FAQ : Why should I pay you for a Demon instead of....

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FAQ : Why should I pay you for a Demon instead of asking the Dark Lords Themselves?

This is a very good question. I appreciate those who has asked it and I am glad I get the chance to answer it.  The short answer is for the same reason that I pay my accountant to do my taxes instead of doing it myself,  But I will elaborate on that in this post as this is a very layered and a very, very good question.

There are many layers to conjuring.  It is a skill set that takes years to develop.  It also takes years to develop the connections to the different demonic realms.

What realm are you conjuring from?  Is it the outer spiritual world, an inner spiritual world?  Have you been there?  Have you negotiated with the demons? 

There are many places that one can get Demon Companions from. As conjurers we take years to develop the traveling skills and the techniques to screen the demons that we bring through.  We have the places where we have connections with the demons there to find them. It is something that we have spent our lives building up. This is a skill set that takes many years to master.  There is the element of uncovering the realms and learning about the demons and the different species that you are conjuring.  Then there is the element of learning about how best to bring the demon through into this realm.  How to create a link, how to create the bindings, how to screen them.

There are times when sludge beings come through instead and they try to imitate the demons that are coming through. I have had this happen and had to banish them and I have 5 - 35 safety rituals (depending on the demon species) to make sure that what I am bringing through is safe and won’t cause damage.  It’s a skill set in its own.

There is the personal element of walking the path, but as Lord Mammon always tells me you can either be the jack of all trades or you can surround yourself with people who are experts in their field.  Learning and developing a foundation and moving towards what you excel at is how I view this path. But that means that in pursuit of my path, I will need to have experts to help in areas that I am weak at.  In our 80 or so years it is impossible to learn everything and there are people who are naturally better at things than I am. Which is why I hire an accountant to do my taxes, a lawyer to handle my legal and an assistant to help keep me organized.  There is a huge skill set in learning to conjure and connect with demons. It is something that by all means you can pursue, but it is a skill set on its own that one must master.

You can approach the Dark Lords and ask them to grant you a familiar.  Sometimes they do grant you one, sometimes they don’t. It all depends on them. Then you have to screen it, you have to connect with it and you have to learn about it and what it does.  You still have to put in the work that a conjurer does so you will still have to develop the skills to make sure that you are getting the correct information.

Conjurers have a very specific skill set which they use, and they spend years building up connections and forming relationships with the beings and realms they wish to conjure from.   It takes time to not only form connections with the Dark Lords, but also with the perspective realms and regions where the demons reside.

I have been asked if the Demons will think less of you for buying a demon.  They would not think less of you.  I know Mammon rewards me when I learn how to delegate. It is something I myself have had trouble balancing and it is something that he has been working with me to learn to do.

Delegating and finding masters in their fields to compliment what you do raises your energies and it also raises the collective energies of the group.  Azazel especially I know believes in mastery of the self, but mastery usually means that you will excel in some areas and not others.  A World Class Gymnast would be a master gymnast, but they might not know how to balance their chequebook.  So it never hurts to surround yourself with people who are strong in areas that you are weak.

With conjures I even purchase conjures from different conjurers who I trust because we all have different energy vibrations and we are open to different realms.  Many of the conjurers that I buy from conjure from places that I am not connected to,  having their energies and expertise adds to my own path and helps me to grow.  My speciality is demons, they have always been and will always be my speciality, but that does not take away from the people who specialize in other areas. They offer amazing and incredible beings as well.  The diversity of skill is one thing that makes this community and this path so amazing.

At the end of the day I can try to do my taxes by myself, I can try to do my own bookkeeping. When I tried to do my bookkeeping myself it took me 6 weeks and I was so frustrated and it was taking away from my true path and my work,  It cost me $600 to get my bookkeeping done,  and then 20 minutes to put it all together and take it to my accountant.  The one time I tried to do my accounting on my own, well, that is a dark time of my life.  It costs me $700 to get my accountant to do it and he is amazing.  So yes I will spend the $1300 to save the time and help me focus on what I desire and my passion.  They have spent the time and the years to learn the skills to charge that price, and I appreciate and respect their skills and have no issues paying for it.  Raising your vibrations also means surrounding yourself with people who have skills in areas you are weak in. This gives you the time to embrace what you are passionate about.

That is from my experience with them. Your personal experience with this will be unique to you as that is also the nature of the path. Though we do say if you are drawn to a particular demon who has come through it never hurts to have a visit and see how you feel.  There is no commitment and you always have the right to say no.  Our main goal is to match clients with the demon that is perfect for them and their path. Sometimes that can take time and it should.

You should always make sure this is what is right for you.  People offer services in areas that they are masters in. Sometimes those services are right for you, sometimes they are not, but only you can make that call.

We are very happy and proud to offer the demons that we conjure, it is something that we take pride in and love doing. If you are drawn to it we will be happy to help you and if not, well we still would love to have you in our community.  It is all part of the diversity of walking on the Left Hand Path.
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Cracking post.

Professional sorcery is an art and a discipline that takes years to perfect. And bit like medicine, you can spend years learning a specialist skill, but I wouldn't be going to a cardiac specialist to provide psychiatric services! Similarly, I wouldn't be hitting up a root worker for a demon companion! Equally, I am not confident in my skills as an open heart surgeon...

I have been granted demon companions from the Dark Lords directly (although I might add I haven't asked for these companions, they were offered to help me in particular things) as well as purchased connections to them through S&S. The demons S&S provide access to are safe and brilliant companions and they have a deep reach into these realms from years of working with them.

I do a lot of different magic for myself and work with a lot of different spirits but will continue to purchase a range of services from different practitioners including S&S as they all have different skills and expertise. I actually love getting services, artefacts, companions and conjures from other practitioners as I grow aspects of myself that I otherwise may not have through this process, and get to learn and feel different magic currents that people work with.
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Well that makes sense.
2 years ago I called several Dark Lords if they can help me to get the money that I needed, so that I could buy an Demon Companion from Akelta.
But I had zero success with my rituals. At the end I saved money over the months, so I got my first companion.
I was actually very angry about the Dark Lords. In the internet you see people who call them for every nonsense and they gave them the stuff what they ask for.
At this time my heart and intentions was pure, and I was disappointed when they help every idiot who ask them for help, but not me.
It seems I never had an connection to them in my rituals.
"Loyalty is more important to me than money"Franz Sanchez from the James Bond movie Licence to Kill
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Goddess of the Void
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Calin wrote:Cracking post.

Professional sorcery is an art and a discipline that takes years to perfect. And bit like medicine, you can spend years learning a specialist skill, but I wouldn't be going to a cardiac specialist to provide psychiatric services! Similarly, I wouldn't be hitting up a root worker for a demon companion! Equally, I am not confident in my skills as an open heart surgeon...

I have been granted demon companions from the Dark Lords directly (although I might add I haven't asked for these companions, they were offered to help me in particular things) as well as purchased connections to them through S&S. The demons S&S provide access to are safe and brilliant companions and they have a deep reach into these realms from years of working with them.

I do a lot of different magic for myself and work with a lot of different spirits but will continue to purchase a range of services from different practitioners including S&S as they all have different skills and expertise. I actually love getting services, artefacts, companions and conjures from other practitioners as I grow aspects of myself that I otherwise may not have through this process, and get to learn and feel different magic currents that people work with.
Thank you Calin, this is very true and a lot of the things that we learn take years of mastery and dedication, and lol that is a perfect example, I am not confident in my skill as a heart surgeon either LOL.

I am the same way, I love getting things from different people as the cumulative energies I find really blend and help me to grow. Where I might be weak in some areas, another might be strong, it is so important to find where your strengths and passions are and let them grow and thrive. I love it.
Whiski wrote:Well that makes sense.
2 years ago I called several Dark Lords if they can help me to get the money that I needed, so that I could buy an Demon Companion from Akelta.
But I had zero success with my rituals. At the end I saved money over the months, so I got my first companion.
I was actually very angry about the Dark Lords. In the internet you see people who call them for every nonsense and they gave them the stuff what they ask for.
At this time my heart and intentions was pure, and I was disappointed when they help every idiot who ask them for help, but not me.
It seems I never had an connection to them in my rituals.
There are a lot of different reasons why things don't work. Though they can hear you even when you can't hear them I find that it is easier for them to guide you on what you need to do to shift the energies on your end once a communication foundation is established. When we have no set way to communicate with them often times we have to look for things in our surrounding environment to leave clues as to what we do next. This is why it is important to develop any sort of communication method and work to master it.
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I mean no disrespect, but if I may say so, perhaps the Dark Lords you called upon were offended when you sent along the intent that you were going to use the money for purchase of a Demon from S&S. Theophany would be realized with the manifestation of money and you would not really need to purchase one at that point, as you had a positive experience with a demon already. Or perhaps there really was no manifestation to begin with.

Let Nature proceed to make the process instinctive... -Theron Q. DuMont
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