Meditation 3: The Infernal Carousel of Sublime Descent

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Meditation 3
The Infernal Carousel of Sublime Descent
You saw it when you first entered the gates, it called to you. You never seemed to have the time to approach it as so much caught your attention, but there was something about it. There was something spectacular about this demonically inspired carousel that played the most alluring sounds. The carousel is special, it is not your ordinary ride. This carousel carries with it a dark obscurity.

It remained in the back of your mind and you made the decision, today you are going to venture onto it. Today you are going to ride the carousel. You head to the carnival gate and go straight to the carousel. Nothing is going to stop you this time. Nothing is going to distract you from embarking on the adventure this fantastical ride has to offer. You are so excited, you are ready!

The demon who runs the ride is a handsome demon. He is always smiling and beckoning people to come for a ride on the carousel. He knows how transformative the ride is and he knows its secrets. He sees you coming and smiles as he opens the gates and lets you on the wonderful ride. This is not your traditional Carousel. There are fangs and horns, and lavish demonic decorations. instead of horses, you ride incredible beasts and monsters. Each monster of the Carousel is unique and each one has a story to share!

What does your monster look like? Which one will you choose?

Do the meditation below then post your experience!

The meditation can be found below.

**Disclaimer*** These meditations contain relaxing sounds and binaural beats. Please do not use them while driving, lifting heavy machinery, or performing any physical task where your attention is needed. Please do not use drugs or alcohol while using these meditations and if you do, you do so at your own risk, S&S and its affiliates assume no liability if any harm will come to you. ****
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The meditation was really cool to go into it.
How ever I did connect to the realm wasn't an astral projection experience, but mental connection .

At my first entrance, first I saw a clown smiling at me and at other side I saw this infernal carousel moving but didn't see anyone there. But I notice this beastly creatures moving it. but I didn't pay attention to it because I wasn't familiar with anything there. This was my first sight of seeing those beastly creatures.

I saw this beastly creatures at my first meditation .

Coming again through this meditation, I saw this beastly creatures to my amazing this beastly creatures looks like Lions with fangs, little horns, bat like wings and Sharp like razor tails . And I tend to perceive thier energy within me that this was Lion's and thier energy looks blueish fluid void and dark. Though I tried to understood if this creatures we're of void or not but thier energies was too obscure for my mind to fully understand.

They look amazing even though I was little bit scared of them.
I could see how the carousel was moving with this beastly creatures or Lions.

I saw a being that looks like covered with black shade even though I didn't see him perfectly but I could see his hair.

I think being a little bit scared and not being familiar with the place I stop.
This is my experience. I think I am being in love with those beastly creatures or lions as I think of them each time .
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At the spinning carousel I spot an enormous green serpent with huge sharp teeth; when I was seated in the serpent it turned black and I was sitting inside its skeleton. As the ride went in circles he wrapped round me like a boa constrictor and held me tightly.

The world I saw was black and burnt and filled with fire. Burning coal and hellfire and hell stones everywhere. I saw a huge creature that was part bear part dragon….his fur was brown and raggedy and he had a dragons face and tongue. I asked if he was Izzy…and he replied yes, it is ME. I recognized his energy…

I asked if there was more to see, perhaps hidden in plain sight?. He agreed. I asked if there was water here?. It felt like there could be but I saw no evidence of water. He said no. But then I saw a most beautiful sapphire blue feminine figure …. I felt that everything that I am is here to be created out of my self, but this fiery me is the form I exist in.
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My creature was a colorful rooster and yes the companion I was with made the joke.

The world we got to was a void with a very geometric flower rotating near the carousel. When we got off we climbed onto it and explored it until we got to a plain circular room inside. It was pretty underwhelming to be honest. He pointed out it was an indication of my needs because I’ve been overstimulated a lot lately. So we sat and talked and decided to close it here so I could post and relax with him more.
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The ride was strange. My carousel creature changed from a wild cat to several different birds. An owl, a dove, a hawk, a raven. Then, it was a multi-headed pegasus. When we landed, it was just gone.

Everywhere are bones and dirt. A huge, vast expansive home for dead ones to play. Nobody is attached to a grave, however many are pretty attached to different areas. They bury, unbury, bury themselves and each other. A game.

My carnivale ringmaster met me & it was Ynax, my Halloween Demon companion! He and I took time to greet, he looks great! So handsome and rugged. I endeavored to reconcile this with who I saw last year. He just smiles & let's me know oftentimes we see what we are preconditioned to see. I see him, the one inside, more so than I can see his exterior physique.

Rides: there was a ride that takes you to your own birth & other places within your own lives. This also takes you to "big events" like the birth of a star, an important event for an immortal, etc. There's a demon spa. With a macabre style of "relaxing" "cleansing" "rejuvenating". Not advised for the faint of heart!

There's street-fair, beach boardwalk feel in the air. The plants are really active, they walk about and go where they please. The demons are eating, window browsing, chattering about their adventures. The food is diverse, lots of fried breads and meat on sticks we notice. Yet also there are salads made with sea plants, sweet & savory pies, hot tea & exotic drink stands dotted throughout. Lots of yum.

We really enjoy this adventure! My companions and I are slated to build the beginning structure of our own dark carnivale! Take time to visit, revisit, establish a place we can go play anytime!
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The ground below my feet pulsed with excitement as I stood, waiting to enter my carnivale. At the entrance gate, I see my familiar tall muscular blue hellborn/ram body guard, this time with the addition of another tall hunky bodyguard, although this new face was a lizard man with a rainbow curled tail. We greet each other and begin our journey towards having as much fun as we can.

It all feels so familiar, yet at the same time, different. This time it has expanded, the energy feels like it cannot be contained, the sights, sounds, smells, etc. everything is so surreal and intense. More demons show up, I even saw tiny demonic butterflies flying here and there. I was shown a new carnival ride that had appeared, it was a rollercoaster in the shape of a dragon, and the dragon had this pastel rainbow design to it, and the dragon head spat out real fire. This whole carnivale is absolutely buzzing with excitement. Everything is calling out to me at once, it is difficult to figure out what to do, almost sensory overload. But my two handsome body guards keep me safe and guide me along the currents of the carnivale.
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This Infernal Carousel was exciting. I climed onto a tall hellstallon, and the ride started. Faster and faster and I found myself in a surreal place with this tall black hellstallon. I made this meditation two times. The first time my inner dark Carnevale was a forgotten one, forgotten and forelorn and lonley. No people no laughter, but sadness. Free myself, reanimate your playful inner child I got this message. The second time there was fun, acrobats, illusionists, carousels and beautyful people. I took my role as a clowns and gave flowers to all visitors and then I was on the back of the tall hellstallon...
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Woo! The Carousel!! 🎠. So we ended up meeting a new friend on this one. We ran into a lost little imp, and invited them to tag along with us. We saw the carousel was empty, and got right on board. Di'NatAh wanted in the sled (he apologized to it because he thought it was a wagon) and the imp climbed in with him. I got on a chubby looking horse that was white with pink hair. My funky monster elephant from last year said "hi" to us.

So we get to the next part, and Di'NatAh went into his own little portal, while our imp friend came with me. And Death was my guardian again. Cheapskate wanted another free show like last year. This time was different. It was more themed around "fighting your inner demons even though no one sees them." Last year's theme was more "the war within and without."
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