Places in my Dreams

Dreams and their deeper meanings, post your dreams here.
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This is potentially going to be long. For that, I apologize, but there are things that need to be addressed.
Vixiery wrote:
Sun Apr 23, 2023 12:26 pm
Okay, well thank you for clairifying your intent for this thread. I didn't know you just wanted an exchange of experiences.
In the beginning of the thread, Sunny mentions that they are looking to hear others experiences on this topic. Just to make that a bit more clear, there was asking for discussion if anyone had similar experiences.

I'm just trying to follow the golden rule and treat others how I want to be treated and help others how I'd wanna be helped. I like it when people ask me questions, it shows me they care and are interested.
Not everyone wants to be questioned and some can take that as being interrogated to some form. Everyone reads context differently and sometimes many questions can be read as curiosity and engagement, but for some that can be seen as trying grill them for more information. There are many different ways to engage and interact with people. With forums and text, it can be really hard to read what intentions someone has when engaging with others.

Sometimes people don't want to be engaged with questions just because they want to be able to speak about something without having to feel like they need to explain more.

it's fantastic that you want to engage and really show you care. You're curious and that's something that is to be celebrated. Not everyone will share your enthusiasm for sharing information, especially if they feel that it is more personal or private.
I feel like I'm being attacked for just trying to help -_- :/
If you think something is harsh then you probably shouldn't post it. It came off to me as rude, harsh and insensitive.
I felt disrespected and ToS states we have to respect eachother.
No, this is what brought me to this in the first place. Vixiery, I know that you are meaning well and want to really engage and learn from people, but weaponizing the TOS against other members is NOT okay. You are taking the TOS to a literal extreme, which I know is something that can be an autistic trait. But that doesn't mean that you can be passive aggressively threatening people with ToS. That in of itself is disrespecting other members.

Respecting each other is about knowing when to agree to disagree, to not put others down for their beliefs or invalidate them.

I'm autistic. I struggle with making friends. Especially here. I'm just so tired. I've been trying to be friendly and polite and helpful and just interact and vibe with people on this forum for months. I'm super frustrated. It makes me feel that I'm unworthy of respect, interaction, acquaitences, friends, community here on this forum. I've been comptemplating leaving this forum for awhile for those very reasons.
There are many, many people on this forum and in our community that have many different forms of neurodivergence. I understand that being autistic is hard with socializing and many of us can understand that perspective ourselves. You aren't alone in that.

Some members in other parts of the forum threads have said the same thing, but I will elaborate.
You are trying too hard. You are trying too hard and in doing so, it is coming off in a way that people are being pushed away because it makes them uncomfortable. Friends aren't immediately made or had. It takes time, not days or weeks, but months - especially on a slow moving forum like this.

For the spiritual community, as much as I love us, we are also very incredibly cautious because many of us have experienced incredibly toxic communities in general. So many are slower to trust, especially with any spiritual or life information. It just takes time. Most of those that talk in here? We've all known each other for many years, from just casual conversations through the forum and then built up into the friendships on discord where it's faster conversations.

This forum is incredibly slow.. like 10x slower than any discord or texting. You are used to fast moving conversations and this forum is only active right now because we have an event going. Once events are done - only the tenure blogs are usually active - and the rest of the forum tends to sit without much convo for weeks to months even. Some threads haven't been used since 2020 or earlier!

What my point is.. this is a slow moving forum with many members that want to make friends, but it takes time and patience to grow and learn, share information. It's about making connections. You can't force that, it's something that's going to be slow to build and work with.

While I respect your decision, I feel the decision to ignore eachother right away might be a bit rash. Maybe we should just take a break from eachother for a few days to cool down and then try again maybe? Please give me a chance?
I guess I'll just leave you alone for the most part until things have cooled down and then we can talk about it.
I'm pointing out here that you arent respecting their decision to set their boundaries. Everyone has the right to set boundaries with each other if they want to. Some people just want to have more space to be able to do things or they need it in some form. They are not obligated to interact or talk with you, give you an explanation. Pursuing that after they have said no, is not respecting them or their boundaries or if they choose to disengage.

I'm just so tired of having to avoid people, I'm so tired of having to ignore people, I'm so tired of people ignoring me. No one else even interacts with me on this forum. Most people on this forum ignore me even though I've never had an issue with them.
There is the option to add someone as a foe on here. If you feel like you need space, then you can use that and won't see their posts. It's a quiet form of setting boundaries.

People aren't ignoring you. It most likely is because some of the content that you post doesn't engage with discussion or with topics. Or if there is, it's something that is not overtly open to creating discussion (like questions). We have a lot of lurkers here that only engage because they have similar experience or share their own part. There's many reasons for engagement. For the older members, it could be that you are still very new and they don't know how to talk to you or what to say, because they haven't gotten a sense of who you are yet.

Others have been rude and or condescending and attacked me. I dont understand why. I'm just trying to wrap my head around it all.
I will be blunt, because it's just going to be this way and there's not much of a way I can say it gently. But Vixiery, you have been pushing boundaries and when people set them, you get extremely offended and lash out. You constantly are weaponizing our TOS and our words, your disability, and other things against people because you feel hurt. And it's becoming a pattern that people are seeing.

People aren't attacking you, maybe being more firm with their words or it does get into both parties feeling hurtand saying things. But what they see is that you are very quick to lash out and say hurtful things when they make boundaries or say something you do not like.. Which isn't okay and it's not fair to them to have to get the brunt of your pain and anger. And once you cool down, you try to be very apologetic and push your idea of moving past it. Not everyone can bounce back to everything is fine. Not everyone is able to move past things and keep being friends or acquaintances. Every one is going to be different. People are going to lash out and its understandable if it happens occasionally. But it's been a frequent pattern as of late.

I just wish more people here were forgiving.
People get in arguments, thats life.
Yes, this is true. That's life. But it also means that people have the right to step away and not interact anymore. It's not always going to be solved and be okay. In fact, most times it isn't going to be easy or clean forgiveness. There is the saying "Forgive, but not Forget"... and it applies a lot of the times. People will always remember things and if they happen frequently, then they have the right to step away and to not engage or cut it out completely. And they have every right to not give any reason to preserve their space and mental health.

I know that you are excited and ready to make friends and to be active, but you are doing so in a way that is hurting others and then lashing out. I am not trying to come off as mean or attacking you. In fact, I want to help you to understand things better and sometimes it's being more open and direct with what is being said.
Two roads diverged in a wood and I -- I took the one less traveled by, and that made all the difference. - Robert Frost
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ysabeau wrote:
Sun Apr 23, 2023 6:00 pm
This is potentially going to be long. For that, I apologize, but there are things that need to be addressed.
Vixiery wrote:
Sun Apr 23, 2023 12:26 pm
Okay, well thank you for clairifying your intent for this thread. I didn't know you just wanted an exchange of experiences.
In the beginning of the thread, Sunny mentions that they are looking to hear others experiences on this topic. Just to make that a bit more clear, there was asking for discussion if anyone had similar experiences.

I'm just trying to follow the golden rule and treat others how I want to be treated and help others how I'd wanna be helped. I like it when people ask me questions, it shows me they care and are interested.
Not everyone wants to be questioned and some can take that as being interrogated to some form. Everyone reads context differently and sometimes many questions can be read as curiosity and engagement, but for some that can be seen as trying grill them for more information. There are many different ways to engage and interact with people. With forums and text, it can be really hard to read what intentions someone has when engaging with others.

Sometimes people don't want to be engaged with questions just because they want to be able to speak about something without having to feel like they need to explain more.

it's fantastic that you want to engage and really show you care. You're curious and that's something that is to be celebrated. Not everyone will share your enthusiasm for sharing information, especially if they feel that it is more personal or private.
I feel like I'm being attacked for just trying to help -_- :/
If you think something is harsh then you probably shouldn't post it. It came off to me as rude, harsh and insensitive.
I felt disrespected and ToS states we have to respect eachother.
No, this is what brought me to this in the first place. Vixiery, I know that you are meaning well and want to really engage and learn from people, but weaponizing the TOS against other members is NOT okay. You are taking the TOS to a literal extreme, which I know is something that can be an autistic trait. But that doesn't mean that you can be passive aggressively threatening people with ToS. That in of itself is disrespecting other members.

Respecting each other is about knowing when to agree to disagree, to not put others down for their beliefs or invalidate them.

I'm autistic. I struggle with making friends. Especially here. I'm just so tired. I've been trying to be friendly and polite and helpful and just interact and vibe with people on this forum for months. I'm super frustrated. It makes me feel that I'm unworthy of respect, interaction, acquaitences, friends, community here on this forum. I've been comptemplating leaving this forum for awhile for those very reasons.
There are many, many people on this forum and in our community that have many different forms of neurodivergence. I understand that being autistic is hard with socializing and many of us can understand that perspective ourselves. You aren't alone in that.

Some members in other parts of the forum threads have said the same thing, but I will elaborate.
You are trying too hard. You are trying too hard and in doing so, it is coming off in a way that people are being pushed away because it makes them uncomfortable. Friends aren't immediately made or had. It takes time, not days or weeks, but months - especially on a slow moving forum like this.

For the spiritual community, as much as I love us, we are also very incredibly cautious because many of us have experienced incredibly toxic communities in general. So many are slower to trust, especially with any spiritual or life information. It just takes time. Most of those that talk in here? We've all known each other for many years, from just casual conversations through the forum and then built up into the friendships on discord where it's faster conversations.

This forum is incredibly slow.. like 10x slower than any discord or texting. You are used to fast moving conversations and this forum is only active right now because we have an event going. Once events are done - only the tenure blogs are usually active - and the rest of the forum tends to sit without much convo for weeks to months even. Some threads haven't been used since 2020 or earlier!

What my point is.. this is a slow moving forum with many members that want to make friends, but it takes time and patience to grow and learn, share information. It's about making connections. You can't force that, it's something that's going to be slow to build and work with.

While I respect your decision, I feel the decision to ignore eachother right away might be a bit rash. Maybe we should just take a break from eachother for a few days to cool down and then try again maybe? Please give me a chance?
I guess I'll just leave you alone for the most part until things have cooled down and then we can talk about it.
I'm pointing out here that you arent respecting their decision to set their boundaries. Everyone has the right to set boundaries with each other if they want to. Some people just want to have more space to be able to do things or they need it in some form. They are not obligated to interact or talk with you, give you an explanation. Pursuing that after they have said no, is not respecting them or their boundaries or if they choose to disengage.

I'm just so tired of having to avoid people, I'm so tired of having to ignore people, I'm so tired of people ignoring me. No one else even interacts with me on this forum. Most people on this forum ignore me even though I've never had an issue with them.
There is the option to add someone as a foe on here. If you feel like you need space, then you can use that and won't see their posts. It's a quiet form of setting boundaries.

People aren't ignoring you. It most likely is because some of the content that you post doesn't engage with discussion or with topics. Or if there is, it's something that is not overtly open to creating discussion (like questions). We have a lot of lurkers here that only engage because they have similar experience or share their own part. There's many reasons for engagement. For the older members, it could be that you are still very new and they don't know how to talk to you or what to say, because they haven't gotten a sense of who you are yet.

Others have been rude and or condescending and attacked me. I dont understand why. I'm just trying to wrap my head around it all.
I will be blunt, because it's just going to be this way and there's not much of a way I can say it gently. But Vixiery, you have been pushing boundaries and when people set them, you get extremely offended and lash out. You constantly are weaponizing our TOS and our words, your disability, and other things against people because you feel hurt. And it's becoming a pattern that people are seeing.

People aren't attacking you, maybe being more firm with their words or it does get into both parties feeling hurtand saying things. But what they see is that you are very quick to lash out and say hurtful things when they make boundaries or say something you do not like.. Which isn't okay and it's not fair to them to have to get the brunt of your pain and anger. And once you cool down, you try to be very apologetic and push your idea of moving past it. Not everyone can bounce back to everything is fine. Not everyone is able to move past things and keep being friends or acquaintances. Every one is going to be different. People are going to lash out and its understandable if it happens occasionally. But it's been a frequent pattern as of late.

I just wish more people here were forgiving.
People get in arguments, thats life.
Yes, this is true. That's life. But it also means that people have the right to step away and not interact anymore. It's not always going to be solved and be okay. In fact, most times it isn't going to be easy or clean forgiveness. There is the saying "Forgive, but not Forget"... and it applies a lot of the times. People will always remember things and if they happen frequently, then they have the right to step away and to not engage or cut it out completely. And they have every right to not give any reason to preserve their space and mental health.

I know that you are excited and ready to make friends and to be active, but you are doing so in a way that is hurting others and then lashing out. I am not trying to come off as mean or attacking you. In fact, I want to help you to understand things better and sometimes it's being more open and direct with what is being said.
I really appreciate your words of wisdom. While the truth is a hard pill to swallow, and as much as my brain wants to deny it, you are right about the situation.
I know you are trying to help and I can tell you really care about me in this context. Since you clairified, I can tell you arent attacking me, you are just being firm and honest and you are trying to help me learn and grow.
I feel that I struggle with self control, anger, and boundaries and that while I try to do so on my own, that I need a little help breaking this pattern of being; offended, lashing out, then apologizing. I want to break this pattern and change. Its my top priority to change this toxic behavior. I don't wanna be like this anymore. I don't want to be a burden to the coven and a burden to this forum and a burden to others around me. This is something I need to change.
I am going to talk to my therapist Tuesday about breaking this cycle and see if they can help.
Ysa maybe we can work together on this. Like we could maybe make a anger managment thread or something where we help eachother out as a community. I dont know or understand how to control my anger in the moment. I look up to the SnS coven's mental mastery and I wanna learn how to be like that. I just want to stop causing incidents in this forum. I need to stop being cantankerous. I'm going to look into anger managment videos.
Thanks for your help Ysa. You are always so helpful.
Also Ysa,
Late announcement but
Happy Birthday.
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ysabeau wrote:
Sun Apr 23, 2023 6:00 pm
This is potentially going to be long. For that, I apologize, but there are things that need to be addressed.
Vixiery wrote:
Sun Apr 23, 2023 12:26 pm
Okay, well thank you for clairifying your intent for this thread. I didn't know you just wanted an exchange of experiences.
In the beginning of the thread, Sunny mentions that they are looking to hear others experiences on this topic. Just to make that a bit more clear, there was asking for discussion if anyone had similar experiences.

I'm just trying to follow the golden rule and treat others how I want to be treated and help others how I'd wanna be helped. I like it when people ask me questions, it shows me they care and are interested.
Not everyone wants to be questioned and some can take that as being interrogated to some form. Everyone reads context differently and sometimes many questions can be read as curiosity and engagement, but for some that can be seen as trying grill them for more information. There are many different ways to engage and interact with people. With forums and text, it can be really hard to read what intentions someone has when engaging with others.

Sometimes people don't want to be engaged with questions just because they want to be able to speak about something without having to feel like they need to explain more.

it's fantastic that you want to engage and really show you care. You're curious and that's something that is to be celebrated. Not everyone will share your enthusiasm for sharing information, especially if they feel that it is more personal or private.
I feel like I'm being attacked for just trying to help -_- :/
If you think something is harsh then you probably shouldn't post it. It came off to me as rude, harsh and insensitive.
I felt disrespected and ToS states we have to respect eachother.
No, this is what brought me to this in the first place. Vixiery, I know that you are meaning well and want to really engage and learn from people, but weaponizing the TOS against other members is NOT okay. You are taking the TOS to a literal extreme, which I know is something that can be an autistic trait. But that doesn't mean that you can be passive aggressively threatening people with ToS. That in of itself is disrespecting other members.

Respecting each other is about knowing when to agree to disagree, to not put others down for their beliefs or invalidate them.

I'm autistic. I struggle with making friends. Especially here. I'm just so tired. I've been trying to be friendly and polite and helpful and just interact and vibe with people on this forum for months. I'm super frustrated. It makes me feel that I'm unworthy of respect, interaction, acquaitences, friends, community here on this forum. I've been comptemplating leaving this forum for awhile for those very reasons.
There are many, many people on this forum and in our community that have many different forms of neurodivergence. I understand that being autistic is hard with socializing and many of us can understand that perspective ourselves. You aren't alone in that.

Some members in other parts of the forum threads have said the same thing, but I will elaborate.
You are trying too hard. You are trying too hard and in doing so, it is coming off in a way that people are being pushed away because it makes them uncomfortable. Friends aren't immediately made or had. It takes time, not days or weeks, but months - especially on a slow moving forum like this.

For the spiritual community, as much as I love us, we are also very incredibly cautious because many of us have experienced incredibly toxic communities in general. So many are slower to trust, especially with any spiritual or life information. It just takes time. Most of those that talk in here? We've all known each other for many years, from just casual conversations through the forum and then built up into the friendships on discord where it's faster conversations.

This forum is incredibly slow.. like 10x slower than any discord or texting. You are used to fast moving conversations and this forum is only active right now because we have an event going. Once events are done - only the tenure blogs are usually active - and the rest of the forum tends to sit without much convo for weeks to months even. Some threads haven't been used since 2020 or earlier!

What my point is.. this is a slow moving forum with many members that want to make friends, but it takes time and patience to grow and learn, share information. It's about making connections. You can't force that, it's something that's going to be slow to build and work with.

While I respect your decision, I feel the decision to ignore eachother right away might be a bit rash. Maybe we should just take a break from eachother for a few days to cool down and then try again maybe? Please give me a chance?
I guess I'll just leave you alone for the most part until things have cooled down and then we can talk about it.
I'm pointing out here that you arent respecting their decision to set their boundaries. Everyone has the right to set boundaries with each other if they want to. Some people just want to have more space to be able to do things or they need it in some form. They are not obligated to interact or talk with you, give you an explanation. Pursuing that after they have said no, is not respecting them or their boundaries or if they choose to disengage.

I'm just so tired of having to avoid people, I'm so tired of having to ignore people, I'm so tired of people ignoring me. No one else even interacts with me on this forum. Most people on this forum ignore me even though I've never had an issue with them.
There is the option to add someone as a foe on here. If you feel like you need space, then you can use that and won't see their posts. It's a quiet form of setting boundaries.

People aren't ignoring you. It most likely is because some of the content that you post doesn't engage with discussion or with topics. Or if there is, it's something that is not overtly open to creating discussion (like questions). We have a lot of lurkers here that only engage because they have similar experience or share their own part. There's many reasons for engagement. For the older members, it could be that you are still very new and they don't know how to talk to you or what to say, because they haven't gotten a sense of who you are yet.

Others have been rude and or condescending and attacked me. I dont understand why. I'm just trying to wrap my head around it all.
I will be blunt, because it's just going to be this way and there's not much of a way I can say it gently. But Vixiery, you have been pushing boundaries and when people set them, you get extremely offended and lash out. You constantly are weaponizing our TOS and our words, your disability, and other things against people because you feel hurt. And it's becoming a pattern that people are seeing.

People aren't attacking you, maybe being more firm with their words or it does get into both parties feeling hurtand saying things. But what they see is that you are very quick to lash out and say hurtful things when they make boundaries or say something you do not like.. Which isn't okay and it's not fair to them to have to get the brunt of your pain and anger. And once you cool down, you try to be very apologetic and push your idea of moving past it. Not everyone can bounce back to everything is fine. Not everyone is able to move past things and keep being friends or acquaintances. Every one is going to be different. People are going to lash out and its understandable if it happens occasionally. But it's been a frequent pattern as of late.

I just wish more people here were forgiving.
People get in arguments, thats life.
Yes, this is true. That's life. But it also means that people have the right to step away and not interact anymore. It's not always going to be solved and be okay. In fact, most times it isn't going to be easy or clean forgiveness. There is the saying "Forgive, but not Forget"... and it applies a lot of the times. People will always remember things and if they happen frequently, then they have the right to step away and to not engage or cut it out completely. And they have every right to not give any reason to preserve their space and mental health.

I know that you are excited and ready to make friends and to be active, but you are doing so in a way that is hurting others and then lashing out. I am not trying to come off as mean or attacking you. In fact, I want to help you to understand things better and sometimes it's being more open and direct with what is being said.
Dear Ysa,

I'm going to make a new thread in the General Disscussions forum called Walking with SnS where I walk with the coven and show that I am giving a serious effort and growth and progress and making sure that these incidents don't happen anymore.
The coven can reach out to me there so my misconduct doesn't kill other peoples' threads as that isn't fair to them. The concept is like walking with God and Jesus or walking with Satan and it involves trust and commitments.
I totally understand that the coven is extremely busy and I respect your time. So it can be whenever.
I just wanna try to be proactive and prevent a catastrophe in the future.
I am looking forward to working in partnership together to ensure this is a better community for anyone and everyone.
I'm excited to start this new chapter. I'm excited to post updates on my Walking with SnS thread.
I'm going to pray for guidance from Lord Satan.
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I encountered another familiar place today! It’s a cute cafeteria setting that has a bubble tea shop! Incredibly, if you open the signboards it reveals hundreds of gallons of bubble tea being made. I personally always get the caramel bubble tea but they can combine flavors and add different toppings! They were trying out a different style of packaging this time and personally I prefer the plain cups over the weird new contraption which will have you drink the tea and boba separately (it was also boxy for some reason? Not easy to really carry around) lol

This cafeteria area must also be connected to the library somehow, because I had a bunch of books with me! I even suggested one to a guy, although I don’t think it actually exists in real life? Which, bummer because it was about a lady falling in love with a ringmaster of a circus and I think it would be a cute read :/
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The continuity of my dreams is really starting to boggle me lol. I just woke up from a nap and the dream I had was simple but actually very weird. The majority of the dream took place surrounding a concert that I was attending; the people performing were like a family band, at the center of which were I believe three brothers(?), although I can only remember the twins Danny and Bowie(?) because apparently we’re friends(??? I don’t know who they are or what relationship we have in actuality). Anyways, at the end of the concert, which took place at an abandoned small concert hall-esque place(?) me and my mom were staying at a motel and I mentioned to the owners that my mother had actually had trouble with their staff a few nights prior. The few nights prior actually being literally a few dreams prior where my mom had to stay over at that motel. The owners, a cute old couple, apologized and the mother went into a flashback of how she birthed all her children and the time she almost lost them in court unfairly. I woke up just as the court case ended and the lady told me that that’s why her babies are the way that they are when I interact with them(?again, I don’t know her boys) lol
But yeah, it’s wild how there also seems to be continuity with people as well in my dreams. It’s almost as if time in my dreams never really stops but it’s also not linear either?
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Also, sidebar to that dream lol, the brothers’ performance was so hot lol I was definitely blushing as they performed. Their songs were really good and catchy too! One performance involved bills of money and at the end one of the brothers( I think it was either Danny or Bowie I’m more inclined to say Danny for some reason) threw some of the bills into the crowd. Mind you, those bills had been all over that man’s body lol one bill even got caught in the waist of his pants at the end and he said he’ll save that one for later
I jokingly asked the father if I could have the $100 bill Danny didn’t throw into the crowd and that I’d still try to grab it at the next concert performance Friday lol
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New place to document that I will now be calling “Zombie game show”

Basically, a bunch of people are stuck inside a zombie infested house for a certain period of time, and they can’t leave till the time is up. Different people survive each time with different strategies for survival. I always tend to dream about the last few hours of the “game”(because those zombies are real) and because of that it’s always a surprise who survives lol
It’s also like reality tv almost where there’s like betrayal and drama and it’s kind of funny except the threat of death by zombie is very real lol

Side note, sometimes this same house structure will become a late night Applebees in dreams. Good stuff.
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So, Recently dream Sunny has started going to school again lol
The school setting is different compared to the previous setting, it's a bit more fantastical. I still haven't had many dreams there so the details are fuzzy, and I will need to observe it more times for more information. Here's a brief description of a recent dream I had in the setting:
A few nights prior, two of my peers started dating. It's the classic Grumpyxsunshine. The grumpy dude is a wizard and he's like a top student and the sunshine guy is cheerful and nice(?? tbh I don't interact with either of them but gossip travels lol). Anyways, scandalizing news, last night I dreamt that there was another guy kinda getting in between the love birds lol There's this bird guy in our class, right, and he's kind of a delinquent; he never comes to class and he's super dark and broody (and probably has some screws loose js). Imagine my surprise when I see bird dude at school in an ambiguously threatening position with the grumpy-sunshine couple. I think bird man has something on grumpy man because there was this weird exchange where he put a gauntlet on him(I guess it's probably enchanted or whatever) and bird guy ordered him around and told him to do something similar to the sunshine???? It was a weird chain of command type thing, but the tension was palpable lol keeping tabs for future drama!
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Right, so it's been a while and there are some BIG changes.

Dream Sunny is living in an apartment and my parents are living in this very creepy labyrinth. And I go visit them because they're my parents but like, it's still creepy coming and going. This temple labyrinth is odd in that at seemingly random times you will notice figures start receding from the main hallway and start hiding, and that's your cue to also take cover. Basically, no one knows what happens to people that get "caught", but they disappear and no one really wants to find out what happens. If you follow that one rule and stick to the walls you should be okay though.
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