Verrine Elemental Balancing Ritual write up

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So, in addition to the working by lord Azazel and lord Uphir, I also got the elemental balancing by Lord Verrine--and the lovely ladies of course. The write up will be highlighted in green and my response will be plain text... no highlighting.

“ We opened the session with Verrine relaxing into the state and attuning our energies to connect with Christian’s elements.

Water - Imbalanced - rules intuition - The first element that we connected with was Christian's water. His water element was very murky, his emotions were unclear and they were disbursed and everywhere. The murkiness can lead to a lack of clarity and a lack of understanding. It can also lead to us feeling disassociated from our intuition and unable to fully process messages that we receive. We flushed Christian’s water and brought in clear crystal pristine water to replace the murkiness. This should help Christian to connect with his emotions and also to clear his mind of any emotions that are bogging him down or causing him pain and distress. This will also help him to process his emotions, take actions that he wants to make decisions from a place of clarity and focus. We sealed it in a blue energy to promote balance.

Fire - Imbalanced - Rules creativity and drive - The next element that we worked on was Christian’s fire. Fire was very interesting as it was in a very interesting state. It was small flames that were dispersed everywhere, there was no connected unified flame. It was as if his passions and himself are divided amongst different regions. There was an essence of almost being spread too thin. The flames were burning but they were not burning very brightly. We cleansed the fire, emptying it and bringing back a powerful beautiful flame to help ignite Christian, his passions, creativity and help to give him enough energy to pursue everything that he wants. We sealed it in an orange and red energy to help the fires burn bright and the flames burn warm to help Christian on his journey.

Air - -Balanced - rules thoughts - Christian’s air was in a very nice place. Calm and soothing thoughts run freely and ideas move through. His mind is very powerful in the intellectual department, very brilliant and his air demonstrates that. We did cleanse the air adding a purifying touch to it and refreshing element sealing it in a white energy to help it stay fresh and balanced.

Earth - Imbalanced - this rules over all things physical and financial stability - Christian’s earth is also governed by the root chakra so there was a sense of strained energies. There was an imbalance in the earth energies. The earth usually feels rich and full of life nutrients, whereas Christian’s earth felt barren and deflated. This could lead to feelings of lethargy and being tired and moody. We flushed the earth elements, restoring balance and bringing it back to its natural rich state. We used a volcanic fire energy, as volcanos carry some of the richest soils in the world, to bring back the powerful and rich energies of the earth.

Healing Scan - Lord Verrine scanned the energies of Christian’s aura. We infused his entire aura with a light blue energy that was designed to promote focus and relaxation and to help bring his entire energy spectrum into a place of balance and peace. We really focussed on the areas of Christian’s mind as this is one of his strengths. Laying a foundation of focus and concentration and infusing deep energies into the layers of the mind to promote focus and clarity. This was to help him find peace of mind, relieve stress and unleash a barrage of creative thoughts. There were some dark spots around Christian’s neck and shoulder area and down the base of the spine, that we figured contributed to stress. We used a white energy to cleanse these areas releasing the muscles and removing the dark energies. We then added a blue energy to bring peace and balance to the spaces.

At the end Verrine did a special golden white energy working all the way from Christian’s head down to his feet, filling his entire aura with a relaxing and peaceful divine golden white energy that is designed to act as an energy massage and fill him with peace and tranquillity. It also removes any blocks that are stopping the flow of energy. We did a final scan then closed the session with Verrine.”

All in all, I knew I would have some imbalances but it was interesting to see that all but one were balanced. Though, it does make sense that it was my air elemental...kinda in my head way too much for it fall into disrepair easily lol. As for the stress...yeah, I stress a lot... it is rather bad a times too. However, having everything in balance has made me feel a lot better both physically and mentally. I no longer have my desires so redirected to multiple different things. I also feel more... at peace I guess you could say. As feeling lethargy..omg it feels so good to not be so friggin tired all the time, no joke this was one of the imbalances I felt the most when it was balanced! So, yeah that is my elemental working write, feel free to ask any questions you may have!
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Christian thank you for Sharing your Lord Verrine Elemental Ritual its a Good write Up On you With all areas Covered ' I like how Your Were giving Details about everything that Was Going on with You The Good and The Not So Good because its all helpful Information '' I have thought about having this Done Myself thanks again for Sharing Yours >:)
I Have Won Sinner Of The Month Five Times Now ' My Grandmother Always Said either Stand For Something are You Will Fall for Anything ' I am not Just Walking My path . I am Living it !
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Agreed Velle, Thank you Christian for the share. Very interesting indeed. Please do let us know how things shift for you over time. I have been interested in this working as well, had something similar done by my clairvoyant but no where near as in depth.
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Now I know why I am all over the place with my desires, can never seem to be satisfied with the main goal always second guessing myself.
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I am having the workings next week so i am super excited to see how i will feel and what changes will occur :) i had the Satanic Orb and it is amazing. I am looking forward to this one now :)
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