Discovering Your Patron

Questions and Answers for where to begin on the Darker Spiritual Paths.

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I had recently gotten the book, and am reading through it.
~Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup~

"If you are a dreamer come in
If you are a dreamer a wisher a liar
A hoper a pray-er a magic-bean-buyer
If youre a pretender com sit by my fire
For we have some flax golden tales to spin
Come in!
Come in!" ~Shel Silverstein
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Is it possible to have multiple patrons and matrons? Sorry if it's a stupid question :unsuredevil:
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That depends on who you ask. Many demonolators will tell you no, you can only have one patron or matron. Personally, I believe you can have more. BUT, I also think that you would need to keep that number small as choosing a patron/matron typically has a lot of connotations to it (alters, offerings/sacrifices, promises). It is also important to ASK each of them first. This selection process is also nothing to rush. And you shouldn't until you've worked with several demons and KNOW that one is your patron. Sometimes, they come for you. You just have to be patient and wait. You'll know.
"Verily I say unto thee, thou shalt gaze upon my field of fucks, and ye shall see that it is barren." -Bathosias

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I would imagine this would also come down to your own personality and whether or not you are capable of being "poly". If you are someone who personally prefers to be in poly relationships then you might attract and work with pantheons that are more accepting and welcoming of that, just like you would in life by surrounding yourself with poly people. If this is the case, and I have zero experience here, I would imagine there is still one primary being that is the top dog, the one that ultimately rules the roost so to speak?

For me I don't roll this way, I am very much monogamous and working with pantheons that are as well. My patron chose me two years ago and it was pretty clear from the very beginning that it was him or no one. It took me over a year to do a ceremony to commit to him but he was patient.

The other side of this coin is my own internal workings in regards to other beings. I have several gods within the same pantheon that I worship and work with, not on a regular basis but I do honor them daily just the same, I also have a commander D with me as well. My internal struggle is allowing myself to work with others without feeling guilt. Without feeling like I am cheating on my patron. It's silly I know but it's an internal conflict for me just the same.

This is an interesting topic, thanks for asking the question.
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I'm not really a fan of the whole patron idea, at least not the way it's usually presented. The whole concept of a male and a female deity acting as patrons seems too clear-cut, too balanced, to the point that it seems made up to me, and with "feudal" connotations that I'm not particularly fond of. Having said that though, worship has no place in my life at all so I suppose I'm bound to see the world differently than people who worship their gods.

I personally believe that every person has a set/group of spirits that walk with them (ancestors, friends and family from past lives, angels, demons, nature spirits, lowa, deities, you name it) protecting them, teaching them and guiding them. I suppose that one or more of those spirits -if they stand out from the group and have a more constant and active role- could act as something similar to what others would call a patron. My experience with the spirits that walk with me that actually have that role is that it's not something you chose. You don't just read about a deity or demon lord and think "I like him, I'll dedicate myself to him". It's something much much deeper than that and it's something you don't consciously choose, because those will be the deities that have been with you all your life, whether you realized it or not. It's more about realizing that they were already there all those years; about looking back and seeing their influence from the moment you were born until now (and possibly even spanning many past lives) and finally recognizing it for what it is. And there may be one deity that has that role, a pair of deities (males and female) or more than just one or two, depending on the person.

This is my own perspective though; others may have different experiences.
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I was curious about something from S. Connolly's book Modern Demonolatry. The section where it discusses declaring a patron or matron. To any who have found one. I believe if memory serves me correct there is a part where she talks about branding your inner thigh with the patron or matrons sigil. I know It will be a decision based off personal preference but has anyone here done that?
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Bathosias wrote:That depends on who you ask. Many demonolators will tell you no, you can only have one patron or matron. Personally, I believe you can have more. BUT, I also think that you would need to keep that number small as choosing a patron/matron typically has a lot of connotations to it (alters, offerings/sacrifices, promises). It is also important to ASK each of them first. This selection process is also nothing to rush. And you shouldn't until you've worked with several demons and KNOW that one is your patron. Sometimes, they come for you. You just have to be patient and wait. You'll know.
Okay thank you so much for the input I have been working with deities for sometime but not demons/Dark lords yet so I'll try and do my research more on each Dark lord just to see which ones feel right to me or may already be calling out to me.... and I will definitely work on my patience (considering I can be impatient at times) :ghost: :cuteghost:
"Take a lover who looks at you like maybe you are magic" - Frida Kahlo

"You're mad. Bonkers, Off your head... but I'll tell you a secret all the best people are" Alice In Wonderland
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Christian wrote:I was curious about something from S. Connolly's book Modern Demonolatry. The section where it discusses declaring a patron or matron. To any who have found one. I believe if memory serves me correct there is a part where she talks about branding your inner thigh with the patron or matrons sigil. I know It will be a decision based off personal preference but has anyone here done that?
I don't believe I read that it was a specific body part. But, yes, many demonolators will either brand or tattoo their patron or matrons sigil on their body. Branding is the traditional way - old school and it also shows a high degree of devotion. Not many are willing to literally sere their flesh to permanently scar themselves for their patron. The upper leg is sometimes preferred as it's easy to hide. But, pretty much anywhere works. Personally, when I go through with it, I'll have it done on my hip. Only person who will see that is my lady, a doctor, or the corner. And for many of us on this path, that's probably preferred! ;) :devilthumbs:
"Verily I say unto thee, thou shalt gaze upon my field of fucks, and ye shall see that it is barren." -Bathosias

"Allow me to quote myself" -Bathosias
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Bathosias wrote:
Christian wrote:I was curious about something from S. Connolly's book Modern Demonolatry. The section where it discusses declaring a patron or matron. To any who have found one. I believe if memory serves me correct there is a part where she talks about branding your inner thigh with the patron or matrons sigil. I know It will be a decision based off personal preference but has anyone here done that?
I don't believe I read that it was a specific body part. But, yes, many demonolators will either brand or tattoo their patron or matrons sigil on their body. Branding is the traditional way - old school and it also shows a high degree of devotion. Not many are willing to literally sere their flesh to permanently scar themselves for their patron. The upper leg is sometimes preferred as it's easy to hide. But, pretty much anywhere works. Personally, when I go through with it, I'll have it done on my hip. Only person who will see that is my lady, a doctor, or the corner. And for many of us on this path, that's probably preferred! ;) :devilthumbs:
Thank you!!!! :devilclap:
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Number of Demon Familiars: 26
Location: New Orleans La. Up Town
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Mephistopheles wrote:Greetings everyone,

As you can probably tell, I am new here and beginning my journey on the LHP.

Having perused a few old threads and liked what I have seen, I am eager to learn more and begin practising!

Hence this thread. I am wondering if you have any advice which would help me to discover my patron.

I have already started meditating on certain names, and have slept with a sigil of Azazel under my pillow and recited his enn until falling asleep for the last few nights.

Am I on the right track? Any other recommendations?
I am new to this Path ,, and I still have a lot to learn about working with Demons / Dark lords so right now I am not really looking for Patron I am sure once I have had a chance to work with more then one Dark lord . I will have a better understanding about . what I am looking for and who I feel close to as for working with thanks
I Have Won Sinner Of The Month Five Times Now ' My Grandmother Always Said either Stand For Something are You Will Fall for Anything ' I am not Just Walking My path . I am Living it !
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