitive. Then, he became hostile and angry to the point he began to shut/lock my doors, throw my appliances down to the ground, throw my stuffies around.. I won't repeat all the details since I have elsewhere but anyway-- The one that left you maybe has found another person to supplement what they want or moved on. I would say it's probably for the better. Hope you stay protected. On the other hand, sometimes there are some unbounds that might try to have temporary sexual connections and come and go.. I don't want to say that's what it is either but do you ward and banish often??
Sorry for late response - notification didn't come up.

And that's absolutely awful, I'm so sorry you had to go through that, if its ok to ask, what did you do to remove it/get rid of it? and yeah I have had behaviours change/shift and myself becoming more hyper sexual as well which is not me AT ALL, but since my personality and identity is pretty much unstable anyways (I have bpd so) its very easy for me to become self destructive and have behaviours shift alot like that and feel sort of vulnerable in that sense to it due to my 'unstable sense of self' and unfortunately I do have some boundary issues, so its like even if I don't want it I continue to allow these 'things' to violate my boundaries and what I don't want. Yeah, I mean I figured he may have moved on/forgotten about me by now, still upset and hurt by it (I'm quite rejection sensitive so that's been triggered off by them aswell) but yeah, I figured these spirits were possibly imposters or some parasitic entity since they have and still do pretend to be this one spirit constantly, though physical stuff has stopped now - if I do still feel something I usually just distract myself thinking about smth mundane or what have you, which essentially does help block it out, been trying out different methods to shield myself and protect myself - I am a complete beginner also, so I have little to no idea what I'm doing and am basically rushing to try and sort this out asap with as little knowledge & experience as I have so it does get stressful and ofc low energy/low spoons for me atm, though been doing a few research things about it anyways as much as I can possibly find, but most attacks like that happen in dreams now so trying to figure out a way to stop that from happening as well, (I have had spirits attack me recently in dreams and I've essentially 'attacked' them back and possibly 'killed' them because of it but it wasn't a 'sexual attack' from them, so idk if there's more then 1 at this point - but doing that seems to have made stuff lessen slightly, and I have tried different methods of shielding, protection, banishing & warding - tho it doesn't seem to do much tho - up until recent things I've done, I feel as if the attachment to them (negative and what they've done to me has caused some kind of attachment) means it may be causing difficulties to get rid of them so about to do a cord cutting/unbinding ritual to them, & then immediately after - binding them, banishing, cleanse & ward & cleanse myself/aura etc, so hopefully that helps in some way & then an extra protection for myself within the 'dream realm' I'll be doing afterwards.