FAQ - Why do you attribute your success to demons?

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I have been asked this a few times.  People are confused why I work with demons and why I attribute my success to them.  They feel that my results are not from my work with demons but from my own efforts and dedication.  

While it is true that I would not have gotten where I am without my own dedication and commitment to this work, it is not all on my efforts.  People will spend their entire life spinning their wheels and get nothing.  If hard work was the end all and be all, everyone who worked hard would get ahead.  In the end though, most people will spend their lives stuck, never accomplishing anything even if they worked hard.  What the demons bring is the opportunity, the amazing opportunities and the connections.  I say working with them is 50/50. You put in your 50% and they will put in 50%.  There are energies and vibrations which allow us to step out of these places and without being guided to what those energy vibrations are, we can essentially become stuck and unable to jump to the level of attainment that we wish to attain,  

I believe that there are many gods and the when we connect to them and are aligned with the energies that we resonate with, that is when we can attain phenomenal results.  I do not believe there is one set path for everything, but I do believe that when an individual findz their path and finds the spiritual area they are passionate about, that is when they can attain incredible results.  Those who attain success have an alignment in their physical, mental, emotional and spiritual vibrations and it is from that alignment that they are able to manifest. People get results from connecting with gods who they are aligned with whether that be Christianity, Hinduism or in our case Satanism.  

I actually think success in itself is wonderful and that we should be celebrating success with those who attain it, no matter what spiritual path they are on.  It raises the energy vibrations for everyone.  My energies naturally align with demons and the dark lords, so this is the area where I will find success.  

When I started working with demons a lot of things happened.  The second I started working with them I was given opportunities and was able to meet people who opened up some pretty powerful doors.  I heard Mammon, he told me things I had never heard before, introduced me to people who told me things that were incredible.  

It was about 5 years after working with him that everything fell apart.  It fell apart because it was time, it was time for me to move on. It was time for me to expand beyond where I was and to step into my own vibrational layers.  I valued my time with these people but I knew it was time to spread my wings and fly if I was going to make it in the area I wanted to.    I believe that Mammon set up that situation to inundate me with those success energies.  Some people would say it was luck, but I believe it was them aligning me with what I needed, to learn the lessons to get where I wanted to go.  

I have a dream life and everything I desire and it gets better every single day, so a better question is, why would I stop doing what works so well?  I find it so interesting that people challenge me on things, it is like they are uncomfortable with my beliefs but my beliefs are not for them to be comfortable with.  They are my beliefs and they come from my experiences, like everything in this world.  

Can you pull money out of thin air?  I can and have.  

Have you dined with billionaires and the elite? I have.  

Have you traveled around the world and been to incredible places?  I have taken my children to Disneyland multiple times and stayed at top quality resorts and traveled to many corners of the world.

I mean, what I am doing is working... why would I change it? Just because other people don't understand why I do things?  I never base my actions, thoughts or beliefs on what others think of me.  It is how I broke out of the chains that bound me.  I am living it to the fullest, and yes I have Mammon to thank for it and all the demons I work with.  

I believe in my own inner power and that this power can rise from understanding the subconscious mind.  But I also believe that there are external forces as well, it is a combination and a mix of both of them.  I believe it is this understanding of this balance why some people rise to the top, and others spend their entire lives spinning their wheels, working hard, but never getting anywhere.  

I walk with demons and learn from them and respect them as I would any human mentor. This is respect for one who understands more than I do and is educating me.   I find there is indoctrination when we are young that we have to do things ourself and never ask for help.   It actually is an interesting mindset that we do not need help.  I have found that those who surround themselves with brilliant minds and create teams and systems go further than those who try to go it alone.  There is a team effort in success and this is the next level beyond the inner world.  Control your inner world, embrace your outer world and know that there is so much more out there than you can even fathom.  

Healthy respect and appreciation for someone who knows more than I do is very different than blind worship.  I do not think there is any harm in learning from those who know more than you, and the demons they know a lot more then I do, they are a lot wiser then I am, and it would be foolish of me to not thank them for everything that they have done for me.

So, thank you from the deepest part of my heart and soul, to all the demons that walk with me, guide me and support me on this journey <3
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This post is exactly what I needed now for my motivation. Thank you :devilthumbs:
I have a key as a symbol for the demons on my altar, that represents the power of success that they can bring us in our lifes.

"Loyalty is more important to me than money"Franz Sanchez from the James Bond movie Licence to Kill
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I was wondering about this topic for some time. If I were to be successful, especially regarding monetary success, and If someone were to ask me if I had help and I tell them that demons helped me, they would probably say 'it's all in your head' etc. They can think that if they want to, that's their opinion, but they should at least try do it and experience it for themselves before they make such assumptions.

I agree that success is usually a team effort, especially when working with the right people who are knowledgeable, talented, ambitious and successful - and of course demons and other spirits who can help depending on what works for the individual.

I feel like I am still scratching the surface regarding working with demons and the spirit world, that I sometimes need to take a step back from it all for a bit. I do feel like some things are shifting around me. I have had some interesting experiences regarding success so far, just a few months ago and believe that a demon may have had a hand in it because it is so bizarre to me and just rare. The success may not be on a huge scale but to some people they see might see it as a big deal, or potential for something big in the future.

The very first demon (fallen angel) whom I have approached was Lucifer. I have not approached him formally yet, in that it was not a ceremonial, formal one or anything like that, I just spoke out to him one morning and soon after I think some unusual but very positive things have been happening to me since then. When I discovered and joined this forum, started chanted enns to him (not everyday, I should though and will work on that) even more interesting things have happened. Some new opportunities have occurred, new connections have been made that I never would even imagine creating, new doors have appeared and been opened to me.
Perhaps it's a small door, but it may lead to grander places - if I put my own effort into it, the results could be life changing.

As one said:
YouHaveToWalkThroughTheDoor.png (61.61 KiB) Viewed 3564 times
One could right this all off as a series of wild coincidences, and maybe it might be - for me, anything is possible. Before I started delving into this path, my life has been mostly a series of dead ends, disappointments and despair, (and for some years).
In a just a few short months of just reaching out to a spirit, (in my case a demon) the wheels may have started turning and there is some direction and paths that are being unveiled that haven't been unveiled before.
I'm very curious as to what might happen if I were to completely throw myself onto this path and stay on course.

Who knows.
"I am a forest, and a night of dark trees: but he who is not afraid of my darkness, will find banks full of roses under my cypresses."

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I think it's good what you said about whatever works for the individual should be celebrated. Normally I'm not a big fan of Christianity, but I have a cousin who's a methodist minister. He's made huge strides for himself (Got himself off the streets) his family, and his community. He definitely has the actions and disposition of an inspired individual. I can't deny that just because I couldn't find that stuff the same way that he did, and I am happy for him and support his success.

Thanks for sharing about this personal subject.
S̡̻͎̺͖̟̋̌͗͊̀͆͘͡t̵̥̬̜͍̥̽̅̒́͋̊̍͞o̩̻̪̣͚̘͓̳̰̯̎̍̄̈́̕͘l̷̞͔͓̭̹͖̳̅̅̃̂͐ơ̛̛̱̩͇͍͈̫̖͋͗̅̍̂́͢s̢̡̺̖̯̱̮̼̠̪̾̿͆̄́̅̅̿̀̾ Ŕ͉̫̩̟̪̳̀̑͛̇̓͢͢͠ͅa̵̗̯̭͓̘̞̜̓̓̐̀̑̏̾̾̕͘m͍͈͔̯͌̌̎̒̄́̍͟e̛̮̻͈͕̭̲͛̀̊͂̕͟͞c̴̱͖̰̠̤͉̥̣̲͛̅͗̿̀͊͊̈̐̐͟ v̬͉̞̜̺͚͒̒̓͂̉́͒͑̇͘͟i̭̰̰̥͑̏̏̀͛͟͟͞ả̸͈͇̻̦̱̿̾̾͐͌̌͟ṡ͙̙̝̯͎̩͂̃̒̕͜͢ă͍͔̟͇̞̣̩͈̪̎̆̃̆͟ ơ̴̤̰͎̲̬̙̺̪̋̑͛͡ṉ̵̡̧̖͆̓̊̌̄͜ c̸̛̹͙̗̮̻̾̎̀͌̄͜ȃ̶̡̡̹̬̞͖̼́̉̄͞͠
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Whiski wrote:This post is exactly what I needed now for my motivation. Thank you :devilthumbs:
I have a key as a symbol for the demons on my altar, that represents the power of success that they can bring us in our lifes.
You are very welcome Whiski, I am glad it is just what you needed ^_^
Infernal Ascendant wrote:I was wondering about this topic for some time. If I were to be successful, especially regarding monetary success, and If someone were to ask me if I had help and I tell them that demons helped me, they would probably say 'it's all in your head' etc. They can think that if they want to, that's their opinion, but they should at least try do it and experience it for themselves before they make such assumptions.
Its s the efforts and the collaboration of both but I will always give them credit for the roles that they play. I really have always wondered why so many people want me to believe it is all in my head, and they get upset when I don't. I have never understood why what I believe and what empowers me effects some people in such a negative way. It is perplexing really lol. Really the entire course of my life was shaped by them. They have been there and guiding me since before I knew what they were and honestly my life would not have evolved at all this way if it wasn't for them. I have seen manifestations and physical evidence that it is them influencing things. It is amazing the little clues that they leave. I always knew when I needed to get away from things and I always found that when I was going in the direction I needed to to get what I want they always found a way to pull it all together. There is so much to learn, even for me I find I am blown away from the lessons they teach, but they build on each other and I find it is best to take it one step at a time.

I also love that quote from Morpheus!
Chrysopaelian wrote:I think it's good what you said about whatever works for the individual should be celebrated. Normally I'm not a big fan of Christianity, but I have a cousin who's a methodist minister. He's made huge strides for himself (Got himself off the streets) his family, and his community. He definitely has the actions and disposition of an inspired individual. I can't deny that just because I couldn't find that stuff the same way that he did, and I am happy for him and support his success.

Thanks for sharing about this personal subject.
You are very welcome. Yeah, I know that in the past Christianity has been awful to me LOL I have so many stories, and ok when they come after me on youtube I still admit the desire to troll them comes out full force LOL. But I don't hate them and I admit that just like there are people who are empowered by Satanism and Demonosophy, there are people who will be empowered by Christianity. We have to follow where our energies are meant to go, that is the only way to discover our path and some people that path is Christianity.
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Akelta wrote: I really have always wondered why so many people want me to believe it is all in my head, and they get upset when I don't.
I have never understood why what I believe and what empowers me effects some people in such a negative way.
Yes, thats the thing.
Whats more worst, christians who try to converts you or atheists who wants to make you belief it`s all in your head?
"Loyalty is more important to me than money"Franz Sanchez from the James Bond movie Licence to Kill
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Whiski wrote:
Akelta wrote: I really have always wondered why so many people want me to believe it is all in my head, and they get upset when I don't.  
I have never understood why what I believe and what empowers me effects some people in such a negative way.
Yes, thats the thing.
Whats more worst, christians who try to converts you or atheists who wants to make you belief it`s all in your head?
When I was younger I had a different reaction than I do now.  When I was younger I would get upset by the Christians and I would debate to the death the atheists.  Now my view has changed and is quite different.  It doesn't really affect me anymore, just perplexes me LOL.  I have been working on looking at why certain things upset me, then undoing it in my mind and taking my power back from it.  I find that doing that I have been much more productive and if I want to engage in a debate it is fun, if I want to troll someone on youtube, it is for fun.  I have been asking myself a lot these days, what response will lead me to where I want to go, what reaction will keep me in high vibrational energies and really being present with myself.  I might do a post on that.  There has been a lot I have been working on.
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Akelta wrote:
Whiski wrote:
Akelta wrote: I really have always wondered why so many people want me to believe it is all in my head, and they get upset when I don't.  
I have never understood why what I believe and what empowers me effects some people in such a negative way.
Yes, thats the thing.
Whats more worst, christians who try to converts you or atheists who wants to make you belief it`s all in your head?
When I was younger I had a different reaction than I do now.  When I was younger I would get upset by the Christians and I would debate to the death the atheists.  Now my view has changed and is quite different.  It doesn't really affect me anymore, just perplexes me LOL.  I have been working on looking at why certain things upset me, then undoing it in my mind and taking my power back from it.  I find that doing that I have been much more productive and if I want to engage in a debate it is fun, if I want to troll someone on youtube, it is for fun.  I have been asking myself a lot these days, what response will lead me to where I want to go, what reaction will keep me in high vibrational energies and really being present with myself.  I might do a post on that.  There has been a lot I have been working on.
Good for you.
I`m still in the process of " I don`t care", but it`s not easy. People can still push buttons in me and I react like a computer program.
It`s hard to stay calm.
"Loyalty is more important to me than money"Franz Sanchez from the James Bond movie Licence to Kill
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Whiski wrote:
Akelta wrote:
Whiski wrote:
Akelta wrote: I really have always wondered why so many people want me to believe it is all in my head, and they get upset when I don't.  
I have never understood why what I believe and what empowers me effects some people in such a negative way.
Yes, thats the thing.
Whats more worst, christians who try to converts you or atheists who wants to make you belief it`s all in your head?
When I was younger I had a different reaction than I do now.  When I was younger I would get upset by the Christians and I would debate to the death the atheists.  Now my view has changed and is quite different.  It doesn't really affect me anymore, just perplexes me LOL.  I have been working on looking at why certain things upset me, then undoing it in my mind and taking my power back from it.  I find that doing that I have been much more productive and if I want to engage in a debate it is fun, if I want to troll someone on youtube, it is for fun.  I have been asking myself a lot these days, what response will lead me to where I want to go, what reaction will keep me in high vibrational energies and really being present with myself.  I might do a post on that.  There has been a lot I have been working on.
Good for you.
I`m still in the process of " I don`t care", but it`s not easy. People can still push buttons in me and I react like a computer program.
It`s hard to stay calm.
I've been there too, I have really worked to stay present with myself when it happens.  Especially on youtube.  Actually doing the youtube channel has allowed me to really practise this skill lol.  When it happens I take a moment and breathe and just visualize water rolling off my back and I say,

"this is like water off my back, it will be gone tomorrow and it will not matter so I will not let it affect my energies today."

Then I calm myself and look for the reply that will put me in the highest vibration possible.  It does take time and practise but it does get easier.
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Great post Akelta. I think you have summed up very neatly in your original post the essence of practical sorcery. Manifestation magic really is a 50/50 game, demons and spirits can only do so much to shape and influence things, you need to put in the work too to manifest the results you seek on your physical plane.

And there is no doubt you and the coven have put in the hard yards to get to this point. You certainly can't make a billion sitting on your xbox smoking bowls and calling to Mammon to bring you a billion dollars.

Also, mindset is really important for manifestation. What would you do with a billion? Can you manage that amount of money? Most people have no idea past the initial shopping list. Preparing yourself for wealth is critical for wealth to be attracted to you.
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