Tea Room Chats Notes

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Hi Everyone- so I've been given the go ahead to post my notes from the tea room chats at least till there are recordings. There have been three so far so I'll post in order of them occurring and post any future ones here. I hand write them first so it won't contain everything, but I try to capture all the major points so I hope it will be found useful. Enjoy!

June 5th -
Building a Strong Communication Foundation with your Companions

Akelta started with an introduction:

When communication happens with our companions it’s a bridge. They lower their vibration and we raise ours to form that connection. Meditation is highly recommended to achieve that state.

Akelta brought up the 21-day bonding rituals they provide through S&S and that even though they are split by exercises per day she mentions you can spend days on just one of the exercises that there are many layers to it.

Discussing the psychic senses

The floor is opened to discuss what each of our strongest senses are, she mentions that hers are clairsentience which has to do with exchanging energy vibrations and being able to see, hear, and receive information through energy and processing it. After clairsentience her next strongest is clairvoyance then clairaudience (which is also one she often tries to learn about from Eilana as it’s her strongest). Akelta said as we get to know ourselves, we will learn what the best way to interact for us is.

When it comes to bonding with companions, she suggested looking for anything that gives you an energetic lock to them and that you can use it before bed to further interact or dream with them.

One of the members talks about clairolfaction the ability to perceive smells of a fire demon she later became aware of and being able to perceive passed relatives perfumes as another sense. Akelta mentioned that she heard about 365 different psychic senses or so, that there is so much depth to uncover.


Akelta mentioned that clairsentience isn’t always a strong sense for people. Many of the other psychic senses are tied to a physical counterpart for example clairaudience to ears, clairvoyance to eyes, clairolfaction to nose, which makes it easier to practice. She said that precognition, being able to predict future events (as one person talked about experiencing), is often tied in with clairsentience because you’re reading energy which can let you tap into the energy around you thus being able to pick up and “predict” things. Thus, you may start developing precognition as you develop clairsentience.

As a clairsentient and those looking to work with that skill the mind can generally experience two things starting out.
1) be overwhelmed trying to sort through the vibrations
2) feel nothing in the beginning

She said that asking our companions to touch us is a good exercise that she can feel the physical impact of it. That when this occurs their energy is leaving them and ours is leaving us going to them. That even if we don’t hear them completely that they are aware and can hear us.
Another is to ask them to send their feelings/emotions to us and as you work with clairsentience as a skill, you’ll eventually learn to translate those feelings into words, images, etc.

She mentioned that hands have their own chakra points and that is why we can feel so much energy coming from them. She mentioned that clairsentience is also linked to nerves in our body. It was recommended to try exercises of holding out your hands and have your companion place their hands in yours as a way of practicing feeling/sensing their energy.

She suggested grounding as an exercise to sink into the body. She imagines a sound chamber in a merkaba room and to let it raise you up. It’s about working to raise your energy vibration to be able to more closely work with your companions.

Akelta mentioned that the highest number of demons she’s ever interacted with at once was 24. In order to do that she kept having to adjust to their energies and keep being present/aware of all of them, which takes a lot of practice.

Eilana on the other hand is clairaudient and Akelta told us a story about her that in the beginning she couldn’t hear them at all, but she was determined and practiced every day. Eventually she had a breakthrough and could hear them very clearly; she could hear their accents, changes in voice, even when they switched to speak in different languages that at times could sound ancient, and rich. Akelta even mentioned that Eilana beat her number of sitting and communicating with demons in a setting due to her ability to hear so clearly. This is another example of how we all have different skills and strengths when it comes to psychic senses so no one experience will be the same. If we don’t know which sense is strongest to practice with the 21-day bonding rituals and see the ones we feel closest alignment with and keep practicing. She mentions that there are times even her senses aren’t perfect, and she needs a day off, so she’ll simply take some space, get centered and come back to it.

How to tell your thoughts vs theirs?

To this question she replied that the best thing to do is feel the energy flow and fixate on the source. That you can trace it and feel it coming to you when it’s their thoughts versus when it’s coming from you. To take the time to assess and sense it.

As a clairsentient the energy can merge with you and make it hard to distinguish. Thus, she recommends writing it out. Write out what you’re hearing, see, feel and come back to it later if you’re not in the right state of mind. When you’re feeling more balanced go back to them and work with them to feel, talk on what was their words or not. She used the example of physical senses that you can miss things in your daily physical life that you might not notice something with your eyes as you walk down the street or hear everything in a lecture and it’s the same with psychic senses. That it’s not even always perfect for her so to just allow it to be so. Just retap in and reconnect later.


In the case of clairaudience and speaking of Eilana’s experience Akelta recommended to focus on ears when working with this psychic sense. Basically, you start with one companion for this exercise and you will begin to train your ears to hear.

• Start with yes/no questions something simple and base i.e. how do you like the weather? Do you like tacos? And so on.
• Start simple then grow from there as you learn how to understand what is yes or no through hearing you can ask more detailed questions like what are you doing, etc.

One of the members asked about hearing vibrations with her ears at night and Akelta said it could be the start of tapping into their clairaudience. A question about sleep paralysis was posed and Akelta said that what it was is that the astral body is engaged but bound to physical as the astral mind hasn’t made the connection yet. Akelta said this used to happen to her and that her demons said to focus on her belly button, which fixed it for her.


Another question was posed about reading things in astral and languages. Akelta’s response was that it is translatable by the 3rd eye (some at least), that it takes time to decipher what’s going on. That demons have their own languages and books written in their languages and for us to recognize generally takes quite a bit of practice.

She gave an example of a practice she began of trying to read energies off books and learn its synopsis before knowing or reading about it before hand. That even books have their own energy.
She mentioned that from her demon companions most are fluent in English and other languages that they found it rather easy. Even for them to be able to speak in German which she laughed saying it’s something she should know.

Sleep/Dreams Exercises

She mentioned that when going to sleep the astral body can be stimulated as all the psychic senses are available to us there. She gave an example of an exercise to do:

• Right before bed focus on ears/hearing
• Listen to what you’re hearing (astral body is always there, when you get out you are relying on it)
• Through connecting to your astral self, you can activate other senses that weren’t previously awake

Akelta mentioned an example of when she started as a kid that she was blind at first in the astral realm and that it was through that she was able to stimulate and awaken that sense.
Regarding a question on dreaming Akelta mentioned her routine to connect is:

• An hour before bed unplugs
• Works with imagination as it helps to stimulate dreams if you don’t tend to have them
• Imagine what you desire - fantasize
• Ask questions of your companions, play with the energy
• Having an energetic lock of companion before bed increases chances of the interaction

Mentioned that the times when our demons aren’t attuned to us, they may appear as a black shape and brought up the energetic lock to connect to their energies before sleep to let them connect with you more easily. Dreaming is another sense that can be learned and enhanced.
Another exercise is to count down from 1000 she visualizes it being written on a board then erased and put 999 and continue to count down.

Akelta said she also enjoys keeping a dream journal that when she wakes up, she writes down all that she remembers. That she will read it over later and that it will trigger different things or messages within her.

Also, if you get adept enough in focusing that you can will yourself into an astral dream. She will wake up at 4am as it is one of the best times and perfect for lucid dreaming as you are already in that state and can more easily manipulate it.

The end 😊 Happy bonding!
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June 12th -
Astral Travel Techniques and Attuning yourself to your Companions in the Astral Plane


We have been taught it’s difficult to astral travel and that in and of itself is one of the greatest blocks for it. As children it is easy to astral project (AP) as there are no blocks. Dreams can also be a way to do it as we can experience it with our mind or for it to be an astral projection. Dreams can be where we travel out.

For most people unable to AP it’s usually due to a lack of control, which really is a lack of focus. Our minds are in constant over stimulation from technology which also affects us and our ability to focus.

Focus, Focus, Focus

Beginning the conversation on astral travel means to talk about focus. When you’re focused you are training your mind to fixate on one point to be able to hold it without intrusions. As an example, someone who is very proficient and able to deeply focus wouldn’t even notice a bomb go off next to them.

Akelta’s mentor was incredible at focusing and worked with a Raji Yogi Master where they would go through tests. He went through one focus test where you had to gaze at a point without wandering thoughts and you couldn’t look away otherwise you were disqualified. He did it for 21 hours before passing out.

In the beginning however your mind will drift, it’s fine - with practice it’ll improve.

Do emotions affect our ability to AP?

The answer is yes that positive thoughts do help. It sets you up for positive experiences and limits blocks from affecting you as strongly. If you set yourself up with negativity it won’t help you.

Can you enter other people’s dreams?

It’s easier if you have the synergy, connection and attunement to the person already. Akelta gave an example of a dream about going to the beach with Eilana and when Eilana woke up she mentioned the beach and said you went without me, so yes you can enter each other’s dreams.

You can see astral imprints of people at times in dreams with the energy.

“Our capacity to leave our bodies is there”

Eilana trained her mind to switch quickly to get out of her body and it’s very doable. It’s actually not hard at all but it can be limited by our beliefs: believing you can’t, it’s hard, fear of it... this all stops you from being successful.

Get excited about it! That alone can be a push to carry you through it. Of course, some people may have blocks but with enthusiasm it’ll be far more accomplishable.

Fear of AP

If you feel fear towards AP whether of the experience or meeting negative entities, there are some ways to approach it. The best is to create a shield. Akelta for herself will visualize a blue light (as she associates it with the astral) and uses it to attune herself to the realm. Additionally, if you have companions they can shield and make sure you are protected too.

When Akelta was younger she saw a gnome on the floor by her bed and then the gnome jumped on the bed and ran through her stomach, which she felt. It freaked her out yet after something like that it all becomes easier.

We are more lethal in our astral form than even some spirits. We can shoot lighting, fire, flying etc. there is potential for so much. It just takes practice and belief. Learning these sorts of things in astral is doable although may take some practice.

Astral Viewing

A good technique in practicing preparation to AP is to shift your attention to the astral while still in your body. If you feel afraid of being surrounded by beings doing this exercise first can help you feel comfortable to know what to expect. As we all have an entourage around us it’s not like we will leave our bodies and be surrounded by things that want to attack us so there is no need to worry.

If someone has a different belief can you still meet them in astral?

If they AP and you do it too then yes you can meet them. It’s like gravity even if you don’t believe in it you are still affected by it. So, if you both get out and travel then yes.

Positioning ourselves for AP

Akelta likes to lie on her back or sit up, be aware of positions that won’t make you fall asleep but can let you maintain a relaxed state. To begin we can listen to meditations to find peace. Akelta recommends focusing on our third eye and then stepping out of our bodies. If you sink into your body, you won’t be able to separate so use the focus on the center of your forehead as a way to connect to higher spiritual forces.

Another technique is to rock back and forth then roll out. Can do it through spinning there are endless methods to explore what’s right for you. You want to be comfortable but not too much. You want to be mindful that our bodies don’t go to sleep if doing this at night. Although this can increase the chance of a lucid dream if you do.

Another technique to AP is to get some help from companions. There is a vibrational state that can be experienced as we get ready. It’s about getting attuned, connecting to energies around you in astral and with the help of your companions they can grab you and pull you out. A caveat is that if they do this, we can become shocked and jolt back into our bodies.

In sum:
• Shift gaze to astral
• Exercises to relax
• Focus on forehead
• Attune to energies
• Feel vibrations
• Companion pulls you out

Another recommendation is to set up a good shielding routine, define your space so nothing unwanted is coming in and you can feel confident when you AP.

If you need to move – don’t worry too much about it, you can still AP. If you suddenly feel the need to sleep either shift into another position or just try again in the morning.

In reference to best time for AP it really depends on you: Akelta prefers the morning or during the day. Pay attention to different times ask yourself is it better at certain times?

Our ability to focus is our foundation

AP is all about focus - that way we can be aware in the process and in control. Akelta got stuck in the floor once and she attributed it to not focusing enough. Or if her astral version doesn’t listen; she also attributes it to not focusing enough. Once we become adept/disciplined enough in our practice spiritual activity is less random and more structured things will occur.

Exercises for focus:
• Gazing exercises like focusing on a point/dot, or on a flame is excellent.
• Close eyes and visualize writing numbers from 1 erasing then write 2 and continue as far as you can without distractions. If distraction occurs or mind wanders start from the beginning.
• Visualize your room with your eyes closed: how is your furniture positioned, yourself, etc.
Bonus exercise for telekinesis:
• Put a pin in oil and then in water try to move it and attempt to spin it with your mind

A focused mind can move things with the mind too.
Akelta’s mentor would do the number visualizing exercise and got up to 10,000 once so we can go quite far with these exercises.

Focus is a boring skill to develop so it is often neglected but this is what moves things from random to predictable.

Being in Astral

Once you get to the astral situate yourself. Focus and take control.
You’re in an energetic body not constrained, so there is often a desire to be pulled in many directions at once which our senses will experience. This may also trigger a feeling of astral drunkenness.

Astral Drunkenness

So, as we start out we can lose our senses for a bit. If you think about babies they waddle and fall, they have yet to master their physical bodies. Essentially that is what we are experiencing in the astral. You can be disconnected and connected at the same time which can make you stagger and lose focus.

If you’re having difficulty with breathing almost like drowning or a feeling of no oxygen, it’s recommended to change up your position. For example, try your side so you can breathe deeply.

Sluggish in Dreams?

Akelta theorizes that feeling slow or sluggish in dreams can be due to your comforter/blanket as it may register as weight in your sleep, which wears you down. If your mind is registering it, it may amplify the weight of the comforter in your dreams, which is her theory.

In terms of astral the further we go from our body and disconnect the less likely we are to feel the sluggishness. Especially in the beginning as we are more likely to stay near our bodies, so it is possible to experience this.

Attuning to our companions

When we AP we might go to places our companions are not attuned so it’s good to do the attunement ritual S&S provides beforehand. Energetically focusing allows you to connect to them, to feel the exchange of energy. The more you do this the stronger your connection to them becomes. It’s recommended to attune to our companions before we try to AP with them.

Process of attunement:
• Attunement ritual with companion
• Change to astral vision with eyes closed
• Practice seeing them here by visualizing (see the room, where are they?)
• Use your method to AP

This lets you to connect to them, and further help with pulling you out.
It may feel silly the first time you try this exercise of visualization but stick with it. The more you practice the more you’ll be able to see.

Akelta has many portals and points that she uses to connect to various realms. So, to connect to realms of our demon companions it’s a similar process you let the energy infuse you, so that when you project you can have that link established.

Defense and Possession

Akelta has experimented with defense in effort to help those that need it. However in truth as long as we follow things safely, we shouldn’t have any problems with this.

Defense systems that you encounter can hurt you if you test them and can even result in physical bruises and even mess with your mind. Akelta described an experience with this where it was a mental battle that she had to try to break.

Sludge is a negative entity with low vibrations it loves depression and negative activity. It feeds on it. They are something to watch out for.
Akelta provided an example of a kid that became blind and they had to do a non-Christian exorcism on him as it had latched onto his brain. However, after the exorcism he started to get better.

Sludge is something to be aware of but again if you follow all precautions you shouldn’t have problems.

It’s not recommended to try to possess anyone as it can do serious damage.

Final words

Get creative especially with focusing. Find a method/practice that really works for you and DO IT. You really just need to master 1 or 2 of these and don’t forget to maintain a good dose of enthusiasm and excitement.

Happy Traveling :crazy:
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June 19th-
Astral Travel and Attunement to the Death Realms and Astral Necromancy


There are two aspects of death one is the reincarnation cycle the other is pertaining to the realm of death. For this session we will be focusing on the death realms. The death realms are of a lower vibrational realm not meaning that it’s less than the others, but just where it is located geographically to our realm. The death realms are where the dead go to wander, explore, linger, and travel.

When we astral project (AP) we release astrally and arrive to the realms nearest to our physical reality. It’s like a copy of our realm. We can interact with this place, travel through walls, use abilities. When we astral project every place we visit has its own energetic frequency thus allowing us to create a lock. The death realms are a different process of attunement that we must go through, as it has its own specific vibration and method to attune to.

Why go to the death realms?

The benefits of going to the death realms are being able to visit relatives, bring about ancestral healing as well as your own, or help any passed family members if any are lamenting or stuck.

Humans can be guides or gatekeepers to those that passed. One friend of Akelta’s witnessed a car accident and the spirit of the person couldn’t believe they died, it was hard for them to accept it and they were having a hard time because of it. By guiding them to the death realms they can find healing.

What to know before beginning

We want to know our own energies and who we are before we get in touch with the death realms. Make sure you aren’t depressed or feeling hopeless before you travel there. The reason for this is that this realm is incredibly soothing, and it may pull you away from the physical and make you not want to leave. You want to make sure you have a purpose for going there otherwise it’ll lure you in.

How to attune yourself to the death realms?

For connecting to higher realms, we generally must meditate and practice to reach it. For the death realms since death is coming to us all it can be easier for us to attune to.

We don’t have to AP to attune ourselves to the death realms. Necromancy is the first step for many people to attune to the death realms. There’s an energetic imprint of who the person was and where they are going. If you can talk to the dead, it’ll naturally attune you. For some once you are accustomed to these energies it may also let you predict death.

The dead can manifest in many forms for instance if they passed at an old age, they can choose to appear younger in front of us. Examples given of people’s grandparents appearing in dreams as youthful versions of themselves with a message. We hear about experiences where the person finds a picture or something else that will make them realize it was a relative that had come through.

Psychics can also pick up spectral images that replays the trauma some spirits experienced as they leave behind an imprint. These types of energies however can be very heavy. There are many places in the world that have these sorts of energies for example battle fields where a lot of trauma took place.

Understanding Necromancy and Death

There are many countries (like in Asia) where death is honored, and homes may have ancestor altars. In some homes the dead are invited to join the family and eat with them during meals. Necromancy in the west is perceived as something dark when it’s actually very beautiful. It’s about talking to the dead. It’s a sacred experience of someone who’s holding the space. When you naturally become attuned like this you can visit their realms more easily.

There are some realms that we cannot visit as we have physical forms, but there are intermediary worlds we can visit.

Many people have died while being very lonely so spending time with them in these realms can heal them. Necromancy is something we can use to help heal others. As relatives pass, they can also pass some of their accomplishments and power to us.

The process of death and the release from the body can be incredibly beautiful. Some nurses or those surrounded by people in the process of dying can become accustomed to the death energies thus becoming a guiding force for them. If you are someone that helps the dying, you’re like a gate keeper. Animals have their own process of death too.

Animals can have healing energy

Cats are powerful and throughout time have been perceived as messengers of the underworld. A cat’s energy can be soothing and a guide in death. It is part why Egyptians worshiped them. The physical and spiritual energy of cats is curious they are watchers, observers and protectors. It’s why they were also depicted as witches’ familiars.

Horses also have healing energies as well. They have the vibration of surrender and freedom. They are very calming and are natural healers.

Can mental illness continue in death?

Akelta believes they can but more so because of the trauma incurred from their lifetime of being labelled mentally ill. This can affect the person and make it so that they hold on to this even in death. That trauma is often deeply rooted so they can carry the traits with them in death. It’s necessary to have balance between the different worlds of mental health and spiritual.

Connecting to our Ancestors

Connecting to our ancestors doesn’t necessarily have to be biological. They can be those you have a soul connection with or through those you have known in past lives. Some beings are more attuned to the death realms than others.

To start getting attuned you can try these exercises…
• Choose one ancestor and that’ll help you practice getting attuned to the death realms
• Sit and meditate by a place of sacred death (area with dedications/rituals to the dead)
• Sit and meditate in graveyards
• Areas of remains of saints/holy bodies are vibrating with energies, so useful to meditate here as well

After attunement to Death Realms

Ways to travel to the death realms are through AP, astral viewing (tuning third eye to different places), or by projecting yourself with your mind. There is an interesting feeling once you are out to the death realms and attuned, you shift yourself and then walk with the dead.

If astral projecting, you can view the various imprints left behind but you must be grounded to the world before you do. Especially if you’re interacting with those who have experienced trauma, and often you may meet violent spirits that will try to attack you. It is possible to encounter these types of spirits when you go, so be aware. You can put up a shield when you visit and keep a distance, but they can still try to strike you.

There are incredibly beautiful places in the death realms as well as foggy areas. There are also places where the spirits feast. Lots of myths surrounding food and the underworld. For the spirits the food/the feast helps rejuvenate them. When the elderly person gets ready to pass, they often say things like they are tired. Once they return to spirit many have heard comments from the person that they are no longer in pain. When they pass the feast allows them to prepare for their next journey and to gain strength.

We can join our ancestors in the feast and eat with them, there are places where we can do that. By partaking in the feast, we can exchange energies, wisdom, and states. It can open us up to many things. Many of the spirits just want to be heard, to share their stories with someone. Many haven’t had the chance to share these moments so it’s special for us to give them the space to do so in death.

Spectral Demons

Below the death realm is the integration of spectral and death. Spectral demons are interesting because they connect to both inner and outer realms and can move fluidly as they are attuned to both. If someone has a spectral companion, they can not only hang out with us after we pass but also guide us. Spectral realms are connected to ours in a way.

End till next week! :ghost:
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Thank you so much for posting these! There is some really great information and tips that anyone can benefit from.

Please do post the next installment if you are able to do so.💜
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TaipanTwist wrote:
Sat Jun 27, 2020 11:28 am
Thank you so much for posting these! There is some really great information and tips that anyone can benefit from.

Please do post the next installment if you are able to do so.💜
Aw thank you! It's my pleasure :heart: I'm so glad I can help especially since I know not everyone can make it or hop on discord. I should be pretty regular on attending the Friday chats, so I'll try to post whenever I can :cheekydevil:

I completely agree there really is so much wonderful info that Akelta goes over. I have found them incredibly useful already. I'm going to try to get yesterdays up soon :crazy:
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June 26th-
Bonding and connecting when you first bring your companions home

Introduction to the conjuration process

The initial phase of screening at S&S is set for screening the demon to make sure they’re safe, and not sludge. They also make sure they understand humans to make sure they don’t take some requests too literally for instance asking for help to get money and having your house burn down, thus giving you insurance money.

This initial phase takes about 2 weeks to a month to do and it also depends on the species. For example, devotion demons require less screening and rituals than a crypt demon would. In custom conjures once safety is met, they are approved to come out. They are free to explore, talk and interact with us until the rest of the process is completed. You can certainly connect with your companion before they officially come home to you via the vessel.

Vessels and the make it yours ritual

The make it yours ritual that S&S provides is meant to be used to claim the vessel of your new companion as yours. It cleans out any external energies clinging to it and by claiming it, it creates a strong tie between you and the vessel. The demons that are conjured forward as companions are never forced here nor are they forced to remain in the vessel they are just linked to it. Meaning they can continue to go wherever they please whether it's to their realm, ours or somewhere else entirely. The vessel is an energy link, a physical manifestation point to create a strong bond between you. This bond that forms is also why you don’t always need to carry it around to connect with them.

Our demon companions can also at times infuse gifts into their vessel intended for their human companion to utilize as they work with their energies. If we change the vessel or replace it our demon companions can recast the gifts into the new one. These gifts can be a point of enhancement some examples of gifts added to the vessel energetically are shields, empowerment, protection, aids in manifestation, energy to push you forward, etc. For example, Akelta’s demon companion, Tiger infused his vessel with protection energies, empowerment and energies to help Akelta manifest.

Aura links can have a similar effect as the vessel. For instance, if you were to cast a spell through the aura link your demon companion can help you cast and aid you.

Demon Attunement Ritual

The attunement ritual also provided by S&S upon connecting with your new companion is important for the foundation of your connection. Each demon has their own frequency and different vibrations, they also communicate in different ways. For example, a solar demon’s energy will be different from a necrosis demon and then even within the solar demons no individual’s energy will be truly the same.

Doing this ritual will help your third eye begin creating that energetic lock and start translating them. The point of this ritual is also for you third eye to start being aware of the energies for the future the process is like a radio dial with the third eye trying to tap into different wavelengths and training to read the vibrations and messages your companions provide. Depending on your strongest skill is how you’ll generally begin to interpret it.

• Clairsentients will pick up and translate feelings
• Clairaudients will use your astral ears to pick up words and hear
• Clairaudients will come in and see

We can have many combinations of skills, but clairaudience, clairsentience, and clairvoyance are typically among the strongest for most starting out.

21 Day Bonding Ritual

This ritual is a layout to help with your foundation to work with your demon companions. You will have varying levels of resonance with your companions some you’ll be able to connect more easily with than others.

For Akelta and her companions they work on different facets in her life from finance, improvement, and other topics. Working on different things together can be how your relationships grow. As you connect each relationship will be unique; it depends on the individual, how you work and fit together. This is good to focus on when you welcome home your new companion. You want to figure out details about them.

As Akelta is a conjurer she has a different approach of connecting, which is more systematic. When she welcomes someone new, she gets to know them by sitting and experiencing them. As you are in the beginning stage of connecting a good thing to start with is figuring out what their vibration is like, learn/ask about their lives, how will you go about working together, speak of your goals.

Ways to connect to our companion’s energies

For those that can’t hear their companions clearly, it doesn’t mean you can’t interact with them at all or that you need to be psychic. The good thing is even if you can’t necessarily hear them, they can hear you. They have worked with human energies and know how to translate our words; they can help us from the shadows. If you can’t hear them simply sit with them and reach out. Meditations including the guided ones like during the events are excellent to stimulate the third eye and start moving into a direction where you can hear them.

For those that also struggle with the meditations Akelta suggests writing your companion(s) a letter as a means of speaking to them. In the letter you can write about who you are, your goals, your feelings, whatever you want to add and leave in an altar space for them - if you have one. In Akelta’s home each of her demons has their own box and she puts anything personal from their relationship together, tools, letters, etc. inside of it. This starts building the energy and as writing with a pen has your energy it’s a way of connecting with each other.

Every time you want to set a goal you can include your companions. Light a candle, welcome them and sit in the energies. Write your goals or any manifestations you would like with them. You can make it incredibly specific like how you want your day to look like and if they could please assist you in this goal. It’s a great method of connecting for those that can’t hear their companions yet.

For most people the highest goal is to be able to hear or see their companions. When bringing home a new spirit/entity and they enter your space it’s important to do some form of bonding, especially if you can’t hear them as this sets the tone. Some demons have preferred methods of communicating through different chakras, they all have different preferences so you may experience differences if you’re working with several companions. They can alter the ways they communicate depending on who they are working with, so it is important to remember to be open to it. As you develop see how it all works together. Sit and experiment with the three most commonly developed senses (clairaudience, clairsentience, and clairvoyance) and try it out with your companions.

Create a space to sit as you begin to connect – if you don’t have space/privacy this can be done in bed at night or in the morning. Sit with them and be in their energies.

Clairsentience Exercise

For those whose strength lie in clairsentience sit with your companions and ask to feel their energies. Ask them to touch your palms as you focus on your body/them and see if you can feel it. There are ways to go deeper with this exercise, but this is the first step to start to detect it.

Once you can feel them you can ask your companions to touch other parts of your body and see if you can feel that. After this is developed you can begin asking yes/no questions and say for example touch my right hand if yes and left hand if no. This can allow you to start getting that base communication.

Clairvoyance Exercise

Everyone can see the first layer of the human aura to test it out place your hand on a solid color and gaze not at it but past it until you see the white energy; that is the first layer. As you practice gazing you are training your third eye to see. From there you can ask your demon companions to stand by the wall so you can practice getting adept at locking into their energies.

With practice we will be able to start seeing hazy outlines and energies and further into our practice we can start seeing details of their features i.e. hair, eyes, etc. this is also a good way to train our astral eyes.

Clairaudience Exercise

First, we should define our space. It’s best to train in the morning when we just wake up. Start with asking yes/no questions as they are simple and best to build from. Psychic senses are like our physical working muscles we need to exercise them to see results. If we have an hour in the morning to just lie in bed within the half-awake/half-asleep state Akelta says it’s the best for this sort of exercise to practice communicating with our companions. In that hour you can focus on manifestations and goals – to start off in that energy which can set the tone of the whole day that way. Your companions in that time can also help clear any blocks or stagnant energies it’s an excellent way to connect and start the day in a positive way.

When it comes to developing communication and your psychic senses it’s hard, hard, hard, hard then all of a sudden it opens up. This is due to blocks that we may have preventing us to access the fullness of our abilities because we were told “it’s fake” growing up and that “it’s not real”. As your beginning what is important is to take note of what you experience and receive even if it feels like it’s only your imagination don’t worry about it now. We can fine tune it all later just start by writing it out and you’ll figure it out at a later point.

When your companion first comes home these are all things you can do. Your companions can shift you to different places, inspire you, guide you, and reveal things to you. When you can catch the changes that your demons are working on with you, you can combine your energy together to make it more powerful and bond more closely.

If you have set a goal and you suddenly receive inspiration, do it! Follow through with it as most revelations may happen in that moment. Akelta mentioned an experience with Lord Mammon who pushed her to go to an event where she then met a woman who introduced her to the businessmen she later worked with. So, you never know what may come out of it.

Divination Tools: Pendulum, Automatic writing, Tarot, Ouija/spirit boards

Pendulums are good in the beginning of forming your foundation for communication with companions. As the energies from your hand holding the pendulum is present the energies of your companions will then influence the tool to communicate with their energy. This causes your energies to merge and help build that foundation. It’s a great tool, there’s an intimate component in it. You can also use pendulums as vessels and can choose to have them dedicated to specific demons if you both decide.

Automatic writing is another great method of connecting to their energies and letting it move through you so that you can translate it.

Tarot is the same in usefulness to connect to their energies as they influence the cards.

Ouija/spirit boards Akelta says are frustrating for her as she often gets the answer before it’s all spelled out but also a great tool when connecting.

Each is different in influencing our senses and our communication with our demon companions, it’s all a personal journey.

What do demons know about us before they join us?

They can check in to get a sense of us before we officially received the vessel/scroll. They have access to our spiritual vibrations; some are even connected to us from the past and can know us better than we even know ourselves.

They are naturally attuned with our thoughts and can scan and see our life. Many times they can even be waiting in the shadows for many years before coming forward in our lives. Demons will walk with you in the darkness they won’t quit and abandon you. They stay with you.

Do pre-bounds know who they are going to choose beforehand?

At times some demons that come through as pre-bounds have a specific human in mind while others are simply curious about who’s out there, so it may vary.

On why some may have an easier time hearing the Goetic demons

Goetics can create more powerful presences, they can make it that way as they have the energy.

Is it ok to work with Hellenics and Goetics?

Yes, that’s no problem.

Does being tired affect our psychic skills?

It’s easier when you are not tired as that will let you shift into states more easily. Astral projection (AP) for instance is easier during the day. Early night and morning can be good too for it, but if you are very tired it can sabotage it by our brains trying to coax us into changing positions as it wants us to sleep and that will get in the way of being successful. You can reset everything. If you mess up in goals or focus you can just restart it.

Find a specific position for when you want to AP and get to the state while focusing on the third eye and going outward. The mind is good at doing things especially same habits, so if you train your mind to equate a certain position to mean it’s time for AP that in the long run can get you into the state even faster.

The rituals for attunement and the 21-day ritual can be repeated at any time. In the end it’s about your own personal journey with your demon companion and finding what works best. The more you work together the more you will learn about the various intricacies about each other and the stronger your bond will be.

Happy Connecting! :devilviolin:
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Thanks windy june. I have not been able to attend the chats. Much appreciated.
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From Solar Event Discussion (for when the event forum disappears)
windyjune wrote:
Sat Jun 27, 2020 11:30 am
Hey everyone, below are the notes from the June 26th discord chat led by Akelta for the Solar Event. Hope this can be useful, Enjoy!:

Manifestation and Creation from the Solar Currents


For this session we will be discussing manifestation and how to do so with solar currents. One key thing when it comes to manifestation is repetition, letting it get stronger and stronger as we put more energies towards it. When things manifest celebrate the results. We are often taught that being selfish is bad, so for some it is easier to manifest by helping others in their desires. The good thing is how well we can help others manifest for themselves we can also equally manifest it for ourselves.

Basics of Manifestation

When beginning to practice manifestation it’s best to start with simple goals. Utilize your powerful mental projections, obsess over it and visualize all day, dedicate yourself to it. Train yourself to switch your brain to think of your desires.

Akelta mentioned that she never tells a person you can’t do something. Any person’s limitations are really set by our own minds. You can have anything that you put out there you just have to believe and move towards that reality.

The negative thoughts of this won’t/can’t happen and our positive ones often are in battle within our minds. To be able to manifest successfully it’s crucial to focus on the positive. Start by manifesting little things thus building your positive voice, the voice that’ll believe you can manifest anything. For example, set in your mornings things you want to receive i.e. a free coffee, finding money, etc. and as it comes to you use it as fodder to build towards the bigger desired manifestations. That will let you build up your power and your skills.

Solar Energies

Infusing our manifestations with solar energies (the manifestation of light) is very useful. Solar energies are the ball above us, it’s an energy of creation. Demonic energy is dark, insidious and powerful combining the two makes it very powerful.

Akelta likes to mix demonic energies with manifestations and as the sun is the original creator (reason we are alive) it’s a wonderful energy to utilize. Connecting to the solar demons and their energies of wealth and abundance, the Golden Desert, is incredible to connect with. Deserts are naturally very healing as it’s a birthplace of life.

Solar demons can use these solar currents and the suns for shielding, healing, creation, execration. The black and gold colors are an attunement to the solar realm. By using the suns to empower the demonic energy it makes it very versatile.

Note: Our bodies can experience freezing when working with solar energies and this is generally due to some block that is being brought forward which may let us identify it. If this experience comes forward from the solar energies, it’s good to pay attention to our bodies.

Exercise for manifestation

First pick what you want to manifest!

Visualize what you want and hold it in your mind for as long as you can.

You can even manifest ideas. Let’s say you wanted to astral project, just imagine yourself doing it and as you practice doing the manifestation exercise for it ideas will follow on how to attain your goals.

Experience it all as if you’re already in that reality. Hold it in your mind’s eye. Imagine it and be surrounded by a giant sun. Solar energies will empower you, hold what you want to attune to and see the vision surrounded by the sun.

Keep holding on to the vision for as long as you can.

Now we will imagine golden and black energies around the sun. Let it permeate inside the sun and into your vision. Let the golden energy become your vision with the black in the background. Behind is the blackness flooding with energies and the gold will move to your vision in the sun as you hold in your mind what you wish to attain.

Visualizing is powerful, make sure to shift it to what you want. Once you have focused move your attention to your root chakra. It’s a chakra of life and creation where hips are, around the crotch specifically perineum. Focus your attention within it let the root ignite in a red sun.

Charge your chakra and your vision with the red sun of creation. Feel the swirling of the vision and then take a deep breath into the root. Breath helps with activation and further activates the visions.

As you exhale let it rise to your sacral chakra which is located by your belly button. It will now be fueled by the orange sun surrounding the chakra. Bring emotion to it how will you feel once your goal/desire is achieved? Let it all flood into your sacral and hold it there. Then do another deep breath into your sacral (your stomach area) and as you exhale let it rise to the solar plexus.

The solar plexus is the source of divine creation into the physical plane. Divinity creating within our world. Envision the golden sun and feel the divine authority with the essence of worthiness. You deserve this to manifest, you are worthy of it. It’s our birth right to create within our world. Charge your visualization with this essence. Take a deep breath into the solar plexus located in the diaphragm and exhale moving into your heart chakra.

The heart chakra is the divine love where we love openly. Imagine a green sun around the chakra with the visualization of your desire. Imagine love around this desire, the essence of divine love flowing through it and how it would feel. Focus on your heart as you take a deep breath and exhale to the throat.

The throat is all about communication it’s important to have it with yourself and for the manifestation process. If we are negative, we block it inside so it’s here we must say this desire, this goal it’s mine. I claim it. I own it. Imagine a light blue sun burning and hold the vision of your desire. Exhale now rising your desire to your third eye.

The third eye is where this desire started in your mind and now, we have come full cycle from the primal root chakra to here. Now that we have begun to implant in the physical hold it in your mind once more and see it held by a purple sun. Hold the vision for as long as you desire. The more you hold it in your mind, the more obsessed you become the stronger it also becomes and starts to be more aligned to your reality. When you believe you can have it take the actions to claim it.

Finally, we take a deep breath and exhale to push the vision to our crown chakra the very source of who we are, our divine consciousness. As the crown merges with our vision hold it there surrounded by a white sun. Here we can add colors to the sun we can choose gold, silver, pink, etc. Magenta is a color connected to magic and adding it can amplify something, making it a great color to choose.

With the next step take a deep breath and release it all to the world, it’s completed.

Keeping manifestations growing

Anytime the voice in your head or person says “you can’t” shift back to your manifestation exercise and where you want to go. It’s ok to get excited, it’s ok to hold it in your thoughts and to get obsessed. If negativity comes up just keep going back to what you want one of the best ways is to also write it out.

All of the best mentors that Akelta knows of focuses very strongly and are almost OCD in their desires. They manifest daily and they always start in the morning setting the day up for their desires. If it ever fails (at times it does) they simply go back and write it again, refocusing. They never give up they keep musing on their desired manifestation even in the shower.

Dealing with Energy Blocks

It starts with building. You build up the manifestations and just keep going forward; if there are any energy blocks just remove them. If you focus on what you can’t or won’t get then you’ll just attract more of not getting what you want, and you’ll stay in that mindset. However, if you focus on why you want it, it gets you out of those energy humps.

It’s easy to get stuck cycling in the same negative thoughts and sink into negativity. As kids we are often taught that we have one chance to succeed and that you shouldn’t fail. This is not how life works we learn from our mistakes. Our mistakes or hardships can set us on the right path. Akelta looks at her failures now and says she embraces them saying that she wouldn’t regret them as it took her to where she is now.

Akelta heard from many people that at one point something just snaps and you just know you’ll be ok and that you can manifest what it is you desire. The less time you spend on being negative the faster your manifestations can occur. The mind in a negative state is often working on destroying manifestations. Thinking things like “what if it doesn’t work?” or being worried about it is just more self-sabotage and detracts from creation.

We are often so conditioned to go into a negative state it feels more natural than positivity when really with practice we can switch it and enter greater prolonged positive states. Practice listening to the chatter of your mind. If we changed even up to 50% of our negative thoughts to more positive you could have massive results, thus retraining your thoughts.

Setting a routine

The universe routinely kicks you through the door. You want to practice manifestations every day. It’s suggested to begin every morning with visualizations, be present with your thoughts and your mind. Practice being conscious of what your most dominant thoughts are. Our minds recycle and replay the same thoughts, so the best way to start breaking through these cycles is by becoming aware of them. Writing is also a very powerful method and tool for working with manifestation. By writing positive things down we can really pull more of it to us.

Working on our thoughts

Negative talk is often our default, like a highway in our mind that keeps going if we’ve feed it for long. While positivity may seem like a slow mountain path but as we train it’ll get better.

Many people quit because they hear comments from others commenting on their desires not being possible or if the littlest thing doesn’t work, they say I told you so. Think first why other people’s opinions even matter especially the ones that put you down. There are many others that will cheer you on in your progress to manifestation which would be a more productive focus than the negative. Aketla’s friend who is great at manifesting doesn’t pay any attention to those people and keeps having tremendous results. Having faith doesn’t have to be religious it can be in yourself, in your abilities. Make practicing and noticing manifestations as enjoyable as things you love to do.

Working on our thoughts if we’re prone to the negative requires a bit of retraining our minds when working on manifestation. An example of this is if you want to travel but instead keep thinking I’m so sad, I can’t, don’t have money, etc. that won’t help with any manifestations. If you switched those thoughts to “there are so many opportunities to travel” and “how can I take advantage of it?”. This engages the mind and shifts it from closing off the energies to problem solving. By getting into this mode we are already taking back our power. Akelta mentioned that is also probably why many humans love drama as there’s a strong urge to solve things.

Real life stories of manifestation

Akelta talked about scuba rescue members and how they’re taught to help themselves first before helping anyone else because if you were to drown you wouldn’t be able to save anyone else. This example applies in manifestation and caring for ourselves as we are taught it’s selfish by society when in truth it’s not a bad thing.

Go for it. Make big goals, and big manifestations. You can put in your vision anything you want. The thing to remember is that you will have to take necessary actions to aid that manifestation.

An example of this is Jason Momoa and Lisa Bonet’s relationship. Jason Momoa was a teen when he said he wanted to be with Lisa Bonet and was determined to manifest it. Many years later they met at a bar and connected, now the rest is history.

Another experience mentioned was Akelta’s satanic mentor who went to an event with his wife and niece and they talked about a specific actress to which he decided he would manifest her. They went home and he did a technique for a few months to manifest that connection. When it did manifest it was at an event where the actress also happened to be at, and he even had the opportunity to chat with her.

Having no blocks and claiming our manifestations can yield great results. Akelta’s friend for instance gets an upgrade to first class 9 out of 10 times and it’s largely because he boldly asks, “can I get a complimentary upgrade?” without any blocks and truly feeling that possibility, it usually manifests as a reality for him.

Success in our meditations

Similar to the manifestation process and the effect our beliefs have being able to connect to the spiritual world often requires us to look within ourselves and our mindsets. We are often taught that all the psychic gifts are fake and our imagination is often tossed aside. However, our imagination is a process for us to use in translating the spiritual world and we shouldn’t block it. Let it come, imagination is a big part of it. Look at all the colors you receive and the sensations get excited. Going into it with joy and treating yourself as a kid would during these processes is a good exercise. Embrace what you get - that each experience is the most wondrous, amazing thing in the world.

The end. :devilflame:
Two roads diverged in a wood and I -- I took the one less traveled by, and that made all the difference. - Robert Frost
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Execration and Laughter Discord Chat


A curse is taking a ball of negative energy that you program with either hate, sorrow, or rage and if skilled enough can program to even cause disease or death. The ball created is toxic, insidious, and seductive. When it comes to execration work when you are creating this ball everything you dislike about that person is woven into the energy. You program what you want to happen in it. Curses are highly toxic and can be destructive to the person as well as the person crafting it, which is where the laughter component comes in.

When you made the ball and then want to send it to the person who will receive it, it’ll stick to you. There can be a ricochet effect that hits you back because you crafted it, so it’s automatically tied to you. If the energies are still on you it will bounce back to you which can be dangerous if it comes back. If holding onto vibrations from crafting the curse it will hit you.

Demons Doing Baneful Magick on our Behalf

Many people ask Akelta if they have demon companions why they can’t just blast whoever we want them too. However, if you still have emotional ties to the person you want cursed you are a creating a bridge to each other. If this is the case any spell will go to them and go to you which makes it treacherous, as there’s a strong element of it back firing.

Our demon companions would want to protect us, which is why you may not see them simply “blasting” the target with the immediacy someone may desire. Therefore, to release the chance of it backfiring to us we must focus on laughter. Laughter is free and it liberates us – it lets us jump from where we are to where we want to be. If you send a ball and want to be rid of the energies, we must laugh. When we cast a curse, we must be jovial and laughing through the process. We want to let go of the harm that was caused to us by the target after we release it and make sure that we are no longer focusing on the trauma.

Laughter Through Curse Magick

The curse should take all the emotions we have tied to the situation, we must put it all within the curse. Laughing through pain and sorrow when ready to send it is the goal because we want it all to be gone from us and to be set free. Laughter is an easy way that does this. The special formula is let’s say you are experiencing hate towards someone and that is your main emotion because they bullied you horrifically and don’t stop even after you tried speaking with them.

If you decide to create a curse it would start with an altar space, crafting the energies – make sure that you are also meditating with your body as we can feel the pressure in our body; it can feel fiery. Negative energy will create pressure in the body so when crafting bring it forward and release it in front of you and then proceed to purge it and once released you laugh. As you program think of all that will be done to the person. Laughing will raise it into a high vibrational energy thus amplifying the energy and making it hard for the person to block it because you are combining positive and negative energies. This makes it so the created sphere flows and latches on more strongly despite protections they may have.

As you laugh and program you are releasing attachments, so as you are conducting this process make sure you keep checking in with your body to make sure it’s released from there too. This can take several days depending on the level of emotions attached to this person/situation. For example if we have layers of emotion the curse may start as rage but as casting discover sorrow, vengeance so we must make sure to feel the next emotion to the fullest extent. Then as you pull it to the sphere, laugh and program the intention of what is the be done- the end result.

Results and Completing the Spell

There’s a large spectrum of end results that can go from simply teaching them a lesson to killing someone. For death you generally need to be powerful enough and know it comes with a great responsibility. Make sure that with any execration work that you truly want this and not just because of a bad day. As there is a great amount of energy and power that will go into this casting you want to make sure you want to do this especially as there is a chance of it backfiring if you have any regret or attachments. Make sure you take everything into account.

Once the casting is completed and it is sent to the target you can get help from your demons to weave it into the target or weave it yourself. By doing the weaving directly you have a higher chance of it being successful and improving speed in comparison to simply letting it go which can take longer. This is also why foundations and shields are incredibly important to maintain.

Most people who have a strong ability to curse, don’t do it for small reasons generally it’s because you personally attacked or did something to them. When you send it out you want to make sure to laugh (i.e. go watch a comedy special) as you then want to forget this person and what you did. Success comes from being detached from this person. Once you release it you can’t fixate on it, or dwell on it or check on the person to see if it’s successful as this all creates more attachments. You must trust your energies and magick. Generally, once this work is completed you will find out in some way or someone will tell you so it’s best to put it out of your mind.

This process for cursing is also like banishing someone from your life. Once you sever the tie to the person you must laugh and raise your vibrations and let go. This will shift things and make them go away. You must laugh and find comedy and joy in yourself once any of this work is done. Additionally, to be fully free from attachments to the target you must find a way to reconnect to the side of you when you were free from that person and pain.

If you have an obsessive nature you must find a way to handle and separate yourself from the constant thoughts to the target before handling the curse energies. If you curse someone with disease the last thing you want is for it to backfire and affect you instead. The nice thing about working with demons (especially those skilled in execration work) is that they can stop these energies and can wait to do this work till you can handle doing it and not have it backfire to you. They will make sure you are safe. They’ll shift and work with the energies to make sure you’re in a place where you can’t get hurt.

Grids and Poppets for Curses

Some people have talked about using a poppet and the idea is good but there is also a chance of it backfiring especially if these energies became too concentrated in house as they are strong toxic/corrosive energies. However, you have to make sure you can dispose of the poppets so they can’t cross over through that. The more energies you keep that are toxic the more chances of getting hurt. Akelta worked with someone who had many things in place to contain curse energy, but it became too concentrated and it destroyed her house as the energies broke through the containment and the house was set on fire.

By causing diseases or killing someone is to involve yourself with very toxic energies that are very potent so you must make sure there is clear severance from the person. You must make sure there is no chance of it returning to you. Akelta noticed that those that don’t have laughter worked into their casting would tend to start decaying after some time. They would start losing morals, guidelines, and sink into a place where they manifested bad things. Laughter lets you rise above all of that.

Akelta has grids set up so that any energies like curses directed at her will be transmuted into money energies that instead work to help her business. She has had tools fail on her before so she would rather it comes from her own skill. If you do something that is sinister you want to make sure you know exactly how to deal/handle it. For example she at one point kept sludge to study it and it was kept under a glass container, but it somehow moved itself outside of it and was picked up by a family member and proceeded to posses them. Akelta doesn’t like to use poppets but she says if you do to make sure it can’t hit back as it will hit anything in your vicinity including family members and land if it goes wrong.

Methodology to Cursing

Akelta’s mom is a pro at cursing. Her whole mindset is no regrets once she completes it, it’s done for her. She has no remorse. There’s almost complete silence in the energies once she finishes the curse work. It’s also crucial to have no guilt when casting curses. Akelta rarely does this type of baneful work, but she knows the process due to her demons and emphasizes that any dark work should end in laughter.

Akelta’s method is learned from her demons, her two mentors one a Satanist the other an Islamic practitioner who had very different approaches and different cultures (Australia and Africa-Canada respectively). Her Islamic mentor approached baneful magick with no morals, no guilt just went into it. Her Satanist mentor was more reserved in this work and worked more in converting curse energies into useful energies, so she learned from both. Mammon taught her that you can use any energy to create abundance.

Energetic Alchemy and Manifestation

Negative energy is depicted by how you react to it, the damage it does is ten times more powerful than positive for this work.Yes, you can use positive affirmations to manifest but her mentor also said never forget that negative energy can be utilized and is not a waste. Mammon said that vibrations are vibrations, thus they can be sucked into manifestation.

There are people out there that don’t seem to be phased by negative energy and it doesn’t hurt them but rather fuels them. They take the negative and create success from it, it will not affect them in a bad way as this type of person has already shifted their perspective and alignment. They can use this negative energy, pull it to manifest in what they desire instead. You should take the laughter, ridiculousness, and confidence energy and use it to push the vibrations up so the energy will propel you. You can take any negative energy around you to be used as fuel if you don’t let it get to you and instead use it to propel you forward. It's also similar to being able to use negative energy/comments to fuel your success; if someone says you can't and you feel more determined to accomplish it.

All of this is energetic alchemy. Akelta is very skilled at this because she can look and dissect these energies. Let’s say there is a group gossiping about you behind your back this creates energy around you and you can have a crystal grid or physical manifestation points to work with transmuting this energy. This grid is aligning and shifting you up once programmed. Even if people talk about you behind your back those negative energies can still be used to fuel your success since it’s about you, and you can pull it to you and filter them. Akelta likes to use crystal girds by programming the crystal, so the energy will run through them which will elevate and lift you up. Every single bad thing said or done to you (especially curses) can be elevated to a stream of success for you.

Abundance and Money Energies

Money has a specific vibration to it. Akelta spent years to understand and learn about it, which was what let her learn how to create and manifest it. We are often programmed to repel money from an early age. Thus, it can’t manifest for us nor are we able to create it due to our beliefs, which is why it is easier to manifest coffee over money at first. We can create money spells on behalf of other people too, but the person must adopt the mentality to welcome it as the mindset of doubt or repulsion can create the downfall for it to come. For instance, Akelta when doing it on behalf of others sends energies to help boost them up. She asks for help from her demons and she tries to learn it from them. Mammon told her that the more her mind is focused the more it can help with manifestation and energy building.

Akelta’s mentor would go to casinos and clean the tables as he would command chips to come to him because of his strong belief in his success. Akelta when she started used to manifest free hot chocolate in Starbucks and built up from there. She had to break her own beliefs/programming first for money to flow. Once she did, she could shift to let the money energies flow but most of us are subconsciously taught to be repulsed by it. By analyzing how we were raised we often can see how we were set up for our failures due to beliefs constructed from childhood. Akelta sees this conditioning towards money increasing but as people are becoming more enlightened, she believes it poses a threat and a worry for those trying to control others.

Akelta feels that many things she learned growing up was a lie. As she learned more about manifesting abundance, she felt disturbed on how negatively we are all taught- to the point that we became self-blocked from our skill and can’t access them. She believes this is done on purpose to keep people helpless. Once we set out to change this and connect to money energy, we can see how simple it can be to work with and we can see how truly manipulated we have been thus letting us break free.

Financial alchemy has lots of components and many techniques. One of her big manifesting crystals that she programmed is a smokey quartz. She loves setting the crystal grids for money and she set it up so that any gossip, curse, or bad energy directed to her flows through them which then turns into more business sales and prosperity to her and her team. Once you have a handle on money manifestation it becomes easy and you don’t have to struggle.

Breaking the Blocks to Welcome Abundance

It’s important for everyone to realize their own power and potential when working with abundance energies as we are often blocked from it and that keeps us low. Once we connect to money vibrations we can manipulate and meld it. These energies and the success of it is closely tied to our value in ourselves and tied in our confidence. We are also generally taught that we are worthless further keeping us from accessing this power. In addition, feelings of being wrong, not gifted enough, that we are expendable is a terrible place to be and one we must break away from to truly be able to connect to abundance.

If we want to get involved in money rituals, we must first learn to value ourselves. It all stems from how we feel about ourselves and how valuable we feel our skills are. If we are to do a ritual to improve finances, we should create it based on honoring and valuing ourselves and send it out to the world so we can walk into it. Through this you can manifest situations by feeling your own worth, since the ritual will further raise your value of yourself.

Akelta’s rituals regarding wealth will elevate the individual to shift them out of their blocks and move to abundance. If we believe something in our core that it will manifest, then it will. If we have a big goal it can take time, medium perhaps about a week, and small Akelta can generally manifest in a day. Manifestation is a process where we always remain a student of as we keep learning and expanding more on what we want; it should be treated as a fun game in the start. You want to get a sense of self and know what you want to be capable of attaining it. If happy in what you received then you are happy, we all want different things and if you focus on manifesting stuff over money and you are joyful about it then it is good. The element of value really helps with money energies.

Wanting Stuff Not Money

Often people may find it is easier to pull items to themselves rather than money. This can stem from the repulsion to money that we are taught to have at an early age. If you can create stuff and money for yourself, you can manifest anything. Akelta will put it out there and find that it comes to her. For example, she wanted to go on a luxury trip to Disneyland with her family. A few years later her mom came to them suddenly and said they’ll go together to Disneyland and they found while they were there that they kept getting fast access to rides with no lines as they happened to go at perfect times. It all lined up for them.

Crystal grids can move all the negativity to money energies so it can help manifest it. The base of all the energy is energy. We are working with it constantly and finding different ways to impact it. Akelta works with energetic alchemy it’s about transmuting different energies towards a goal. What you’re doing is utilizing the different energies around you while changing and altering it to get things you want. This lets you attain the result you want this can be in focus, mind, love, healing, etc. She sometimes uses vibration as is too i.e. curse blocks. If working with crystals can directly see what want to do and work with that in those energies.

Akelta says if you want to focus on an intention like traveling to Japan instead of on the money you can do that too. She found that she can also focus on specific amounts of money and manifest that just as easily or even receive more money than originally requested.

Belief and Focus

Akelta strongly believes that if you put your mind to anything that you can do it. Look at the problem and see how to solve it. When she was starting out, she would look at a spell and analyze the elements: why they are included, meaning, how they are utilized, what’s the base of it and by dissecting it could get better results. By breaking things down and understanding it, it can help us move forward and can help improve our focus on the task. The human mind is a powerful element that can shift things, and program it. A focused mind can shift the world around them. Lots of external things will try to pull our focus, so maintaining it can really improve and affect our curses and manifestation. Focusing can affect everything in life.

Root Chakra

The root chakra is the closest one aligned to our physical world and our body. It contains our primal power and when creating and working with that it can strongly help to bring manifestations into our world. When manifesting from our root the stronger and healthier it is the better the results. Our three lower chakras are useful to build and create and call things to you.


Within this path it’s all about fun, silliness, embracing demons from not just a rigid/classical place. Akelta worked with demons from childhood and as a child wasn’t focused on the structure, but rather the incredible nature of their interactions and manifestations.
This path is about respect for demons and walking with them. As long as you don’t yell or swear at them (and if something does happen where you do to make sure you apologize) you will be fine. You can create altars for them but every interaction doesn’t have to be a full on ceremony. Akelta prefers a more friendly approach/mentorship while working together with demons than commanding obedience from them. Manners go a long way with them.

When you approach from a place of an exchange of energies or connection you can provide offerings like crystals, candles, statues, skulls, bones, etc.

Walking with Demons and Sigils

In some older methods they discuss magical pendants with sigils. Sigils are links to the demon as are enns since it ties back to their energies. To honor them you can make art with their sigils for instance her mentor had a sigil of gold for Mammon. She has included sigils in rituals, but you don’t have to wear them.

Akelta prefers the method of asking for help and has found better results from that as it’s coming from a respectful place. In comparison to some old rules that were meant to command, order and threaten demons. Coming from a place of asking is more respectful so you don’t need to focus so strongly on protection from the demons you are calling forth.

If you go back to ancient origins of the triangle, circle (the original essence of Goetia) it revolved around “here are gifts please help me.” Akelta finds the obedience part disrespectful- to order a demon into a triangle and threaten to attack if don’t follow. It makes sense that they would be angry after and may attack the person after. She doesn’t recommend this way as it’s not respectful, and not really showing signs of interest in connecting just giving demands.

Akelta is all about connecting, building relationships, respect, working and honoring them while being open. Intent is everything if not ordering or commanding them you can wear their sigil. Akelta does have a sweater with Lord Azazel’s sigil so you can also have garments with their sigil. When approaching demons just think along the lines of how you would like to be treated.

Connections Within Us: Angels and Demons

Akelta is more rigid when working with angels there is more structure in her altar set up and it’s more of a business-like interaction. While working with demons is more playful for her it all depends on what aligns with you, it varies differently and on the individual. It’s all how we connect with the energies.

Akelta said that her and angels don’t really resonate well, but she’s worked with Metatron before as well as Samael and Azrael. When it comes to Michael and Gabriel however, she doesn’t align at all with them yet their coven member Velca does, and he works with them. It really all depends on the practitioner and to feel it out for yourself because only you can figure out what works best in the end.

Enns and Eyes

Saying a demons enn will vibrate you to their frequency and bringing it into you. Akelta’s mentor one time spent several days chanting Mammon’s enn about 100,000 chants and he said that he was filled with so many new ideas as he had invited Mammon’s essence into himself. Vibrating with the enn will invite the essence to you.
Our eyes are also very powerful. We can direct and shift energies; we can shift our moods, as well as our energetic state simply based on the movement of our eyes. We can learn seduction and magnetism through our eyes too. Sigil gazing therefore can form a bridge of connections to the demon.

Our Spiritual Journey and Demons

It’s crucial to be able to laugh and have fun in our spiritual path and we can certainly do so when walking with demons. They can remind us of that. Akelta gave an example of an altar set up during the carnivale event where they burned incense and had a cauldron set up. It got so hot the cauldron handles melted and fell off while the table was set on fire. It was a crazy moment, but you learn to have fun with it throughout the way and not give into negativity. It should enhance your life not make you feel insignificant. Having connections to beings and building that mentorship should not make you afraid to work with them.

Don’t worry about rigidity with demons when starting out don’t set expectations as everyone translates the energy differently. Don’t go in feeling you have to perceive them a certain way for example Akelta is clairsentient and Eilana is clairaudient. You may notice feelings, strange thoughts, hear things, see various things, have feelings enter your mind, feelings on your skin, dreams of them later, or even get physical manifestations and clues throughout the day, or you may even see wisps/waves or hazy energies in the physical.

Keep an open mind so you can remain open to the energies and make sure to not judge yourself harshly. If you begin to judge work to regain your focus on the energies and let it unfold naturally. Focus instead on how they can reach out to you. You’re starting to come into yourself and your skills so embrace it and be curious.

Demons are not bothered by our lack of skills or communication levels as they can hear you easily. Don’t feel guilty because of it they don’t mind it and they understand where you are coming from. Often, they will try to find ways to communicate with you.

Think about Helen Keller she was deaf and blind it’s hard enough without one physical sense, yet she had to learn how to communicate with others and ended up becoming very successful. Akelta’s mother had a patient that was deaf-blind, and they would use hand sensations like a sign language to communicate.

In that sense we have about 5-10 main psychic senses while demons have access to tons more. It’s about learning how to communicate with beings that have access to a vast versatile spectrum of skills. It’s easy for them so finding the best way/best sense to communicate by is part of the connection process. If nothing happens simply laugh at it and don’t judge it. Laughter like in execration will release the blocks and the stagnation if stuck. At the end of the day it’s about having fun which will grant you far greater results in the long run.

The End! :witch2: :meditate:
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July 3- Building a business and building a lifestyle with the help of the Demons you work with!


Demons are very skilled in business and they can help you build a foundation. One great thing is by working with the Dark Lords and Ladies along with our demon companions they can help with receiving inspiration and ideas so that we can have access to it. By knowing our passions, focus, goals they can align us and push us to where we need to go to get on the path of our desires. They walk with us, but we must meet them at least half way for success.

Akelta’s Story

Akelta was young when she started working with demons. As a young adult she went through a period of various jobs, but none were a good fit for her. She said she would either be the best or worst at something. She never got detention as she knew how to word things and not get in trouble because if the teacher were to push the punishment, they would reveal their true intentions that would generally be the result of a power trip. She found that her personality suited business.

She initially went to nursing school but there she discovered it wasn’t for her especially with the injustice that she witnessed in the care ward and was appalled by how the patients were being treated. She was told if she doesn’t like it this wasn’t the path for her and that was the day, she realized it was the wrong place and felt the direction was wrong. She dropped out of school and tried to find her way.

She started a blog on Black Magic Secrets (uses term but doesn’t mean it as evil rather all-encompassing topics from healing to execration). In one post she wrote about Lucifer and was contacted by a man who was a Satanist and a businessman. They began to communicate, and she realized that business was where she wanted to go. He became her mentor and was the one who directed her to reach out to Mammon and only then did her life explode from there. Her mentor basically guided her and set her on this path. When we bring demons in, they will always encourage you to follow your passions. Mammon is adamant about learning all skills necessary for where you want to go.

Occult for Akelta was almost parallel with business. She read every book on the occult and Mammon said to do the same with business, so she read all the resources and immersed herself within the world of business. Our demons will give you scholastic resources, but they will also align you with people.

Akelta went through a period where she didn’t know what she wanted. By connecting with like minded individuals after deciding on the direction, things started to get into place for her. She didn’t lament on nursing school instead she focused on what would be her goals moving forward. Akelta’s family is now cheering her on but at first they weren’t understanding of it. She says those that are actively toxic even after you attain success you want to cut them out of your life.

Akelta was assisted by her demons till she connected to her mentor who then connected her to Mammon who was a major game changer. Mammon instructed her to immerse herself with the business world and in the industry. Demons also brought her mentor (the Satanist) to her, he had many experiences from chain franchise, to investing, creating a yoga-meditation studio, and on. He also helped her with demons he would say “if want this ___ summon this demon” to Akelta. He helped her with many things on starting out in her path.

Mammon also got her aligned with real estate investors which then opened many doors for her. A woman Akelta met and worked with loved that she could read tarot too and would often have her do it. She knew lots of people that Akelta then got to know. However even with Mammon opening the doors and aligning the connections Akelta was the one who had to work on her own magnetism and charisma.

Akelta then met her Islamic LHP mentor through the real estate opportunity he conjured djinn and he knew things that blew her mind. When she first met him, she felt Mammon’s energies around him. Demons thus will bring people to you, but you still must do the work i.e. learning the material, terms, systems, magnetism, etc.

The person she was is very different to who she is now. She used to be very shy and didn’t like groups but in business she was entertaining, doing presentations, going to lunches, making deals, and totally immersed in that world. She had to be open, have the focus and step into the business path to be successful. Her demons brought opportunities and she had to work to capitalize on it, had to meet at their level to make it happen.

How to approach business with demons

At first get clear on what you want. Demons can see us and guide us back to the path we desire if we get lost. When on our path they can help us with all needed to succeed. First, we must be in alignment with where we want to go, and focus. You must be on the same page with your demons or else it won’t help if you’re both going in separate directions elsewhere. Joint ventures are also fantastic, and Mammon also often aligns those that can help and empower each other.

If want to enter a new field like in business, you must know the market and will have to bring in prospects and demons can help you. As long as you’re moving forward to your focal point, they’re helping you along the way, bringing it to you.

Example: Let’s say you’re interested in the psychology field... if you examine it, it also has a business component you must bring in clients, go to school (demons can help align you with that and get into certain ones), working with demons they can help find placement once you finish, can help to meet people and bring new opportunities.

We change as we move forward: Failures are useful too

Akelta went through slow almost stagnant moments in business as well as moments that were too fast it depended on where she was at and if she was working through a block or moving. Where you are is different energy than where you want to be. During schooling, learning/trying new things, and experimenting your energies will change each time.

Failures are areas that can help you gain new perspective in. Akelta mentioned failures are often areas you don’t want to focus in, so filter what you don’t need and learn from it.

An example Akelta gave is that she initially started with a bad business partner. They were successful but together not a good match and the process of separating from the partnership was bad too. However, she learned more about herself from this and what were her hard ‘no’s’. For instance, she learned that getting messages at 7am on a Saturday to demand help on a sudden task was something she had no tolerance for, and from those experiences learned what she must have to work well with someone and what to look for in those relationships.

Growing from destruction and trusting the process

Mammon helped Akelta but also destroyed her life. He said at the time when she was a personal assistant that she was just a worker there and only once it was stripped from her, she was left to create for herself. She mentioned that at the time with no ability, no money and she was 7 months pregnant she had no choice but to make it work. Looking back she doesn’t find this cruel as Mammon comes from the point of “if you want it you must trust me”, but he won’t hesitate to blow your life up.

Akelta couldn’t get comfortable during that time; she had to succeed, or her life would fall apart she was in a new state. It broke her, broke her attachments, and inhibitions she went forward and built it up. As much as she hated it, it was the best thing that could have happened. It was perseverance that got her through. Mammon didn’t abandon her through it either as he was there guiding her, but it was also sheer determination on her part to get through it. She had her first sale when she was in labor, making her son’s birthday also the birthday of S&S.

Many people hold on to old patterns, blocks, beliefs and going through it all for Akelta, was almost like a shamanic journey of breaking though it all. As painful as it needed to be it wasn’t a complete destruction of her life.

Her friend’s experience on the other hand consisted of several traumatic events on the way to her successful business (she also didn’t work with demons but angels): her house caught fire, had several deaths in her family occur, and there were complete levels of destruction that she got so numb that the only thing she could focus on was business. This worked very well for her as she was very successful, but painful for her personal life to the point she couldn’t focus on those other aspects.

Akelta feels grateful that even though she went through a lot her demons never traumatized her to that extent. They still always shielded her and pushed her through the process. Demons have an understanding of the physical realm and understand flesh, that we can die. Her friend on the other hand is Christian and worked with angels. Although angels can be incredibly encouraging and helpful, they also may be disconnected from the reality of the physical realm as they don’t have the knowledge of it.

Demons see you’re flesh and can help you navigate it so that you still have a life after the events. Akelta found it a wonderful process. It deals in stripping you from things holding you from the life you want, but they also will help you build it up. Mammon was always there and would talk to her he would say “trust me and rise above the energies”. Demons come in and align you with tools and people. Akelta found that only when she resisted his advice did things go badly.

When people say they are open and diverse…

Akelta likes to test people who say they’re open and diverse by seeing how they react when she says she’s a Satanist. Many have turned on her when she revealed she is a Satanist an example was when she was looking for a social media platform. She found one that promoted diversity and equality and when she said the ‘S’ word they turned around and said no we can’t help you. End of the day we will find people to connect with that are like minded for instance their connection with Velca came from that.

Akelta mentioned that she has received many nasty comments, but she doesn’t care. There are those who are wolves in sheep’s clothing who operate on pretenses, she doesn’t like that and prefers honesty. She found there’s diversity and then there is ‘trendy diversity’ that is not hard as it’s more of the mentality of following what’s “in” often after many people faced hardships to pave the way. We see this for example with the LGBTQ community for a long time they didn’t have any allies as it wasn’t ‘trendy’.

Have a huge vision for yourself. For Akelta her grand vision is to change the worlds vision on demons to see how incredible and empowering it can be to walk with them. Demons have such skill to empathize with us. With business once we have a focus and a direction the demons you work with will align you, walk with you there to a place of understanding, align you with resources/education and will help you go where you want to go so you just need to trust in them.

Creativity and Business

For those interested in establishing and working within a creative path King Paimon is excellent to work with. For those interested in cultural aspects and creativity while building a business he can help a lot and provide inspiration. While Mammon can help with abundance and business. However, if you are specifically interested in creative endeavors and want to focus/work with Mammon you can still try. If you are creative and looking to follow that path, follow a similar formula as in business. Find a community of like-minded creative people to immerse with in that world.

Question Time: Other Satans?

Yes, Satan can be a title for others but Akelta works with Satan the father of the demonic divine. There are different layers, but she works with Outer Spiritual World (OSW) and the Satan that resides there. There are others with the title, but she doesn’t work with them. It’s kind of like mirror deities. There is one main Satan, but others are Inner Spiritual World (ISW).

ISW are those that are meant to work and help us. The OSW on the other hand is its own domain they have their own lives and many there don’t even know of our existence. If they come in it’s to walk with us but many don’t.

What to do in your first time connecting with a DL?

First time you connect you can hand draw the sigil, sit in a dark room with a candle and chant their enn. The enn vibrates and elevates you. When Akelta is going to work with a new DL she will generally do that for a week as it will elevate her vibrations and inspire her with what to set for the altar they’d like. Even if you can’t hear them you can ask for inspiration and ask them to join you in sacred space and ask for guidance.

Why do we at times get emotional when connecting with demons?

When you feel an emotional response (i.e. crying) when working or connecting with a demon it often means something welled up and is now being cleared. We often block ourselves and our connection to them, so when they remove that the energy then becomes open and we can communicate.

When is the best time to do rituals?

Any time best for you is good, it’s a personal decision for doing rituals.

The end! :devilread: :ideadevil:
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