Did Jesus himself not say that "It is easier for a camel to enter the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the Kingdon of Heaven"? It is that very hypocrisy that makes me shun away from "peoples" religion. I want to know the truth, thats all, so I guess I too have been on the LHP without realising it.Gaylani wrote:Well I don't want to jump on the bandwagon but was actually thinking the exact same thing while reading these quotes as others...that I have been on the LHP pretty much my whole life without knowing that this is what it represents. Even as a bible thumper for several years it just didn't feel right* to me and my feelings were confirmed when I was harshly openly judged for my belief that someone who grew up with poverty and a lack of knowledge about the savior could still have the opportunity to go to a heaven.
Great thread too
I think the problem stems not from the knowledge passed to us in the form of the Bible, Torah, Koran (and many other ways) but peoples interpretation of it and the many ways they decided to keep all the good bits for themselves. After all knowledge is power and therefore keeping it away from the masses means that you can have power over them.
This topic has been on my mind for a long time now and I am happy that I now have an opportunity to ask some questions which were not answered on CH. I will copy and paste from Zarathustras CH topic as I have not received any answers to these, sorry if any are answered elsewhere, i have just discovered this site and have not had a chance to get to know it yet.
- You mention that Lucifer battled God as HE wanted to take free will away from Man. According to Enochian Literature that I have read Lucifer rebelled as he would not prostrate himself before Man. Are you saying that Enochian Scripture is wrong or based on lies in order to indoctrinate Man?
- I may be completely wrong but I do not believe that Angels are fallen. The knowledge passed onto Man through Kokbiel, Azrael etc must have been meant to be passed onto us as otherwise God would not have sent them to Earth. Being perfect and the collection of all consciousness God would have known what would happen by doing so especially as they were HIS creations in the first place. This would also apply to Lucifer as he was the mightiest Angel at one point commanding over the Archangels, the Light he brings must have been created for a reason by God. Is it your opinion that Lucifer was not created by God? Surely if he was, then he could not fight his Creator and if this were the case then why would God simply not de-create? Any wisdom you could share on the Falling would be greatly appreciated. Is it the LHP opinion that God did not know / did not plan for Lucifer to turn against Him?
- Could the whole "War In Heaven" have been made up by leaders wanting to justify and normalise war / recruit etc? ie "If even Heaven goes to war then Man should as well".
- You mention that in its essence Masonry is Luciferian, fact which I completely agree with. It is also well know that they control all of politics, economics, banking, weapons manufactures, military etc. If they worship Lucifer then why is God taking the blame for the wars and atrocities happening in this world when it is Lucifers followers who cause war and manipulate peoples opinions to justify thus?
- For me the world is the way it is because it has to have two opposing forces. "Good v Evil" could be used to describe this but as good and bad are subjective and objective there are only 2 opposing forces call them what you like. Is it not the "balancing" of both these forces that give rise to enlightenment? What is your view on this?
- If LHP involves the perfection of oneself does that mean that rituals such as LBRP are in their essence LHP given how one makes himself the master of his universe?
- Can I use the LHP to get closer to God or would it take me closer to the "Devil"? Does the LHP and the RHP lead to the same location or merely linear opposites?
- I noticed the amount of time and effort you have spent in writing the thread as well as all the warnings you gave throughout. This shows me that you have a considerable consideration / Love for your fellow man rather than just trying to get people to join the club. Is this not a contradiction to someone who works with truly dark beings? Is it possible to be a truly good person and follow the LHP? (Apologies if these are stupid questions)
- Is true enlightenment / Nirvana not just the escape from the "cube" cycle which would explain why some are chosen to come back and some are not? Could True Heaven / Bliss only comes after much work as a drone?
- If not then is the fact that We have the ability to attain Godhood not granted to us by God himself, after all, He is perfect and He made us so why would we have the ability if we were not meant to use it?
- I was fascinated to read of your experience in the Akhashik Records. Who or What defines what goes in and what does not seeing as they would "not know what you had for breakfast"? Are they Gods Records or do they just exist apart from the scales?
- Are Mary and Isis not the same along with all the other names she has been known by? Jesus is Osiris etc, no? If these are all very different beings then have they been around before mankind or are they merely thought forms created by man? Does the collective worship of an old bearded man in the clouds give rise to such a being or is the worship and adoration going to the intended recipient regardless of how one perceives Him to be? Throughout HIStory we see the same deities being worshiped under different names and idiosyncrasies.
- Could all deities just be different facets of the same God? Good / Evil, Dark/ Light both and neither at the same time. Could the only real GOD be a collection of Yaweh, Lucifer, Satan, Jesus, Mary, etc and that it was Man who, through lack of comprehension, broke HIM down into the different facets we see today thus creating deities from all spectrums based on individual and multiple beliefs in order to better understand HIS true magnitude. As man progressed could he have created more icons to worship based on the understanding of the times he lived in?
- If an extra terrestrial calls upon Lucifer, what do they see? A thought-form based on their folklore or the same being as you would see if you were Human? Is he and other Immortals exclusive to homo-sapiens? Could the pyramids and obilisks on the Moon and Mars be indicative of Universal deities worshipped by lesser or greater beings on other planets?
- In your travels, have you ever met any being that exists in physical form in another galaxy? If so what is their view on Good / Evil, God / Lucifer etc?
- What happens with the souls of people who sell them to Satan etc? Do they come out of "cube circulation"? If they "go to Hell" then where do the souls of truly wicked people (who did not sell it) go?
- Hows does one find out if he or she has earned enough respect to get a Demon? Do you just establish a psychic link to a Demon and ask them or does it involve a lot of regression into past lives with your guides?