The Dangers of a Prejudice Energy Worker

Discussions of Energy Work and Alternate Health Practises. ***Not a Substitute for Medical Advice or Medicine!
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I was in a course once while following my energy working path and met with a teacher who taught me an incredibly valuable lesson, by damaging my heart Chakra.

There were a few teachers and this one in particular I was not that fond on. She was very religious and part of me was little leery of her. We were working on a new energy technique and it was my turn to be on the table receiving the energy work. Two other student were working on me and they were doing a great job and I was happily relaxed and was just open and receptive to the treatment.

This teacher came over and for some strange reason took an interest in my heart charka. This teacher was very sensitive and could pick up a wide variety of energies and my heart chakra has a case of Demonic Black Energy around it. Well this religious idiot sensed it and assumed it was bad and demonic. I didn't like the sense I was getting from what she was doing so I looked down and she was grabbing energy and pulling it off of my heart Chakra. Before I could react it happened, she grabbed a large chunk and tore it. I felt the energy tear and I felt myself start gushing black energy. I got up and had to leave the room and attempt to repair myself. I felt awful. V came and patched me up but told me that it would take some time to heal and that I needed to stay away from her.

I had to take some time to recover and I stayed away from most people as Demonic dark energy can be dangerous. I accidentally burned someone with my black energy as it was leaking from my heart chakra and they said something about how great this energy healer was and I guess my unstable heart chakra caused my emotion to react before my mind could intervene. She said my eyes turned dark and she sensed this horrible burning over her body which lasted four weeks...ops..

My lesson here is. People have different types of energies, some of us have demonic darkness and others have other types of darkness. Just because an energy worker feels that it should not be there does not mean that it shouldn't. It usually means that that particular energy worker has no understanding of darkness and either needs to follow directions directing energy into your aura keeping personal opinion and beliefs out of it, or they need to back off and not work on us darker ones.

In the world of energies, most of the skills are just energy. Reiki, Quantum Touch, Healing Touch, Ect, they work through the body promoting healing and are not normally an issue for anyone. The problem comes when you get a pious, opinionated energy worker who has a strict set of beliefs and they allow those beliefs to influence their workings.

Psychic Surgery is something I am trained in, and my ability to analyze the aura and see both the dark and the light gives me an advantage in I can tell what belongs there and what can be removed. Some people, like this "teacher" are foolish and think that they can just come at you with good intent and remove whatever the hell they want and all will be well. Unfortunately, their own beliefs cloud what actually should be removed and what should not and especially if they are one of these people who believe that darkness is bad and evil, they can hurt you and do serious damage.

These energies are powerful and need to be utilized in a responsible way. One Reiki Master(Dr. Hyashi) used his power to commit suicide when he was ordered to fight in a war.

"Hayashi, Chujiro did not want to go to war again. He told his will to his family, he left the last instruction to others, and Hayashi committed suicide by cutting his internal organs by his mind force without using any edged tool."

So don't kid yourself, this is not all love and light and sunshine and skittles like many new age energy workers would have you believe.

Since that experience I have taken the lesson and from it and adapted my energy workings to create a more customized energy system. One that accepts and appreciates us of a darker nature.

I am sure I am not the first to be harmed though it is rare. Most people who are drawn to light energy workers have nothing to worry about as they are either light themselves, or neutral so the energy workers just do their healing with no injury. Even then if one of darker nature were to get a treatment, the odds that the healer would be advanced enough to see the demonic darkness is slim as most energy worker come from a neutral path and try to appreciate and respect all.

The danger comes when you meet a religious energy worker who is guided by their religious path, are pious, have heightened senses and have a vendetta against demonic forces. They could be bothered by your own natural demonic dark energy and try to remove it. Which could be very damaging to you. I personally would never have an energy working done form an Angelic Energy healer and I am very careful in selecting who I choose to get energy healing's from. There are lessons to be learned in everything, this was a valuable lesson as I was young and naive at the time, but through that experience I was able to learn valuable wisdom to pass onto those who learn from me.
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This is VERY important to know and understand. I've had many bad experiences with such 'Holier Than Thou' people as I call them, that I am very careful who I do dealings with. And ANY person in the spiritual world, be they a reader, channeler, energy worker, mage, conjurer, etc etc, needs to be looked at carefully before you go to them for these very reasons. As a friend of mine has described it; People in the New Age community are just redefined Christians with pretty rocks, as many if not most of these people still retain Christian values and beliefs. Most of the "Lightworkers" from my experience are very biased, and if you aren't talking with angels, sometimes fae, elves, or 'ascended masters', you are doing evil and should be shunned or converted. They do not have a full understanding of energy and it's various types, dark ones included, and can do much more harm than good.

That said, there are many workers in that world who do understand darkness, and even work in the darker spectrum. I only caution everyone to do their research on the person they want work done from in case something like I've experienced happens to you.
~Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup~

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If you are a dreamer a wisher a liar
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On May 11th 1940, Hayashi committed suicide by slitting his wrists. He instructed his wife to keep his reason secret. She took over his clinic practice ... part9.html" onclick=";return false;
Westerners have struggled to understand and accept this. To compensate for this lack of cultural understanding, many stories have been created to romanticize Hayashi’s death. Mrs. Takata said that she and Hayashi’s other Reiki masters were with him at his home in what has been described as a sacred ceremony. Through an act of will, Hayashi supposedly ruptured 3 arteries, one at a time. At the rupture of the third artery, he died.

The truth is, he was alone. The Japanese have a different set of boundaries than westerners. In some ways, there is no sense of self, no separation from others. But there are also circumstances in life that are not meant to be shared with others. So he went into the bathroom by himself, cut his wrists with a scalpel, and peacefully bled to death in the bathtub. He told his wife, Chie Hayashi, to keep the real reasons and the way he ended his life secret.
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I do not think I would go so far as to not get healing from an Angelic energy worker, but I would make darn sure that they are skilled and experienced enough to use other energies when that is called for. That can be difficult, too. How do you get them in private to ask, and what if they go bonkers on you and try to 'save your soul' if you do ask and the person is a religious nutcase? :p Yeah. I have to be on my guard against those that try to heal me of my Vampirism. It won't work, and it will either make me darn sick or even kill me. Just leave me the hell alone, unless I ask. That includes praying that I will see the light of any other religion. That is trying to control me, and is flat out wrong. I will tear you up for that! Don't pray for me and send me any energy aimed at making me see the light of YOUR religion, or colored with the energy of your religion. Not happening. Wishing me health or happiness or joy is fine.
“If you really want to do something, you'll find a way. If you don't, you'll find an excuse.” – Jim Rohn

"The Master has failed more times than the beginner has even tried."

Do not rely on ANYTHING, unexamined. If It does not seem to fit, ask about it. If it ultimately degrades or dishonors or holds you back, it is bad for you, so remove it from your life. If it takes from you and never gives back, it is a leech. Discard it. In magick rely only on your own work: What you have seen and done and used for your own self and in your own way. Only keep what in your own estimation is worth keeping. (Hellcat's Rules Of Satanic Magick)"

Don't get too close. It's Dark inside. It's where my Demons hide!

Hailing Satan isn't a hobby, its a lifestyle. (S@tan)
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It is good to keep away from religious, in the place that I live there are many and their intellectual level is below that level of intelligence of a chicken.
The energy they carry brings nothing of good and only seeks one more to subtract the money and material possessions that this person has.
"Beware of getting rid of your demons, you may be getting rid of your best part"
"Be obedient to the spirits, that they will be obedient to you"
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Preston wrote:It is good to keep away from religious, in the place that I live there are many and their intellectual level is below that level of intelligence of a chicken.
The energy they carry brings nothing of good and only seeks one more to subtract the money and material possessions that this person has.
Lmao, you are correct about those statements xD. I have heard from my family that in the priests/pastors at the Brazilian churches end up extremely wealthy. Thats because all the money that they conn the people into giving them they use it for themselves, its nevee for the church or their cause. They claim to be spiritual people with no attachments, yet they are buying fancy things and living flashy lives while their flock of sheep stay poor and suffer. Its all a terrible gimmick and I am glad i have never given one cent of mine to any of them. Those who blindly worship anything are the same who lack education in life. Those with purpose and drive question everything and choose for themselves what they believe is true, not let others dictate those choices for them. I am quite glad to not have been forced into these religions in the same manner as others have been in their youth, so that now my path is my own.
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Oceanos wrote:
Preston wrote:It is good to keep away from religious, in the place that I live there are many and their intellectual level is below that level of intelligence of a chicken.
The energy they carry brings nothing of good and only seeks one more to subtract the money and material possessions that this person has.
Lmao, you are correct about those statements xD. I have heard from my family that in the priests/pastors at the Brazilian churches end up extremely wealthy. Thats because all the money that they conn the people into giving them they use it for themselves, its nevee for the church or their cause. They claim to be spiritual people with no attachments, yet they are buying fancy things and living flashy lives while their flock of sheep stay poor and suffer. Its all a terrible gimmick and I am glad i have never given one cent of mine to any of them. Those who blindly worship anything are the same who lack education in life. Those with purpose and drive question everything and choose for themselves what they believe is true, not let others dictate those choices for them. I am quite glad to not have been forced into these religions in the same manner as others have been in their youth, so that now my path is my own.
My ex-wife once told me that a pastor of the church she attends has won three car parking companies from a businessman who once tired of making money and decided to donate to the pastor, charity so I do not see the poor.
In Brazil, the Christian mentality of the people is this, and the country is back, in countries with Luciferian or Satan mentality, they are constantly evolving.
"Beware of getting rid of your demons, you may be getting rid of your best part"
"Be obedient to the spirits, that they will be obedient to you"
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The Dangers of Energy Healing and Energy Work
Two roads diverged in a wood and I -- I took the one less traveled by, and that made all the difference. - Robert Frost
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"Be nice, for the moment you stop people will not believe the nice anymore. So be Nice until you can't be nice anymore, then destroy them."

“You’ve gotta respect everyone’s beliefs."
No, you don’t. That’s what gets us in trouble.
Look, you have to acknowledge everyone’s beliefs, and then you have to reserve the right to go: "That is fucking stupid. Are you kidding me?" - Patton Oswalt
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The Dangers of Energy Healing and Energy Work
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