Transitioning part 1- Christianity (or any RHP) to Satanism

Questions and Answers for where to begin on the Darker Spiritual Paths.

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Sansah wrote:
Wed Sep 09, 2020 2:51 am
Marosey wrote:
Wed Sep 28, 2016 2:09 pm

Thanks for that post. All the stuff you shared about transitioning out
Of Christianity is on spot. Christian programming is devastating because
It is not really having an relationship {with any being} it's just control and appearances
You have to put up.

Them sludges and Christian thought forms can really give a bad name towards
The LHP. After educating myself I realize how much lies has been told and abuse
The demons/djinn... Etc had to endure.

King Paimon as one of the dark lords is a gentlement and does not force himself
On you. He made it clear to make a choice. With my continued studying and sincere heart
I know I will make the right choice.
This is probably the only thing that is stalling my full transition. (The sludges part) Being conditioned to mistake sludges & their evil doings, for demons. Other than that, I have already surpassed the other parts of the RHP conditioning. I feel like the more I educate myself, the more I can digest..........................then the more I can understand the true nature of the DLs. I do not want to come from a pace of disrespect when I finally approach them. I want to approach them with an open and true devotion. :devilread:
I agree with you. Thanks for sharing and the encouragement.
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Firstly I wanted to say thank you for sharing all this information. It really helped and I can see why I have some of the initial reactions that I’m currently going through.

My wife is extremely religious and told me time and time that communication with demons will end up in a divorce because she doesn’t want that in her or families life. I definitely understand why she says what she says because of my background in the church. But I’ve always had this pull to demons, witchcraft, energy and the universe.

That being said now I’ve been doing more time meditating and trying to connect with the earth and her energy as well as demon lords and goddess’s. I feel uncomfortable when I have to pray out loud with her and her family, but I do it almost to keep the peace in one way. But I do as you say, and pray to demons I feel drawn too.

What else can I do to take this anxiety away when praying? How else can I calm my heart and mind? It extremely frustrating.
“Stop being afraid of what can go wrong and start being positive in what can go right.”
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“We are all searching for someone whose demons play well with other.”
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Misha167 wrote:
Thu Sep 24, 2020 8:38 am
Firstly I wanted to say thank you for sharing all this information. It really helped and I can see why I have some of the initial reactions that I’m currently going through.

My wife is extremely religious and told me time and time that communication with demons will end up in a divorce because she doesn’t want that in her or families life. I definitely understand why she says what she says because of my background in the church. But I’ve always had this pull to demons, witchcraft, energy and the universe.

That being said now I’ve been doing more time meditating and trying to connect with the earth and her energy as well as demon lords and goddess’s. I feel uncomfortable when I have to pray out loud with her and her family, but I do it almost to keep the peace in one way. But I do as you say, and pray to demons I feel drawn too.

What else can I do to take this anxiety away when praying? How else can I calm my heart and mind? It extremely frustrating.
is very difficult if wife agree with marry you because you in church, when you leave church, she maybe not ok with marry you. is like compare with good job. wife marry because husband job is good in future. if husband lose job or change job, wife maybe still love husband but cant stand new situation. or rich. lose money, then wife cant stand poor situation because she used to rich life. :possessed:

for short term, better choose angel base like enochian magick. not demon base like satanism. so you can exuse to wife that you dont leave church far, not demon but angel. for long tern, if you really serius , better talk to wife deeper. talk future, comitment, compromyse, and so on. :hug:

one storey, gotama leave his family wife and kids and become budda. not meaning to go divorce, but spiritual goal relate to family too if you have family
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Thank you for your words. It makes sense.

In term, I never been pulled to the church as much as I have been pulled by demons. I will have to re look at my situation.

I know what else to add to my shadow work.

Thank you again.
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Wow... I really should have re-read that this year.

I really needed to read something like this. I have kind of distanced myself from my spiritual practices in 2020 due to not keeping up a routine, but mainly because this "Post-Christian regret" getting me harder than ever.

I know that I am not bound to the rules of Christianity anymore. I have realized that going through this path is what I chose. Yet... I was feeling some weird "nostalgia". As if I was missing something by not "delivering myself" to Christ or something.

But it is just unfounded, emotionally driven thoughts. Because every time I get to read the Bible, for example, I get either disgusted by the times there is slavery or clear incest involved (specially the ones that are "vital" for the story, like Noah's granddaughters getting pregnant out of him), or unimpressed that everything sounds too farfetched.

I need to get myself back into my studies and practices. I can kind of say I am back to square one. I hope I can get myself back.
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Thank you , this resonated with me greatly coming from a Christian upbringing from a young age up until I joined the military. I appreciate the fact that you took time to explain your experience and how things went for you; the slowing down part is something i especially needed to hear as I wanted to jump right into working with the gatekeepers but instead was re routed to work the qliphoth first, with the understanding that i still have a few shackles of my own that i need to break. Especially in the programming side
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Well, well, well. A Thesaurus in one hand, A Larousse in the other and I'm currently writing using my nose. 'Ere we go!

First of all, I want to then all of the users for their stories and advices concerning transitioning to the LHP. Testimonies are so much more than the result of their words. Each of them opens a new door for beginners – and for those that are still struggling to accept their path.

Following that, I wanted to share my own experiences. I genuinely hope this post would help someone in the future.

To begin with I come from a catholic French family. "Traditional" type, you see. Previsibly, they knew nuts about maix, esoterism, occultism, etc. Those things were far from their mind; like natural disasters, it happened to others, no to you, so you don't have to worry about it.

Then, my mother gave birth to me. Dramatic orchestral music, please.

I experienced several manifestations during my childhood (mostly due to clairsentience), but I was told they were the result of my imagination. Events as precognitions were hard to ignore though; to counter that, my family told me the Devil was trying to steal my soul.

In fact, it's interesting psychology wise: I was trying so hard to not be psychic that I convinced myself it was just dreams, games I played. It seems it was more comfortable to lie to me than thinking Satan was trying to possess me. Still, manifestations kept on going and I really felt bad about that. 

What convinced me to change my mind was a terrible accident. I had foreseen it but didn't want to believe in my capacities. In my mind there were only two options: I had to choose between God and being psychic. All sprinkled with "Bad, baaad me".

Guess what? My premonition was right.

Guess what? I asked my family for support. I was feeling guilty, desperate because of what happened. I opened myself entirely.

Guess what? They went full "You're bad catholic, you heretic" on me.

Sooo... I fell into depression.

[Insert "Ba-dum-tss"]

But we're not done yet! The funniest is still to come!

Let me tell you something. In fact, I haven't transitioned. 

"But Pautrain, could you say, you're working with Dark Lords and Ladies. Are you still catholic?"

Like Hell, I am.

You see, I understood something during my teenage years.

I've been told that I must choose between Gods or being psychic. It was a lie. Psychics abilities are part of Humanity. It is stupid as saying that someone he can't stretches because you don't trust those who play sports.

Thus, I'm a catholic, "traditional-kind", I suppose. And I'm actively working with Entities such as Lilith. How about transitioning without transitioning?

I know. It doesn't make any sense. But life doesn't have to make sense, you know? Perhaps we're not fitting to "full knowledge", just the knowledge we're able to understand – no offense to modern society. Perhaps we just have to be thankful for what has been given to us, for what we have now, in awe, in love...

Maybe... Maybe many lives would be happier like that. Would have been. Maybe...
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My parents were atheists and drug addicts. I was 9 or 10 when my mother had a bad trip and then started watching the PTL Club. After a few shows, she got down on her knees in front of the tv and converted. She got my dad to do that, also, and of course dragged me into it.

I remember hearing the sermons from the preachers and evangelists and their altar calls. They would all say the same thing: when someone gives their heart to Jesus, that person would really feel it.

I never did. So, I kept going to altar calls over and over. I finally stopped when I overheard my mother say, "there he goes again." I was depressed and dejected. I was definitely 10 by that time.

It wasn't too long after that I began to believe I was the anti-christ because I just could not feel the presence of the christian god. I felt like this for a long time. I think it was in part what helped me leave that religion when I was in my early 20s.

But, the damage and programming had been done.

I started with Wicca, and that helped me transition out because Wicca is somewhat into the light and "do good."

But yes, it is a process. It can take a long time. I think the longer someone is in it, the longer it takes to un-learn that garbage.
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Wynd Runner wrote:
Sun Feb 13, 2022 10:03 pm

It wasn't too long after that I began to believe I was the anti-christ because I just could not feel the presence of the christian god. I felt like this for a long time. I think it was in part what helped me leave that religion when I was in my early 20s.

But, the damage and programming had been done.

I started with Wicca, and that helped me transition out because Wicca is somewhat into the light and "do good."

But yes, it is a process. It can take a long time. I think the longer someone is in it, the longer it takes to un-learn that garbage.
We met each other at a Wiccan event, so it wasn't all bad :devillove: :devillust: but seriously, I couldn't feel the Christian god and never once Jesus, ever, no matter how hard I tried for a while. And it all seemed to be such weirdness and judgement. But you finding the demons and demonstrating their power in your demeanor and behavior was a big wakeup call, and I felt them calling to me too. Now I feel the same, and from them I feel something so strong, so wise, so loving, so real. That is such a relief.
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Marosey wrote:
Wed Sep 28, 2016 2:09 pm

Thanks for that post. All the stuff you shared about transitioning out
Of Christianity is on spot. Christian programming is devastating because
It is not really having an relationship {with any being} it's just control and appearances
You have to put up.

Them sludges and Christian thought forms can really give a bad name towards
The LHP. After educating myself I realize how much lies has been told and abuse
The demons/djinn... Etc had to endure.

King Paimon as one of the dark lords is a gentlement and does not force himself
On you. He made it clear to make a choice. With my continued studying and sincere heart
I know I will make the right choice.
:seasaw: I really liked the King Paimon personality, analogy there. As someone who was raised in one of the most warped senses of "Christian Programming" I've even come across in my vagrant lifestyle, the only thing, in the step by step process that was kind of left out although beautifully and carefuly inclusive, is tell, what I'm freshly seeing as the RHP and the LHP. We all make choices in our lives that I believe we are all astrological and organically engraved with from birth. The micro decisions we make, while individually not as important but together can truly make your sailing a lot easier. But the big ones? And it's not ONLY choosing between "believing enough and asking HIM into your life enough" and Lucifer. Oh wait, it is >:) I remember VERY clearly, while hitchhiking in Eastern Kentucky along the side of a creek I had been nesting in while reading. The yellow "glow of the room" was so beautiful. It was everything that I had ever hoped and dreamed. The truth. And it didn't mean I was evil. Or going to hell. But I remember choosing. Consciously, despite threats pointed towards anyone who refused to dull their shiny, favorite pencil. Thanks so much for including King Paimon in this discussion. He truly is the level of balanced, that even Licifer himself should strive to become. I've come a long way lol
:death2: :devilviolin:

:cuteghost: Saul good,
Xchlizeeiiahstie. Refresh the hard drive. :twisted:
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