Needing Help With Negative Entity

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maybe ask Michael to talk to her for you. She might not give you a straight answer but he can probably get her to talk. Then maybe he can pass the information directly to you the medium or the shaman.
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So, did some work with a shaman to close up doors, heal past wounds/traumas and what not, which has had a huge effect. She claims she removed a demon, not Anput from me, male, and he was not happy to go. Evidently, really not happy, because he is still here, trying to get me to reopen those doors that allowed him in in the first place. He has been hard at me, during her session, and then even harder at me ever since. So far, she has not be able to remove him from my home.
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Guess you'll need to find another shaman who can get the job done.
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I see no reason as to why a goddess would spend her time trying to ruin a magicians life. I think its either a tacky parasite who is portraying as her and using the energy you feed it to continue the lies and antics.

It could also very well be the entity but if they are in your life it's for a reason, I know people who have had Demons attack them or scare them as an initial test.
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Based on your updates until recently, having read all of the details, I will post a unique theory. Perhaps Anput is actually with you and anything she has been doing is in fact to get you to take appropriate action in dealing with the problem presence/internal issues you're experiencing. It seems like you've been forced to grow, to put an end to what may have been considered an unhealthy lifestyle, to assess your life's purpose and to conduct workings revolving around protection and banishing of negative shit.. all since 'Anput' was revealed to you. That sounds pretty good to me.

Whether this goddess is or is not truly involved, what I am getting at is there are probably two different situations intercrossing and getting you confused. There is a presence or force guiding you through necessities of personal development and tackling of nasties, and there is a presence or force which is the persistent challenge/nasty incarnate you're having to now overcome. If Anput is involved, messages like that of you belonging to her which can be construed as negative in one light, can be seen as a mark of protection in another light.

The only reason I can see that a goddess would be accosting you would be if you hugely disrespected her, in that case even if she laid a curse upon you in another lifetime -as an example- which has cropped up again, it wouldn't likely be her directly engaging this but just an illusion of her presence carried out by the magic at hand. If it were the case that Anput had some reason to be angry toward you, the only real way to amend that issue would be to find out WHY.. you'd be completely wasting your energy shooting into the dark with random banishing rites etc. when the potentiality that you're cursed or hexed or have past life unfinished business is there.
Because you've been feeling some relief and seeing shifts or changes when doing these things, it makes me more inclined to believe that instead you're being guided (possibly by her) to take care of quite another issue.

And for the record, while I know this depends a lot on one's belief system, my experience is that an Archangel is not more powerful than an Egyptian goddess and therefore banishing or asking one to take the other is never the appropriate way of dealing there. When people try to banish and/or bring gods to *meet their maker*, so to speak, it strikes me as a strange logic. When you're dealing with a deity, respect is paramount, surrender to what they are bringing forward to you and then if there's some sort of an issue --first discernment, then negotiations.
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Noctua wrote:
Tue Feb 12, 2019 9:46 pm
Based on your updates until recently, having read all of the details, I will post a unique theory. Perhaps Anput is actually with you and anything she has been doing is in fact to get you to take appropriate action in dealing with the problem presence/internal issues you're experiencing. It seems like you've been forced to grow, to put an end to what may have been considered an unhealthy lifestyle, to assess your life's purpose and to conduct workings revolving around protection and banishing of negative shit.. all since 'Anput' was revealed to you. That sounds pretty good to me.

Whether this goddess is or is not truly involved, what I am getting at is there are probably two different situations intercrossing and getting you confused. There is a presence or force guiding you through necessities of personal development and tackling of nasties, and there is a presence or force which is the persistent challenge/nasty incarnate you're having to now overcome. If Anput is involved, messages like that of you belonging to her which can be construed as negative in one light, can be seen as a mark of protection in another light.

The only reason I can see that a goddess would be accosting you would be if you hugely disrespected her, in that case even if she laid a curse upon you in another lifetime -as an example- which has cropped up again, it wouldn't likely be her directly engaging this but just an illusion of her presence carried out by the magic at hand. If it were the case that Anput had some reason to be angry toward you, the only real way to amend that issue would be to find out WHY.. you'd be completely wasting your energy shooting into the dark with random banishing rites etc. when the potentiality that you're cursed or hexed or have past life unfinished business is there.
Because you've been feeling some relief and seeing shifts or changes when doing these things, it makes me more inclined to believe that instead you're being guided (possibly by her) to take care of quite another issue.

And for the record, while I know this depends a lot on one's belief system, my experience is that an Archangel is not more powerful than an Egyptian goddess and therefore banishing or asking one to take the other is never the appropriate way of dealing there. When people try to banish and/or bring gods to *meet their maker*, so to speak, it strikes me as a strange logic. When you're dealing with a deity, respect is paramount, surrender to what they are bringing forward to you and then if there's some sort of an issue --first discernment, then negotiations.
Thanks. This definitely has something to do with me, I just don't know what it is. Maybe my lack of action, maybe to get me to finally cement my path. Maybe it is about learning to fight it.

As it stands, we have confirmed it is not Anput, but actually a male demon posing as female spirits. He likes to pretend he is what he isn't, and what we are doing is working, even though it isn't. Why I do not know. If it has worked for years to gain my attention, why abandon it I guess? When it does come at me hard, it does show it's masculine side, losing the female persona completely. Discerning what it wants, from my point of view is almost impossible. It is so fucking erratic. From blasting me extreme rage, to lust, to sadness, pain, negativity that leaves me feeling like im being microwaved, and a multitude of physical sensations. Trying to convince me to kill my cat, rape my cat, attack members of the church, orgasm like muscles contractions, reading to me what I am reading, giving into possession, suicide, fight it with witchcraft... the list is almost endless what this thing does to get my attention, or some negative reaction from me.

As much as this thing talks about breaking my will to live to either kill myself or give into possession, I highly doubt that is the real agenda. It has, on numerous occasions shown it can do things to seriously fuck me up, that in a week, maybe less, would in fact break me. It always seems to abandon it though for some reason, like it is just flexing its chest or something. If it did want to, it wouldn't be too hard to seriously mess me up if it would just stick with it, but it cannot for some reason. Like a child with ADHD drinking Redbull. Lol it does seem to revel in this conversation as it usually knocks it off, like now, when I start talking about it. Mostly, the only message I'm getting from it is it is just fucking with me to create negativity and disrupt my life. It has shown that it is actually highly intelligent, but portrays itself as this simple minded, erratic, female entity that can't keep its shit together. The more I deny it this negativity from me, whether it be my emotions, thoughts, actions, or going back to old habits, the more it comes at me and the harder it comes. The stronger I get, the more force it comes with. Honestly it reacts to any thought of it, what it is, what it is doing; claiming that yes, that is it. Basically it is everything, and everything bad in my life, even though I often catch it in the lie. Yet, it can't seem to abandon the lie anyways even though it has lost the desired effect.

On the other spectrum of things, it has, probably not its choice, taught me a lot of self love, allowing me to let go of a lot of lower emotions that used to hold me back. My emotional and mental control is through the roof now just from having to discern myself from it all day long, and doing my best to ignore it.

Unfortunately, the people who I am working with are coming at this with a Christian-like methodology that I have mixed emotions about. Basically it is sitting around, praying, taking it like a bitch, and hoping god steps in, or it gets bored and leaves. Mostly a battle of wills, or the possibility of exorcising him when this continues to fail. They figure with my inexperience in the Craft, that I will most likely make things worse, or it may never leave as a result. This to, is a hard pill to swallow, as I really am not one to just sit back and take it when attacked. Had this been a person, we would be both in the hospital, but I would have made my point. Like you said it is a crossroads for my life path. Sit here and take it semi-hard for weeks and weeks with the Christ methodology, or actually take a stand and fight and get it really hard. ...something to think about. Either way, I'm going to get it.
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perhaps you need to change your mediums
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Is it possible that this entity is thwarting your banishing efforts by hiding in the In-between?
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I agree with so many of these although one of the things that I do suggest, like Cerber said, trying to find a medium that isn't RHP. With mediums within the RHP, as stemming from that area myself as well as knowing so many within that range, they will go to the whole idea that you described. That God will take care of it and that demons are evil and trying to use the Arachangels to banish other deities. I agree with Noc in that it's just not the way to do it. Maybe Anput is helping you face part of yourself that needs to step up, but another is taking actions to prevent that.

There are so many possibilities here and factors to take into account. In truth, it's hard to discern what everything is. Due to that, I would definitely look for both different mediums and shamans that are more aware of the LHP and deities of other religions. Deities require a special hand and care and respect, that anything under that "power" if you could say that, would just piss them off more.

Try to discern the reason for the attacks. Why would this happen in the first place? Have you thought of maybe that it came about from any self-destructive thoughts or patterns? Since breaking those, has it lessened or worse by trying you to do those again? I would say that most people gave sound advice and that it will help, such as going to see some help for the physical and mental/emotional issues this has caused. Those clearing up can leave a huge impact on those affecting you because a strong mind and will is harder to mess with.

Keep doing the grounding and shielding constantly, even multiple times a day. This is so important because it will help keep other things out. I know that the medium gave you a Christian based banishing ritual, but have you tried a bandishing ritual invoking the LBRP and then a ritual to draw them in, snag them, then depose of them? Gettng to the core of the issue of why they are there and doing this would help in the long run for preenting it from reoccurring or happening again.
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When the Sludge Possessed Me
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