Meditation 2: Finding Your Dark Carnivale Essence

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Meditation 2
Find your Carnivàle Essence
Below you will find a powerful meditation. This is a meditation
of initiation and of sublime descent into the world of the Carnivàle.
There are roles that people play, the masks that we wear and essences
that we hide. The Carnivàle reveals the truth, it reveals the true
nature of our soul.

You are being initiated into the Demonic Carnival. You not only get a
name, you also get a role, an essence, a place. This is a very special
meditation which will reveal to you your Carnivàle essence.

Below you will find a write up, a description of each role and essence.
You will be drawn to one of them. You will feel it in your soul and you
will know that this is where you are meant to be. This is the essence
that calls to your soul.

Before you begin the meditation take the time to read the roles and
meditate with them. Once you have read them, get some headphones
and begin the meditation. During the meditation you will be taken to the
tent of Madam Orna and you will gaze into her talisman and have your
Carnivàle essence awakened in you.

Carnivàle Essences

The Ringmaster: The Ringmaster is the one who is in control. They are the leader, they are strong and confident. They are blunt and direct. They know what they want and they know how to take action to get it. They are driven by results and they love seeing their plans and efforts come to life before them. They are often the centre of the show and they call the shots. They are dominant and the masters of their world.

The Stage Manager: Like the Ringmaster, they call the shots and often are in control but they are in control from the shadows. They like to be out of the spotlight. They like to control everything but be the unknown force. The one who makes things happen, the one who gets results, they enjoy their space, they enjoy their peace and privacy. They are introverted and shun large crowds and attention, but they are observant and always know what is going on.

The Clown: One whose heart longs to bring joy. They enjoy awakening the inner child, they enjoy making others feel happiness and often give too much of themselves. Their desire to make others happy often comes from sadness in their own soul. It is said that those who make others laugh often do so because they know what it feels like to hurt. The clown understands pain, they understand it on a deep and profound level. It is why they work so hard to bring others joy.

The Illusionist: Reveling in illusion and mysticism. They are ones of magick, who twist and bend the world around them. They control the subconscious and know how to manipulate and bend others to their will. They have a choice in this, they can use these powers for good, or they can use it for bad, it is always their choice. Those who are illusionists have a strong mind and a strong ability to control the energies around them for good or for evil.

The Contortionist: Introverted and in tune with their bodies, the Contortionists often are in touch with themselves. They bend and twist and though they perform for others, they are often confined to their own little worlds. They prefer their own company and they prefer the solitude that comes from bending out of view of the world. They are often looked upon with awe and wonder, as they like it... silent and free.

The Acrobat: Joyful and playful, Acrobats are free and bounce and jump to the world around them. they are incredibly skilled at what they do. They are more inclined to follow direction than to be leaders and they have their routines which they execute with precision and confidence. Though they do not wish to blaze the trail, they will listen and follow their directions and that is what makes them joyful and happy. If they follow the wrong person though they can get led to places that make them uncomfortable and that are dangerous.

The Aerialist: Free and flighty, the aerialist does not want to be tied down. They will run and they will run fast and hard at the first sign of being confined. They value their freedom and they will pursue it. They love the feel of flying through the air and being released from the world. They are incredibly creative and imaginative people, though they often struggle with staying grounded and having any form of stability. They enjoy the change and the chaos.

The Performer: The performer is what you want them to be. They are one who hides behind a million masks. They have a mood for every occasion and they are incredible with blending in and fitting into any group. They can talk to anyone and they can get incredible results. They are incredible at making connections and finding common ground with people. Performers though, often run the risk of losing themselves and losing touch with who they are. It is important they remember which is the true face and which is the mask.

The Jester: They are one who can point out the hard truths and can use their position and skills to point out what no one else will say. Jesters have a knack for knowing the truth of the matter and they will say it, even when no one else will. It is their job to say it, they have to be the ones to step into the light and make the uncomfortable truths known. It is their job to bring discomfort, they enjoy it because it stretches them and allows them to grow, and through their actions they challenge those around hem to stretch and grow.

The Ventriloquist: The one who is in control. They control the people around them and they are the one who bends others to their will. Some take delight in it. Some are just natural leaders who people surrender their power to. Many people enjoy being dolls and they enjoy the act of surrender. Ventriloquists can also be hunters who seek out weak minds to control and take delight in bending them to their will.

The Doll: Dolls surrender their will to a master. They enjoy being under one who is dominant. They enjoy serving them and making them happy. They will sit at the side of one who is in power and support them. They enjoy their masters and enjoys listening to them and pleasing them. Surrender can be an empowering state and it plays an interesting dynamic where the doll is the one who is in full control. Ah, how life is full of twists and turns.

The Freak: Freaks are those who do not blend in, they never did and they do not want to. They are an outcast in society and they enjoy that role. They enjoy being different and they enjoy being away from what is popular and what is accepted. They enjoy the role of the outcast and they wear it as a badge of honour and pride. The status quo needs to be challenged and it needs someone to answer to. It is the freaks who challenge it, it is the freaks who ask, is this what you really desire?

The Doctor: The doctor is one who is an analytical and brilliant mind. They love to learn and study. They are experimentation and they explore. They have curious hearts and curious minds and they look at the world around them in a way that is unique. Often intelligent and misunderstood by the world, they look to knowledge and books to answer the many questions that they have. They are inventors and inquisitors.

The Seer: The Seer has the ability of gifted sight. They see what is not there and know what is uncommon knowledge. They are keepers of great secrets. They are observers and have gained a lot of knowledge about the world around them by being silent and listening. They have mystical knowledge of what is before them and they have a great depth of understanding of the world that is around them. They know more than they will ever reveal.

The Fortune Teller: Fortune tellers are gifted in the art of divination. They can read the energies and the currents and they know the world around them. they know what is coming and human behavior does not surprise them. They can predict how people will react based on the energies and they can read people's energies with clarity. They are psychics and diviners and they can access powerful skill and abilities within themselves.

The Dancer: The Dancer moves through life, they know the struggle, they know the pain, they know how to create beauty and wonder for the world to see. They know the cost, at the end of the day as they peel the bandages off their feet to reveal the gnarled blisters and scars. They know. They know the sacrifice and they know the cost of bringing a token of beauty to the world. They do it for passion. They do it because this is what they are called to do. To perform the perfect performance, to move the heart and soul of her audience. That is what they live for.

The Strongman/woman/person: Power comes from within. The strength of the core radiates through them. Strong men and Strong women are those who have mastered themselves. They have mastered their mind and they command their body. They know how to push through the pain and barrier and obstacles. They know how to rise into greatness. They are epitomes of success, they are role models, what those around string to be. They inspire others with their feat and they push the limits of what is possible, so that those around them know it is not impossible.

Exploration of the Carnivàle

The Carnivàle is layered, there are many dimensions and folds to it. The darkness of the sun casts thick shadows and in one of those shadows you will find the tent of Madam Orna, the great fortune teller of the Carnivàle. She is the one who will reveal your essence to you. As you explore and uncover the world of the Carnivàle and the many layers and dimensions that arise there, within you will find that there is an inner theme. The Carnivàle becomes an extension of the darkness in our subconscious. It becomes an extension of dark times that have been long lost and abandoned to the world, to responsibility and to the mundane routine of life.

Madam Orna's tent is incredibly spectacular. They say that you do not visit her, she calls to you and you are pulled to her. She knows when it is your time and she will grab you with her energies and pull you into her world. No one really sees her for the world she resides in is twisted, lost and forgotten. It is a place where secrets and whispers lay. When you are called, the world will shift and warp around you and her tent will appear. When you walk inside you will be bedazzled by her collection of oddities and rare artifacts from around the world.

Many of them carry a forlorn energy which gives you a glimpse to the mournful memory that it contains. Many places have been lost to time. She can peer into the future, though she is quick to remind you that nothing is set in stone. With the complexities of the energies a simple shft can change your fate, though sometimes knowing the future will lead you to your own damnation. She also can peer into the past and uncover secrets lost to the sands. She cannot see the physical world and is blind to the light, but in the darkness she sees all.

Around her neck is a very special talisman with a symbol on it. This symbol will awaken the essence of your own heart and give rise to energies that have been repressed in your soul. It is a very powerful talisman. Before doing the meditation take a look at the image of it, for this talisman will awaken the Carnival essence in your soul.

Do the meditation below then post your essence!

***Disclaimer**** These meditations contain relaxing sounds and binaural beats. Please do not use them while driving, lifting heavy machinery, or performing any physical task where your attention is needed. Please do not use drugs or alcohol while using these meditations and if you do, you do so at your own risk, S&S and its affiliates assume no liability if any harm will come to you. ****
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My name is Temmigen, and I am the Strong Man.
The first step in working miracles is realizing that you can.
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My name is Temmigen, and I am the Strong Man.
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And my dark essence is the clown
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I am Strong Woman.

Which makes me laugh just a little here lol.

I saw Madam Orna on the way to her tent & found myself giving her the sunflower pendant that sprouted when I learned my name (Weipwah). I thought I was at the tent, but still had to travel further.

Arriving, she was wearing the sunflower pendant as a piece of jewelry & it was sprouting waving tentacles (vs fibrous plant material that just sits still once cut....or vs a metal pendant).

I gazed at her necklace...was distracted by the sunflower tentacles. Focused in again & saw it: Strong Woman.
Next, she said my full actual name & then showed me a comma & then my carnivale essence again. Third, she reminds me all the meditation symbols were bulging muscles & I have come to see her as Myself. The human Karen. Who I'm supposed to realize is s strong person.
Then she reminded me, for carnivale I am Weipwah, a Strong Woman.
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Madame Orna's Symbol necklace blew me nearly away for some moments.
She let me know that I have something of Clown Essence, to make others safe and happy makes me happy too, but there is sadness in my Soul. But one essence is stronger.
I put a card, there was painted an eye.
She spoke via telepathy;
You have the Eye of Dehlia, you see nothing and you see all. You see much more then others, you do not often speak about it, visions, images for your inner eye, you see in hearts and souls
You are a Seer.
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I enter Madam Orna’s tent. She greets me and then holds my hand and peers at my palm. I choose my card; it is the ringmaster overlaid with a Contortionist who dances.

Ringmaster, I hear madam Orna speak. He grins up at me from the card.

He is a very different Ringmaster. He is dressed sharply, in red and black - his clothes say “RingMaster” but his energy, his eyes, his teeth, his smile, reveal something else.

“You are going to explore me, the energy of the Ringmaster. “

I’m uncomfortable with the Ringmaster and I knew that I would be. There is something deep that rises up with his energy, something dark and I’m inclined to say that I wouldn’t describe it as Ringmaster. It feels a bit sinister …. something that Im uncomfortable acknowledging that he stands very much by my side. So perhaps his is the perfect essence…
"Good morning. I see the assassins have failed….”

”In the end it doesn't matter who or what you are - only that you've been embraced by all that you've become ... "
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The roles I get every year somewhat confuse me because I feel like I don’t embody them completely. The Madam clarifies this is meant to be more like base of affirmations on something to work on in the coming year. This time, I get the strong person.
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My role is Acrobat (again), yet this time I have more room to grow into the role of Aerialist. I guess that is a good thing?
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Di'NatAh led the way, and the first thing he found in the tent was a shrunken head :possessed:. He such a giggly little thing. He decided to go "first" looking into amulet. He's dancing fool. I am a contortionist jester again. Interesting. She had to clarify this for me. And for Di'NatAh. The energies didn't pop out like they did last year.
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