Parastock Chat - October 16th 2015 - Astral Travel

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Lady of Monsters
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Akelta: ok So Todays Topic is on Astral Travel. Which in iteself is a huge topic to discuss.

Heidi: *crosses fingers, hopes to make it tonight*

Noctifera: yay astral travel

Christian: I'd like to be made of machine and organic material please!

Noctifera: terminators......

Akelta: So I have actually been doing a lot of research into it as many people have had trouble with astral travel and it probalby is one of the most common questions that I get asked.

Christian: Oo the newest one to!

Akelta: How many of you can astral travel?

Eilana: I can

Kitsune: Not really

4bluefaeries: not by awarness

Christian: I almost did it consciously once, but all of sudden I felt a sharp pain dig into my shoulder and I got up :/ its difficult :/

Ymirson: yes, very weak. A couple times via lucid dreaming.

Heidi: I can, but not consciously. Unless floating counts.

Ymirson: I'm a floater too

Eilana: floating is a good start

Kitsune: When I try, I keep getting pulled back

Noctifera: I can though some of my experiences are so intense I cannot hold onto them

Heidi: So basically I can, what I can't do is get out when I want to. I usually find myself in random "oh, I'm out!" scenarios.

4bluefaeries: when I try I have the sensation I am about ready to fall

Heidi: Yeah, unless that's the best you've been able to do in 27 years, lol

Heidi: I think I've managed to find what my main issues are and I'm working on them.

Kitsune: I can get to that state when I first wake up, I roll out of my body, then open my eyes and I'm back

Akelta: Eilana LOL has actually been one of the people I have been asking many questions of as her AP skills are quite advanced. I timed her once for getting out and it was 5 seconds and she has full control while out. So A lot of information that I have been putting together for this has been from drilling her for her secrets as well as my own expereinces.

Akelta: It does sound like you are all at various stages of learning this

Heidi: One of them is not something I had considered as a possiblity at all, but it's very likely it's my main problem (and possibly other people's problem too)

Akelta: FLoating is good it is actually one of the first steps

4bluefaeries: I believe unless your good at meditating you won't suceed in astral being aware of it

Christian: *skoots towards Eilana non chaualantly...

darkstarfyre: Completely dark seems to be a important factor

Noctifera: I tend to think the times I can't hold on to an experience, I'm just being punk'd by whomever deity I am speaking with.. as it's usually when I am speaking with a deity

Akelta: Getting out is good to that is another step, then learnig control and to really be able to navigate where you are going.

Eilana: @Blue, meditating, and well focus is an important part too

darkstarfyre: As least while sleeping

Noctifera: like maybe they have simply kicked me out

Akelta: @ Noc, LOL I have times last night was one I get to excited and then I snap back super fast and I am like DAMMIT lol I know when it about to happen too.

Noctifera: There have been times I travel to places I am not supposed to be, I am good with traveling unnoticed but I have been chased out before..

Noctifera: lol

Akelta: That is awesome Noc!

4bluefaeries: my excitment wakes me up at time but I fear to astral so that holds me back for sure

Heidi: my latest issue is I don't realize I'm out until I can suddenly see with my eyes closed, and this pulls me back in

Akelta: Blue Meditation and Focusing is something we are going to discuss today as that is a component of it.

4bluefaeries: I agree

Heidi: Floating doesn't cause that, I can float allright.

Heidi: focusing without falling asleep is sometimes an issue too.

4bluefaeries: yeah I just get to sleepy and fall asleep right away

Akelta: So I have broken today up into Various Discussions and stages. The first is the different states of consciousness, now I wont get to them all, but I have picked a few we will discuss. Then The preparation for astral travel, then getting out, then gaining control when you are out and things you can do when you are out. Especially with your demons/spirits/entities/

Noctifera: years ago my primary issue was conscious astral travel, I would astral travel easily in dreams but I had trouble concentrating in meditation. Now I no longer have that issue, I think perhaps anyone can achieve with practice

Akelta: @ Noc yes exactly! practise

4bluefaeries: anyone ever travels naked?

darkstarfyre: Maybe you can put together a structure exercise. Like lvl 1 do what lvl 2 do what

Noctifera: lol blue you ask the best questions

Kitsune: Yes

Heidi: I can sum up my problem like that: I thought I couldn't consciously get out, but I discovered that I get out while awake but I have issues with the memories of my two bodies re-combinding when I return so it's like it never happened.

Heidi: re-combining*

Akelta: @ Blue you cna get naked astral traveling. Or have clothes. I have been in both situations.

Noctifera: Yeah Heidi, that makes a lot of sense and I have had that issue as well in the past it was something I recognized

Noctifera: in fact our three bodies all pretty much have lives of their own and we are doing so much more than we think at any given time..

Noctifera: lol

4bluefaeries: funny when I am naked I am like a goddess can do anything when I am dressed I am sometimes limited

Heidi: I never would have imagined that if I hadn't read that as a possiblity. When I read it, it made perfect sense. It's the same way you lose the memory of some dreams if you have to do something immediately after waking up.

Noctifera: yep!

Heidi: I just never imagined I'd have the same problem without sleep being a component at all.

Akelta: @ Heidi that actually is a common problem remembering the experiences. It is a shift in mental state and sometimes just like forgetting your dreams you can forget your astral experinces. They do to, our astral bodies very much can have minds of their own.

Noctifera: blue maybe when you are naked you lose your inhibition and therefore realize your full power

Heidi: I vote for blue being naked all the time :P

4bluefaeries: maybe, like clothing is limiting

Noctifera: its a symbol for 'nothing holding you back' nothing restricting you..
Noctifera: yes thats what I mean

4bluefaeries: well good new is I have a hot body not this one here

Akelta: My Astral self is a very... provocative dresser LOL

Noctifera: my spiritual body is the one that is naked a lot
Noctifera: ._.

4bluefaeries: lemme guess Akelta black leather!!!!!

Heidi: My astral self is verious things. My other self though (still unidentified) usually wears white robes.

darkstarfyre: Nah transparent gown

Akelta: LOL I have worn dom outfits before. and boots... then again I have a thing for boots here too.

Heidi: and I can't spell tonight....

4bluefaeries: yeah bitch boots !!!

Eilana: ROFL

Akelta: That is a good word for them!

Heidi: If it helps, I usually imagine you dressed like that in everyday life too for some reason Akelta.

4bluefaeries: ***cracks out the whip******

Noctifera: my astral body takes various forms, I have a form in which I was granted specifically through a ritual with Tiamat

Eilana: Noc that sounds awesome

Noctifera: so I couldnt tell you what to expect if seeing me.. lol

4bluefaeries: nice!

Akelta: That is awesome Noc!

4bluefaeries: it does

Heidi: Not dom outfits, but tight leather outfits and boots, yeah that's your "avatar" my mind has, lol

Eilana: parts of my astral form were awakened by demons

4bluefaeries: how Eliana?

Ymirson: now that is interesting...I think I have shapeshifted into a werewolf astrally at least I have lucid

Ymirson: @noc

Noctifera: it is very awesome, it seems as though I go a litle out of control in that form however.. lol

Eilana: good question lol one of them placed his hand in front of me and wings appeared on my back.

4bluefaeries: I have been a WW a vampire,and other various creatures

Heidi: I have a few forms that I am not allowed to share. You'd have to see me in them to know them. And for some of them, that wouldn't be a good thing for you, lol

Ymirson: I was at a DMV and did it freaked everyone out..haha

Kitsune: My astral form has dragon claws wings and a tail with a barn and herns
Kitsune: Barb*

Noctifera: that is neat Ymirson
Noctifera: yes I believe we can shift our energetic field and astral field and this can be detected by the senses, if not seen.. around others..

Christian: I don't know anything about mine, I could be a rock, in a tuxedo with a handlebar mustache sho tells people to throw me for all I know :/

Noctifera: on Halloween night when I dress up it is actually a ritual process for me, I like to 'become' lol

Heidi: roflmao!!!!!!!!!

Eilana: ROFL Awwww Christian *hugs*

Akelta: The variations of hte astral forms really are limitless. Mine is my demoness self. I have wings and a tail and horns. IT is amazing what we can do out there. and when we gain control, the insane fun can begin.

Noctifera: and so people get freaked because I not only look but feel different
Noctifera: its fun

4bluefaeries: aww Christan it all depends on what you remember

Ymirson: wow, now I found the ethereal body easier to form than my it because it is closer?

Akelta: Me to Noc! I love to enter into the being I am becoming. I take halloween make up very seriously

Noctifera: totally

Ymirson: closer to our physical

Noctifera: and yes Ymirson that makes sense to me, I mean we are energy and we vibrate energy
Noctifera: you can manipulate that energy in so many ways
Noctifera: I think it's one of the more advantageous skills to have

Akelta: One year I had a pristetic over my eye that made it look like i was missing and eye and people actually thought I only had one eye, it was awesome.

Akelta: It is!

Heidi: lol

4bluefaeries: like you shapesift your energies to the wardrobe

Noctifera: Lol! That's fantastic!

Akelta: I cant spell tonight iether :P

Kitsune: Nice

Heidi: Last time I dressed up I was a slut nurse. Surprisingly, people believed the slut part. I don't know about the nurse...

Noctifera: hahaha

4bluefaeries: LMAO Heidi!!!!!!!!

Akelta: I like the groutesque patches and fake blood I was a zombie nurse that year. I actually tried to go as a silent hill nurse but I saw the eye peice and I was like... zombie it is.
4bluefaeries: so what you going in this year?

Heidi: what's with silent hill nurses lately???

Noctifera: lol

4bluefaeries: Noc's!!!!!

Noctifera: *shies away in corner*

Heidi: lol

Christian: I'm a bit of a nerd so I was ezio from assassins Creed last year

4bluefaeries: Akelta's a fan!!!

Akelta: I need to find a way to incorporate my belly into the costumn. For those who dont know I am 6 months pregnant. I am a huge silent hill fan!

Noctifera: the Silent Hill nurses are awesome, I have seen some really great costumes

Heidi: We don' celebrate Halloween here, so it's not the time of year when people dress up

Akelta: Me too! and I have an old fashioned Nurses dress that is perfect for them

Kitsune: Celing or floor?

Noctifera: Now I need to see Akelta do the nurse costume some year for sure

Kitsune: What kind of fan?

Ymirson: way cool..

Noctifera: I've done two nurse costumes in the past few years, first Nurse Harley Quinn from the Arkham games and then I was just a fetishistic evil Nurse in pvc..
Noctifera: hahaha

Akelta: Dracon one year went as a Hellborn and his energy transformation was so perfect my dad looked at him and went... you do that to well LOL!!

Heidi: bwahahahaha!!!

Akelta: Nurse Harley Quinn is awesome!!

Heidi: I should go as an angel and see if people are scared of me and start confessing their sins

Akelta: LOL that would be cool Heidi
Akelta: ok so there are different states. The third eye is very powerful, and I personally believe that the imagination plays a very powerful role in it's functions. COnnecting and viewing other places and dimentions and also drifting away into other streams of consciousness.

4bluefaeries: LMAO!!!!!!

Noctifera: *nods* for sure

Akelta: Whne we day dream we can tap into other places and realms and really embraec and absorb the energy from those places. Day Dreaming and connecting to that side of us can lead to astral viewing and when we learn to focus it really in an incredibly powerful took that we can use. It also does help to train the mind for other states of consciousness like astral travel.

Heidi: I can at least do astral viewing successfully, thank god

darkstarfyre: How tp daydream consiously

4bluefaeries: I don't know how I astral but it happens after |I fall asleep,I believe the subconious part takes over

Akelta: Day Dreaming really I like to jsut tap into the imagination and fantasize and let my thoughts explore different thigns.. Or lol imagine different things I want to do with my demons. Really it is a form of mind play jsut having fun with your thoughts and letting them take you to various places.

4bluefaeries: I know I have never seen my silver cord,

Akelta: @Blue, not everyone does and that is not an issue.

Eilana: @Dark, let your mind wander to things you like then go with it

Heidi: I've never seen any kind of chord either, and I spend a lot of time out

darkstarfyre: Consious thats the key word lol

Akelta: I havent either, with seeing the cord.

Noctifera: yes this is so true, I often day dream and you tend to lose yourself to the experience, where seemingly 'random' voices, appearances, ideas come to mind and these are beyond the imagination..

Akelta: Dark, Daydreaming is just letting your mind wander, you are in full control but it is fantasizing and thinking about things that you like.

Christian: My daydreaming is out of control :/ But I do like it, I generally find myself saying I want to see what happens next when my I'm told to focus.

Heidi: Example: fantasizing about sex is a form of daydreaming

Eilana: @Heidi, good example

4bluefaeries: it's your bosy asleep and your mind fully open to all from the imagination to the reality and to the unknown

Eilana: hehehehe

Akelta: @ Noc yes! I have had so many amazing things come to me just from day dreaing and tapping into these various energies and places. Some of my most amazing spiritual world downloads have come from just daydreaming and letting it flow.

Heidi: not that I ever do that... *whistles innocently*

Akelta: @Heidi that is an awesome form of daydremaing hehehee

Noctifera: I find daydreaming really shamanic, its your psyche's way of traveling and that harbors hidden messages and clues to more significant gateways

Akelta: I agree Noc!

Noctifera: and you can make connections that more or less 'unlock' further reaches

Akelta: yes and I love those moments when energies align and it is like you awaken a new level to explore. It really can be an amazing and beautiful exerice.

Noctifera: lol I love it the most when my spirits or entities just comment on my daydreaming honestly, like they will tell me 'well that's never going to happen'.. I will wonder about something 'here let me show you'
Noctifera: yeah absolutely

Kitsune: I remember daydreaming of a dragon in the car and then there was one three inches from me

4bluefaeries: when you join Azazel @Akelta ,in that special place, how many years did it take to learn how to do that?

Akelta: @Noc ROFLMAO omg the commentary from some of them is amazing! Demons can be so cheeky too and full of one liners and hilarious conversations.

Ymirson: sometimes when I am in traffic I imagine a dragon on my car breathing fire at everyone, haha..

4bluefaeries: lol Ymirson

Heidi: You know, I'm never self-conscious about my thoughts and daydreaming, until I hear a comment when I'm least expecting it, lol

Eilana: I was daydreaming earlier LOL oddly enough and a DC here was like, leave me out of this rofl too girly for him

Akelta: @Blue, he took me there. As a child I was quite able to just get out and I met him in my teens and he took me there one day and that has been our meeting place ever since

Noctifera: I remember I was having a sexual daydream once and my mutilation DC interrupted it to show me his idea of sexual excitement.. suffice it to say it was almost as bloody as mine

Akelta: @ EIlana ROFLAMO!!!

Noctifera: it was kind of elaborate and he was so pleased to show me and I was like.. wow..

Heidi: lol

Eilana: @Noc <3333 that sounds amazing

Noctifera: it was amazing and surprising! haha

4bluefaeries: twisted day dreams Noc,!!!!! lol

Akelta: @ Noc that is awesome!! and the mutilation demons they have whole art forms around mutilation and sex they have different strategies and positions and it is amazing how deep and involved Mutilation demons take sexual play and connection.

Eilana: giggles, I love mutilation demons <33333

Akelta: Me too <333 they are amazing!

4bluefaeries: I got 300 stiches once they would love that

Noctifera: we developed a newfound respect for one another through that experience I think, we realized we were on par with our interests in the most intimate of ways lol
Noctifera: it did have me blushing a little, takes a mutilation demon to make Noc blush turns out
Noctifera: they are such creative beings

Eilana: *resists the urge to squeal and giggle like a maniac*

Ymirson: I wonder if the mutilation demons would have liked rolling with me when I was doing the Army medic thing?

Akelta: That is incredible Noc! I love moment like that where you bond on a deeper level and I call them beautiful moments of connection where something happens and it is like your energies combine and take the connection to the next level. It is some of my favorite moments. They really are incredibly creative.

4bluefaeries: you should have a chat party just on them!!!

Noctifera: oh yes
Noctifera: Ymirson actually when I read that you were an army medic I thought how the mutilation demons would resonate with that
Noctifera: given many have the qualities of surgeons

Akelta: @ Ymirson probaby, they have a unique perspective about injury. one that actually is surprisingly healing and helping people to embrace disfigurment and pain and embrace the experiences of it.

Noctifera: and are great healers I think

Akelta: YES very true Noc they actually make incredible demonic healers.
Akelta: THe Mutilation Surgeons are some of the best.

4bluefaeries: I would imagine they would work with a person that has a chronic disease well?

Akelta: oh yeah

Ymirson: and I bet they understand pain and how to work with it with people..

Akelta: they have a facination for diseases and the effect on the body

Noctifera: I have a chronic disease of being kind of a lunatic and my DC has dealt very well with that

darkstarfyre: What about death and its energies?

Noctifera: he also helped me with a horrible toothache

Heidi: roflmao

Akelta: they do and also how to shift ones perseption on pain and disfugurment.

4bluefaeries: well would they want us to heal or prefer us staying sick? because of the pain

Akelta: Awww LOL

Heidi: I think I'm the polar opposite of mutilation demons. It's funny in a way.

Noctifera: like as soon as my DC got here, my toothache was gone and then he 'arranged' for the pain to return at just the right time so I would go to the dentist
Noctifera: where I had to have a minor surgery
Noctifera: which he loved
Noctifera: lol

Akelta: @ Dark, NEcrosis and Spectral Demons have deep understandings of death usually, though it does depend on the demon.
Akelta: LOL I bet he loved watching that

4bluefaeries: Noc's they would prefer you going to the dentist and being put metal instruments in your mouth,bet they get all excited with the drill sounds

darkstarfyre: Not multilation?

Noctifera: well having that surgery made me feel better , so it was both an offering for him and a solution for me

Akelta: @Dark they have understanding it really does depend on the demon. Some like pushing the limits of life. like how much can the human body take.. My Mutilation COmmander LOVES the Saw movies. LOL

4bluefaeries: extraction and blood,what's not to love!

Noctifera: after that I took him with me when I was getting tattoo work done and that was just a treat

Akelta: I love your Tattoo Noc iti s so original and powerful.

4bluefaeries: do they feed of the energies of pain and suffering like a psy vampire can?

Noctifera: thank you!
Noctifera: I've got to go for now, gotta go out and do some shopping tonight

Akelta: @ Blue they enjoy the energies of pain and suffering but they like to explore it and embrace it and move through it.

Noctifera: it has been a pleasure you guys

Christian: *guesswho

Akelta: Bye Noc, thank you for joining Us! it was fun!

Eilana: good having you here Noc, have a great night!

Heidi: bye Noc. Have a great day!

4bluefaeries: bye Noc's have fun shopping!
Kitsune: Bye Noc!
darkstarfyre: Cya

Akelta: ok Lets speed this up a bit
Noctifera: thanks everyone you too!
Christian: Bye Noc!!

Akelta: I just realized the time
Akelta: TO Astral projection preparation

Kitsune: 454
Christian: 676

Akelta: So we have all reported various stages of being able to get out and move around and hover, but consistecy is the key and that comes from your preparation.

4bluefaeries: loose fabric, comfortable position ,close ones eyes take deep breaths and relax,lay down no tight socks on

Akelta: The goal in astral travel is to be I think to shift into the astral state very fast. and also have control when you are in the astral plane

Christian: Does the time matter??
Christian: Does time matter?

Heidi: i don't think clothing affects my ability to astral travel.

4bluefaeries: it does when you have children!

Eilana: time doesn't matter, if you mean time of the day.

Heidi: Or when you're afraid of the dark and night like I am...

Akelta: Christian, it doesnt, but like I said, Eilana can get out in 5 seconds. so it is possible to get out fast so you want to work towards that.

4bluefaeries: it can those it can be restricitng

darkstarfyre: Hard to sleep in day

Xeritch: And here.... We... Go

Akelta: @ Dark you dont always want to sleep, you want to be awake and your body asleep
Akelta: Hey Xeritch, how are you?

Christian: Hahah yeah, time of day, I sleep during the day 3 days a week becuase of work and the other days I sleep at night.

Xeritch: I'm so tired... lol
Xeritch: And now... We have to go out and shop

Akelta: Awww that is how I have been to, there is not enough hours in the day these days.

Xeritch: All work and no play....
Xeritch: Or anything else really...

Akelta: LOL yep! Alwasy stuff to do

Xeritch: Just... Work work work... Come home... Day Off... Dealing with work from my phone...

Heidi: If I'm relaxed enough, I can get out in seconds. I just can't stay out, lol

Xeritch: Dealing with work from my email...

darkstarfyre: Lol guys time

4bluefaeries: JUmp Noc's bones ,you'll be good as new!!!! Just kidding!!

Xeritch: I feel... I feel that i've fallen so far.... So far from all my spiritual dealins..

Akelta: THat suck Xer, I know the feeling though I always find myself checking my phone for things.

darkstarfyre: What are the prep work akelta?

Ymirson: ugh, I have to go, leaving work and headed home, read up later, Thanks again.

Xeritch: And my poor spirits and entities... How I have neglected them some...

4bluefaeries: bye Ymirson

Xeritch: Luckily... Some of them are dead and have nothing but time on their hands...

Eilana: bye Ymirson!

Akelta: awww I know they understand That does suck though. There is jsut to much to do sometimes.

4bluefaeries: they understand Xeritch

Akelta: Bye Ymirson thank you for joining us

Xeritch: if they know me.. Then they know my mentality towards it all...

4bluefaeries: they hear your thoughts

Akelta: @ Dark good question, one of the best things with preparation work is improving your focusing. Focusing enercises actually go an incredibly long way to training your mind towards being able to shift your state consciously into the astral plane

Xeritch: If they hear my thoughts then they don't act on it enough...
Xeritch: Because about 85% of the time... I'm screaming "Burn, Burn Motherfucker Burn" in my mind

4bluefaeries: free will

Eilana: ROFL win


4bluefaeries: awwwww

Akelta: It is amazing how important all the foundational skills are and for astral teveling focusing is incrdibly important.

Xeritch: The other 15% is a lot worse...

4bluefaeries: sounds like a burn out

Xeritch: What can I say? I just like fire...

Akelta: Sometimes you just want to watch the world burn.. ok well... most of the time

Xeritch: I mean... I get to experience the smell of burning human flesh on almost a daily basis
Xeritch: Granted... Unfortunately, they're already dead...

4bluefaeries: what does that smell like?

Xeritch: Sometimes, it smells delicious...

guesswho: bacon

4bluefaeries: LMAO !! GUesswho

Akelta: mmm bacon

Christian: Yum

Xeritch: One time... I smelt Ham when I was cremating someone...

4bluefaeries: more like zombie bacon

Xeritch: And I just kept staring at the retort...

4bluefaeries: ewwwwwwwwww

Xeritch: Curious...
Xeritch: But someone was cooking ham in the work kitchen...
Xeritch: And I felt disappoint...

4bluefaeries: lol

guesswho: zombies don'y smell like bacon

Anatel: dammiit now i want ham

4bluefaeries: never a dull moment with Xeritch I tellya,lol

Xeritch: But... I know... That if my Crypt Demoness hangs around me... She has a hell of a fucking time...

Akelta: I realized i havent had dinner yet... I want Bacon
Akelta: LOL I bet she does

4bluefaeries: feed the pregnant woman some bacon!!!!!!!

Anatel: i could eat bacon. but not on a pizza. that shit nearly killed me

Akelta: awww Anatel

Heidi: I had chichen wings with lemonpie. Ah, hormones....

Xeritch: Did I tell you people I have a Crypt Demon?
Xeritch: I can't remember....

Eilana: I had a salad for dinner..... LOL with apples and feta

Akelta: mmm lemonpie

Xeritch: It's been so long...

4bluefaeries: how is she?

Anatel: i should have had that eilana. lol

Akelta: It has been a while Xer I am glad to see you here.

Heidi: yeah, I like lemon pie too, just not together with my wings most of the time.

Anatel: lol i like wings

Xeritch: I know you all miss me...

Akelta: wings are delicious.

Heidi: You told me, I don't think you posted about her though

Xeritch: And it's understandable.. I mean...

Anatel: xer you should tell us about your crypt demon some time

4bluefaeries: you pregnant too Heidi? lol

Xeritch: There's only one Xeritch...

Akelta: We do! you have a creative darkness that adds character to wherever you are.

Xeritch: One horrible, demented, walking abomination in a human shell...

Heidi: lol, nope. I'm the exact opposite, which still involves hormones.

Xeritch: And you see... I feel like I've been neglecting my darkness... Fucking work...

4bluefaeries: ha ha
4bluefaeries: and yet you work all around it!!

Xeritch: My Crypt Demoness... Is amazing.. Amazing... I mean... You might shit your pants if she paid a visit... But, I love her

Eilana: that makes me smile

Akelta: I am glad she was facinating to conjure, I had to change my whole screening system for her.

Kitsune: Awesome

Christian: Ooo that's actually rather enticing

4bluefaeries: she sounds like a perfect fit for you I wouldn't expect better!!! she suits you

Xeritch: She would like the ol' Xeritch better... Because... I used to be a lot worse..
Xeritch: And that's just so she wouldn't just kill me right off the bat...
Xeritch: I mean... I always imagined I'd go to systematic torture by my own devices...
Xeritch: Because our human nature is purely self-destruction...
Xeritch: And I embrace it...

Eilana: full grin now

Christian: May I ask you all a question(its not about astral travel though)

Akelta: sure Christian.

Xeritch: if you don't ask me any questions, then I can't tell you any lies...
Xeritch: And that would make me sad...

darkstarfyre: Just ask no need permission

4bluefaeries: what does your crypt demoness look like?

Xeritch: I've seen her as the embodiement of darkness swirling around an emaciated female...

Christian: For bloodletting, how could I go about disposing used lancets without raises redflags or worries with my family? Awwww, hmmm why is the sky blue Xeritich?

4bluefaeries: interesting cause we never hear much about the females

Xeritch: Long Black hair... long broken fingernails...

4bluefaeries: don't use langettes

Anatel: wrap it in toilet paper christian then it looks like ust general rubbish

4bluefaeries: wow she sounds intriguing!!!

Anatel: dangit

Xeritch: Her eyes will try to pierce into your mind, like a blackhole trying to suck you into it's infinite void of despair...

4bluefaeries: does she have very pale white skin?

Akelta: my husband just brought me candy!!

Heidi: cool!

4bluefaeries: awwwww and tell him from us Akelta, a belated Birthday!!!!

Akelta: I will

Xeritch: I've seen her pale... but I can't say yeah... That's her only skin type...

4bluefaeries: and he's so sweet to buy you candy!! awwwww
4bluefaeries: nice!!!

Xeritch: Because she appeared as an old woman to try and lure Noc into the kitchen... One night..

Akelta: LOL

Eilana: oh that sounds amazing

4bluefaeries: she must love going to work with you

darkstarfyre: Y being naughty?
darkstarfyre: Lol

Xeritch: Well... There's a lot of dead things... and decaying things... and burning things..

4bluefaeries: is she teritorial , how does she handle Noc's

Xeritch: The sky is blue because of the reflection of the ocean onto the lower atmosphere of the sky...
Xeritch: oceans^

Christian: Yay! Thank you! Hmmm but that doesn't carry a blood borne pathogen risk? Sorry, just curious? *hugs Anatel* thank you!!!

Xeritch: I really don't know... I don't ask them about what they think of each other... Of any of my spirits...
Xeritch: I don't think she cares...

darkstarfyre: Guys n gals we are seriouly off topic lol. Should 1 chat time just to talk about these things

Xeritch: And I certainly don't...

4bluefaeries: but she was luring Noc's to the kitchen why?

Xeritch: Probably to hurt her..
Xeritch: Sometimes we show affection by hurting others...

Christian: Swithcing to laptop be back

4bluefaeries: that what I thought sorry dark your right

Xeritch: I know... I do... Because it makes me smile... and laugh...
Xeritch: Mostly laugh...
Xeritch: I love to fucking laugh...

guesswho: I have to agree with you darkstarfyre

Akelta: Laugher is good medicine

4bluefaeries: you joker you!!!

Akelta: I will continue on astral travel

Xeritch: Then again... Who hates laughing?

4bluefaeries: good point!!!

Akelta: so preparation when you are focusing you need ot get your mind to a place where you can clear it and hold nothing a space of pure nothingness. It is a very relaxed state where you mind is just clear.

Xeritch: Because... I'll kill that person myself... and the last thing they'll fucking hear is that demented sociopathic laughter leaving my lips...
Xeritch: Just saying...

Akelta: I have talked about gazing exercises many times, the Dot is one of my favorite. There are many various focusing exercises.

Xeritch: Well... Maybe I should get ready too...

4bluefaeries: reminds me to live far far away from Xeritch,lol

Akelta: I recommend picking one and sticking to it untill you atain that state

Xeritch: Adios

Akelta: Its always fun having you around Xeritch bye

darkstarfyre: Time recommendation?

4bluefaeries: night Xeritch take it easy and get some much needed rest

Akelta: untill you can hold that state
Akelta: and nothing will distract you
Akelta: basically you want to practise untill you get that state
Akelta: it can take months of Practise.

4bluefaeries: I believ my fears hold me back

darkstarfyre: I see

4bluefaeries: seperating the body scares me

Hokage _Sarutobi: yeah me too

Akelta: Yes fear if you have any will stop you from astral traveling
Akelta: What are some fears you guys have?

Heidi: I'm the opposite: not separating annoys me, lol

4bluefaeries: like we feel dying being to long out of body
4bluefaeries: or getting lst
4bluefaeries: lost

Akelta: awww Heidi yeah it would annoy me too.

Hokage _Sarutobi: Do those Brainwave Entrainment Audio really helps a "lot" in achieving astral travelling?

Akelta: @ blue, you can always snap bac to your body, that is not hard to do

Eilana: depends on the audio, you can use audio to help or even for training purposes

4bluefaeries: yeah like you feel your falling off a cliff

Akelta: and getting lost, again you can snap back to you body if you get lost

Heidi: Ok, one of my fears is getting out and seeing beings around me. Not so much a fear as in "I'll see something evil", but I know I'll be back in my body if I get out and see a spirit right in front of me suddenly

shadowdust: my problem is I always get to the state similar to when you nearly sleep, see random stuff, then I "wake up"

Akelta: With the audios, yeah it depends, experement with them, some work better for different people.

4bluefaeries: I believe it all depends your awarness like in my dreams I can be attacked but I don't think of putting up a shield

Akelta: @ Heidi. you can ask them all to hide from you. I like getting out and seeing them <333

4bluefaeries: sometimes I am rational other times the complete opposite

darkstarfyre: How to do relaxing exercises

Heidi: I also am not good with darkness, so it's better for me to focus my attempts during daytime until I can do it easily, cause if I try at night I'll either not be able to relax enough or I'll fall asleep.

darkstarfyre: Guys and gals gotta go

Akelta: @ Shadow, it sounds like you are getting to the place where you are getting ready to separate. I think focusing the mind nad controlling your mind state would assist with that. So you can hold the state you are in. When you have a focused mind you can learn to shift your mental states

Eilana: bye dark

4bluefaeries: Akelta, is it possible you can enter someone elses dreams?

Akelta: Bye Dark, thank you for coming

Eilana: @Blue, yes it is

4bluefaeries: night dark

guesswho: take care darkstarfyre

Akelta: @ Heidi, some people do find it easier during the day, I suggest finding the time that reonates best with you

Eilana: hahahahhaha

Heidi: @Akelta yeah, I'd like to see them, I just realized they each have their places and corners where they spend time (which I didn't know until I started randomly seeing them). I have a dragon that's huge and is sitting in front of my balcony door. If there's suddenly a dragon in front of me when I start seeing through closed eyes (which happens before I'm truly out) then it's over. But I don't want to make them uncomfortable and ask them to hide all the time.

4bluefaeries: but shield yourself,trust me I can be dangerous

Akelta: LOL Eilana stole my astral self once while I was dreaming, it was awesome as I remembered it.

guesswho: What is the best technique to shift mental states, Akelta?

Eilana: I always shield, even in my sleep. I wander LOL
Eilana: bwahahhahaha

4bluefaeries: well anyone here is welcome to visit me anytime!!!!
4bluefaeries: I would love that

Akelta: @ Heidi what scares you about seeing them? Or wories you, just them appearning?
Heidi: a bit off topic, but does anyone else wake up by stuff bumping on your shields?

Akelta: not that I get woken up by other things.

Heidi: It's very strange, cause I feel like something it me, only it's like 5 feet above me. But it feels like it hit a part of my body, lol

4bluefaeries: excitement or extreme fear wakes me up and sadly SEX!!!!! hot sex about to get it on

Akelta: That is interesting, I have felt things hit my shields but usually it is a hostile when it hits my shields like that.

Heidi: @Akelta, just the fact that I'm not used to it. I'm in happily oblivious mode most of the time, or I'd have to be dressed and perfect all day at home if I had in mind they are there and can see me, lol

Akelta: @ Guesswho. Training the mind to focus. When you can hold that relaxed state you can shift your brain waves naturally and that will assist you with leaving your body, when you get into that state you can literally just step out of yoru body.

Heidi: Yeah, my shields are not programmed to block my own spirits, so if somethings hits it shouldn't have been there in the first place.

guesswho: Thank you, Akelta

Akelta: @ Heidi aww LOL that is understandable. I just have gotten use to the fact that I have no secrets. they see all

Akelta: You are welcome guess. The first step really to controled astral travel is being able to attain that state.

Christian: Did you do it?

Akelta: I should have booked this chat for two sessions LOL

4bluefaeries: the other day I saw 4 children that had drowned in my dream,I was wondering why I would even see something like that

Heidi: I'm good with that, unless I actually can see them while they're seeing everything. I usually pretend nobody's here when I'm doing anything I wouldn't want anyone to see. And hope they won't start commenting....

Akelta: Also with astral travel, there is a lot out there, a lot of stuff that makes it complicated and we are taught to believe it is. It actually is a very natural state that anyone can attain.

4bluefaeries: Akelta' when you have to go just say the word hun we understand!!!!!

Akelta: We should start wrapping up.. The key really is to keep things simple

Heidi: that's what bothers me, I can do it so easily when I'm asleep, yet I can't when I want to. Grrrrrrr.....

Akelta: find a simple routine and master it
Akelta: one exercise to train your mind
Akelta: consistency and practise

shadowdust: @Heidi, how do you program your shields to not block your spirit?
Heidi: @shadowdust,that's a bit difficult to answer, but they basically have inbuilt identification areas, so there are some spirits (and some people) who are allowed to have access. Unless they actually attack me.

Akelta: ALso there is a lot of things that say you cant astral travel in these situations
Akelta: People can astral travel in many situations!
guesswho: I think you have hit on the key issue, Akelta. Most people are convinced it is something someone else more talented, gifted, spiritual. ad nauseum can do but they never will
Akelta: and in many conditions
Akelta: you need to find the condition that is right for you

Eilana: I've done it while riding in the car lol

Akelta: Exactly Guess!! and Thank you Eilana that one!! they say you cannot AP in a car.. Eilana has.
Akelta: we are taught it is something that is really hard to attain and master
Akelta: itis easy
Akelta: you have to feel it is easy and that it is a natural state that you can enter

4bluefaeries: how many years those?

Akelta: When youare doing your practise and training. keep it simple and consistent

Eilana: I think people overthink it too. Our bodies naturally shift states when we sleep, without conscious thought. When you just allow it to happen naturally without trying to force it or overanalyze it, it's simple.

Akelta: exactly
Akelta: when you are shifting states it is natural.

4bluefaeries: yeah but you guys do it awake

Heidi: yeah, that's great when it works for you. When it doesn't, it just doesn't.

Akelta: The focusing of the mind will also help you to attain control when you get out

4bluefaeries: it's like I travel through unknown portals sometimes why I do it I dunno?

Akelta: When you mind is focused you can craft your own portals and go various places and wherever you desire. It is a lot of fun.

guesswho: afk

Akelta: WE should wrap it up today. The focusing exercise though is the foundation and that relaxed state where your mind is clear.
Akelta: Does anyone have any questiosn?

4bluefaeries: because I have flied numerous times in my dreams I am super strong,warrior type that goes through portals after portals and doors

Akelta: YOu should keep a dream journal blue

4bluefaeries: I was told that many times ok starting tonight I will

Christian: Apologies but would you be willing to repost the focusing excercise? i am not sure if missed it?

Eilana: yay Blue!

Heidi: my main problem is I can't transfer my consciousness from one body to the other

Akelta: Sure Christian, there are lots of them so feel free to pick a differet one though I do say it is best to stick to one. I like the Dot Exercises, where you gaze at a dot the size of a Quarter and just clear your mind and enter that relaxed state.
Akelta: @ Heidi, Your Physical Body to your astral?

Heidi: So I'll be floating, but if I move, it will be my physical body, cause my mind is still in my physical body.

Akelta: OH ok that is getting out

Heidi: @Akelta, yeah.

Akelta: Yeah the getting out part

4bluefaeries: your not fully detached then Heidi

Hokage _Sarutobi: Oh by the way, in the event that you are starting to astral travel, will you just in an instant go to other realms that you have not known before? is that possible? Thanks
guesswho: thank you, blue

Heidi: I will be feeling both bodies, but my "thought" and therefore where I feel what I identify as "me" is still in my physical body. Even if my other body is several feet away.

Christian: Awsome thank you i will definatly try that!

Akelta: Ok That state
Akelta: I had that happen to me
Akelta: one of my chakras was blocked
Akelta: and actually stopped me from leaving
Akelta: Dracon had that happen to with one of his chakras.

Heidi: that's my new issue. Before, I couldn't completely separate the bodies. I solved that by using bursts of energy in my main energy points to shake my astral body loose. It works instantly.

Christian: Oh, i have a very random and changing schedule, would it hinder me if i was only practing the days a week i sleep at night?

Heidi: Oh, then it may be my heart chakra thing again...

Akelta: The heart chakra was Dracons Problem too

4bluefaeries: you too with the heart chakra

Heidi: how did he overcome this issue?

Akelta: I worked on him daily LOL

Heidi: hahahahahaha

Akelta: and he found out the root cause of why his heart chakra hurt

Heidi: yeah, that would work!

4bluefaeries: why did it hurt?

Heidi: I would love to find out why mine hurts, for a million other reasons beside astral projection

4bluefaeries: because when anyone works on the heart chakra it's the most painfulest one

Akelta: It can be. it can also be a beautiful healing and bonding experience.
Akelta: That is something personal to him that I would leave for him to say
Akelta: Why do you think it hurt Heidi?

4bluefaeries: but it could be overcomed?

Heidi: I have no idea Akelta, I was born like that.

Akelta: I sometimes talk to my heart chakra
Akelta: and be like.. hey why are you sad!

4bluefaeries: mine sadly will never fully heal

Christian: ooo Akelta have you read the Alchemist?

Heidi: I usually talk to body parts that hurt. I'll try talking to chakras too.

Akelta: Chakra are really smart
Akelta: they have the answers in them
Akelta: in their energies
Akelta: Does anyone have any other questions on astral travel
Akelta: I mean really the foundation to start is increasing ones focusing and keeping it simple.

guesswho: Akelta, so the first stage is day dreaming, correct?

Heidi: Do you happen to have any suggestions for releasing body tension fast? Cause that's my other main issue.

Akelta: @ Guess, yes day dreaming and practise astral vision, just seeing other places and spirits with your third eye.
Akelta: @ Heidi... Massages and Hot Tube.. filled with Hellborns.

Eilana: ROFL

guesswho: Astral Vision, okay. Thank you.
guesswho: lol

Akelta: Seriously though Massages.

4bluefaeries: what about astral black outs

Heidi: yeah, you need a second person to do that though, lol

Akelta: Astral Vision can help you see the astral plane and also it does help to develop ones focusing.
Akelta: astral black outs? can you define blue

guesswho: Will you be tackling the next stages in another chat, then, Akelta? nudge, nudge, lol

Akelta: yeah.. ummm hot baths
Akelta: and breathing deep breathing exercises

Heidi: And if I'm going to throw demons into the mix, I might as well wear my sexiest underwear and tell them "if you want that, then pull me out already!" and get it over with, lol

4bluefaeries: like your dreaming and in one place the all goes black for a second and your in a completely different place time surroundings

Akelta: AWWWW that is very relaxing sex with demons. mmmm

Heidi: I haven't had the pleasure yet, I don't know, lol

Akelta: Yeah you can phase shift, and your mind shifts, focusing and controling te mental thoughts helps with that.

Heidi: @blue you're probably just moving from one place to another

4bluefaeries: yeah but no portals and one real from another?

Heidi: you don't need a portal to go places

4bluefaeries: from what my mind set

Hokage _Sarutobi: can you pls. repost the answer to my question, because my internet fails.. I restart it. thanks.

Akelta: Yeah you dont always need a portal, portals are jsut very focused to assist with traveling and can get you into off limit places at times.

Christian: Akelta, do people generally hear bells or chimes when they start to float?

Akelta: @ Guess, yes we are going to have to follow up with getting out and also things you can do in the astral and control in the astral
Akelta: @ Christian yes you can hear things as you shift into astral

4bluefaeries: when detaching from self do you feel a tingling numbous sensation all over

Christian: Hey, gives us time to practice todays lessons!

Akelta: It does actually

Christian: cool, thank you!

Heidi: I sometimes hear my spirits talking to each other when I'm shifting into the astral.

Akelta: That makes sense Heidi your astral ears are awakening

Heidi: the amount of randomness is rediculous, lol

Akelta: Actually yes that would be a good idea for everyone to find a focusing exercise and practise it
Akelta: and we can have another chat to follow up

guesswho: Astral Ears . . . sounds like part of the follow-up chat

Akelta: and talk about the next steps
Akelta: @ Guess Astral ears are basically you astral selves hearing abilitiy.

4bluefaeries: sounds good @Akelta

Heidi: If it goes as off topic as this one, we'll probably need a chat for each stage
Heidi: the most unsettling thing is when I'm asleep and my astral body is out but is asleep too, and I wake up because people are talking in the room. Guys, for god's sake, take it to the other room, lol!

Akelta: LOL that might not be a bad thing then you can go and experiment and come back with questions
Akelta: aww Heidi

Heidi: i always think burglars are in the house and discussing hair color or something

4bluefaeries: lol

Christian: yay lessons and practice!! its almost like a class!

Heidi: yeah, apparently they talk about that kind of stuff too

Akelta: Yeah it can be like a class, get everyone astral traveling.

4bluefaeries: so to the next chat party then

guesswho: Thank you, Akelta. This has been very helpful.

Akelta: @ Heidi, lol the thins they talk about are always amazing
Akelta: you are very welcome Guess
Akelta: I hope everyone had a great time

4bluefaeries: yes thanks this was fun!!!!

Akelta: we should head off though
Akelta: Thank you everyone for attending!

Eilana: thank you everyone, good seeing you all ^-^

Heidi: thank you Akelta and Eilana for your insight

4bluefaeries: sweet dreams everyone and safe astral travels

guesswho: Thank you for hosting and talking about these topics, Akelta

Heidi: Have a great day/night everyone!

Akelta: You are very welcome I hope everyone had a great time
Akelta: it was fun

4bluefaeries: we always do @Akelta!!

Eilana: glad to help <333

Christian: Thank you for hosting, it was a lot fun and it was great to see everyone!!! I learned a lot as well!!

4bluefaeries: now eat your candy and enjoy!!!!

Akelta: I already ate it all LOL

guesswho: It was nice to see all the S&S people again See you next time. Take Care Everyone!

Akelta: I need dinner now

4bluefaeries: ha ha already!!!

Akelta: It was nice to see some old faces here and new
Akelta: I hope to see you all at the next chat!
Akelta: Night everyone!!
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Thanks for this!!! :devilgrin: :popcorndevil:

Astral Projection is something I've had quite some trouble with.

Eilana, do you happen to know whether it is better to project from the forehead region or the solar plexus? My energetic flow suggests the head region, but then again I've had success with neither. Most of my projections have been accidental and uncontrolled :bat3: :ghost:
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jhdea11 wrote:Thanks for this!!! :devilgrin: :popcorndevil:

Astral Projection is something I've had quite some trouble with.

Eilana, do you happen to know whether it is better to project from the forehead region or the solar plexus? My energetic flow suggests the head region, but then again I've had success with neither. Most of my projections have been accidental and uncontrolled :bat3: :ghost:
That's a really interesting question jhdea. When you say project, you're referring to Astral Projection and actually separating from your body to go walk/fly around? Or are you referring to projecting your conscious mind and doing more of an Astral Viewing thing?

For Astral Viewing I would say project from the third eye/forehead region. For Astral Projection, I personally separate my astral self and consciousness from my physical body, usually by stepping out or floating up. If I had to say which chakra I work from, it is more my third eye, but my full self steps out.

I hope this helps and if I didn't answer your question or you have others, please feel free to ask ^-^
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Thanks! Nope, I believe that answers my question. I'll just have to keep pushing. :devilchain:

Thanks again!
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No problem ^-^
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I feeel the need to bump this as this is something I am working diligently on and being able to read this helps so much!
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Velca wrote:I feeel the need to bump this as this is something I am working diligently on and being able to read this helps so much!
Glad you bumped this. It's helpful.
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Velca wrote:I feeel the need to bump this as this is something I am working diligently on and being able to read this helps so much!
Thank you Velca, I was actually thinking about finding and bumping this the other day lol you read my mind :lol:
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