Personal Positivity Thread!

Mind power and mental mastery, a place to develop and expand ones cognitive abilities.
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So I am beginning some work with getting in touch with my authentic self, which means I have to learn to embrace the good, the bad, and the ugly about myself... but then I thought, is this not something most of us struggle with every day? How many of us spend more time beating ourselves up than we ever do building ourselves up? To that end, rather than simply leave these thoughts to gather dust in my personal journals, I thought I would open this up to all of us in the community.

The primary purpose of the thread is this: Tell yourself something that you love about you. Anything! Mental, physical, emotional--even just something you've been through and are proud of. Anything you can think of! You can post here as many times as you like, but the one rule is you can never say anything negative about yourself in this thread! No "I like this about me, but..."! Leave your 'buts' in your seats, where they belong!

Your secondary mission, should you choose to accept it (and is entirely optional, but encouraged), is to leave one positive remark for the person who has posted above you each time you post in this thread. You may not know them very well, but consider this an opportunity! Even just based on what they have said, or how they have said it--even their avatar or username!--tell them one thing that you really like or appreciate about that person. My hopes are that everyone comments something positive about themselves here at least once a month. That's going to be my personal goal, anyway! So, let's get this ball rolling.


One thing that I love about myself and that I am truly grateful for is my sharp mind and creativity. My mind is one of my greatest assets, and I am looking forward to putting it to more positive use as it pertains to me in the near future!
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Goddess of the Void
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WOOOO I love this idea!! I am in!

I love my creative mind, how fast I can channel and download information, I love my connection to the demons and dark lords. I love my eyes and that my hair can handle my obsession with platinum blond hair, lol. I love my triple D chest and my legs. I love my ability to create and build. I love that I can go forth and manifest anything that I desire. I love how athletic I am and that I am incredible strong. I love that I can do full pull ups and that even after two kids I can still twist myself into knots that I could as a gymnast. I love that I can still do a back bridge and have so much opportunity to push myself back in shape. I love my intuition and my psychic senses that have guided me through one crazy situations and I love that I can hear and communicate with the demons, who have also guided me through some crazy situations. I love my life, I love my husband, I love my friends, I love my kids and I really just honestly love everything about my life. It also gets better and better with each passing day!

Something positive about the person above me. Khary is an amazing and incredible artist! Who creates beautiful and wonderful works of art!
Lover of Demons
Royal Demon Goddess
Darling of Sublime Romance
Daughter of Demonic Macabre


Walk with Satan in Shadow
Rise with Azazel in Potential
Dance with Lucifer Under the Moon
Kneel before Mammon's Throne
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Ok. Dimension VI i love you. :devillove: I love your elegant skinny athlete body which gets older really slow. I love your long silk hair. Your eyes looks so sweet but charismatic at the same time. Your mind is open and always was on some way. I love the fact that you are excentric and liberal. You are also always ready to change, you are working at yourself really hard and dedicated. I love your way how to connect with demons through writing poems and drawing, and i think that there is some potential for you to become artist too. I love your fighter nature, you are kind and polite but when it needs you become fierce warrior. I love your will to help to people in need and i like your patience.

Akelta. I love your politeness and kind heart. You are the one helping people at their spiritual path with whole your big heart and mind. You are bright and powerful. I love your enthusiasm and hard work, your dedication. And your very well developed senses. Stay so awesome!

Thank you for that Kharybdis, idea is great and helpful, i feel so good this morning! 🙂
We're walking in the air
We're floating in the moonlit sky
The people far below are sleeping as we fly

I'm holding very tight
I'm riding in the midnight blue
I'm finding I can fly so high above with you...
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Okay, here it goes...

I love:

* how generous I am to most folks I come across and how I try to help anyone in need, even the homeless guy on the street, without expecting anything in return;
* my artistic talents and abilities, to be able to create something out of nothing and sometimes make a positive impact on someone's life for the better because of it;
* I love my athletic abilities, which includes my focus, strength speed, and endurance;
* how I see the world in my own unique way;
* my love for animals and would do anything for them;
* my family regardless of our differences;
* that I appreciate the little things I have, a roof over my head, food water etc
* my long hair, my eyes, my eyebrows, lips, the freckles on my body, my accent, my lean, petite physique, my ample chest and my tiny feet;
* embracing my sexuality and not being ashamed of it, (which includes proudly wearing that tiny black dress or bikini :cheekydevil: ) ;
* taking risks, of any kind, (physical, social, financial, etc.) it keeps me alive despite the possible dangers that may be around the corner and realising that they were worth it no matter what happens, as it's a learning experience in the end;
* making mistakes, as they help me to learn from them so that I can grow as an individual ;
* my ability to bounce back from defeat and to carry onward ;
* how I have the strength to let go of people who were very toxic to me and that my life is much better without them;
* how I can survive from narcissistic abuse and that I became stronger because of it ;
* My interest in the dark side and the unknown (lol);
* making anyone smile or laugh;
* the inner strength that I still have even when I feel like I've lost it all;
* that I am walking on a spiritual path that is special to me, I love that I might have psychic gifts that are soon to be explored and unravelled;
* I love that I am open to new thoughts and ideas and walking the road less travelled ;

@Dimension VI
I love your strength despite the difficulties in life and sharing your insights to others and your friendliness to others here. :)devil:
"I am a forest, and a night of dark trees: but he who is not afraid of my darkness, will find banks full of roses under my cypresses."

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I love about myself that no matter how deeply I fall into the trench, I can always crawl out of it the next day laughing, bruises and all.
I love that I wouldn't hurt an innocent creature, but I would readily hurt those who hurt them.
I love how easily I can let go of things that no longer serve me, and burn the bridges that are draining from me.
I love my ass, how does one get to have such a fine ass?
I love my sense of intuition and how I always know just what needs to be done, where, and how.
And for that matter I love how much I TRUST in myself, because there was a time I didn't, and I really owed myself more than that.
I love my spontaneity and childish wonder about the beauties of this world, all of my experiences as if I am having them for the first time; it's like the fascinations I have never cease to amaze me.
I love my gorgeous, pale skin and the way I can never hide when I am blushing.

To Infernal Ascendant; I love your luminous and elegant presence, the refined quality of your energy and the way you share music with us which to my mind synchronizes your being with harmony and warmth.
"Do you even know that I know everything? I can see you like a.. sponge."

—David Lynch
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Kore Serpens
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I love that I am quiet. I love the darkness, the silence and the distance it creates in me. I love the silence so much that I will push it past the point of sanity and remain there until somehow
someone's voice will reach me and call me out of that deep stillness/silence and into another part of myself that loves light and the sounds of life and laughter.

I love that I'm a little bit unusual, just a little bit crayzy, and unpredictable. I love that I can have such a darkness inside
and that very darkness makes me aware of others pain, of their sorrow and need that they hide behind makeup and laughter. I love that I can look into a person's eyes and know to reach out to that stranger at that very moment ...
and touch their hand and see an explosion of light/of joy happen inside them. I love that strangers will tell me the secret that they will not tell anyone else.
I love that I am strong enough to bear my pain and walk with it and learn to love it ; and I adore that that strength has let me open myself to others pain ... not in a chatty kind of way, but in Silence.
I am in love with that part of me that can hear the call of their pain and not hide from it. I love that I can distinguish between real pain and bs.

I love that I have such an intimidating gaze and have backed down giants when my ire is aroused and yet I have a gentle touch.
I love, most especially, that I have a sense that can be called upon by those in danger, most often animals, who are unknown to me and nowhere near me and yet I will somehow find them.

I love LOVE bones ... I love carcasses, dead things, death of any kind. I love painting and creating from the bones of the dead and sensing them around me. I love honoring Death.

And I love my irreverent sense of humor ... Noctua: respectfully, I think I might love your ass too. But I do truly love the divine preciseness of your use of words.
"Good morning. I see the assassins have failed….”

”In the end it doesn't matter who or what you are - only that you've been embraced by all that you've become ... "
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This is such a sweet thread! I love to see people loving on themselves!

I love my crazy child-like spontaneity, my keen sense of adventure and my willingness to jump into whatever tantalizes my curiosity no matter how insane it might seem just for the fun of it. I love my passion, my lust, and my will for endless romance amidst every stage of my life. I love my focus and my daring will, my ceaseless quest to attain what I wish to see realized no matter how many times I am wacked across the head by the tumultuous flow of life. I love how extreme my personality can be and how adaptable it is, how I can shift from sweet & innocent darling to wild and raucous and dangerous. I love my intense femininity and my lustful sway over men, how much I am able to command and entice them with just presence alone. My wickedly hot sensuality. I love how much I adore other people and beings and desire to see them shine.

I also love my exotic look, my beautifully toned and curvaceous belly dancer body, the shape of my eyes, my abs, my lion's mane of hair (sometimes, lol), the way I command energies through my walk, my scent, my voice, my style, my elegance.

My connection to the demonic divine.

And my ability to create art and express with such communicative power. To dance, sing, verbalize..the endless colors of my inner world.

Cor; You are so pure and beautiful. You remind me of the sacred and primordial forces that once roamed free but which now rest at the very are one who has accessed this in full, you are this beacon of that power. You embody the incredible majesty of a mountain range and the sweet tenderness, yet subtle danger, of a forest illuminated by a swelling moon. You are so free and liberated unto a dimension all your own, and a peek of this through your words is so healing in such a serpentine crawls up my spine and colors me blood red. I appreciate your presence immensely.
cotton candy delirium
...madness like sugar
still dark
but colored
ravenous ecstasy
in cookies cream
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I love that I am a survivor. I love that I finally broke away from an abusive relationship that was causing toxicity in not just my life but the meta as well. I love that I am sincere in how I feel and how I treat people. I love that I care so much about so many things and people in my life. I love that I can astral travel really well and that I'm able to make beautiful connections with entities and realms as much as I (and they) are willing. I am in love with the bonds that I have forged with my companions and that strong sense of keeping with another. The loyalty. I love that I've finally got the courage to stop letting people walk on me and become who I'm meant to be. I'm proud and love the person that I am becoming. Even with the pain and growing, I love my shadow self and the beautiful parts of me that I am learning to love.

Vixen, I don't know you much but you seem strong and independent. You seem like someone that forges their way to the top of the world and blazes a path. Keep being you and keep on loving.
Two roads diverged in a wood and I -- I took the one less traveled by, and that made all the difference. - Robert Frost
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Bringing this back because I've been in such a great mood all Spring!

I love my strength--it gets me through, allowing me to push harder and farther even when I feel like I can't possibly go any more. I love my hair--it's long and golden, down to my ass, and it is finally getting under control as my depression and anxiety are getting themselves managed. I love my humor--I can brighten up a room in an instant and bring an audience to their knees, but I'm also good at knowing when humor is inappropriate. I love my presence, the power I have when I allow myself to step fully into myself.

I love being me! The whole package, the full experience--the good times and the bad times, the joy and the pain. I love who I am, and I love where I'm headed! I know it's going to be somewhere good, once all is said and done.

And, of course, in continuing the trend of spreading the love:
Ysa, the person above me, it's been really wonderful watching you come into your own again, rising from the ashes of your trauma and making something beautiful out of it. You're doing a fantastic job, and I'm so proud of you!
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I love uncovering all the cool little pebbles of knowledge about my craft with myself. I am my best friend after all.

I adore Khary for this thread, thank you dear. Keep being awesome.
"Be nice, for the moment you stop people will not believe the nice anymore. So be Nice until you can't be nice anymore, then destroy them."

“You’ve gotta respect everyone’s beliefs."
No, you don’t. That’s what gets us in trouble.
Look, you have to acknowledge everyone’s beliefs, and then you have to reserve the right to go: "That is fucking stupid. Are you kidding me?" - Patton Oswalt
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