Culture as a web

Mind power and mental mastery, a place to develop and expand ones cognitive abilities.
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We are a product of our times, of our culture, and of our environment...even when we are aware of this we still participate in a constant give and take, desperately holding onto and crafting all the little fractals of our true self that we can through the palette of, often rudimentary, outside tools we are given.

Sometimes when I find myself rippling through the pools of contemplation I like to play a little mind game where I flip my perspective from past, to present, to future, twining each individual current of energy movement like a thread, until I have woven an interesting picture that provides some form of insight into where I am, minus my presence, plus an outside awareness. It is interesting to consider culture in this way. I find adopting an outside perspective to be very trying to put on a skin suit that is too small, but some days when my mind is squishy enough and I can just barely fit inside... I have noticed some funny things, things that I would like to share in hopes that they might add to and strengthen your path whatever, wherever, whenever it might be.

We live... in an ever spawning, ever multiplying, ever pervasive techno freaky culture...where our attention is eroded from the inside out. With constant access to these new modes of living the plasticity of our mind is slowly(?) but surely shaped into a new mold, a mold we don't yet fully understand. Much like how the early America's delighted in smoking cigarettes without a single thought into how they might be affecting the health of their bodily systems we should be careful to avoid that same scenario with our psycho-spiritual health.

We are constantly bombarded by 'pleasure' pumping distractions through this new interface and with this our attention span is dwindling away and our need for instant gratification is only expanding, we are drowning in an overwhelm of stimuli all the while becoming completely numb to what most matters, those inner realms of experience in relation to the depth of the outer world. We are forced to navigate this labyrinthine web of tricky traps, of constant overexposure, where the culture is more and more beckoning us into a hollow wormhole of media. Without an awareness of what is taking place we are lost in an existential sea of nothingness.

How does this affect the spiritual community? Surely it is different... Of course, there are differences, but for the most part we are just a pretty branch that grows from that same tree. We have to acknowledge this in order to target the behaviors and the mindsets that might be holding us back from self mastery. We do not live in a bubble, we are affected by the same cultural elements that everyone else is no matter how different we might make ourselves out to be, it is only when we are equipped with this understanding that we can truly and completely transcend those elements.

Now what exactly does our culture breed? Let's look at a few of the most far reaching 'ticks' to target that dirty blood flow. There is the paralyzing lack of focus, the constant results-directed behavior, the overall acceleration of life resulting in the inability to slow down, and the over-reliance on knowing over feeling. Of course this is an oversimplification, I would be unable to list all the various fibers of this confounding web, but for the most part there is a uniformity to it all that rests upon the foundations of these four pseudo values.

Our minds are being pulled in a million different directions as we are constantly seduced by the flashing screen, the pingy ding, the useless things that we ascribe some sort of biochemical meaning to because of the way they make us feel. Social media is a good example, it is an endless conglomeration of links and places and areas to explore, going on and on into the infinity of hyperspace. How then do we manage our focus? How then do we sharpen it in this over saturated mud haze? We have to disconnect, we have to, have to, carve time out in our day for the meaningful things that feed our soul. Meditation, art, spiritual communion, relaxation, reading, listening to music, unplug, unplug, unplug! It is in this little sanctuary of daily focus where you will begin to mold yourself, the you that lives apart from the all connected world, the you that is distinguished in essence, unique, and beautiful, and whole.

Focus is something, within demonosophy especially, that we should all take extra care to cultivate in the midst of our cultural chaos.. It is what sets apart those who progress, those who evolve, those who transform, from those who only ever wish, who only ever invest into empty promises, who float around in a state of want completely disconnected from reality. Focus is what will take you to the next level. Once you master it the world becomes much easier to navigate. Most individuals are just empty cogs, swayyyyyed by the tides of the masses and this because they are unable to truly focus on what they want from life. Whatever this means to you, whether it's kick ass psychic development, or a kick ass career...focus is your best friend.

Now we need to be careful not to let another tick latch onto our precious focus that we worked so hard for, it is at the root of most western thought and it is so very toxic to our inner being in a way that we can't always pinpoint. The need to do. Constantly. Every second of every day. How many times have you heard or seen the word productivity in the past 24 hours? I am sure it was in some sort of domineering tone too, BE PRODUCTIVE OR BURN.... shouts the man in the suit. Backwards man! Silly man! You will run yourself to the ground. Maybe you already have. I am sure you have. There is no you that I see. Just an endless set of actions, one after the next. The 'you' is burning underneath the grinder of your productivity, screaming out for a chance to breathe.

We have to respect the ebbs and flows of our nature, this one is very hard for me and I am still working on it. It can be so difficult to just let ourselves rest, reflect, or sit in peace without the need to have some sort of directive attached to our behavior. How many times have you polluted your spiritual practices by attaching the need to accomplish something to them? They quickly become a chore.

Going after results is not a bad thing, in fact it is very healthy and something that we should all strive for, what is unhealthy is when we let those results dominate our every fiber, when we attach our worth to those results so much that we lose ourselves in the process. We lose our joy, our creativity, our spontaneity...which within a spiritual path is absolutely detrimental to growth. We can parade around like this in corporate culture without any red flags (at least for a little while), because we are taught that this is how it should be, but within a spiritual path we soon come to realize that something isn't right. We shouldn't feel this way. We shouldn't feel as if we are being stomped into the ground by the weight of our responsibilities. We have to return to an open, accepting state where we can move with the ins and outs of our nature, respecting our urges as they occur.

This is a neglect of the feminine. It is not honoring our innate experience, our innate knowledge, our innate creative flow. Needing to be validated by outside results and outside factors, ignoring the inner signs that tell us we are just fine where we are, take a deep breath..

Take some time for your well-being, take some time for rest, take some time for you and you only, without directing your behavior towards any one thing.... and watch how your barren gardens of progress start to bloom with colors, and sounds, and scents galore.

I know for me personally I used to drown myself in books because I had this need to know 'everything', I would switch between 12 books at a time, gathering bits and pieces of knowledge from each and every one. But what I noticed with this was that the amount of outside perspectives I was absorbing was overshadowing my own perceptions. When I took the time to make a balance between reading and reflecting on that which I was reading I was able to formulate my own views in a way that was complimentary to texts and all the energies and knowledge the author was condensing and providing. Both processes of receiving (through reading) and transforming (through reflection) were of benefit but it was only when they were combined that they brought about astounding revelations into myself and the world.

It is the principle of growth...push, push, push until there is optimal overload, now rest for recovery, and repeat when ready. To deny this is to deny your greatest becoming.

In close relation to the above tick, (I would say they were of the same genus), is the acceleration of life. What it means to move through time, to flow with the seasons, evolve, degenerate, and 'become' within the cycles of existence has been radically altered. We have been stripped of our innate rhythms and forced into boxes of endless linearity where there is no rhyme or reason to our movement through time, it only is. And with this constant is-ness we fear the loss of time, as if it was something we could grasp, we grip to it with all the desperation of a broken child clinging onto its leg and screaming out for it to stop resisting our embrace! 'Slow down!!!!' We beg as we snip away at the fibers that bind us to the earth's floral hourglass, not realizing that it is us as a culture eroding away at the very structures of it all.

In a way, as we moved from time within the cycles of life to time within the blotted timeline we became more focused on milestones, markers, goals, and levels... we started to miss out on all the tiny details of experience that come together to define us, our journeys, and what it means to be human. Our view of life broadens to numbing proportions and our scope of experience is reduced to only that which jolts us into a new layer of our 'timeline'.

The 'time' that I speak of is more in reference to the perceptive faculty that delineates where our attention is drawn to, where our meaning is assigned, how we let our experiences sculpt us and in turn how we sculpt them within the grand scheme of our narrative.

We have to move from time as an outside force to time as an inside force. It is necessary for us to slow down and smell the roses, to relish in all the depth of the present moment, to delight in the way we evolve through the many layers of outer life in parallel to our inner worlds.

So many people, especially within the spiritual community, feel pushed to accomplish everything all at once, to achieve every 'milestone', to dominate every block, to become this superhuman them they have envisioned floating in a dreamland of achievement as soon as they become aware of the possibility. But in the end this is only keeping them from themselves. As mentioned above, goals are healthy, but they should be realistic and they should not come as a result of ignoring where we are are and what we can already accomplish. Through this process of acceleration we miss out on all the little spurts of growth that come, the little shifts in our awareness, the tiny, gradient-like fluctuations of energy that denote progress. We want all or nothing. Without the work of course.

That is another product of this culture, we believe that everything should be handed to us. Work is will and effort unfolding through time, blooming into results. It is always a process but it is always exceptionally beautiful when put into perspective. To ignore that process is to rob yourself of greater development. The tortoise picks up on all the little detail, the slightest of nuances, accumulating a vast spectrum of energies on his way to the milestone, the hare just gets there, and at what cost? Having missed out on all his surroundings he is lacking, stripped of knowing as if he was wearing blinders the whole time. He only saw his goal, not the tapestry that the goal was embedded within, which held all the more meaning in the end.

We should not feel pushed or pressured to accomplish, we should only delight in that ever swirling cloud of potential that lies in front of us. Trying to see past it will keep us from its beautiful splendor, all the little glimmers of clear light that dance through it like stars in the night. Clarity amidst the haze. A dizzying dream of contrast. Keep this in mind with your companions and the dark lords, delight in the unfolding of your connection. It is not immediate but it is always worth it.

The final tick! Hehe... I've already written so much, but this is my exercise in focus today, and a little trip through my mental playgrounds.. As a culture we have come to value knowing over feeling, logic over intuition, guides, and how-to's, and authority figures over our own system of inner navigation. We are constantly seeking the correct answer to how we should conduct our path... as if their was a one size fits all for spirituality. We have to be willing to embrace experimentation and guess work and going with our gut in order to flourish. We can seek assistance but in the end the only authority we should rely on is our inner voice. Honor your creative know how!

This world, and our journey within it, is personal and complex. We will never have all the answers but that is the beauty of it. We can only ever color our awareness with views and feelings that most align with our truth.... weaving and weaving spectrum after spectrum until the kaleidoscope of our soul is projected into every fabric of life. And we are there. And we are here. And we are everywhere.
cotton candy delirium
...madness like sugar
still dark
but colored
ravenous ecstasy
in cookies cream
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Very well said! I completely agree with this.
~Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup~

"If you are a dreamer come in
If you are a dreamer a wisher a liar
A hoper a pray-er a magic-bean-buyer
If youre a pretender com sit by my fire
For we have some flax golden tales to spin
Come in!
Come in!" ~Shel Silverstein
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I love this, it's so true about disconnecting and having that space and technology and social media I do believe it changes the structure in our brains, we become addicted to technology and I really don't like being addicted to anything LOL I realized the other day in the storm when the internet died how twitchy I get when I can't connect rofl Something I need to work, along with taking breaks, getting back into my relaxed, focused meditation times.. I can still get there but it's not as regular and it is needed. I find myself having symptoms of being over stressed (panic attacks or anxiety) and now I have actually caught a cold :lol: which never happens.

This was beautiful. I read it in a particular voice (you know the one) and imagined all of the amazing hand gestures and colorful words that paint a tapestry around you as you speak.

Also, I just have to say I absolutely LOVE your new picture <333

Thank you for this Nami ^^
:death: :death: :death:

~ Burn the ships to take the island. ~

Let your plans be dark and impenetrable as night, and when you move, fall like a thunderbolt.
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Absolutely epic, wow and wow.

I only wish others in our culture felt the way you do, were able to step outside themselves and reflect in such a meaningful way. Our society is eroding from the inside out, just as the body you so beautifully described. We are addicted, we expect instant gratification. Long gone are the days of anticipation.

Does anyone remember when we were kids and we would collect the tops of cereal and send it in for a prize. The prize that would come in the mail about 2 weeks later. Did anyone act like me and run to the mailbox like someone was trying to kill you? It was an amazing time.

OMG I so remember those days. I appreciated the little things I would get, I didn't look at them as disposable, I saw them as items to be cherished.

Now we have Amazon 2 hour delivery, 2 HOURS. Okay and yes from a business perspective it's brilliant, but honestly. Now we can't even wait 2 hours for the latest gadget.

We spend hours, sometimes days, waiting on a new cell phone. It's a cell phone everyone.

I could go on and on here but honestly Vixen, no one can articulate this as well as you did. Utterly amazing.
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Vixen wrote:
Wed Mar 15, 2017 1:02 pm
We are a product of our times, of our culture, and of our environment...even when we are aware of this we still participate in a constant give and take, desperately holding onto and crafting all the little fractals of our true self that we can through the palette of, often rudimentary, outside tools we are given.

Sometimes when I find myself rippling through the pools of contemplation I like to play a little mind game where I flip my perspective from past, to present, to future, twining each individual current of energy movement like a thread, until I have woven an interesting picture that provides some form of insight into where I am, minus my presence, plus an outside awareness. It is interesting to consider culture in this way. I find adopting an outside perspective to be very trying to put on a skin suit that is too small, but some days when my mind is squishy enough and I can just barely fit inside... I have noticed some funny things, things that I would like to share in hopes that they might add to and strengthen your path whatever, wherever, whenever it might be.

We live... in an ever spawning, ever multiplying, ever pervasive techno freaky culture...where our attention is eroded from the inside out. With constant access to these new modes of living the plasticity of our mind is slowly(?) but surely shaped into a new mold, a mold we don't yet fully understand. Much like how the early America's delighted in smoking cigarettes without a single thought into how they might be affecting the health of their bodily systems we should be careful to avoid that same scenario with our psycho-spiritual health.

We are constantly bombarded by 'pleasure' pumping distractions through this new interface and with this our attention span is dwindling away and our need for instant gratification is only expanding, we are drowning in an overwhelm of stimuli all the while becoming completely numb to what most matters, those inner realms of experience in relation to the depth of the outer world. We are forced to navigate this labyrinthine web of tricky traps, of constant overexposure, where the culture is more and more beckoning us into a hollow wormhole of media. Without an awareness of what is taking place we are lost in an existential sea of nothingness.

How does this affect the spiritual community? Surely it is different... Of course, there are differences, but for the most part we are just a pretty branch that grows from that same tree. We have to acknowledge this in order to target the behaviors and the mindsets that might be holding us back from self mastery. We do not live in a bubble, we are affected by the same cultural elements that everyone else is no matter how different we might make ourselves out to be, it is only when we are equipped with this understanding that we can truly and completely transcend those elements.

Now what exactly does our culture breed? Let's look at a few of the most far reaching 'ticks' to target that dirty blood flow. There is the paralyzing lack of focus, the constant results-directed behavior, the overall acceleration of life resulting in the inability to slow down, and the over-reliance on knowing over feeling. Of course this is an oversimplification, I would be unable to list all the various fibers of this confounding web, but for the most part there is a uniformity to it all that rests upon the foundations of these four pseudo values.

Our minds are being pulled in a million different directions as we are constantly seduced by the flashing screen, the pingy ding, the useless things that we ascribe some sort of biochemical meaning to because of the way they make us feel. Social media is a good example, it is an endless conglomeration of links and places and areas to explore, going on and on into the infinity of hyperspace. How then do we manage our focus? How then do we sharpen it in this over saturated mud haze? We have to disconnect, we have to, have to, carve time out in our day for the meaningful things that feed our soul. Meditation, art, spiritual communion, relaxation, reading, listening to music, unplug, unplug, unplug! It is in this little sanctuary of daily focus where you will begin to mold yourself, the you that lives apart from the all connected world, the you that is distinguished in essence, unique, and beautiful, and whole.

Focus is something, within demonosophy especially, that we should all take extra care to cultivate in the midst of our cultural chaos.. It is what sets apart those who progress, those who evolve, those who transform, from those who only ever wish, who only ever invest into empty promises, who float around in a state of want completely disconnected from reality. Focus is what will take you to the next level. Once you master it the world becomes much easier to navigate. Most individuals are just empty cogs, swayyyyyed by the tides of the masses and this because they are unable to truly focus on what they want from life. Whatever this means to you, whether it's kick ass psychic development, or a kick ass career...focus is your best friend.

Now we need to be careful not to let another tick latch onto our precious focus that we worked so hard for, it is at the root of most western thought and it is so very toxic to our inner being in a way that we can't always pinpoint. The need to do. Constantly. Every second of every day. How many times have you heard or seen the word productivity in the past 24 hours? I am sure it was in some sort of domineering tone too, BE PRODUCTIVE OR BURN.... shouts the man in the suit. Backwards man! Silly man! You will run yourself to the ground. Maybe you already have. I am sure you have. There is no you that I see. Just an endless set of actions, one after the next. The 'you' is burning underneath the grinder of your productivity, screaming out for a chance to breathe.

We have to respect the ebbs and flows of our nature, this one is very hard for me and I am still working on it. It can be so difficult to just let ourselves rest, reflect, or sit in peace without the need to have some sort of directive attached to our behavior. How many times have you polluted your spiritual practices by attaching the need to accomplish something to them? They quickly become a chore.

Going after results is not a bad thing, in fact it is very healthy and something that we should all strive for, what is unhealthy is when we let those results dominate our every fiber, when we attach our worth to those results so much that we lose ourselves in the process. We lose our joy, our creativity, our spontaneity...which within a spiritual path is absolutely detrimental to growth. We can parade around like this in corporate culture without any red flags (at least for a little while), because we are taught that this is how it should be, but within a spiritual path we soon come to realize that something isn't right. We shouldn't feel this way. We shouldn't feel as if we are being stomped into the ground by the weight of our responsibilities. We have to return to an open, accepting state where we can move with the ins and outs of our nature, respecting our urges as they occur.

This is a neglect of the feminine. It is not honoring our innate experience, our innate knowledge, our innate creative flow. Needing to be validated by outside results and outside factors, ignoring the inner signs that tell us we are just fine where we are, take a deep breath..

Take some time for your well-being, take some time for rest, take some time for you and you only, without directing your behavior towards any one thing.... and watch how your barren gardens of progress start to bloom with colors, and sounds, and scents galore.

I know for me personally I used to drown myself in books because I had this need to know 'everything', I would switch between 12 books at a time, gathering bits and pieces of knowledge from each and every one. But what I noticed with this was that the amount of outside perspectives I was absorbing was overshadowing my own perceptions. When I took the time to make a balance between reading and reflecting on that which I was reading I was able to formulate my own views in a way that was complimentary to texts and all the energies and knowledge the author was condensing and providing. Both processes of receiving (through reading) and transforming (through reflection) were of benefit but it was only when they were combined that they brought about astounding revelations into myself and the world.

It is the principle of growth...push, push, push until there is optimal overload, now rest for recovery, and repeat when ready. To deny this is to deny your greatest becoming.

In close relation to the above tick, (I would say they were of the same genus), is the acceleration of life. What it means to move through time, to flow with the seasons, evolve, degenerate, and 'become' within the cycles of existence has been radically altered. We have been stripped of our innate rhythms and forced into boxes of endless linearity where there is no rhyme or reason to our movement through time, it only is. And with this constant is-ness we fear the loss of time, as if it was something we could grasp, we grip to it with all the desperation of a broken child clinging onto its leg and screaming out for it to stop resisting our embrace! 'Slow down!!!!' We beg as we snip away at the fibers that bind us to the earth's floral hourglass, not realizing that it is us as a culture eroding away at the very structures of it all.

In a way, as we moved from time within the cycles of life to time within the blotted timeline we became more focused on milestones, markers, goals, and levels... we started to miss out on all the tiny details of experience that come together to define us, our journeys, and what it means to be human. Our view of life broadens to numbing proportions and our scope of experience is reduced to only that which jolts us into a new layer of our 'timeline'.

The 'time' that I speak of is more in reference to the perceptive faculty that delineates where our attention is drawn to, where our meaning is assigned, how we let our experiences sculpt us and in turn how we sculpt them within the grand scheme of our narrative.

We have to move from time as an outside force to time as an inside force. It is necessary for us to slow down and smell the roses, to relish in all the depth of the present moment, to delight in the way we evolve through the many layers of outer life in parallel to our inner worlds.

So many people, especially within the spiritual community, feel pushed to accomplish everything all at once, to achieve every 'milestone', to dominate every block, to become this superhuman them they have envisioned floating in a dreamland of achievement as soon as they become aware of the possibility. But in the end this is only keeping them from themselves. As mentioned above, goals are healthy, but they should be realistic and they should not come as a result of ignoring where we are are and what we can already accomplish. Through this process of acceleration we miss out on all the little spurts of growth that come, the little shifts in our awareness, the tiny, gradient-like fluctuations of energy that denote progress. We want all or nothing. Without the work of course.

That is another product of this culture, we believe that everything should be handed to us. Work is will and effort unfolding through time, blooming into results. It is always a process but it is always exceptionally beautiful when put into perspective. To ignore that process is to rob yourself of greater development. The tortoise picks up on all the little detail, the slightest of nuances, accumulating a vast spectrum of energies on his way to the milestone, the hare just gets there, and at what cost? Having missed out on all his surroundings he is lacking, stripped of knowing as if he was wearing blinders the whole time. He only saw his goal, not the tapestry that the goal was embedded within, which held all the more meaning in the end.

We should not feel pushed or pressured to accomplish, we should only delight in that ever swirling cloud of potential that lies in front of us. Trying to see past it will keep us from its beautiful splendor, all the little glimmers of clear light that dance through it like stars in the night. Clarity amidst the haze. A dizzying dream of contrast. Keep this in mind with your companions and the dark lords, delight in the unfolding of your connection. It is not immediate but it is always worth it.

The final tick! Hehe... I've already written so much, but this is my exercise in focus today, and a little trip through my mental playgrounds.. As a culture we have come to value knowing over feeling, logic over intuition, guides, and how-to's, and authority figures over our own system of inner navigation. We are constantly seeking the correct answer to how we should conduct our path... as if their was a one size fits all for spirituality. We have to be willing to embrace experimentation and guess work and going with our gut in order to flourish. We can seek assistance but in the end the only authority we should rely on is our inner voice. Honor your creative know how!

This world, and our journey within it, is personal and complex. We will never have all the answers but that is the beauty of it. We can only ever color our awareness with views and feelings that most align with our truth.... weaving and weaving spectrum after spectrum until the kaleidoscope of our soul is projected into every fabric of life. And we are there. And we are here. And we are everywhere.
All this is so true!
I am ashamed to say I struggle to finish reading books these days. It's like I'm hyper aware of the huge chunks of time reading takes, as opposed to say, watching a video on youtube. Or reading compressed articles online.
And whatever I'm doing, it's so difficult not to allow thoughts of all the other tasks I could be doing to seep in at the edges of my mind. Focus has always been hard, but today we are actively trained to have super short attention spans.
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:devilclap: A GIANT YES TO ALL OF THIS! Your post is a breath of fresh air.

I love your post @Vixen and i drank up every word....i cannot thank you enough for being able to articulate what i could not with what has been going on in this world and to people...something i have picked up on for some time now. We are being robbed of our humanity and the gift of experiencing life. It is very frustrating and sad, especially for the kids. These are strange times, but life finds a hoping we will too eventually.
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Vixen wrote:
Wed Mar 15, 2017 1:02 pm

Our minds are being pulled in a million different directions as we are constantly seduced by the flashing screen, the pingy ding, the useless things that we ascribe some sort of biochemical meaning to because of the way they make us feel. Social media is a good example, it is an endless conglomeration of links and places and areas to explore, going on and on into the infinity of hyperspace. How then do we manage our focus? How then do we sharpen it in this over saturated mud haze? We have to disconnect, we have to, have to, carve time out in our day for the meaningful things that feed our soul. Meditation, art, spiritual communion, relaxation, reading, listening to music, unplug, unplug, unplug! It is in this little sanctuary of daily focus where you will begin to mold yourself, the you that lives apart from the all connected world, the you that is distinguished in essence, unique, and beautiful, and whole.

Focus is something, within demonosophy especially, that we should all take extra care to cultivate in the midst of our cultural chaos.. It is what sets apart those who progress, those who evolve, those who transform, from those who only ever wish, who only ever invest into empty promises, who float around in a state of want completely disconnected from reality. Focus is what will take you to the next level. Once you master it the world becomes much easier to navigate. Most individuals are just empty cogs, swayyyyyed by the tides of the masses and this because they are unable to truly focus on what they want from life. Whatever this means to you, whether it's kick ass psychic development, or a kick ass career...focus is your best friend.

Pulled from this long fascinating post. This is so true! I have really been noticing my lack of focus lately, directly connected to the next shiny thing that comes along on the internet, in media. I was able to dump my FB account a couple of years ago, and that helped some, in both focus and emotional stability. S&S forum is now the only thing I have that is close to social media, and also aligned to my true focus. It makes me truly, reality-based happy to be here, which is part of my goal. I feel the difference when I do this. I feel a stronger connection with the Demonic Devine when I do this. The reading is a great reminder to stay committed to the path of focus I have chosen. Not the false path that the shiny thing, marketing, and the useless path that neurotransmitters tries to push me to.
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flywithbats666 wrote:
Fri May 06, 2022 10:54 pm
:devilclap: A GIANT YES TO ALL OF THIS! Your post is a breath of fresh air.

I love your post @Vixen and i drank up every word....i cannot thank you enough for being able to articulate what i could not with what has been going on in this world and to people...something i have picked up on for some time now. We are being robbed of our humanity and the gift of experiencing life. It is very frustrating and sad, especially for the kids. These are strange times, but life finds a hoping we will too eventually.
flywithbats666 thanks for digging through the long ago archives to pull this little gem out! I've been trying to go through the past posts but haven't stumbled on this one. I agree with your thoughts on this as well.
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flywithbats666 thanks for digging through the long ago archives to pull this little gem out! I've been trying to go through the past posts but haven't stumbled on this one. I agree with your thoughts on this as well.

you are so very welcome and I agree with your post as well
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