What Music/Shows/Movies/Books/Games Inspired You?

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I grew up loving the fantasy genre, so most of them are fantasy LOL


Elfen Lied - The idea of being different, and shunned/hunted by humanity.
Pokemon - not the catching bit, but the importance of bonds and friendship.
Tokyo Ghoul - mostly the messages, how the world can be a horrible place.
PreCure - life can change so drastically one day, how things are meant to be.

Video Games:

League of Legends - wonderful fantasy world building and lore. I despise the community but I developed a thick skin.
Phantasy Star Portable 2 + God Eater + Monster Hunter - not the hunting bit, but the concept of the unknown and what is out there.
Guild Wars 2 - fantasy world wooo
Eden Eternal + Fiesta Online - childhood video games that opened my eyes to the possibility of magick.
Wolf Team - you can turn in to a wolf at will. Each wolf has their own powers/abilities.
Fire Emblem - magick! swords! this games sometimes wish I could shoot lightning or fire. Sadly this is not how magick works rip.

Movies/ TV shows

H2O Just Add Water - mermaids ya'll
Chronicles of Narnia - childhood movie, the mystical creatures woaaah
Star Wars - that there is something that connects us all, I also want to be a Sith.
Daybreakers - life of vampires trying to live in a modern world (anti-sun technology cars).
Shrek - I adore fairy tales.
The Omen franchise - sheds light on the anti-demon side of things. Ironically, I saw it as a kid and that was what made me fear demons. Taught me that media can twist things around to strike fear.
The Umbrella Academy - the concept of having cool abilities!
Merlin - magic! dragons! Camelot!


Star Wars - I wanna shoot lightning yo
Narnia - what I said earlier but wtf its kinda sexist
Witchy Magic by Lucy Cavendish and Serene Conneeley - my first book on magick!
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Leo Sierra
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Patron Deities: Pazuzu, Lillith
Your favourite Demon?: Mutilations and Crypts
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Night of the Living Dead
Ghostbusters 1 and 2

TV Shows:
Real Ghostbusters
The Dreamstone
Gravedale High
Pirates of Darkwater
Dungeons and Dragons

Redwall by Brian Jaques
Whitby Witches Trilogy by Robin Jarvis
Deptford Mice Trilogy by Robin Jarvis
Nightworld saga by L J Smith
various Goosebumps titles
Lord of the Rings by J R R Tolkien

Tomb Raider

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Your favourite Demon?: King Paimon, Buer, Haagenti and Oriax
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Location: Cornwall UK
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As an old fart my brain no longer remembers the titles of the black and white films that were on re run in the 1970 and 80s but basically they involved highway men and women!!!!! People being hanged but for a noble reason, A Tale of Two Cities, That Hamilton Woman and loads of Clark Gable and Burt Lancaster swashbuckling movies. Heathcliff with Lawrence Olivier etc

Books are anything - I'm a book worm and studied English Literature at Uni but if I had to narrow it down - the English classics, The Heath Anthology of American Literature, Feminist Fables and anything Edgar Allen Poe.

Games: D&D, MTG and I had some knights on horse back made from metal that I made up soooo many adventures for.

I was born in 1975 so my taste reflects that.

Now I sit with the children and watch Crunchy Roll and have manga thrust in my face.

“One cannot step twice in the same river” – Heraclitus

“The unexamined life is not worth living” – Socrates
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I know I’m going to forget things lol

Sailor moon
Lord of the Rings
Final Fantasy X, X-2, Xll and Xlll
Lady Gaga
Bioshock (all three of the games)
Gauntlet Dark Legacy
Emilie Autumn
Yugioh and Yugioh GX
Blood +
Fables (comics)
Dragon Age inquisition
Kingdom Hearts
Monster High

Honestly there’s a lot of them and I could keep listing things lol. The biggest ones for me were Sailor moon and Inuyasha.
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Oh my lord. Where to begin?


Blind Guardian
Demons and Wizards
The Decemberists
The Birthday Massacre
The Mountain Goats
The Protomen
Evil Cowards (brings out the trickster in me - give Soldiers of Satan a listen)


Snow Crash
Mistborn Trilogy
Merlin Trilogy
Letters From the Earth
Son of the Black Sword
The Vorrh
The Lies of Locke Lamora
The Hitchhiker's Guide
Fahrenheit 451


Persona 3 and 5
The Witcher 3
Knights of the Old Republic
Final Fantasy IX
Shin Megami Tensei: Nocturne
Digital Devil Saga
Batman: Arkham Asylum


The Venture Bros
Breaking Bad
Better Call Saul
Good Omens
House of Cards (British version - don't much care for the American take on it past the first season)


Finding Neverland (Though it's become a bit tainted since I learned more about the creator of Peter Pan - I still like the movie, but I have to force myself into a frame of mind where I view it only as fiction.)
V for Vendetta
Lord of the Rings trilogy
The Dark Crystal
A Clockwork Orange
The Producers (For those unfamiliar, this is a must watch)
Anything Mel Brooks, really
Hot Fuzz

And I could go on and on and on - I find something to inspire me creatively or trigger spiritual insights in nearly everything.
I'll take you home tonight/To the center of your soul
I'll take you home tonight/Fire and flesh and blood
Touching the flames tonight/Touching the flames tonight
Morning star embrace me on these grounds
Angel of light
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Zygimantas Puze
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Your favourite Demon?: Lucifer, lord Satan
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Location: Lithuania, Mažeikiai
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• Peter Gundry - Geotia
• Tartini -"Devil's Thrill Sonata"
• Peter Gundry - Lucifers Hymn
• GHOSTEMANE x PARV0 - I duckinf hatw you

TV Shows:
• Extrasensory battle

Video games:
• Diablo II Lord Of Destruction & Diablo III
• Warframe

How come it can’t fly no better than a chicken?’ Milkman asked.

Too much tail. All that jewelry weighs it down. Like vanity. Can’t nobody fly with all that [stuff]. Wanna fly, you got to give up the [stuff] that weighs you down.’

by Toni Morrison

More quotes


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Location: Cornwall UK
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The last 3 years I have discovered Korean Fantasy dramas and I find they really touch my spiritual side and they are making the otherworld and deities make so much more sense.

“One cannot step twice in the same river” – Heraclitus

“The unexamined life is not worth living” – Socrates
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Your favourite Demon?: Beelzebub, Lucifer, Lord Satan, Marquess Marchosias
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I have just finished Neil Gaiman's "The Sandman" series. OH....OH....There simply are not enough positive words for this series. It is truly magical. It came out as a comic on a monthly basis back, I think, in the 90's, but has been re-released in graphic novel form. It is SOOOOO Amazing! The story line is incredible enough, but the artists he partnered with, the sheer brilliance everyone involved brought to the series defies description. :crazy:

That said, do start reading Neil Gaiman if you have not already done so. Start anywhere, his short stories, his novels...you will be enthralled, enchanted. Ah, I know a good place to start, "The Ocean At The End Of The Lane." :devilread: You will want to read everything he ever wrote once you get started. The first "Sandman" book that I read was "The Dream Hunters" He collaborated with a Japanese artist to create, arguably, the most beautiful graphic novel....EVER. :devilread: :devillove:
"Push something hard enough...and it will fall over."
Fudds First Law Of Opposition

“All art that is not mere storytelling or mere portraiture is symbolic...If you liberate a person or a landscape from the bonds of motives and their actions, causes and their effects...it will change under your eyes, and become a symbol of infinite emotion, a perfected emotion, a part of the Dark Divine Essence.”

William Butler Yeats

(The italicized word “dark” is my addition.)
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Soooo many things come to mind, but I will only list a few things!

Sailor moon
Avatar: The Last Airbender
the show Monster Rancher
Powerpuff Girls
Dragon Ball Z
Samarai Jack
Inuyasha & Yashahime: Princess Half Demon
Wolf's Rain
Witch Hunter Robin
Jumanji (may Robin Williams RIP)
the Underworld Series
The Twilight Zone
Street Sharks
Enchantress from Suicide Squad
Raven & Jinx from Teen Tians
Batman TAS & Beyond

Dark Gods & Goddesses, divine demon dark feminine energy, vampires, magic, witches, wolves, insanity, eccentric-ness, being an introvert, supernatural meta human powers...the call of the darkside and the cookies they bake. Evolving, a phoenix rising from the ashes. Being more than just human.

my imagination :)
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Only Yesterday I tend to rewatch when things are getting confusing and my past is creeping back up, it reminds me to go on and that things really can happen.

Whisperer of the Heart reminds me that we're all still developing and to have patience and nurture yourself.

The Cat Lady (Best ending), I can't really talk on this without spoiling anything.
If you're okay with mature content then play it and you'll understand.

Beautiful and uplifting, seems childish at first glance, but give it a go and see it through.

I'll just drop this playlist here.
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