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Re: Tea Room Chats Notes

Posted: Sat Jul 11, 2020 2:28 pm
by windyjune
July 10- Practical Magick and Spirit Interactions in Everyday Life


The topic for this week is about integrating magick with the demons and spirits in our lives. For many to do magick means to do intense and elaborate rituals making it intimidating to many to incorporate it in their daily lives. Lots of magick groups and secret societies will have protocols and will make it complicated to keep it secret. Lots of people use all these fancy terms to make it complicated; to be hard to understand. Akelta went through all the occult books and dissected the rituals to figure out why they did what they did and simplified it. She was confused with some of them at first until she broke it down and realized that within all of it, it all was just about raising the energies. Her occult research also coincided with business. There are simple ways to integrate magick and demons into our daily lives and truly there are lots of ways that it already is naturally flowing within our lives. It’s our birth right and natural to do magick it’s not exclusive. Everyone has psychic abilities we just need to remember how to use them.

Magick is Everywhere

Akelta mentioned that sex work is the oldest practice in the world and shamanism is the second oldest. Shamans convey and connect others to the spiritual world. Our bodies are always moving, and our senses are always picking up stimuli from the energies including the spiritual world once we are open to it. Even when we are in a sleep state, we can explore our mind and connect. So you don’t need secret societies to practice magic. Whether you realize it or not magick is a part of our lives i.e. manifestations as simple as finding a penny and seeing it as a good luck sign or as Akelta’s grandma would say “oh more money is coming”. This is magick. Magick is commanding energy to shift/pull to you what you want. This also goes with sayings that we will believe in like “what goes around comes around” which Akelta’s mom mentioned when they were debating execration and Akelta mentioned that saying/belief in and of itself is a curse. The barebones of magick is about putting it out there and guiding your intentions.

Focusing Spells in your Life

When you want to do a more focused spell you begin by creating a space/focal point to direct energies to something specific. If you decide to do an altar for the spell to direct the energies, you would choose materials that would enhance and resonate with the spell to elevate the energies.

As an example, let’s say you want to do a love spell:

The basis of the spell is you want to attract someone for a relationship. You would then set up an altar with things to raise the energies to that with things like rose scents, pink candles, rose quartz anything reminiscent of love. Doing all this sets the energy. As you raise the energies you are redirecting the energies to the altar you set up then sending it to the universe to pull your desire in. You want to focus on getting into the energy state for instance with the love spell you want to be focusing on feeling things like love, happy, charismatic and focus it in the spell.

We can work magick into our everyday i.e. from waking up you can start with affirmations and begin pulling things to you by saying things like “I know they’re close, I know I’m on my way to it/them” it can be little moments to charge the energy, it’ll build the momentum.

If you want to work with money spells on the other hand you would focus on removing blocks. You want to be open to possibilities and in the spell, you’re clearing any negative self-chatter. We are taught from an early age that often spirits and spells aren’t real, these beliefs stunt our growth and possibilities of manifestations. Lots of times rituals are just about breaking beliefs to feel like you can do this, to take your power back. Rituals can strip the false beliefs and focus your energy to what you want.

What is not believing in something?

Basically, it’s a block. We believe what our physical senses give us but not necessarily our spiritual senses. Fear is a huge block to have. For instance, fear of death or spirits that some have yet in some Asian countries they don’t shun death and talk to ancestors. If we believe so strongly that something is not real, we’ll close ourselves from the possibility. At times even our physical senses can be influenced by beliefs lets say you are looking for an item and it’s in front of you but as you don’t believe it is and believe strongly it’s lost you can’t find it. However, another person may find it right in front of you since there isn’t a block for them. The occult and business are also tied together as in order to manifest you must believe to see it, it’s you that’s making it work. You must believe in it.

Connecting with Demons in Our Daily Life

Akelta likes big rituals but it’s her preference as each person will be unique in their choice. Let’s say you want to connect to a Dark Lord or Lady (DL) it doesn’t have to be an elaborate ritual to connect you can just do a small DL altar and focus on the sigil and build communication and foundations from there. In everyday communication you can even talk about silly/little things with them. You’ll develop working relationships with them, you’ll figure out aspects of their personality, and what they are like i.e. how they’re cheeky and how you are. It’s a process of getting to know each other.

When thinking of connecting with demons some people are worried about insulting them or doing something wrong. Akelta used the example of when she was in Japan. The family she stayed with had a different culture from hers, but she tried to learn it and even when she made a mistake, they still appreciated her because there was sincerity in her desire to learn about them. Even if she was making mistakes she was trying and still in the process of figuring it out, so they would help teach her and felt thankful for her interest. It’s the same as approaching demons just be respectful- use your intuition and they’ll teach you as well as help you through it. It’s not about doing archaic rituals but your intuitive journey with them. Akelta says this is also why when she gives the 21-day bonding ritual she prefaces it with saying it’s truly up to us to choose how we want to approach it and to be free to modify it.

As long as you don’t say mean/rude things to them or threaten them like “I’ll burn you” you will be fine. It’s finding the best method of communication for you. There is often a fear tactic of rigidity in doing rituals certain ways i.e. Catholicism or even schools of magic have examples of this. Some people will insist that if you don’t follow this ritual this exact way then the demon will attack you, but Akelta says that’s not the case. However, if you think of the example of spitting in someone’s face of course they’ll retaliate so just be respectful.

When working with companions if you can hear them you can have conversations from the moment you wake up. Even if it seems simple just including them in your life like asking “how are you today?” etc. is a great way to interact. You shouldn’t be sacrificing your physical life and well being to build your senses or work with companions, but rather be empowered through the process. Let the magick and being around your companions be a part of leading you to the life you want to live i.e. even things like taking care of kids and work can be a part of your routine together. For example, Akelta’s Pitbull, Bruce got out one day and she asked her demons to please help find him and bring him home, which they did.

Akelta also worked with a girl whose friend lost his dog and she suggested to meditate with Lord Camio. The friend had a vision of his dog in a specific location and when he went there found his dog. So, they can really aid and interact with us in many ways.

Akelta will also ask for help to protect her kids, or if driving in an area with lots of winding roads. You can ask for protection in this way and incorporate them in that aspect.

If you need money you could work to manifest it and ask for help in receiving the amount/goal desired. All these actions bring magick to your life and bring further power to it.

It can be as simple as waking up and stating “I’m going to work with my demon companions to get to this today, things always work for me, today is a good day for me or I want to get this free today”. You can also set intentions for financial assistance for the day ahead.

If you can’t hear your companions you just need to be open to them to be able to start getting messages from them and again, they can hear you clearly. Akelta gave an example of someone with a succubus who had an experience one night of one of their toys randomly at night saying “I love you” to him, which shocked him. If open even if skills are not developed, they can hear us, visit us in dreams, can influence friends, or see shadows in view/corner of eyes, among many other things to give us signs or messages.

All rituals lead you and your energy to where you want to go.
Remember your demon companions can hear you even if you can’t hear them yet. If you open your energies to them, they can shift things i.e. through songs as they can change it (have messages), guide us to research, etc.

An example of manifestations of demons in the physical is one day Akelta’s mom said you must listen to this song which happened to be Tiger (Akelta’s DC) song. She also got a journal as a present from someone that resonated completely with Tiger and his preference.

Experiences of Rituals in Daily Life

For Akelta it comes in, and just flows in very specific ways. It becomes natural. When dealing in mindsets in business you’re tapping into lots of metaphysical powers. It’s about mastering your self and taking charge of your life with your beliefs and using the universal laws, it’s all a part of success building and building the momentum towards your desires.

One business guy Akelta knew for instance wouldn't agree to something unless his inner council all agreed on the decision. He would go into his mind and talk to them all until they agreed to make the decision. Any time he was rushed he found that it would blow up in his face and when they agreed the venture turned out successfully.

Akelta’s Islamic mentor conjured and did magic with djinn he would have them for specific things. Through his methods his whole family could escape from Africa with the money they had. He had specific rituals for everything. When you apply it in daily life it empowers you.

Science and Magick

Akelta thinks that science and magic will converge at some point. She often takes theories and will ground them back to magic to help understand it. As of now a lot of science doesn’t have the capacity to study a lot within the metaphysical but may with time integrate more.

Laughter’s effect for example was being studied in Japan and it was found that those that watched comedies and laughed every day had a positive effect on their health and healed more quickly than those that did not. Laughing is a high vibrational energy and it can get you out of your worst moments, it’s very healing. Laughter can banish i.e. malicious spirits can be rendered powerless to laughter. It’s a healing and empowering energy.

Akelta thinks we’ll be more in tune with realms and dimensions in the future. Science is built through mysticism and imagination it creates the hypotheses and the directions for people to test if something is able to be proven or not.

Writing: Goals and Journaling

Akelta in the morning and night writes out her goals. In the morning she sets intentions in them and for the night in preparation for the dream state it’s to focus on goals and problem solving on how to get her desires, as dreams can provide answers.

Handwriting creates a link between the hand and the mind, it’s powerful to do. Writing is magic. Her mentor would also write out mantras 108 times or more. As it can amplify the intention or affirmation. You can also do this with a demons enn as it can deeply connect you to their energies.

Journaling is a great practice. It’s excellent to write out elaborate details of the life you desire, writing out and enforcing feelings toward the desire can help build that momentum of the life you want to experience and live. In the journal by writing what you would be feeling getting the desire helps move the energy through your body to help with those manifestations.

Working with the magick and spirits around us

Even if people are simple in their mindsets, they still incorporate magic in their own lives through thoughts, beliefs, even walking, snoring. It all alters the energies around us.

Akelta prefers to focus her energies on what she wants to build and let it grow instead of allowing any negative thoughts to take over her mind. Akelta starves out any thoughts she doesn’t want to have, so she builds and is creative with what she wants and at times has others join to build that desired energy. If you don’t want things to grow just focus on the opposite.

Ghosts and spirits are all over the place and when you realize how close in proximity they are is when you begin to open to them. There are two types of scenarios that may happen when people begin to be open to spirits.

1) They may become sensitive and freak out
2) A negative spirit latches to someone and they don’t know how to handle it (luckily very rare)

Opening our senses can cause fear. But in order to connect just believe in it to sense and connect.

Anxiety and Awakening Senses

In terms of feeling anxiety Akelta’s mentor would say it’s based off fear and that it’s a similar vibration to excitement. So, if you changed anxiety to excitement it would be easier to transmute the energy and let you become more receptive and open. If you change it from anxiety to connect with companions to excitement to see them and excited to have them in your life, it’ll help develop that further instead of creating blocks. You can apply this to many different experiences.

There are a few moments when all of our chakras awaken, and that sensation is beautiful and not bad. It may feel overwhelming or you may feel very amazed, but if you’re being open to the energies you can notice the stirring and awakening from within. There are sacred energies and paths within us that can awaken us and feel overwhelming when they rise within us but it’s all good so embrace it, it’s beautiful.

Anxiety could occur also since we are instinctively taught to not trust or to not be open or not believe in these things (magic and spirits). Many of us are taught to deaden our chakras and not feel so once we begin to awaken the energies it can feel like a shock. It’s the beautiful moments of it rising within us, the elation in this path that will help open the doors. The stronger it gets for example seeing orbs/morphing the third eye is attuning self to energies and learning to see them. So simply make note of it, it’s all good. The spiritual world is not just 3D but is multidimensional. Learn to shift the energies whenever you feel anxiety or fear to a more positive vibration of excitement and with time you’ll feel more comfortable and will find more progress within your communication and manifestations.

The end! :zen:

Re: Tea Room Chats Notes

Posted: Sat Jul 18, 2020 9:13 pm
by windyjune
July 17th- Psychic Development Class- Clairaudience!


Today we will be talking about going from psychically deaf to fully hearing and the actions you need to take to receive messages from your companions. Although there are some people that are more open than others everyone is born with access to psychic skills in some form. Everything can be developed, and it starts with gauging where you are at. The order of strength among people is generally clairsentience – clairvoyance – clairaudience; they tend to be the big three. Clairsentience works with the lower chakras and is in tune with the physical, so it tends to be a natural psychic skill for many. With clairvoyance we use our eyes every day, all the time and our eyes naturally adjust to the energies. Clairaudience on the other hand is psychic hearing and we as physical people have been taught to shut things out. An example is how often from childhood when approaching a adult many will be shushed; we were taught to shut down. It is about the energetic communication through your throat and eyes. To start this talk Eilana will be joining us in today’s conversation as she is personally very knowledgeable on what it’s like to go from being psychically deaf to hearing them as if they are in the room with you.

Eilana’s Journey

Eilana described herself as deaf at first as she had heard some voices from time to time in her life, but not really. She worked with different spirits at first without many results. It took her many months of active practice and exercises before she heard even one word, which that alone made her very excited. When she began working with demons however, she noticed a big shift in her hearing abilities as she found that she was naturally more attuned to demons.

Eilana did the same exercises every day and no matter how tired she was after work she would push through and do them. Whenever she got bored with repeating an exercise, she would move to a different one. She also did the third eye working that S&S offers which helped her further push her towards clear clairaudience. Persistence paid off. She can now hear them as if they’re in the room physically, but it wasn’t always like that. Eilana thinks that the notion in society of hearing voices being seen as crazy is a major block for many people in clairaudience, so that can be a factor for why it is often the least developed.

The Many Ways of Hearing

Eilana with her clairaudience can identify the demon’s personalities through their words, hear detailed stories, listen to the sound of their voices and what accents, tones come through. She can even hear who has a deeper or higher voice. Akelta on the other hand often uses clairsentience to translate words and gets depth from the messages through that psychic skill. This allows them to get fuller messages when they compare notes, so they like to translate for each other. The benefits of having different strengths is you can find different elements and ways to translate the information in the energies. Although Eilana can hear words clearly, she mentioned how Akelta picks up on other stuff that she can’t from clairaudience like the intention/feelings behind the messages. Almost identical but can see differences in translation. It’s great and beautiful when they bring their notes together. They’re all great skills to develop and learn so it all depends on you.

Using a Dominant Sense to Learn Others

When learning psychic skills if we are already aware of a strong sense, we can use it to help us in learning others and work on them simultaneously. It’s going to be different for each person. Akelta for example hear/feels the information as a clairsentient so she can use this sense to help her hear. What helped Akelta in learning clairaudience is to identify words as she is translating from clairsentience. She will feel the energy and then be led to words. To help the process further and find the right translation she will go to a thesaurus and see what words comes up.She will then proceed to explore the energies to see what matches with the messages she is getting. If for example you have a blocked throat chakra it may affect you hearing properly. So, utilizing these different strategies can help you move from these blocks.

Your senses are there so even if you feel them close the good news is you can open them up again. Do exercises and schedule it in and you will begin to reawaken them.

Demon Names

Demon names and pronouncing them is not about the word/name per say but the sensation behind the words. Additionally, for those worried about pronouncing them if the demon has a problem with pronunciation, they will tell you.

Identifying where we are

To begin the exercises for this evening we will start by identifying what stage we are in, it is as follows:

Stage 1) Deaf
Stage 2) Getting the odd word that pops up
Stage 3) Are able to ask yes/no questions and hear the response
Stage 4) Able to hear sentences
Stage 5) Able to have full on conversations

Wherever you are is fine you can develop it from here. Now if you have a dominant sense you can piggy back off it, like if you are strongly clairsentient for example you can use that to help you translate and confirm the words you receive in practicing clairaudience.

First Exercise

• Get into a comfortable position and take a deep breath, hold it then release. Repeat this to get in space that will allow you to receive the energies.

• Now invite a companion to join you they can either sit beside you, lie next to you, or stand in front of you. The main goal is that you can focus on them in whatever position you choose.

If you have no companion you can focus on yourself or a deity if you choose. If you can’t hear them it’s fine simply tell them where they should go, and they’ll do so.

• Once you are in position focus your third eye and point it towards your companion. By pointing it Akelta means direct the energy at the spot and visualize the spot where your companion is with your mind. This allows it to attune to that companion. Take your time and allow yourself to get attuned it’s all about attunement here so you can translate and interpret their energies. Vibrations, colors if experienced are good signs just keep focusing.

• Take a moment and don’t judge just let it happen. Focus on them.

• When you connect to their energies feel free to assign words/colors to them. This can help eye your third eye to make sense of the energies it’s receiving, and it will help in connecting with the energies. It can help the third eye to bridge the gap between the physical and spiritual.

Experiences within the exercise


If not doing this with a companion the energies will naturally be pointed back at you, so you’ll be connecting with your own energies.
If feeling too emotional simply breathe in and push to the ground, don’t judge it. Just let yourself sit with it don’t feel that it’s wrong. This exercise can move energy in lots of different places, it can shift it. Nothing is wrong just observe it. Also, becoming emotional can be due to when we connect with our companions, they often send love/care energy to us which can hit us in different ways and can let us release any blocks.


Crying can be clearing it’s like an inner wash. If you feel like you must cry find a way to see it as a way of letting go of what hurt you. Your companions are there for you. They see all sides of us all that we hide, our shadows. They can see that beauty which is within us; the complete package of it the internal and external.


Feeling heat is also a good sign. It means that there are lots of energies and it is a sign of friction, that our aura is connecting with the spiritual world. There’s a physical friction happening which can be felt strongly in those that are strongly clairsentient.


If there is a feeling of pain or a sensation of ‘ow’ it’s not necessarily a bad thing. Often it can be a block - an energy that is being pushed out. If there are throat/head blocks when the energy is moving it can hurt. In this case when energy is opening or energy is coming at you, it can hurt. Just sink to the ground and balance the energy so you can still feel. It’s good to do this after every session.

Connecting with a deity is different from connecting to a companion it can be more intense as they are very strong. If not attuned to them and getting hit with that much energy it can cause pain. However, the worst thing that can happen from this is that you will pass out. As mentioned the one thing you can do is pull your energy back, sit in your body and ground back. Doing this will make it so you can feel the energies but not be bombarded by it. Therefore, don’t worry about pain just find equilibrium where you can and still connect to energies this will help you to not feel pain. Sometimes attunements and awakenings need to happen and it’s just part of the process we need to go through in developing our senses.

Akelta mentioned that if we get intense headaches not too worry as it gets easier with time as the eye/mind is in the process of getting attuned. When she first started, she would push herself into the spiritual world and she would get these bad headaches also, but it did get easier over time as her third eye and mind got attuned and learned how to work with the energies.

Ringing Ears

The ringing frequency that many speak of hearing is often a sign when ears start to attune and pick up something. This is often when the ears don’t know yet how to translate the energy since the mind is still figuring it out. Therefore, it can be a good sign.

Pressure on Ears

The feeling of pressures on the ears is the energies. It can be a block, or the third eye might not know how deal with the energies and building too fast, so it stacks up. Just take a deep breath and visualize energy going into your ears. Pressure on your forehead is the third eye, it can mean a bridge is trying to form between the ears and forehead, so it’s good.


Working on chakras is never a bad thing. Our heart chakra can support our throat in opening our communication. The heart chakra connects to universal frequencies and divine love therefore it can be used to open any chakras that are closed. The chest to throat can empower and help us in translating energies. The heart is pulling in universal energy so it can support the others too. Just keep going at it. Once you get to a place where you can hear your companions clearly they can guide you through it and they can tell you how to connect with them better.

Don’t expect your abilities to appear fully overnight, the key is to remain curious. Pay attention to where in your body you experience sensations. Doing these exercises, we can see how energy moves through our chakras and this lets us pick up on energies within ourselves. With blocks we may need to work and release it to get fuller access to abilities. For example, if we get a headache each time we do the exercise you may find there’s simply a block there or if a chakra is closed and not full of energies the other chakras can help open it to further help us with our skills. Again, the heart chakra can support other chakras in this way due to the connection to universal energies. By focusing on these things, we can begin to start making a map of ourselves. When Akelta goes in and removes a block she has found that at times that change alone can be what was needed to allow the person to hear. So, it’s something to note in going through these exercises and remembering how influential blocks can be.

Power of Music

Music is great for connecting with clairaudience. Eilana uses different types of music depending on what she is doing. She can use it to connect as the songs have energies. Her companions will pick stuff out and then she can connect to the energies, which is a similar process to what Akelta does with words. Eilana listens to music, listens to its vibration then aligns to companions, as well as the notes, keys which help her tune to her companion through it.

Music can shift energy in the room, it can be used in protection. Eilana sometimes get visuals but usually gets different things that don’t have to do with the song. The energies can connect her to different worlds. Eilana generally will tap into things not having to do with the songs so at times will use instrumental songs to not be influenced by lyrics and to get messages in songs through companions that way. Akelta gets visuals in songs, as well as get stories, which she can use to feel messages. Music can stimulate different senses within us. Music is its own language too and can also be used in parallel to the spiritual world.

Second Exercise

Continue focusing on the spot where your companion is and continue taking deep breaths.

Now begin by asking your companion “Did you have a good day today?”

Focus on the energies and see if you can get the answer.

• Focus on how you get the answer: Did you hear it? Feel it? or see the answer? And where in your body did you feel that answer. Take as much time as you need.

It’s good to continue to fine tune the basic skills. Akelta even now still does it. You want to continue perfecting and engaging your body into the motion. As feeling yes/no answers start working on going into that answer and going into its depth and feeling it. This process is to work on opening your senses and hearing it. It’s about exploring these foundational skills and it’s about consistent actions that will help develop strong psychic skills. Collaborate with your dominant sense with what want to develop. You’re not compensating with senses but collaborating. You can use it to help both.

Physical astral clairaudience is different than the astral one. Astral you will hear it in your head while physical clairaudience you will hear with your ears. We often must learn to shift and develop trust to your head/mind. It’s a bridge that needs to be crossed and is a bit harder in order to be in a space that you let yourself trust enough to physically hear.

Telepathy Exercise

Telepathy is a foundation for clairaudience. When we first start with telepathy don’t judge as there’s a reason we are blocked, as we’re taught “that hearing voices in our head is bad”. We were conditioned this way by society. When we are clairaudient/ telepathy deaf we don’t want that judgement and fear of “is it me or my companions I’m hearing”. It’s best to create a space where you can just sit and let words come as you want to start to pay attention to the words (as the mind chatters all the time). Thus, you’ll get your chatter and you will start picking up your companion’s chatter.

As an exercise create a telepathic space. Be open to anything and ask them to say something to you- to open the dialogue with you and be open to their energies. See what you hear and what messages you receive. Make note of them. Don’t worry if it’s your thoughts or theirs just open yourself up to hear. Your imagination may try to make sense of things, which also can mean you are attuning to the energies. All these exercises will help work to open things up and attune you.

Code Words

When communicating with companions we can build ways to communicate with each other. Akelta assigns different colors to different companions and developed her own language with her demon companions. You can use this as well as code words with your companions to let them have a way of getting your attention and that will let you connect with them. For example, if Akelta sees a specific color she knows who among her companions is trying to get her attention. This can help them reach out to you and facilitate the way as you master your clairaudience.

Voices and Blocks

Sometimes our inner voice needs to speak to us, but it can also be blocked. We are told voices in our head are bad, yet all our thoughts are in our head. Negative thinking that comes up like, “I’m not worthy, not good” all these things can block ourselves. When we get very close to a block it can show that we are ready to heal, and that our senses are opening up and changing.

Example: When you allow chatter in and let it rush into your mind focus on your block and talk to it. Ask it “What’s wrong? Why is it there?”. When asking it, it moves you into a problem-solving mode and can help you heal it.

It’s when voices become a problem like distorting things or disturbing sensations that they must be dealt with through things like therapy. However simple chatter is fine. Pressure we feel in our body can be block if third eye doesn’t know how to deal with it. When experiencing this just do some deep breathing to move through it.

When it gets to the physical point of the block it means that it’s getting ready to be cleared. Senses will begin opening up and changing when you start working with them. Having a partner or a third eye development buddy can be a huge help by keeping each other accountable and sharing to stay motivated. This all can make it a more fun, positive experience and simply be encouraging to receive similar results/messages with each other. If you get the same things with a buddy, it’s exciting and can help build those experiences. Akelta noted that she still gets excited when this happens with Eilana.

As learning to work with clairaudience our ears are learning to translate. From this it’s your foundation to build upon. Focus on your body to ground at the end of any practice. Think of it as going to the gym to train your muscles especially if it’s one you don’t normally exercise. It takes time, can feel sore at times, and even may require rest. The third eye can be like this, it’s really like a muscle. Positive affirmations are good throughout this process.

With clairaudience translating you are learning how to tune the energies into sounds. Remember that the ringing in the ears means not having an attunement, and that the third eye is working on it by decoding it. As well as any sensations on your forehead being a bridge trying to form between the head and the ears, which is all good. Trust yourself through it and celebrate any sensations. Take notes and observe all that goes on in these exercises. This is all the start of your spiritual foundation to build upon and to grow with this. Work on balancing the energies and pull back if third eye hurts and focus on your body. Just go with it and have fun!

The end! :witch:

Re: Tea Room Chats Notes

Posted: Sun Jul 26, 2020 11:15 am
by windyjune
July 24th- Psychic Development Class – Clairvoyance!


For this week we will be focusing on Clairvoyance, which refers to psychic seeing. We will look at what we need to do to go from being psychically blind to fully seeing. Our physical eyes are connected to our third eye chakra, so we can develop the skill to see visuals and impulses from the spiritual world through our eyes. As in our exercise with clairaudience last week there are different levels to this. Most people can see auras already as in the wispy/hazy energies. Many simply trained themselves to not see or acknowledge it. Levels of clairvoyance vary and often when we are completely blind it’s due to us training ourselves not to see the energies even though they are a natural part of our life. However, the positive of this is that it can be developed and deepened as we go.

When Akelta was a child she would draw colors around people and their bodies. Her stepdad asked her about these colors and when she said it was what she was seeing around others he told her that most people can’t see them, so better not to mention that part and keep drawing. She was thankful for this as many parents may try to shut down the skill or say it’s not real or teachers may recommend a doctor. Through the colors and her drawings, she was able to start learning about auras. Auras were Akelta’s initiation into this world.

Akelta’s mother told her grandfather about Akelta’s skill to see auras and he opened up that his mother could do the same thing. Some skills/senses can come through generational lines of those with psychic skills. Akelta wouldn’t call it genetics but more of an energetic resonance that is passed down. Her great grandma had it and since it was open and natural to her it got passed to Akelta’s grandmother, mother, then to Akelta. Her seeing was passed through this line. Akelta started building abilities by looking at human auras.

There are the 7 layers that correspond to the chakras and then there are the layers beyond that, which move past it. Among those other layers there are some that connect us to our higher self, shadow essence, dark side, remnants of past lives, and parts of our true self. We can learn to see the energies of people, but we can also move beyond that to see the unseen energies of the spiritual world. This is what we will do today.

Starting out with Clairvoyance

There are various levels that people can start out in their perception of the spiritual world. Some people start out blind, others can see shades, slight auras, movements, flashes, hazy shadows in the distance, orbs, etc. As our abilities develop, we can see things like apparitions and see our companions and their forms. At the most adept level we can even see our demons’ appearance and what they look like in detail; from their horns, tails, wings what they are wearing, facial features, and so on. With these skills you can see and interact with them.

Clairvoyance is also tied with astral projection (AP) and astral viewing. You can do this by closing your physical eyes and opening your psychic eyes and see your room. Upon exploring your room with your astral sight, you can perceive your companions where they are, what they’re doing, if they are moving around. We can interact with them there too.

Clairvoyance is one of easiest skills to practice in situations when you’re stuck around other people. It’s tied into our natural sense, so we can practice without anyone knowing. The only thing that may alert someone of what you’re doing is if you gasp because you see something, but you can brush it off and say you saw a bug. You can start to sense what’s going on with your physical environment as you practice this sense more.

Clairvoyance is useful once you start learning how to see and read others. Let’s say someone comes in the room you can assess their emotions by looking at their energy. If they are in a bad mood you can see a cloud and auras change, so you can learn to identify when it is a good time to engage people and when not to. You can start to learn to read the energies of someone and get insight into what, who they are, and what to watch out for.

Spirit Manifestation

In order to see a spirit manifest we must have some ability in clairvoyance. Everyone’s got these senses that can be developed. Although, there are some people who couldn’t see a spirit even if it was capable of manifesting in front of their physical eyes. This generally comes down to belief. As an example, a ghost that manifests for 20 people who can can see it yet there is the 1 person who still sees nothing. There are many layers to this, and people who have strongly convinced themselves that it’s not real or possible can make it so that even if a ghost fully apparated they would ignore it and not see it. When it comes to orb manifestations most are energies that just appear. There’s always the person that will say it’s just a camera glitch, but they can certainly be photographed.

The spirit’s ability to manifest in our physical world would require them to have a physical component to them but if they are still within the energetic spectrum, and energetic variation this can occur. Akelta’s mentor had his succubus physically manifest for him, but to do this the ritual he used was very intense. It wasn’t just her manifesting ability, but he also had to create a bridge between their worlds and raise his vibrations up. He said the manifestation didn’t last long because the bridge he used wasn’t enough. The process/method that he involved for the manifestation required more than clairvoyance. There was the added element of a ritual that formed a bridge between them where the energies were raised to the highest level that he could manage, and simultaneously his succubus lowered her vibrations where their energies could intercept.

As you work with your companions’ energies you will form ties together and some people can see those connections that they have. Companions from other past lives or those connected to our true form self can also be identified, which is something Akelta learned to do.

First Exercise: Seeing our first aura layer aka our Ghost Gauntlet

Our eyes are sensitive, so they will naturally pick up on many vibrations. They can see the unseen world and can pick up stimuli from the spiritual world. Thus, the first exercise is to try to perceive the first layer of the human chakra. Most people have no problem seeing this layer, so this makes it the ideal exercise to start with. Doing this will give us a reference point that will allow our eyes to shift as we get more advanced into other layers to see companions and energies.

The first step of this exercise requires your right hand. We do this because right hand energies move from there and can be easier for us to see the aura.

• In a room with the light on find the background of a solid color. You can use a wall, book, closed door, bed cover anything that lets you focus.

• Place your hand on this surface and just gaze at your hand. Not directly at it, look slightly past it.

• Do this until you see something like a haze, vibration, distortion that is surrounding your hand. This can appear as white or colorless; it’s going to look like a hazy outline of energy. Do this until you can see it. If seeing colors already you are ahead of the game.

• Keep staring at it and start to see if you can identify colors, shapes or swirls.

• Go beyond the white color and follow the energies.

Doing this exercise in a dark room is using a different sense as you are relying more on your psychic eyes. If in the dark you can put your hand in front of you and hold it in front of your face and gaze at it.

You can teach yourself to physically see colors. Blue and yellow colors are very easy to see and great to start with when looking at the aura. Other good colors to look for is purple, magenta, and green. Orange and red can get interesting and a bit trickier.

This exercise never gets old. If you see something transparent- that’s the first layer of the aura. Our ghost gauntlet in a way. Shadows around our fingers is good too. If seeing mist in the exercise you are seeing the 3D aspect of it, which is a great thing to notice.

Just go with it and follow it. Some things we see won’t be from our physical eyes but from our psychic eyes interpreting the energies. This exercise is helping you to attune to these energies to help you see more clearly and more deeply from the layers, the colors. Just keep going with it.

The key to this is to keep staring at it.

Practicing exercises that are more challenging is excellent, as it can give you a boost in your other psychic skills. Once you attain it, it can help with your overall skills.

The Urge to Blink

Blinking is alright to do. Yes, it can break the focus but it can be cleansing and may mean that the energies are being adjusted to what is being perceived. When staring at our hands in an open eye exercise the energies between your hand and eye may require your eyes to be cleansed by blinking and getting watery. It’s good to hold your eyes open for as long as you can but it’s completely alright if the desire takes over. The urge to blink can mean that you are opening to new energy and stimulating them, opening different channels within you. Thus, getting that watery sensation and starting to blink more.

When Akelta was working with her mentor on gazing he told her that in the beginning they will water but just hold them open for as long as you can and eventually you will get to a point where they stop watering and you can just do it. You must go through the process first and allow them to cleanse. So, if they are watering it’s a good thing.

What do the colors mean?

Sometimes colors will mean different things to the individual, however it’s good to also have a guide with a consensus on the meanings to assist you. When you see a color in these exercises focus on it and allow yourself to explore the energies of it.

Below the link is an article Akelta wrote about the colors and their meanings which is a useful reference. ... -meanings/

Perceiving Sensations

As you explore the energies through your vision different shapes, spirals, swirls, fire or mist like energies may appear, or when focusing on people you can start to see different things within their energies. Concerning energies we can notice on people Akelta mentioned that at times she can see some unique aspects to auras, which have wings or different energies that come off it.

When practicing clairvoyance pay attention to what your eyes are doing. Your eyes are shifting to see the colors to the spectrum that allows you to see it. Don’t over focus just take note of the feeling of what they’re doing. When you look at the human hand which is in the physical you will look past it and that’s when you shift to the vibration where you are seeing the energies.

If you experience the sensation of the room going from light to darkening around you, it is completely normal. You are shifting into different energy spectrums. When you are in this energy spectrum you can even shift to be able to see at night. Akelta is very good at seeing in the dark and not bumping into things because of this sense. When she was younger, she would wander around the forest at night using this sense. She would know where everything was with the help of this intuitive sense of where things were, and she could see the energies around her.

For the next exercise with our spirit companion we won’t have a physical reference point but if you take note on what your eyes are doing you won’t have a problem with seeing with your psychic eyes.

Second Exercise: Seeing our Companions

To begin we will get in position for this exercise.

• If you are lying down you can ask your companion to hover above you otherwise find a wall, curtain, closed door, anything that they can stand in front of that’s a single color. In this exercise even a blank TV monitor works as they can stand against.

o This exercise works with the lights on or off. It can be easier for some when the lights are on because you can have reference point that lets you see the wavy lines of energy.

• Pick a companion to join you and ask them to stand in front of the section of the wall or place you selected. It’s similar to the first exercise of focusing on your hand but here we will be gazing at the wall.

• Allow yourself to start to see the energies moving. As you focus you should start to see their outline and shape.

o You might see the shape of their body or only see a haze or something standing out like a hand or if working with a demon their horns, tail or wings, torso, foot, face, etc.

• Once you start to see and make contact with the energies focus on it. See if you can make out any other details. Sparks are good it can signify the start of it, as it can be how your eyes are interpreting their energies.

• As you’re seeing more begin to connect with it and see how detailed you can get.

When Akelta looks at her companion she can see his face, horns, wings, and can see details of his hand, in fact she can see a lot of details on him. If you’re having trouble doing this in the light you can try to do this in the dark to see if it’s better. With clairvoyance you can even train yourself by simply sitting and staring at the energies. The saying it’s rude to stare doesn’t apply in this world. You want to stare at the energies because the more you do the more sense you make of them, and the more detailed they become. Pay attention to anything that stands out. You don’t need to stare at their face you can just stare at their body, it’s fine.

When looking at the wall if you perceive something like white wisps it can be energy vibrations standing out, follow them and see where they go or try to identify shapes within them. It’s fine if you can’t control a skill yet it can be your goal to improve. It’s great to simply know that you have it and begin developing it from there.

If you think you can start to see their form, follow the energies as it can help you go deeper until you can see their shape and their outline. It’ll help you to start seeing their details. Another great exercise is having their hand on yours and to focus on those details and gaze at their energies. It’ll help you see into those energetic places.

If you can see hands, wings, tails, or any part of the body that’s great. You can ask them to help you see a specific part of them. If you wanted to focus on their horns for instance you would look where their head would be and see if you can identify their form, outline, anything. Another good exercise is to focus on a specific part of their body and see what you can perceive.

Akelta thinks their horns are more complex to focus on than hands but you can choose what is easier for you. If hands are clearer, then focus on that. Look at whatever part you are drawn to and can connect to. Hands can be complex too if you simply look at your own there are veins, joints, lines, and many other aspects.

If you’re experiencing pulsating it can be from the vibrations, so it’s not a bad thing. Keep going to see if you can see the depth of it. Clairvoyance or astral eyes opening is an advanced clairvoyance technique for things like waking up mid dream to see a black space and seeing your companion.

Eilana’s Clairvoyance Experience

Eilana early on said she had trouble seeing Ombre’s (her companion’s) face. She would go in and tell him that she could only see his torso. He would tell her that her seeing was fine, but she insisted that she still wanted to practice. So, when she astral projected to meet him he was wearing a hoodie and she could suddenly see his face she asked “what did you do? I can see you just fine now”. He said he just covered up his body, so it wasn’t a distraction. Then she could see his face perfectly.


There is nothing wrong with imagination in these exercises or daily life. Imagination is connected to the third eye and it translates a lot of spiritual world energies. When we are told as children it’s all in your head and that it’s just your imagination- it’s not necessarily true. We should be teaching that some might be imagination, but some might be your psychic senses. Kids that are open and attuned may share experiences with others of seeing deceased family members. Like they may describe a grandfather who they never met and passed. It shows you they are receptive and have these abilities if allowed to explore it. Therefore, we can certainly use imagination as a tool in reading energies and can channel through our imaginations we just have to be willing to explore it.

Everything is haunted

If you choose to do these exercises in the dark and if you are seeing shadows, dots, small figures it can be energies or spirits moving around. Although, it can be a lot of things as there are many things going on. The world is technically haunted as we are so close to the spiritual world. Most people have spirits in their house that just wander but they’re benign. When people say their house is haunted, they either just became familiar and sensitive to spirits or it’s a malicious one that’s harming them. Overall, we all are haunted all the time, we just often forgot about their existence.

Intimate Moments to Raise Energies

Intimate encounters and intimate energies are basically stimulating energies in the body. In a state of arousal, you are naturally raising the energies and thus raising your skills and abilities. It allows you to see, connect, and experience your companions or the energies at a heightened aroused state. It’s very powerful. We can use sexual energies as a boost to help with connecting with companions.

This is also why sex magick is so powerful. When the sacral chakra is in a state of arousal, you’re raising energies of the room. You can even channel that energy into different spells or experiences.

Spiritual activities can be exhausting and draining but even if you fall asleep because you practiced you will be stronger tomorrow. It’s like going to the gym imagine going on a treadmill for the first time it may feel exhausting at first, but after a month your stamina is greater you can go farther and longer. The more you practice the stronger you get and the stronger your skills get. Additionally, if you are getting the munchies after doing spiritual work it makes sense. When you are working with them you are burning a lot of energy with the focus.

Can visually impaired people train in clairvoyance?
Yes, it can help your eyes. Akelta survived not getting glasses for years and using her psychic senses it can help them.

Other Senses Activating

The third eye has about 365 senses within it, so the more you work with your dominant skills the stronger your other natural skills will become as well.

An example of this is if you start feeling energies around your hand during the clairvoyance exercises, it may be your clairsentience opening up. In this way when we start working on one psychic sense others may open. You can be looking at your companion and suddenly hear them talking or you can start feeling their energies connecting and interlocking with yours. Whatever you are experiencing in this space make note of as it may be important to work on later.

When you see soft shadows go into it and see how deep you can go or what details you can get. When you have your skills start overlapping that’s when you begin to get the dramatic and intense experiences where you can see them, hear them, touch them all at once.

Demons understand boundaries but they don’t mind touching or getting close. They are open with things. They sometimes can be doing things to get your attention as in a “hey I’m here” way, so you don’t need to feel nervous around them.

Objects, Plants and Vessels

Objects have their own energy vibrations. A good exercise you can do is to look at your companion and then look at an object to compare the energies. What this does is let you see the simplicity of the object and then the complexity of your companion. It’s useful to experiment with as you begin exploring the differences in energies. Crystals are fun to gaze at too as their energies can make incredible patterns. Akelta finds messages within/from them and finds that they have their own personalities too.

Plants are also incredible since they have a life force that you can see flowing from them. Akelta has done energy healings on plants by looking at their energies and she has been able to help bring them back to life in this way.

You can do exercises with your companions’ vessel too, which can help you lock on to them. The vessel is the physical manifestation point between you and your companion. It has an energy connection to both of you so when working with the vessel by touching or focusing on it you can strengthen that connection further. You can stare at it and hold it, wear it or do both. You can put it between both hands but it's your choice. Akelta likes to cup it in her hands and gaze at the crystal. It all helps to strengthen the connection.

Is it easier with eyes open or closed?

When our eyes are open, we can make a physical bridge faster as you can see that first layer of the aura. When closing your eyes, you are beginning to train your astral eyes and can train to AP. When your eyes are closed and focused on say your room you can shift the eyes and see it perfectly with the eyes closed. From that space you can train to see your companions moving around. Whether it’s harder or easier it depends on the person. Akelta found it easier to have eyes open while Eilana found it easier to have her eyes closed, so it’ll vary.

Experiment with these methods and see what works well for you. We are all unique with different skills, beliefs, levels of experience. Akelta reminded us that she is giving us guidelines. We should experiment with this information and these tools/tips we are receiving to find what resonates best with us. When we find exercises that work, and that we enjoy keep going with it and explore it. Take notes of everything you experience and keep moving forward, be curious and try.

The end! :ninja: :zen:

Re: Tea Room Chats Notes

Posted: Tue Jul 28, 2020 1:17 pm
by Kore Serpens
As always windyjune, thank you so much for your efforts..... :hug:

Re: Tea Room Chats Notes

Posted: Tue Jul 28, 2020 9:44 pm
by VioletShirokuma
I always miss the Tea chats so always good to see everything transcribed~ Thank you for this!

Re: Tea Room Chats Notes

Posted: Sun Aug 02, 2020 2:25 pm
by windyjune
Aw you're very welcome Kore Serpens and VioletShirokuma that means a lot. I'm very happy to share them and help out :grouphug:

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------July 30th- Psychic Development Class - Clairsentience!


For this week we will be discussing clairsentience and what we can do to go from feeling nothing to feeling touch and sensations with our companions. Clairsentience is psychic sensing; it revolves around us tapping into the body, nervous system, and different energy points within us. Through this we can pick up on stimuli and info from the unseen world around us and make sense of it. There are many layers to clairsentience, and it doesn’t stop at being used with the unseen physical world but also with the dimensional layers of the spiritual world. When we get very skilled in this skill we can tap into different realms, tap into different entities and vibrations. You can get a sense for energies and be able to assess how they feel and what they are. Akelta uses her clairsentience as an essential skill for screening beings. She has many different checkpoints to sense various energy frequencies. She figures out what type of entity they are based on the feelings she gets, vibrations, etc.

Learning Clairsentience: Originating from Childhood

When tapping into clairsentience we are learning to tap into different energy vibrations, which then lets us learn to interpret them and to learn to sense the energies of the spiritual world. As a skill it can be tied to the “child mind”. It connects to the primal-primitive side of our brain; however, it is also deeper and more complex than that. Children naturally are dominant in this skill when they are born. We don't have language when we are born and even our eyes take time to fully develop, so babies often have other senses they depend on like clairsentience. We as children/infants communicated and expressed ourselves with our emotions and feelings. Thus, it’s more natural to make that link towards this sense to help our third eye to translate the vibrations that we experience.

Babies are still very aligned to the spiritual world after being born, so their psychic senses are more open. Akelta finds that clairsentience as a skill is generally more dominant in people too as it's harder to shut down in comparison to clairaudience and clairvoyance. For example, if someone is clairvoyance and says, "I see ghosts" most people say, “well that's not real”. From an early age we are often taught that or if someone hears and says, "I hear voices" you would be thrown into an asylum, however for clairsentience it’s different. Clairsentience has connections to our intuition and the world. You won't be looked at oddly if you say, "I feel something, or I have a feeling". We all have feelings. Feelings are uncategorizable and it's more abstract compared to logic and intellect. Some people may throw a fantasy slap on you, however it’s generally one of the easier senses to connect with as we are typically naturally using it already in our daily lives.

Other ways we may already be using clairsentience is when our bodies respond to sudden energies that we feel like when we experience goosebumps or chills out of the blue. Our minds can make the connection to this sense with greater ease as it has a reference point whereas clairaudience – we are taught voices are bad or clairvoyance seeing wisps is equally bad. Being taught something is bad or not real with the various psychic skills is something that we must get over to improve in it, but with clairsentience you have a reference point that likely hasn't been discredited in such a way. Even sensing spirits and receiving information from a source isn’t as discredited as hearing voices. It does get shut down but as people open their senses clairsentience usually comes most naturally to us.

What Can We Do With Clairsentience?

It's fun to do clairsentience exercises with spirit companions as you can learn to feel them touching you, to feel their hands moving over you, and learn to feel when they enter the room. When we get adept at detecting energies, we can feel who is who from very subtle things like energy vibrations. All companions have unique vibrations as they are all individuals. When learning to interpret these energies you are learning what energy equals what companion. Clairsentience is tied to an emotional base so it’s harder to explain. However, we can go deep in it to the point where you can train yourself to pick up subtleties in energies within our world. An example is that we can learn to tell if someone will attack or hurt you as we can learn to identify it and can tell if danger is around. We can also learn to read people and match their emotions and body language to sway them and make them do what we want as there are elements of mind control with it. We can learn to make sense of what's going on by being in tune with our bodies’ ability to read all the signs around us and to read all the energies.

Starting in Clairsentience: Being overwhelmed, blanking out, and feeling it in our bodies

Reading the energies is where it can get confusing and overwhelm some people. Having it open can be a curse and blessing. In the beginning you are hit with everything. As you are feeling everything you need to decipher what's your emotions, what’s other people’s emotions, what’s your companion’s emotions. Additionally, we need to learn what are your companions saying to you versus what is your mind saying. You need to figure out all these different elements and for many people they end up shutting down because of it. If we become too overwhelmed, it can shut our brain down from all the stimuli. This is likely to occur if you are dominant in clairsentience and begin this work without having a focus point or way to train yourself to find certain info. That's one of the challenges to overcome when you begin.

When learning this skill another thing that can occur is blanking out. It's not that you're not getting the information but rather your mind is unable to process it. Therefore, you feel blank. There are exercises for this that can help your mind bridge the connection between what’s going on in the spiritual world and your brain. A lot of this work is learning to translate energies and feelings. You are learning what the different energies are and how they impact you in your body and what they mean.

One thing that helped Akelta is to pay attention to how she felt in certain situations. If she is hit with sludge energy or interacts with a sludge entity, she feels it instantly in her stomach, it's a specific pain that she experiences. It's like a nauseous low ache that is only attributed to sludge, so she can identify it through that. On the other hand, when she connects to demonic energies she feels it in her mind and in her body as something positive. Akelta feels elated and lifted as if everything is cleared as she’s in line with her own core essence. It's going to be different for everyone this is just an example of how she’s categorized the energies when she interacts with it. When learning about your clairsentience you will have to observe and learn how you feel in your body. This is how you can learn to tell an angel apart from a demon.

Ask yourself these questions when interacting with energy: What are you feeling when you know you are working with a demon? Where is this energy hitting you in your body? What sensations is it evoking? What areas are being used to connect to that energy and download that information from? It's a very deep skill and it can be a lot of fun to explore to see if you can get to the point where you physically feel your companion and feel them touching you.

Examples of Translating with Different Psychic Skills

There are differences between each psychic skill as the information that will be translated will be unique through each. An example of someone with a clairsentience vs clairaudience ability would be as follows: Eilana will get full sentences with detailed information while Akelta will get the same essence but not the sentences and personality that comes through for Eilana. Akelta with her clairsentience will get complex underlaying bits of energy that can reveal aspects of the situation or emotions. When they both merge their translations that’s when they can get a full rounded picture. Through this we can see how different and powerful each skill is and how essential they each are.

Eilana has astral and physical clairaudience trained. Akelta has astral and physical clairsentience trained. Where the body picks up on the energies will be how you translate it as that is how the third eye will pick up on it. Thus, hearing it in your mind is not bad as it's how it may develop. Once you have the astral part down you can capture the physical part. With clairaudience the physical part is the harder part to capture while in clairsentience it's harder when you are starting out but when learning the skill, it's amazing and versatile. You can shift things you hear and see just by feeling. With clairaudience hearing in our minds is easier than external because you need to link up your physical ears with the energies to hear as if they are in the room. We can hear sound vibrations, but you will have to learn to hear energy vibration from the universe.

Expectations with our skills

If we feel dominant in a skill be wary not to have too high of an expectation on what it should be like starting out as this can derail you from your goals. We are often told if you’re psychic your experience will be like this __, which is a mistake as not everyone will hear or see things and if you are clairsentience dominant you might not actually see or hear spirits. Akelta does not hear them like Eilana does. Eilana hears them as if they are in the room with her. She can pick up accents, languages, along with many intricate elements. When she translates it comes across that way too as you can pick up on their personalities. Eilana can even pick up on their word choice. Different individual demons will use different words and will have different ways that they use them.

When Akelta translates what the demons are saying, she gets the feelings. She trained her third eye to translate those feelings into words. All the feelings that come in can feel like a rush of information and from there she can translate it into words. Akelta is so in tune with her clairsentience that she feels what word is right when translating. She will look up the words and often finds she is looking at an archaic version of it. Sometimes this skill impacts her writing skills and grammar, as when she is proof reading, she is scanning the feelings of what’s written so she doesn't usually see errors. Through this Akelta can translate which demon is saying what, but her translations come across differently from Eilana’s.

Operating from different senses makes each translation unique. An example of these differences is talking to Lord Uphir about the third eye: Eilana will get a full sentence "this part of the third eye is connected to this -" while Akelta would get sensations and feelings of that and expand it into a giant web that would encompass what he is talking about and Akelta would be able to sort out and figure out exactly what he is saying through the combination of translating these feelings into visuals and words within her mind. She feels the conversations and feels the words. Eilana hears the words. So be aware that learning these skills is a process and unique, take your time to explore what you receive and notice what works best for you.


Demons speak a lot of languages. They understand ours. Clairsentience in some ways can bypass the inability to understand a specific language as we can get the feel or intention of the words. Akelta can't hear their languages but Eilana can. Eilana can hear when they switch languages and has translated demons who were talking in German to Akelta. Akelta on the other hand will feel and be able to translate it even if they switch to another language. She believes they do know every human language as one of them told her before that it's simpler to learn in comparison to demonic languages. Thus, it's easier for them to pick up on our variations as our languages have evolved from a similar source, so they seem to have this understanding.

Categorizing Energies of Demons

Akelta’s biggest question growing up was "What is a demon?" As everything evil and dark is generally classified as a demon. Any spirit that fitted dark and evil was put under it without any appreciation for the species. Unfortunately, the spiritual world and especially relating to darker beings are often over simplified or glossed over or miscategorized. It's one of the reasons Akelta is so driven to learn each of the different species energy and vibrations to restore the individuality of them, to be able to truly discuss them and identify who and what they are. It's not simply a good vs bad pile. It's through clairsentience that allows Akelta to do this research and to feel/learn the differences.

This is why when we look at S&S and the beings they conjure we can see that demons are categorized into different species. As Solar, Serpentine, Arachne, etc. are all different energy frequencies from each other and all unique. For example, Serpentine demons feel differently from Solar demons who have very bright high vibrational energy. Both have a base of demonic energy yet once we look more closely from there can identify further uniqueness in energies. Categorizations works as each species has its own base vibration; angels have their own base vibrations even humans have their own and demons have their own. From there you get more definitions and differences between them. Through clairsentience you can learn to read and figure out all those different vibes and what they mean.

How does Clairsentience work when talking with companions?

Different companions can target various skills or areas within your body due to their own energies and how they will work and connect with you. Each demon will connect to different aspects of you. Don't be worried if you connect differently with each demon. It simply means that their vibrations are interacting with a different part of your psychic vibrations.

When you are telepathically talking with each other you are sending words through your mind. With clairsentience you are sending feelings to your demon. When communicating it's interesting because you can also pick up on how they are feeling. Some demons trigger completely unique aspects within Akelta's skills, which is great because then she can further train those skills and allow them to grow and work on them.

Akelta completely trusts her clairsentience. When we get to a certain point within our skills, we know we can trust it, it becomes a no brainer. It’s like looking out of your window at a volcano. Isf you’re still training your senses it’s like thinking “I don’t know if that’s really there” but once you get to trusting your psychic senses it becomes “I know I felt that, heard that, I know that”.

Start Before Clairsentience Exercise: Grounding Exercise

When you first open your clairsentience, you may get overwhelmed. You may be hit with everything. Thus, to mitigate any of those adverse effects when you are starting out or if you are finding your mind is getting overwhelmed grounding is the best exercise to do. What you want to do is pick one thing to focus on it. It can be anything from translating energies from one companion or translate feeling energies of tarot cards, feeling energies of other people, or focusing on physical sensations, etc. You need to have an outlet to ground these energies away from you. Grounding is important for those who are clairsentient.

To Start you would:

• Sit firmly so your tailbone is on the ground.

o Akelta likes to sit crossed legged but you can choose any position as long as your tailbone is on ground. You can be on the bed but you want to be lying down because you want your tailbone on ground.

• Close your eyes and take three deep breaths. Breath in, deeply in, deeply down into your root chakra, deep into your body and then release.

o Do this for each breath. Pull the energies down into your root chakra and then release. On your final deep breath feel it in you root once more as you pull down the energies then release.

• Connect to the energies of your root chakra. It's called the root chakra because it's your connection to this world and to the physical plane, the earth. It's your root.

• Visualize your root chakra.

• See a root coming out of your root chakra and going down into the earth. Push that root into the earth. What you are doing is grounding yourself here and creating a conduit to push the energies down.

Root Chakra

If your root chakra needs a lot of work and you don't have the outlet to ground this might be what causes us to feel too much. We can additionally ground through the palms of our hands or balls of our feet by placing them on the ground. We can push roots out of both and ground that way. It's another way to help remove any excess energy. This is good to do if there is too much energy as it will otherwise overwhelm the chakra and overwhelm our psychic sense, which will impede our growth. Exploring your root chakra and giving it the healing it needs will also help with this.

The root chakra is sadly damaged for many. Our root chakra is our connection to this world, to people, it's our source of connection to ourselves. However, we are often taught to hate ourselves, to not connect with other people, to push each other away so we can lose that connection and our root chakra can get damaged. Our root chakra can also get really damaged with family, family drama, family ties. It doesn't even have to be your parents it can be from the line of parents. Our mothers’ side of the family is where the damage gets passed down to the child. When the baby is coming out it passes through the mother’s root chakra into this world, which is through the creation energies. If it’s damaged then during birth when the baby meets with the mother’s root chakra their root chakra also get damaged. It can be fixed though it’s just about identifying what’s going on.

Akelta had lots of trouble when she was younger because her root chakra was damaged from her grandmother. Her grandmother and mothers root chakra were damaged so naturally for Akelta when she was born it meant that her root chakra would be damaged. Fixing her root chakra was thus very important. Many times, people who have impaired root chakras are due to generational damage passed on. The good thing is that it can always be revived, repaired and healed. Until then it’s best to ground with our palms and feet as extra support to this chakra.

Grounding with hands and feet exercise:

• Grounding in this way can be done by putting our hands and our feet on the ground.

• Then feel the energies and imagine roots coming out from them. The main point of this exercise is to have the root.

• When palms, feet, tailbone are firmly planted push that root to the ground and breathe those energies into the root and push it into the earth.

o When you feel the energies and feel too much you want to do this. You want to take the time to ground the energies and reach an equilibrium within yourself.

Things to Note

When it gets too much mindfully identify and assert that you’ll focus on just one thing without any disruptions going on. You want to push the energy to the ground to become a conduit to let the energies move through you. There may be times especially working with the lower chakras where family pains, trauma, and all this stuff will surface. Often there is a lot of trauma held in the root chakra and this is where we should be mindful of where we are. We want to treat ourselves gently. If having suicidal tendencies, then it’s good to contact a therapist if that does happen. When it comes up often it’s best to sit and breathe with them. Feel the energies of the root and push it down. A companion can also help you ground as they can wrap around you and help you direct your energies and help release any excess. They can put their hands over our hands and can help by allowing the energies to channel through us.

Clairsentience can be a slow and peaceful sense. You can have amazing experiences by feeling touched by companions you can also sit with yourself and feel your own energies. Feel and honor where you are, what’s coming up, your emotions, who you are. Honor what you need to. If anything comes up just focus on it focus on your root and keep breathing with it for the energies to go into earth.

Blocks and Why We Shouldn’t Ignore Emotions

Akelta never ignores her emotions as it’s coming up for a reason. She sees her emotions as a guide for her. Venting although may feel good at times isn’t necessarily the best outlet for certain situations. Screaming into a pillow or punching a pillow may help in cases of frustration. However, there are ways to handle it. Akelta sits with it and says to her blocks or her feelings, “What do you want to say? Let’s talk. I honor this space and I honor you by letting you speak.” She can then talk to her emotions and find solutions from there.

Writing a letter can help with getting it out and can be a useful tool. It all comes up for a reason and will often reveal something to you so it’s best not to ignore it. Find a way to look at it and engage with it as it’s important. What comes up can show you where your blocks are. Many people don’t realize that our emotions can be blocks in our body. They can prevent energies from flowing thus blocking our psychic senses. Letting them come up and dealing with it in a healthy way helps.

There are many ways to deal with blocks. Some examples are to energetically remove them like in surgery techniques within the Azazel and Uphir working that S&S provides. There are many types of blocks as well as things that can impact our energies. The first step to understanding our blocks is hearing the emotions, hearing our inner dialogue, making sense of what is going on inside of us. Sometimes just the act of listening to it can dislodge the block itself.

Clairsentient Exercise with Companions:

Once we finish grounding and decided what we will be focusing on we can begin this next exercise. For us in this session will be to focus on touch and companions.

Our palms have many receptors and there are many chakras within them along with many nerve endings, so it’s very connected to the clairsentience sense. Therefore, our palms are a great tool to learn to feel energies especially from our companions in these exercises. It’s great to practice handling energies in this way.
The bottoms of our feet are also very sensitive as there are lots of nerve endings and energy points, so it’s an easy way to make the connection.

For this exercise:
• Ask one companion to join you and have them stand in front of you.

• Put your palms out in front of you facing upwards.

• Ask your companion to place their palms on your hands.

• Focus and feel what they feel like. Focus on what you feel.

Taking the exercise further:

• See if you can make out their palms, or if you can feel their fingertips touch you. Ask them to move one finger or touch one finger. Ask them to move one finger across your hand and see if you can feel the sensation.

o As you improve you want to try to sense their features through the sensations.

• As their hands are on your hands see if you can feel based off the energy. Ask yourself what are you getting? What does their hand look like?

• Keep feeling the energies. See if you can assign a color to it. Are the energies smooth, dense, hard, soft? Can you sense their skin color or the texture of their skin?

One thing you can do when you’re feeling their energies and connected to them is to create a cycle between each other. If they are facing you and putting their left hand in your right hand and their right hand in your left hand it’s creating an energy circuit. The energy is come out of their right hand up our left hand down our right arm into their left hand. From this it can create a connection circuit, it’s basically where their energy is moving into you and your energy moving into them so communication can happen.

You can talk to them at this point. To do so you would focus on this connection and on your palms as you ask questions. Listen to answers for things like, “How was your day?” or “Hey I’ve been feeling stressed can you offer some guidance?” As you do this they’ll answer, and the energies will go into you. You can start to get inspiration and messages from this.

Additionally, you can ask your companion to put their hands on your shirt or any cloth on you as it acts as a barrier that you can then feel being interacted with from your skin. It’s a cool way to feel their energies if they touch it. We are often used to ignoring sensations on our skin, but clothes can make us more alert and sensitive to the activity it’s more like, “What is that?” for our minds.

From this exercise just keep working on feeling your companion’s energies and getting a sense for it. You can ask them to touch you throughout the day and to interact with you. You can also ask them to get your attention through this as it can all help your clairsentience. Hugging can also be a great exercise. You can ask them to hug you as you shift into a meditative state and can feel their arms wrapping around you along with their energies.


If you experience the sensation of force, it’s their energetic field pressing against yours and you are feeling them. You want to feel like something is there. It’ll be heavier than normal air. The feeling some may experience of waves from your left to right hand is capturing and feeling the energetic flow as the energy moves into the left hand and out to the right. You’re picking up the energetic flow here. Akelta says that sensing their breath would also be a form of clairsentience to feel. Any sensations like swirling energy or weight is their energy pressing and activating our palm chakras. It’ll all translate in different ways. Feeling something like a breeze is great too because it means you are feeling what the energies are doing and getting more of a complex sense of what’s going on with it.

The void/cloud sensation is where you can start feeling their essence physically. When you get really in tune you can create this link because you are connected. Your energies are pulling them down and their energies are pulling you up, so you are creating a circuit which is connecting and pulling you both to a similar frequency. It’s almost like getting to a point where you are so energetically aligned that they are right there with you physically.

Their energy is creating heat and friction so if you notice your skin changing color (i.e. red) what’s happening is, you’re picking up on their energies. The heat that can sometimes be experienced is your body reacting to that friction. They are very energetic beings and high energy beings, so when they interact with us and we start to get friction between our two bodies, we can feel it. You can get to the point where you can fully feel them and feel their essence as if they are there physically. Akelta has been working on physical encounters as when you connect with them you can create an energetic circuit between your chakras and theirs. It’s a more complex procedure than what we are talking about today, but it can get to the point where you can feel their bodies, and the details of them. It’s a very advanced technique. From this we can see that clairsentience can be developed to incredible extremes. There are many layers to it.

Using Chakras for Messages

Akelta uses all her chakras to communicate. Different chakras can translate different messages and once you can start unifying them in clairsentience translations you get a multilayered message, which is great. The heart, throat, third eye, crown chakras are connected to a different type of clairsentience due to their connection to the heart chakra. The heart chakra is the intermediary for the various points. The solar plexus, sacral and root chakras thus are lower chakras and present other messages. To begin working with this try to get various energies and try to focus it in different chakras to see what you get. Many layers and messages can come up.

When interviewing demons and what happens if you recognize malicious intent?

Akela doesn’t match them if she senses any malicious intent. She has a very strict process she goes through and they all must have an understanding of humans. There are a lot of things she tests for.

To conclude your skills will open and improve in time even if it feels like it’s not good now that can change. As you focus and practice it’ll improve so keep believing in yourself and keep practicing. As always take notes, keep testing what you feel, sense, learn and use it to further empower yourself.

The end! :headbang: :cooldevil:

Re: Tea Room Chats Notes

Posted: Mon Aug 03, 2020 12:50 am
by ming
Missed the last tea chat. Thank you so much for doing notes!

Re: Tea Room Chats Notes

Posted: Mon Aug 31, 2020 5:50 am
by Futuremillionaire1
Pleasant day to all I'm interested in summoning mammon to better understand how he works and operates I'm new to all of this like I know nothing about it is there anyone willing to assist me in my endeavors to invocation and pact making the right way

Re: Tea Room Chats Notes

Posted: Mon Aug 31, 2020 9:34 am
by windyjune
Futuremillionaire1 wrote:
Mon Aug 31, 2020 5:50 am
Pleasant day to all I'm interested in summoning mammon to better understand how he works and operates I'm new to all of this like I know nothing about it is there anyone willing to assist me in my endeavors to invocation and pact making the right way

That’s lovely you want to learn more about Lord Mammon, however this discussion thread is specifically for the tea chat notes and as your question is off topic to the posts here I would suggest starting your own thread in a different section that matches your concern. This way more of the members can see what you wrote as well as assist you. Since it’ll most certainly get lost here.

There are many great guides and experiences in the forum so I would suggest searching it. To start I’d suggest looking at the Encyclopedia S&S has written up and their associations and notes on Mammon. I’ll list it here: ... rd-mammon/

I highly recommend starting a new discussion post perhaps in the ‘Demons and the Dark Lords’ section as this thread is specific to notes and you can go into deeper details and discussions over there. Good luck!

Re: Tea Room Chats Notes

Posted: Sun Sep 27, 2020 6:44 pm
by windyjune
September 25th- Astral Techniques with our Companions


Today we will be discussing astral projection (AP), different techniques to get out of our body, and ways that our companions can help us do so. Eilana will be joining us in this chat as she has lots of experience in this art with her companions. Eilana’s first demon companion Ombre taught her a lot about how to AP and helped her improve in her success with it. It’s an amazing and natural skill we have, as everyone is born with the ability to astral travel. It’s a matter of each of us remembering how to astral travel and project. The main issue for many of us to be able to do this is that we are convinced astral travel is not real, that it’s fake, that we are trapped in our body, or fearful of the process. For many of us being able to AP ties in with letting go of fears toward this process and allowing ourselves to believe and know we are capable of it. Think about what your goals are for being able to AP as there are a lot of things we can do when we have access to this ability.

The essence of astral travel is that we have our physical body and we have our astral body, they are separate yet inside our physical they are one. Our astral body helps our physical move throughout the day, the way some have described it is a ghost within a machine. The physical is the vessel and the astral is the essence of our soul, which allows us to ground and help us navigate the world. The astral body however isn’t only bound to the physical world as it is free to explore the astral world, the etheric world, and free to release from the physical and go on adventures. There are many things that can be done but the first step is getting out.

Akelta noticed that online there is a lot of information seemingly intended to scare people from astral traveling. We naturally have spiritual defenses within us that help protect us, which is why there’s a delay period if you get attached by a parasite or sludge. There’s a delay between when it first latches on to us and when we begin to actually feel the effects of it. When we AP it can be dangerous but if we take the proper steps, we will be completely safe. These proper steps are what make up our spiritual foundation: grounding, shielding, and cleansing. By understanding our energetic body and how to take care and protect it, it will keep us safe. Additionally, having our companions/familiars around when we AP will be an incredible boost to our protection as they can keep us safe from harm. Akelta wrote about the difference between spirit companions and familiars for those interested they can look further into it here: ... anions.pdf

Prior to Learning Astral Projection

When we start out, we need to know that astral projection is completely natural, normal, and safe. Shielding, grounding, and cleansing as mentioned will all keep you safe, so it is excellent to have a foundation in all of these prior to APing.

There are many methods that can keep us safe however, if we do decide to explore some of the darker more dangerous realms and look in places we shouldn’t it’ll be riskier. These darker places are not easy to stumble upon as we have to make a conscious effort to go and project there.

We tend to project to places that are closer to home, so anything in our house that can get us in our physical body can also get us in our astral body. If there’s nothing harming us physically in our house then our astral bodies will be safe, and again with companions around they can help keep us further safe from harm.

The people that decide to wander into dangerous realms and explore them is where you really need to utilize all the techniques mentioned of grounding, shielding, cleansing, walking with companions. Most people naturally project in their sleep so many have already experienced leaving their body and explored various dreams, realms, and locations they simply may not be aware of it. Thus, there are different ways where we are already APing in our lives but simply unconscious of it. We don’t have to be afraid of being incapable of doing it as we all can.


The first step with astral projection is truly just overcoming your fear. It’s best to approach astral projection from a fun and enjoyable place where you can feel confident knowing it’s natural and is a part of you. You’ve done it as a child, and you’ve done it in your sleep it’s just about getting your mind out of the way to do it again. Thus the first thing to do when feeling it is to challenge any of the fears regarding AP. You want to reaffirm that it’s completely safe, that your companions will protect you, everything will be ok, and that you are completely capable of doing this. The mindset is really important when it comes to astral projection, so we want to focus on that first. Remember that we are often conditioned to believe this is fake, bad, and wrong, which are limiting beliefs to have and may hinder our efforts in being successful. Simply being aware of this allowing ourselves to acknowledge any of these feelings and letting it go will allow us to get one step closer to being able to AP.

Fear of Possession

If you have fears towards your physical body when you try to AP it should make it easier to leave your body because your fear is based in this world and thus want to get away from that. If there is fear that you will be possessed by something remember there are natural shields around your body and your body will be protected while you are away. Additionally, if you have companions, they will also help protect it when you are away. Just be patient with yourself if there is deep fear within you grant yourself the flexibility to work through any of these feelings of worries or issues that come up and help yourself heal. If your spiritual world equals safety and your physical world equals violence, then that situation should assist you with astral traveling as we are naturally drawn more to the safety of our spiritual practice.

If you fear being possessed the best thing to do is create a shield around yourself to have a protected space where we know we and our bodies are safe. So we can create a shield around our physical body and additionally cast one over our astral self while we are projecting, so this shield will help keep any entities out. In regard to possession there is forcible possession that can occur however it is much harder for that to happen than the way the movies depict it. An entity would have to work its way in so the chances of becoming possessed are incredibly rare. In the rare case that it does occur too you’ll notice before it happens. For anything to forcibly possess you it has to break your energies and crack-move into you so you will feel those effects as it’s slow and gradual not instant. The best way to approach this is to cast all the protection on yourself before you AP, and that’ll help you get a peace of mind. Again, if you have demon companions, they are not going to allow that to happen and they’ll do everything in their power to help and assist you.

Preparing for Astral Projection

When we want to prepare to get out of our body to AP we want to get into a comfortable position where we are comfortable but won’t fall asleep. Falling asleep can happen when we are in the process of relaxing ourselves which can then be turned into a lucid dream. To successfully AP though we want to find the best position for ourselves. The process of learning to AP for each individual will often require lots of experimentation with positions, times, methods and see what resonates most and creates the best results. Akelta finds mornings are the easiest times for her to AP as she is just coming out of sleep, so her brain is in a state that can easily make the shift into the astral realm. For some people midday around the afternoon is the best time for them to astral travel when they are fully awake and there’s no chance of sleep. While for others the evening is the best time, so you want to experiment with the different times to see what your preference is.

Additionally different positions are something to experiment with as some people prefer a recliner chair, others like the lotus position, some like to have an arm over their head or other types can be in the position of lying on ones backs/sides/stomach, etc. For Akelta in the evening she prefers to lie on her back as she knows she cannot fall asleep in that position while in the morning she chooses the recovery position (for those curious you can google recovery position for CPR). The goal is to be in a position where you are comfortable but not falling asleep.

When we’re in our physical body we have limitations as we can get hurt here and we can’t do as much as is possible in the astral. From relaxing to leaving the body, there are many types of techniques that can be explored like the rope method- envisioning pulling ourselves out of our body or the ladder, step out, spinning, roll techniques, others will float out, or ask their companions to grab them- there are many different things that can be used to get you out. Akelta suggests finding one method that works for you and perfect that rather than trying to do and master them all. The main thing is finding what works for you.

When it comes to AP you want your body to be asleep but to have your mind awake. Some sources will warn you not to move when you try to astral project, however even when we sleep our body at times moves around, so Akelta mentioned not to worry about this. Worrying about moving can take your mind away from focusing on your astral body so it’s ok if you feel the need to readjust yourself slightly. One suggestion is to focus on different parts of your body and focus on your astral form from there.

Additionally whether you have a full or empty stomach is up to you and what works for you. Akelta has astral projected while being in a food coma before, it really depends on each person. You can experiment with various foods and see how it affects you and your results, then decide from there if you want to make changes.

After Getting Your Comfortable Position

Once you get into your comfortable position you want to relax to get to the point where your body is asleep, but your mind is awake. Once that occurs you can sit up from your physical body and explore in your astral body. For most people it will take some time to achieve this.

For Eilana it now only takes about 5 seconds for her to AP, but Akelta has never met anyone that could do it so quickly. A lot of people especially those that have issues with AP will generally have to lay there for a while to relax their bodies. We are generally not used to relaxing while we are still awake, as we are used to only fully relax when we are asleep. Thus, when we begin to relax our bodies we are often preparing to go to sleep. This is why it’s easier for Akelta to astral travel in the morning as the mind often tries to play many tricks to get us to roll over and go to sleep instead of projecting. Being mindful of this is useful as we begin experiment with our focus and different methods to leave our bodies. It is completely normal for our first attempt at AP to take a long time. Akelta noted that it’s often common to have to relax for 1-2 hours to achieve a result in the beginning. Akelta even knew one person who had to lay down (perfectly still) for 4 hours before they got out the first time.

Our companions can help us get out of our body, but we have to get to a certain point for them to be able to assist us in this way. This is physiological as they cannot actually pull us out until we are in a place where we are more present in our astral body rather than our physical body. So as we lay down and are relaxing when our body starts to fall asleep, we then want to focus our attention on our forehead because then we are then focusing on that level of our aura, which is the 6th layer. By focusing on our forehead we are focusing on our 6th layer of our aura which takes us away from the physical layers of our aura. If you feel tense focusing on your forehead another good alternative is focusing on your chest or your heart. The heart chakra isn’t a physical chakra either but a transitionary one, so it has both aspects. Thus, you can focus on your chest or center area and then get into a relaxation state. Don’t focus on trying to AP but rather relaxing. Try to do a wave with your astral hands, have fun and play with it- let go of worrying.

Methods to Get Out

When we are relaxed and in touch with our astral body, we will begin to feel the vibrations of our astral body around us. The deeper we relax and the more we become relaxed within our body the more we will feel the vibrations moving through us. From there we can then become aware and feel our astral arms, legs, and different aspects of ourselves in astral. At that point what we want to do is relax and focus on the vibrations of our body and sit in stillness. We want to get used to feeling those energies. For some this experience doesn’t take a long time to achieve for others it can take several hours to start to connect with those vibrations. Once we begin to feel these vibrations, we can ask our companions for help.

You want to shift into a state where you can see the astral world around you. The technique to do that is to keep your physical eyes closed and visualize your room to see if you can picture the details of the room. See if you can see your companions moving within the room by doing this, with this exercise we are training our clairvoyance as well as our astral eyes to begin awakening and working. Sometimes when we begin trying to AP we are not in a place where we can see things, so by beginning to visualize our room and trying to remember where things are in the room it will help train us to be able to use our astral eyes. By trying to see our room with astral eyes what we are doing is beginning to attune our astral eyes to the astral world. This will also help us go into our astral body. Sometimes when we are sitting, we are trapped within if we are focusing on different physical aspects of our body and thus sabotaging ourselves. Sometimes we do get stuck in our physical bodies, in the floor, or stuck in the walls/furniture. If we start to do things that allow us to drift into the astral world it will help us get out.

We can thus attune our astral eyes through visualization of our room and looking around from our minds eye. With this exercise to take it further see if you can identify and notice where your companions, furniture, etc. is. If you can see your companions in your space, you can ask for help to pull you out of your body. When we get to the point of feeling our essence and vibrations start to shift your mind to the astral world. When you are connected enough to your astral body, our companions can pull you to the astral world. The more we practice visualizing our room around us the clearer our astral vision will become. Additionally, the more we work at focusing on the fine details of items, objects, or companions the stronger our visualization skills will become in astral. There are many exercises to try once we get out to strengthen our clairvoyance in astral.

We can train ourselves to shift into an astral projection state by visualizing certain things as a sign to the body. For instance, if we decided to imagine a third eye on our forehead opening it can be a cue for astral eyes to open and for us to shift into astral sight. A repetitive cue can help us get into an astral state faster, as the body is a creature of habit. Other ideas are by teaching our body that if I lay/sit in this position it means I’m getting ready to AP, so the body once it gets used to it and it becomes a habit it’ll make it easier to shift into that state.

The challenging part is really going from the physical body to the astral body since we are used to being in our body. This is why when we go to sleep it’s easier to shift into our astral body. When we are awake however, we are so used to being present in our body and that is why some people in the beginning have to spend hours to get out. Basically we are shifting our consciousness from the physical to the astral body and this requires some focus and generally practice. A good example is when we think about breathing and suddenly feel like we have to control our breathing but when we stop thinking about it our body does it naturally. This is the same case as astral projecting when we are thinking about being in our physical body, which we are trained to do it’s hard to leave but when we forget about the physical we can shift to the astral and explore. We need to figure out how to detach our mind from our body and shift it into astral body.

Common Issues

A common problem for people when trying to AP is worrying so much about getting yourself to relax that you sabotage your ability to do so. When we feel like we must do something we often worry about it being not good enough. Thus, Akelta suggests considering the phrase doing art for the trash can. It’s a way to unlock your brain from sabotaging you from the focus of attaining perfection to just enjoying the scribbling process. The best thing to tell yourself is I’m just going to relax and not worry about it, if I AP that’s great if I don’t that’s fine too. Try relaxing from that outlook with no expectation and no worries.

Our expectations and trying to create perfect circumstances are what will often sabotage any of our efforts to actually do so. Akelta has higher chakras that will often pull her into interesting regions and because of those chakras she’ll astrally black out. She has no vibrationally frequency to reconnect her experience with her mind, so that drives her crazy. Eilana will see her getting out and interacting but Akelta blacks out and then has no memory of it, so there are many different ways to sabotage ourselves.

Astral Projecting with Companions

Prior to astral projecting one thing that can be done with your companions is attuning yourself to their energies. So once you reached the point of relaxation you can ask your companion to stand in front of you and then you will focus on them. From there focus on feeling, sensing, and hearing them. If you desire you can ask them to grab you, so as you’re sitting/lying there and focusing on them your energies are going to move up vibrationally to them naturally which will make it easier for them to grab you vibrationally and help lift you out of your body. This is a method that will make it easier to see and interact with them in the astral realm.

Usually when people first come out of their bodies the issue, they will have is that they have the wrong attunement and will AP in a realm where their companion isn’t as they are out of attunement. If this is the case, you’ll then only get snippets. You will feel that they are around but will not be able to see or interact fully like you would if you were completely attuned. If you’re lying down, you can ask them to hover above you and then focus on their energy/vibration and it’ll help you to align with them. It’s one of the strongest techniques to have them help pull you out. They can take you places, show you their realms, different dimensions once you’re out.

Another method to attune with companions is when you are in the astral world you can also merge your energies with them. Techniques can be utilized to have their energies fuse/move into you. Something to explore is that you can move your hands into their hands and connect to them in that way. Another way is to sit in stillness within the astral world and focus on their energies and details, seeing them, focus on their eyes, and essence. You can also practice sitting in silence in astral and focus on hearing them, their words, messages, etc. If you’re very close to them, there are intimate activities that can be done that will bring you much closer together as well. If they reach their energies inside of you that is another way to get a sense of them, a lot of it comes down to how close vibrationally you can get to them. The more you focus on them with your senses the closer you will become with them.

Another fun exercise is to focus on them with each individual chakra as we can focus on them with each chakra. The way to do this is to shift into say our root chakra and then focus on them with that chakra and see when senses you get from the root chakra. What does the root chakra have to say about them? What vibrations do you get from them? You can then continue on with your sacral chakra and see what sensations you get from there and so on. While you’re lying there try to learn how to have fun with the process. Disconnecting is really the hardest step and once we figure that out it gets much easier from there.

Additionally, once you get out the best way to visit your companion’s realms is to ask them. They can pick us up and take us as they have portals and different methods/structures to do so. Focusing exercises will help to get there. There is no wrong or right way with this. Doors opening in the astral can be great as they can take you to different places. There’s lots of different doors.

There are so many beings and realms to explore in the astral world. It is possible to get addicted to astral projection or any spiritual practice. It’s easy to lose touch with this world and get addicted as it’s more pleasant up there without all the problems. This is why grounding is important, as it helps us to stay in the physical world and the spiritual to have balance.

Eilana’s AP Experience

Eilana started with focusing and spiritual communication exercises, so she could hear and communicate with Ombre and follow what he told her. Ombre would also grab her energetically and help pull her up and out. The first time she ever astral traveled was by accident as she was meditating and all of a sudden, she snapped out of her body and was in a weird place. Eilana was almost blind or blurry in her vision in her first attempts. You can still AP without it being the best it might just appear fuzzy in the beginning it’ll improve with our ability to practice visualizing.

Astral Self Appearance

Your astral self can appear in many different ways. It can take the form of your true self, a past self-version, or even just someone you want to be, you can change/alter your form, or keep the form you have now. There is also the possibility to take on a completely random form. You can look at mirrors within the astral realm too and Akelta mentioned it’s a bit of a freaky experience.


You can feel things when you astral travel as you can feel things in your physical body. When your energy integrates with your astral body while being focused and present within your astral body it’s like physically walking around. If you’ve ever had a dream that felt incredibly real like you were awake that is you being integrated into your astral body, it’s present and focused so your actions in the dream and astral realm are basically physical although spiritual. It is so ingrained within you and that is what makes it feel that way. When we are in the astral plane we can feel, explore, experience, and enjoy things as there’s lots of things that we can do.

It is rare to die when astral projecting but Akelta believes it can happen as there is a chance where people have gone to sleep and not woken up after if they died in astral, and then they would simply go somewhere else. The odds are unlikely as when we AP we are still attached to our astral body and often when we run into danger within the astral realm we snap back and return to our body. An example of this occurring is when Akelta has tried to AP into a black hole before and snapped back to her body when she did that. It’s a defense mechanism to bounce back to our bodies and there are lots of defenses like that for us within the astral.


Sometimes when we feel energies coming out or when we are coming out of our body and feel pain, we can feel blocks and we can feel energy that we need to clear. So, the key is to pay attention to where any painful spots are within the body as that can reveal where blocks are for us. In order to remove and cleanse blocks we need to first be able to identify them. You can also have an energy healer work and help heal them. There are also at times emotional blocks that can keep us in certain places, there are many different ways to remove blocks. Akelta would focus on the state where you are in pain if you are trying to AP and then write down where the pain is to start as it’ll help expose the blocks.

Feeling our Chakras

If you struggle on feeling any of your chakras you can focus on which ever comes most easily to you. If the easiest is your sacral chakra then focus on that and on the energies flowing. Akelta has an exercise that allows you to bring energy down to all the chakras and help connect/open them and feel the energies. It comes with the Lord Azazel and Lord Uphir working for those that have done it or will decide to do it. There are many exercises to help open up the energies but in terms of meditation simply focusing on the chakra and letting the energies flow helps. Do what you can and then move past that from there.

For the enns you have to chant them to make it work, by chanting the enn you are infusing it into your energies. It’s good to actually sit with the enns and chant them.

To conclude...

Starting out we will often have to make do and work around things as we won’t be perfect. So what you can do in that moment is work on what’s easiest or works best for us and move from there. We can always touch up and tune our skills, there is always more that can be done. Try to have fun with the process and not get so fixated on the destination as the journey is just as much part of the excitement of it. It’s about learning to appreciate the journey too. The journey for astral projection is learning to disconnect and relax to connect to the astral body. However long it takes, it will be alright. Just be consistent with your practice and have fun experimenting with it as some methods work better for some people more than others.

The End! :cloud: