Tea Chat: Primal Energies

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July 9th 2021- Primal Energies


When we think of primal, we think of source energies, creation energies and energies that are unrestrained. Energies that are completely free and almost beastly, wild, and untamed they are powerful and potent. Cats are a good example of primal energies. Part of the beauty of primal nature is the untameable aspect of it. There is a dance that happens between primal and tamed energies because the tamed energies try to restrain and limit the expansiveness of the primal energies, but they can’t. You can cage primal energies for a time but that will only make them more enraged and more ready to strike when the cage fails and they can go on the attack.

Akelta wants to stress that primal does not mean primitive in the slightest. Primal energies have their own path and evolution that they go through. There are different types of primal energies and journeys. One with the mature primal energies for instance knows their power, how to direct it and command the energy to do what they want. The wild energies get to a place where they exist in a free space and command their power as they please. It becomes a very focused and concentrated energy which becomes an unstoppable force that crashes everything in its path.

There is a sublime essence of darkness within primal energies. The path of the primal essence is one of darkness and surrender to the instinctual impulses within the body and the self. Our primal side which is our essence of freedom also holds our power to stand against those who try to confine us. The root chakra is the essence of primal energies and is why so many people’s root chakras are damaged here because of all the restraints placed on us by society. Often our root chakra is broken since the world is designed to break the energies and sever our connection to it. This is why there is a lot of anger that arises along with dark impulses and elements that fester and linger within the shadows of the body; this is due to us denying our primal aspects.

We were taught to deny our primal elements and taught to break our connection to the root chakra, but there is also a generational aspect on top of it that causes the chakra to be damaged too. When we come into this world our root chakra is broken because our parents’ chakra is often broken, and it skips through the generations. If you have children of your own and have a broken root chakra the child’s root chakra will also be broken because it is so woven into the fabric of our society to deny the primal aspects. It is getting better as we are reconnecting to those roots, but especially in the past things were contrasted as either being the primal side or the civilized side. By calling it primitive the using language to sever our connection too when really it is a source of power.

Why is only the root chakra broken on birth but other things like clairsentience is intact?

Clairsentience operates from the root, sacral and solar plexus so the three lower chakras all function together for that sense. Some of the clairsenses are not connected to the root chakra at all like clairvoyance is connected to the visual receptors in the eyes and the third eye chakra, and clairaudience is linked to the ears and throat chakra. Those two don’t need the lower chakras to function so a damaged root chakra wouldn’t affect them. If you only have your third eye chakra healthy you will only have certain senses functioning but as you open more chakras you will expand your psychic senses.

The third eye chakra if damaged is easier to repair since it’s closer to the spiritual essence and near the heart chakra which acts as a transition and a bridge. The spiritual chakras are easier to heal and repair in general than the lower chakras. This is because the lower chakras are connected to the physical aspects which makes it harder. Additionally, if the chakras were damaged in an abusive situation, they often will go back to the damage done to them.

Clairsentience is an interesting sense because many who are in tune with their emotions and are empathetic are very clairsentient however this is due to the sacral chakra. When you awaken the root chakra aspect of clairsentience you get a very refined, strong, and empowered clairsentience. The root chakra has the ability to amplify clairsentience to an incredible degree. For many though the solar plexus and sacral chakra do a great job awakening the essence of clairsentience. Clairsentience operates within the lower chakras and within the nervous system they rely on the nervous system to send stimuli to the brain for it to be translated.

If a parent has a closed third eye why wouldn’t a child?

A child does not go through the parents forehead when they enter this world, they pass right through the root chakra of the mother as they come into this world, so their root chakra breaks as it attunes to its parent’s root chakra. If it’s a vaginal birth, it’s the root chakra that breaks if it’s a c-section you can have both the sacral and root chakra break if the parents sacral and root chakra are broken. If the parents sacral is fine, then it will be okay but it’s the passage into the world that causes it.

The Root Chakra

The root chakra has incredible primal energies inside of it, it’s the fire of our soul and being. It’s a different type of darkness and a unique journey in comparison to the other aspects of darkness. Darkness is not unilateral it is not comprised of a single journey. Many people cannot perceive or break up the many journeys of darkness because we are so conditioned to believe there is only one specific element of darkness. It’s due to the light and dark duality that is imposed on us in our world where everything that is “good” is described as light and anything “bad” is described as dark. This is often taught as a universal aspect of darkness when it isn’t. We are taught abuse and horrors are all dark because it’s bad, however it’s a fraction of the entire picture. Yes, there are elements that can contain it but there are also aspects of light that are murderous and destructive. All of this is just one path within light and darkness among a plethora of others.

We have shadow aspects within our self, and we also have a primal energy within our root chakra, the energies there are so powerful. Within our root chakras the primal energy holds our confidence, strength, endurance, and ability to stand in our power and face down all those who would stand against us with almost a bestial and incredible energy that pushes anything that will try to push us to the ground. When we can conjure up the primal essence, the primal fire, in the root chakra and fill our other chakras with it we become a unstoppable force that dominates and pushes down anything that gets in our way.

The primal journeys are vast just like all the journeys of darkness that exist. The primal self will be unique to the people who they reside within, and everyone will have slight variations of these primal energies. Everyone will also have different ways in how they access, work and command them as well as interpret these energies. What the primal journey means to you will be unique to you. There is incredible fire that burns within the root chakra, and it gives us strength and conviction of self. We can tap into it to connect with our charisma and magnetism, through it we can have the ability to command the energies around us.

When you are in tune with your root chakra and your primal essence you can detect and pick up the energies of everyone around you. You can understand other people and know what motivates and drives them, what their needs are and what aren’t being met. A healthy root chakra and connection to the primal energies can help us develop incredible intuition. The intuition that comes from this is a deep knowing of the world around you and you can learn to see through people and know their intentions.

Primal energies in other chakras?

Primal energies will be different in each chakra, and they have their own primal energies. The energies within each chakra will be different because each chakra is a different vibration. We get different primal energies as we move up the chakras. Even primal love energies within the heart chakra has its own energy. Throat singing is an example of primal energies within the throat chakra and the power that comes from it.

Primal Energies, Elders, and the Crone

When we look at writing about modeling in our current time and throughout history, we see many examples where women were almost infantilized. Akelta remembers learning about times in history where women weren’t even allowed to write or read books because some of the rationale was that it would take blood away from their uteruses and that they wouldn’t be able to bear children. It’s amazing to study how we got to this point and how power was infantilized. There were many attempts to strip us of our power and our primal energies.

If we look at the essence of the crone, the crone embodies the essence of the primal. The crone knows all the phases of life, the lust, the passion, desire the crone knows incredible darkness too. The crone often has an integrated essence of power and an awakened root chakra. In the ancient cultures when people would go through various life stages the elder would have knowledge and wisdom to help offer healing and guidance to them.

The elders understood the essence of the primal so they didn’t shame others for their power nor did they try to strip them of it, they just existed in that state. What happened over time was to sever humans from this power, but it is starting to come back and people are starting to realize the power that exists as they reconnect with their primal energies. The primal energies aren’t wrong and it’s not wrong to understand the essence of darkness, it’s not wrong to understand our power and the energies that rises from within. There are paths of reconnection that stem from healing the root chakra, healing generational pains, and healing the family traumas that strips people from their ability to understand and connect to this energy. The more people that heal the more powerful they become, also the more they speak, the clearer their voices are heard. These people are not meek nor fearful anymore they rise and stand up, which is due to the fire in the root chakra.

Primal energies and Anger

Primal energies can be angry, and it’s justified anger because when the primal energies have been caged and restrained it’s like they wait for the moment when the cage fails and the energies open so they can go full force. Primal energies are a force of danger and destruction. They can be destructive like a volcano that erupts and wipes the land out and then also have an energy to encourage lush plants and fertile soil from it. It’s a cycle and the primal energies allow for that; they burn away what’s old and stagnant.

You can burn energies that hold you back. You can tap into the energies of the root chakra and send it through your whole body which will clear away blocks and any barriers to completely open you up to the raw essence of who you are. Primal energies can also burn away falseness, illusion, strip you from masks. This can be very dangerous work too because many people get comfortable with their masks and illusions, as they can be comfortable and soothing.

Sometimes when we activate these energies and are stripped of these illusions and faced with raw truths it can destroy us, destroy our minds and bodies, as well as destroy our connection to this world.

Are removing masks dangerous because it can trigger an ego death?

Yes, an ego death can be part of it. We can also lose who we thought we were which isn’t necessarily based on ego but could be based on our identity that we connected to. Then as we burn things away, we can realize it’s actually not our identity but one someone else placed on us or one that we adopted and grew comfortable with yet wasn’t truly ours. Therefore, in this case to have it removed from our world can be incredibly damaging and shocking to us.

Psychosis from this process?

Yes, psychosis could result from this. Some people experience intense pains in their body, and some can get physically sick. Others may experience chills or fevers, or phases where they are shaking and trying to rebalance their energies within their body. It’s almost similar to something like someone who is a drug addict trying to get off a drug entirely, so they have to go through a detox period. Some people do die after being addicted to drugs depending on how addicted they are since sometimes the body can’t handle the shock of losing that substance after relying on it. It can be similar to that burning away our masks and illusions or it can manifest in other ways too.

Others completely fine when removing masks

Some people are completely fine though through this process and have no problem with it as the masks and illusions are stripped away. For some people they can feel truly liberated from a false sense of self. It’s not all negative since as the old self melts away it can be feel like a release that is freeing and a moment of complete happiness because they are able to free themselves. They are able to surrender to what they know is true and it is powerful work.

How does one begin to access the primal energies?

The first step is connecting with the root chakra and connect in a way where you are aligned with it. Here we should reconnect with our root chakra and our primal fire to get past everything society told us was wrong about us. When you start to reconnect to these energies you will uncover many other voices from other times in your life where you were told these energies are wrong. There is a journey that comes from pushing past these voices and embracing and accepting the sides of our self that society deems is wrong or bad.

Primal innocence?

There is an innocent essence to primal energies. When the primal energies do not have anything encroaching on them and are allowed to roam free there is an innocent essence to it that comes forth. When you are in touch with the primal essence and free from all that infringes upon it you are able to explore, direct and play with it. There is an innocent essence of play that moves through the world, it’s like a dance of who you are at your core. It’s beautiful when you can burn it away and access those innocent primal energies.

There are two components of the primal: the innocent quality and the mature quality. The mature quality can become a force that fights against that. There are different stages; the innocence essence that is like the carefree spirit and the mature aspect that is like the primal warrior that goes out and is not afraid to face things head on. Then there is the wise essence of the primal that has a beautiful level of darkness that we can tap into it because we have been transformed by the battle and have a deep understanding of all the elements. In the wise aspect you see how the primal energies are linked together and you see how they move through you and how you can command, shift and create with them. You are in control of them and there is a wise energy that comes from that. There are such beautiful layers of darkness there.

Akelta believes that those that want to stay in power and keep suppressing people; this is what they fear most in this world where people reclaim their power. Someone who has primal wisdom is in control and connected to their primal side making them a force to be reckoned with. They shake foundations and make massive changes in the world around them.

Predator/prey dynamic

This is what Akelta means by the many paths within the primal. The predator/prey dynamic is just one path within it: the desire to hunt and be hunted and the balance between them. There is a beautiful balance of the hunter and the hunted and what it encompasses. It is one path of many that exists. The predator/prey dynamic doesn’t even have to be dark, there’s an essence of it simply being related to nature. There is the natural essence of a predator who hunts prey and prey that learns to hide and shield themselves from predators. It’s a dance and a balance of understanding, a balance of the natural world, and a balance of the primal fire.

When we are looking into the dynamic of predator/prey which aspects are we accessing? Are we accessing the energies of the predator where we are hunting or are we accessing the essence of the prey where we are using our instincts and primal energies to learn to hide and conceal ourselves? How long can you elude the hunter, how long can you survive? Can you survive against different types of predators? All these questions are aspects prey have to live by. There is an intelligence essence of both.

Prey have to be incredibly intelligent to survive and the predator has to be cunning and brilliant in its assessment of the hunting grounds and areas. It can be a very beautiful dynamic because it creates its own pockets of intelligence. It creates a power dynamic since not only does the predator have power but so does the prey. Some prey eludes their predators in the most amazing ways. There is a dance between them that pushes both prey and predator to a primal wisdom state. An aged and seasoned predator knows its prey and knows the tricks they like to do in order to evade them, so it allows the predator to hunt better and wiser. An aged and seasoned prey with wise primal energy is skilled and cunning at hiding and concealing from searching eyes and knows how to throw their predator off course.

How do primal energies link to shamanism?

Shamanism is an exploration of the primal forces. Shamans work to get back and access these energies since they work with them. Shamans are great healers since they can heal from the primal energies as those energies themselves are very healing and empowering. Sometimes when we feel that rush of energy from the root chakra it heals our body and opens us up.

The journey to becoming a shaman can kill you. When Akelta studied anthropology, she found many descriptions on how shamanistic journeys took many to the brink of death. This is because they are tapping into powerful and transformational energies, they are surrendering to it while encountering forces, powerful beings, and powerful aspects of themselves. This process can completely overtake you.

The shamanistic essence is linked to the primal because the shamans deal with primal energies and is why they must go through rigorous training. Shamans need to understand and handle the primal energies; they need to be able to work with it not just within themselves but in other people too. This takes a huge understanding of the primal energies because the primal energies, of each person is going to be unique to each individual and it will awaken in different ways.

Shamans have incredible healing techniques, and they can tap into incredible forces of nature, it’s not just the primal energies of their species but also primal energies of other beings as well. For example, the primal energies of animals or plants, or the primal energies of the world around them can be tapped into. This is another path we can begin to see how diverse and complex the energies are, as well as how they move through the natural world and us, and the beings of the natural world.

Primal energies within us or the world around us?

The primal energies within our root chakra will be unique to us. The primal energies of the world around us contains many different variations, layers, and connections. You could come in contact with many things. Akelta’s mother has a wolf dog named Toby and one day they were walking and met another wolf dog which resulted in an immediate reaction of snarling and poising to attack each other. It was Toby and this other wolf dog’s primal energies reacting to each other and they were ready to figure out who was the dominant one. We have our primal energies, but we also have the primal energies around us. How we react to those primal energies when our primal energies are awakened will be unique. As it awakens, we will feel different energies around us and we will feel different energies, vibrations, and sensations.

Societies expectations for us and being tribal people?

A lot of people go through a desensitization process as they move from being children to adults. This desensitization occurs as the chakras slowly close off generally as expectations are placed on us. We are told you can’t do this; you can’t do that; you have to conform to this or that and these expectations can bs so stifling that we find our energies and body begin to close off. The chakras do the best they can, but this is why some people when they get to their elder years, they appear dead inside. This is generally due to being devoid of any stimulus or any form of arousal from life, they are void of everything.

Societies expectation and views play a large role on us. We are often punished when we try to act in a way that society doesn’t deem acceptable. Akelta was able to get away with so much in school because she knew she didn’t do anything wrong, so she generally didn’t conform to what society wanted from her. Akelta was always different and almost shamelessly acted different. There was bullying from the teachers as she grew up and picking on a child that didn’t conform to their standards is wrong, yet we see it all the time and is something Akelta experienced and was grateful when her mother went after them for it.

If Akelta’s existence causes so much discomfort for someone else, then they should look at why because she didn’t do anything to them. She tried her best to do the work in school, but it was because she was different from them that they decided to attack. The teachers had a problem with that uniqueness and instead of using it as a moment for them to grow they took their problems out on her. It was a choice on their part, so we can still be a tribal people but still make choices not to bully people we don’t like. Akelta agrees that we are like a tribal group but also says that being open to other people and not bullying and targeting them for being different is more appropriate. Akelta doesn’t care what society you are in but an adult bullying a child is wrong and she will challenge it. It’s often societies view to bully anyone that is different, who doesn’t conform or fit into it but it’s a limited and constraining outlook that is smothering.

When we act in a way that goes against what is expected from us, often we get little jabs and nitpicks from people around us. It can be little things not even big things. Akelta was talking with a friend who was sharing her experience where in grade 7 she was sexually abused by the boys in her class, but the teacher simply said boys will be boys you developed early so that’s your problem. Stuff like this is wrong and damaging, it damages us and disconnects us from our power because we are taught “this is an authority figure and we can’t do anything about it”. The primal energy however will challenge this and not take it lying down. The first step would then be to reconnect with the root chakra and reconnect to the truth.

How do you find balance between primal energies and societies expectation?

Akelta likes to hold extreme truths in perfect balance, and she will hold her primal energies. Akelta carved her own place in society because she never really fit in. A major aspect with this work is don’t go killing people and don’t attack anyone and don’t try to bite anyone’s neck. There are many emails they receive where they have to emphasize this- not to hurt anyone. There are certain things you can do to be true to yourself without hurting anyone.

We can see the primal energies in pockets that we have been disconnected from, due to it being denied. It’s amazing how we were disconnected from everything that was primal, dark and natural about our being but now we are starting to reconnect.

There are ways to explore your primal energies like:

• Meditation
• Martial arts
• Picking up a hobby
• Rigorous physical activities
• Art – it’s a fantastic way to explore it

There are many ways to balance and hold the primal energies and exist in society in perfect balance. This also relates to the balance of darkness and light. When you hold these energies in balance you are able to find unique and beautiful paths and ways to inspire, create, and change your view of the world. When Akelta was a teenager a lot of what she is doing now and writing about she never imagined she would do let alone post it online. Since Akelta is holding her primal energies and standing in her primal truth she directs them to carve her path and has been able to create a space where other people can explore their energies and embrace their own power and beauty to find their own expression. It’s about learning how to hold extremes in perfect balance and holding darkness and light, which can be very challenging to do. The people that can hold darkness and light in perfect balance can go deeper in the dark because of it.

Akelta’s mentor always said, “anyone that says they are edgy or dark I don’t believe them. It’s the granny that can melt butter with her mouth you know she has seen things and you know she is the dark one. She is the true one who holds the darkness.” It comes from the wisdom of being able to hold the energy extremes in perfect balance. Her mentor was explaining how so many people claim to be dark but the moment he speaks they are suddenly upset or backing off or concerned for him, but he is just being himself naturally and so is Akelta.

Akelta comes off as light at times but this stuff isn’t dark to her it’s natural. You have these energies to balance and when you are able to do so, you find your own voice within it and your own energies and how they move within you. It can show you how you can connect and work with others and how you align with them. It’s a beautiful balance and it opens things up in a profound way.

What to do when your darkness and primal energies feel “off kilter” i.e., darker than what is acceptable?

***Trigger warning violence***

If you get to the point where it feels off kilter, then it’s likely something unbalanced within you that needs to be balanced. Akelta can reach incredible levels of darkness but because she is balanced in it she doesn’t have issues. There are things that she often will say that can shock people however she knows her balance. If you are worried about doing things off kilter to society and decided to venture too far then you will end up in jail. It’s a choice that people make where they have to ask themselves in what way do they want to explore things and how do they want to direct it.

There are so many different ways to explore these dark aspects and so many ways to venture into them. It doesn’t only have to be explored through anti-social behaviors which this way can also make you a target for other people that contain darkness. A cousin of Akelta’s was in a lot of gangs and he was involved in things which were illegal. Part of her family was into crazy things, and she remembers talking with her cousin about that level of darkness where people are in those energies and are at war with others while doing illegal things. Some people like being in it, others once they are in it they don’t want to be. However, once you are being the hunter like that and engaged in those energies people are going to start hunting you too. It becomes a game where you are being hunted and targeted and so is your family. It’s a specific path where some thrive but usually most people don’t last long within this path.

When you go into these areas do you want the consequences that come with it? And do you want to accept those sides that come with that. There are paths like this, and some people do choose that to balance their primal energies, however there are so many other paths as well. Akelta is not encouraging anyone to go into it she is just speaking the reality of it because she knows of people who walked that life and engaged in that level of darkness. However, there are so many creative aspects of darkness too and other avenues that can be considered. This is what Akelta mentioned at the start of the chat, in regard to the journey of darkness and how many people state “darkness is bad”, and everything that is bad is dark and good is light. Yet that is not accurate at all this is but one path among endless other paths in darkness.

There are so many ways to encompass and capture the energies of darkness and primal energies. It depends on what you want to do. A lot of people think they want something not realizing what it involves or is truly like. Akelta’s cousin would also always emphasize how a lot of people thought they wanted his lifestyle but once they got into it, they didn’t want it anymore; however, it’s always too late by then. It’s about looking at your energies and your essence of darkness and figuring out where you want to take it and what do you want to do. The important part is figuring out what you want to do. What world do you want to be in?

Akelta went to a private school that had all the rich neglected children and they all were basically gangsters with money. Akelta stayed quiet because she didn’t want them to come for her but the things they were doing as 14- and 15-year-olds was horrible. When it comes to exploring darkness, it really is just one path but there are so many others, it’s a choice. One of Akelta’s other cousins found primal satisfaction in opening up a butcher shop and carving up meat for others, which was his way to safely exploring those energies.

How to balance if your DDE with earthen things if it is very dark?

Akelta’s energy is ridiculously dark and she explores different paths of darkness and embraces different paths. How dark is dark? Because we can go into incredibly dark areas. There are ways to explore and balance our darkness through things like creative writing and even looking at some horror movies that are so beautifully written. What cravings are you hoping to fulfill with your DDE because it depends on the level we go into. There are so many different aspects and avenues of darkness.

*Trigger warning sexual violence*
If you are interested in BDSM and want to experience the darker side of it, you can hire male doms to take you to darker levels if that’s something you wanted to explore. You can find people who will be willing to enact certain scenarios if you are more interested in playing with certain aspects. Akelta had a friend who enjoyed having very dark sexual experiences and she enjoyed getting beaten up. Poison paths are another level if you wanted to explore it. Astral experiences are another way to explore things.

Primal energies do not have to be sinister. They will manifest differently in everyone; some will even use their primal energies to manifest. While other people can use it to burn away all blocks and craft the world around them. It’s a personal thing how you want to engage with it.

Hard time finding balance due to anger and violence?

Someone who doesn’t have control over their emotions, their anger will be erratic and all over the place. Someone who practices calmness and mental mastery they will feel their anger and rather than repress it will be able to direct it exactly where they want to.

Exploration with the Qliphoth to figure out triggers

The Qliphoth explores the darker aspects of the soul. It breaks up and opens up the different dark areas within the body, so you get to explore and understand the different areas. The key is to figure the root of your anger and violence. Usually exploring the roots of your urges and why you feel the anger coming up as well as understanding those elements will help you command it and be in control. This will allow you to make sense of it and guide it to where you want to. It comes down to breaking yourself apart and figuring out where these energies are.

The Qliphoth is fascinating because you can explore it for an eternity. Every time you experience one of the spheres you change as a person so the next time you experience it, it will change with you. It’s the energy that changes. Also figure out why do you get triggered by things, what triggers you and why does it upset you? Akelta’s mentor would always say if something is triggering you, your darkness is out of balance. Therefore, understanding these things is important. We also may simply not like something and that’s fine you don’t have to push yourself into every area.

One thing mature darkness teaches is that when we reject certain notions of darkness, we open other areas and pockets in exchange. We can’t explore every facet of darkness so sometimes we have to reject some aspects to open up other journeys and areas. If you don’t reject any aspects of darkness you end up only on the surface of things being unable to push into the depth of it. Don’t be afraid to say I want to focus on this area. Exploring is important.

Having anger due to life trauma

It makes sense feeling anger from life trauma. Trauma from this life can lead to a lot of anger and pain, which can be processed, explored and understand. Many people find that they try to recreate aspects of their trauma in order to gain control of it. It can be an interesting experience for the mind to do that because the mind is trying to make sense of it. It can lead to its own paths of darkness there.

The End! :devilfre:
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This was a wonderful discussion which touched on so many things. I love exploring the different ways we can process/interpret and relate everything out there—the world, the energies around us, etc.

Well done in your transcribing, as always! We and many folks who will come to S&S and make use of this knowledge in the future are all most fortunate to have you! :devillove:
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Thank you for the excellent notes Windy!
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Thanks you. you very much for your efforts.
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Thank you all I appreciate it :devillove:
Rasha wrote:
Fri Jul 16, 2021 1:27 pm
This was a wonderful discussion which touched on so many things. I love exploring the different ways we can process/interpret and relate everything out there—the world, the energies around us, etc.

Well done in your transcribing, as always! We and many folks who will come to S&S and make use of this knowledge in the future are all most fortunate to have you! :devillove:
I agree! You described it so well <3. it's amazing how the discussions unfold and how all the questions unlock different aspects and facets of the topic. I love seeing and feeling how it all flows.

Aww thank you for the kind words. I'm really glad to help out and yes exactly that! They are all such incredible tea chats it's amazing to be able to share it like this with current and future people, it makes me so happy :devillove:
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Thank you so much for your amazing notes Windy <3
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This was a superb discussion and the note taking was superb too! :crazy: Thanks so much Windy. :devillove:

I’ve had an ginormous journey of reconciliation with my primal energies. Dealing with the rage and anger was difficult but I didn’t expect so much distrust and conflict because of having tried to fit into society rather then trusting my deep primal sense of self. Something that really helped me was observing Hyena families and their societal interactions and rules. They are brutal and matriarchal. Females, only, rule and are dominant. And the youngest daughter is the Heir Apparent. Which means … if she doesn’t exert her authority and dominance by the young age of 8 to 10 months she will likely be killed, or at the very least maimed and overthrown. I related to this absolutely- it helped me claim my power and begin an internal love relationship to these energies within.

Not everyone will relate to such a brutal primal way but these energies need us to find our own way to personalize them and internalize them . I found that they needed to be able to trust that I would always choose myself first and that’s not always easy in a world that believes that WE are more important then any I…. And that evil has come from that sense of I or ME whereas good comes from being a team-player. True integration of the primal energies couldn’t occur for me without putting the ME first and that power , if not harnessed in some manner, can be a powerful opponent if we don’t embrace and own it as Me.

Thank you again Windyjune!
"Good morning. I see the assassins have failed….”

”In the end it doesn't matter who or what you are - only that you've been embraced by all that you've become ... "
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Kore Serpens wrote:
Sun Jul 18, 2021 1:18 pm
This was a superb discussion and the note taking was superb too! :crazy: Thanks so much Windy. :devillove:

I’ve had an ginormous journey of reconciliation with my primal energies. Dealing with the rage and anger was difficult but I didn’t expect so much distrust and conflict because of having tried to fit into society rather then trusting my deep primal sense of self. Something that really helped me was observing Hyena families and their societal interactions and rules. They are brutal and matriarchal. Females, only, rule and are dominant. And the youngest daughter is the Heir Apparent. Which means … if she doesn’t exert her authority and dominance by the young age of 8 to 10 months she will likely be killed, or at the very least maimed and overthrown. I related to this absolutely- it helped me claim my power and begin an internal love relationship to these energies within.

Not everyone will relate to such a brutal primal way but these energies need us to find our own way to personalize them and internalize them . I found that they needed to be able to trust that I would always choose myself first and that’s not always easy in a world that believes that WE are more important then any I…. And that evil has come from that sense of I or ME whereas good comes from being a team-player. True integration of the primal energies couldn’t occur for me without putting the ME first and that power , if not harnessed in some manner, can be a powerful opponent if we don’t embrace and own it as Me.

Thank you again Windyjune!
I never knew hyenas operated like that! I’ll have to check them out myself. I too am starting to re-embrace my primal side. I think this will help.
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I love this topic as a whole. Thank you to all for your contributions. Primal energies are the medicine I need (well one of many medicines anyway.) I love how animals teach us so much!

Kore Serpens thank you for being able to articulate what I could not.

I get tired of society favoring the collective over the individual. Too many people become "the kindness police" and make others feel like dog crap for not giving themselves to complete strangers, especially to the point of becoming an inconvenience. We are always told to "give until it hurts", even when you lack the means or resources to do so, this causes people to burn out and I hate it. Having a sense of self is an important boundary to have in life! One of the most important piece of life advice I have been given is "to know thyself."

The collective is made of many may many individuals. If we all mindlessly become enmeshed within a group, we lose our sense of self, and at some point we cease to exist, well what good does that do anyone? I may view groups as important and having their strengths and acknowledge their reason for existence, but I do not ever want to lose myself in one, become trapped, lost, or be overly dependent on them.
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Kore Serpens
Posts: 1167
Joined: Thu Aug 15, 2013 4:07 pm
Patron Deities: Satan, Lilith, Sonnelion, Azazel, Kali ma, Belial
Your favourite Demon?: Hellborn, Archane, Mutilation, Chaos, Noble, Devotion, Imps
Has thanked: 289 times
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flywithbats666 wrote:
Sun May 21, 2023 2:09 pm
I love this topic as a whole. Thank you to all for your contributions. Primal energies are the medicine I need (well one of many medicines anyway.) I love how animals teach us so much!

Kore Serpens thank you for being able to articulate what I could not.

I get tired of society favoring the collective over the individual. Too many people become "the kindness police" and make others feel like dog crap for not giving themselves to complete strangers, especially to the point of becoming an inconvenience. We are always told to "give until it hurts", even when you lack the means or resources to do so, this causes people to burn out and I hate it. Having a sense of self is an important boundary to have in life! One of the most important piece of life advice I have been given is "to know thyself."

The collective is made of many may many individuals. If we all mindlessly become enmeshed within a group, we lose our sense of self, and at some point we cease to exist, well what good does that do anyone? I may view groups as important and having their strengths and acknowledge their reason for existence, but I do not ever want to lose myself in one, become trapped, lost, or be overly dependent on them.
You’ve articulated it perfectly flywithbats666; thanks for your comment.
"Good morning. I see the assassins have failed….”

”In the end it doesn't matter who or what you are - only that you've been embraced by all that you've become ... "
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