Short Introduction to Blood Magick

Questions and Answers for where to begin on the Darker Spiritual Paths.

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**unsure if this is the proper topic area for this**

Ok, so you're beginning down the left path. You're not sure the full extent of your abilities, and you happened to hear of blood magick. So what is this stuff?

Blood magick is just that, magick utilizing the blood. It is typically used to empower a spell cast. While blood is easily accessible, I reccomend not using it unless absolutely necessary. For example, say the spell has you using lavender, you could potentially use blood as an alternative while making a more powerful casting.

Some people see blood magick as entirely dark. Thats not always the case, unless you see it as that. Blood magick can be used by both sides of the spectrum.

So whats the best way to do blood magick? It's your choice. You could use a needle, or a diabetic needle. It varies to each person. For example I would prefer to use a razor to create a cut just deep enough for blood. Another person might prick their finger with a sewing needle. No way is the absolute right way.

A warning, though, about blood magick, This is very strong and while it may almost always succeed, unless you are okay with it backfiring sometimes (if its darkness you are working with, of course), think again before using it.

Happy casting! :devillust:
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Hello and welcome to the forum!

There are a couple things in here that I kind of want to take note of in your post.

I would wonder why one would replace the use of Lavender in a ritual with blood. I have the personal belief that there is a purpose to each tool being used in a ritual. So my question would be what role is the lavender playing in the use of the ritual that could be replaced by blood? Of course this is all hypothetical I am sure but I would wonder the view on blood itself that you have that could be seen it being used as a supplement for any 'ingredient' in a ritual.

I do not ask and point this out in a means of challenging your knowledge, but moreso seeking to understand your own personal views and beliefs on blood and how it is utilized. I have no problems including my blood in certain castings, but there has to be a logical reason for it to me. ( Leave it to the INTP brain to force logic in the way of spirituality and faith :lol: )

The other part that I do want to bring up that made me cringe greatly was your way of actually getting the blood. I can most confidently tell you that there is a 'right way' of collecting blood. I am not here to tell you how to collect your own blood, but for those in the future that read this to please do not use a razor to collect blood. There are perfectly safe, controlled and sanitary ways to collect blood. Using a razor is not a 'controlled' means of collecting blood and the end results can be easily be more than what one is bargaining for.

I will actually go ahead and link a couple videos from Connolly where she speaks on collecting her own blood for rituals and blood magick itself (and how it correlates to demonolatry ) here;
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I also want to understand why one would randomly exchange lavender for blood. Give a little more context.

And since this is your first post I have to ask, why Baby Yoda?
I'm really more curious about that than anything else.

I want to know how you got involved with blood magic. Others may want to know that too when you give advice about it.
I'm not saying this to be difficult, but I am a difficult person so I guess there's no difference.
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yes I'm interested in your views on blood magick as well. I do practice it quite a bit and find that using blood can add a lot of power to a spell. Also the thing with blood at least how I use it and view it, is that it is life force and as it contains your dna it tends to be very binding- like binding a piece of yourself to the spell. It is not something I would just use for anything either, in some cases an action like this is useful but in others can be very detrimental, depending on the purpose it is used for. I do also use blood in offerings but again personally it is usually for really deep connections or forming them that I do this( though that is based on my personal views of the significance of blood). I also agree with Velca on that each spell ingredient has a purpose to it so some substitutions may not be very relevant. There are also practices in which taking blood from certain areas of the body and in certain ways, lends itself to different types of spellwork. To me it is not all the same. Blood also in my practice can be very magnetic- based on the idea of iron in it. Personally i think healthy "respect" when working with blood magick is required. in terms of drawing blood there are different methods, I use lancets and occasionally if i need more blood, scalpels- though that is a rare occurrence and i sterilize and clean the areas and tools (if not disposable) after as well to keep it free of infection. I have also heard of using needles to draw your own blood if you need significant amounts, but i would think you'd need to receive training to do it correctly? so i haven't tried that method.
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Hey. Sorry if that made you cringe. Ill answer the questions to my best extent.

No, I do not endorse the use of blood in all types of magick. Yes, it can be a powerful alternative based on your goals. The lavender was made up. Yes, you are indeed right when you say that there are more sanitary and less harmful ways to collect blood so I apologize for that.

The thing that got me into blood magick was actually research. I came across it a while ago and thought I'd explain it a bit.

As said in this reply, unless you are looking for an especially powerful spell, it is preferred that you do it with regular materials unless absolutely necessary. The post will be changed according to the feedback.

Again, apologies.
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ProTempore wrote:
Sat Jan 04, 2020 8:29 pm
Hey. Sorry if that made you cringe. Ill answer the questions to my best extent.

No, I do not endorse the use of blood in all types of magick. Yes, it can be a powerful alternative based on your goals. The lavender was made up. Yes, you are indeed right when you say that there are more sanitary and less harmful ways to collect blood so I apologize for that.

The thing that got me into blood magick was actually research. I came across it a while ago and thought I'd explain it a bit.

As said in this reply, unless you are looking for an especially powerful spell, it is preferred that you do it with regular materials unless absolutely necessary. The post will be changed according to the feedback.

Again, apologies.
I don't think there is anything to apologize for ProTemp!

I only personally cringe just because I come from a medical background. It would be like if I told my Dietician what I eat in a day somedays.. :lol:

I only brought it up simply because when giving advice that involves harming yourself to a certain degree, that it is best to be as safe as possible and allow those who wish to stray from the path to stray on their own accord. :) When you speak on an introduction to anything, you have to assume that there are readers who are putting their trust in your insight, and so "If the coach says it's okay, then I guess we can do it too." :devillove:

I think the subject itself is just absolutely fascinating! I may be misinterpreting your verbiage, but I don't think you should take the inquiries on what got you interested in blood magick or your history with it as something negative! On a forum like this, conversations are so enriched because we have such a diverse community that come from all sorts of beliefs, practices and levels of experience. Knowing more of your history with this type of work (Or any!) gives us a better idea of who you are and what your practice is like. perhaps that could be the 'icebreaker' in your introduction post. ^_^

I look forward to reading your insights ProTempore :devillove:
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While all rituals, in my belief, can be modified to meet the needs and circumstances of the person performing them, blood rituals are something to be saved for very important matters. Again, this is only my opinion, but meditation and working on focusing one's energies, and (I know you saw this coming) Practicing, practicing, practicing the "boring stuff" until you get it right will probably achieve the same result with the added benefit of having that boring, but extremely important, knowledge "under your belt" so to speak. :devilread:

If you are dealing with a matter that you believe warrants a blood ritual, before doing so please consider that "run of the mill" ritual for dealing with the problem, and asking a DL you feel draw to for advice or even a "jump start".

If there is a DL you already work with or desire to work with, then...a quiet room, candle, incense (if do-able) an open heart and sincere request. Don't expect Them to drop everything and rush to your side. DL's work on Their own timeline, not ours. This isn't arrogance, DL's are pan-dimensional beings, our concept of "time" is limited to this dimension alone. Sincerity and an open heart will get your message to them and they will not ignore you.

Just don't expect Them to respond in what you may consider to be the "proper" manner. :crazy:
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(The italicized word “dark” is my addition.)
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I don't want to lambaste you about it, but blood magic is serious and if you don't have a lot of personal hands-on experience with it then I don't think you can give appropriate advice on it.
If you researched and are citing your research it may also be a good idea to provide resources so people know the origin and can assess it for themselves, that takes heat off of you in an instance of disagreement.

The example you gave on lavender still has no context and this is why it makes no sense. You say it was made-up, but without context to why you chose that as an example you're suggesting just anything could be exchanged for blood. This doesn't exhibit an understanding of what blood symbolizes in magic or why it is used.
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In my personal views, working with blood is a very,very specific type thing and you wouldnt typically substitute it because of your intent. Depending on the working,you may decide to substitute the type of blood. For instance,I use my own blood in protection castings or if I want to to stimulate some sort of recovery. I've been using my own blood feeding a succulent with it,along with my fingernail clippings and hair from trimming,bonding myself to it. I've been using it as a fail safe to see if something was trying to drain me recently,the plant got sick and here i am with the flu a few days later. Other than that, i have something i have marked with my blood and i use it as a poppet of myself. I practice reiki signs and that is how i do workings on myself. For general protection,the blood can be from a source other than your own,but if its on your own behalf i feel like your own is best. I had an interesting conversation with a companion,she was telling me all about a festival they have in another country where they sacrifice mass amounts of camels and use their blood due to it having healing properties ours dont.
When using my own blood, i only use the best blood. I will change my diet for a few days to make sure its nutritious and will make sure to not take anything like headache medicines or anything else that would thin or thicken my blood,and when extracting it,i always do it in the least destructive way possible.
I have heard of swapping out blood for vaginal fluids or semen,though even then,i would still not be comfortable doing such a swap.
The way i view the usage of blood--is that even apart from me it carries my essence and i would not feel right bonding my essence to ill intent.
Im not extremely astute with many of its uses and even the knowledge I have rarely comes from people, i would feel more comfortable if you posted where youre referencing your ideas from. Your material sources and other resources that you have studied as opposed to your suggestions in a topic such as this.
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