Decalcifying your Pineal Gland and Eating Rainbows

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So my DC S is still kicking my ass BUT… its not quite so painful this time. Its almost like I’ve been torn down to base level and now Im being built back up.

One of my issues is how it feels like I have to work so damn hard just to have any meditation or conversation with my family (I also have ADD, I thought this was the source of my issue) But DC S told me that I am working too hard in the wrong direction and that I need to concentrate on something closer to home: My diet. “You eat shit when you should be eating rainbows”
o.O what?
I thought for sure I was misunderstanding him. I mean, eating rainbows? “Whats next,” i asked, “licking unicorns?”
He didnt answer , of course. sigh, hes not big on humor, lol. Or maybe mine is too purile for him..

Anyway, I actually found through good old google, there actually IS such thing as eating rainbows! Not so much on the Unicorn licking thing but hey, if anyone has heard of it, let me know!

Putting the websites aside that are aimed at getting kids to eat their veggies, I came across an Ayervedic method of eating Chakra colored raw fruits and vegetables. This is supposed to stimulate the chakra (for example third eye : Egglplant, plums, purple cabbage) while also, in many cases, decalcifying your Pineal Gland. for the root chakra you would eat Tomatoes raspberries, strawberries, and so on.

It was interesting to note the things that mess up your chakras and calcify your Pineal gland making it pretty much useless are… things I eat regularly o.O : things like meat, sugar, pasta, cheese, white bread. Even flouridated drinking water or toothpaste can wreck your pineal gland and leave it in a scaley calcified mess.

Another interesting thing i found pertaining to third eye clearing is the Tulsi (Holy Basil) herb. I found the following article on" onclick=";return false; discussing the physical health attributes to Tulsi Tea:
“Respiratory benefits-
Tulsi tea does wonders in several respiratory illnesses ranging from things as simple as mild colds and coughs to bronchitis and asthma. Tulsi has immunomodulatory (helps to enhance the immune system), antitussive (suppression of cough) and expectorant (helps in expelling out the phlegm) properties that provide relief in colds, coughs and other respiratory illnesses. Tulsi contains essential oils such as camphene, eugenol and cineole that help in relieving congestion. This herbal tea is loaded with anti-bacterial, antifungal and anti-inflammatory properties that can help in fighting infections as well as inflammations and allergies of respiratory tract.

Cardiovascular benefits-
Tulsi extract found in the herbal tea is abundant in magnesium, which is a vital nutrient required for the prevention of heart disease. The magnesium in holy basil helps our blood vessels work properly. It prevents deposition of cholesterol and promotes free flow of blood, and also reduces the risk of atherosclerosis. Other antioxidants found in this herb protect the heart from free radical damage. Regular intake of holy basil tea has been known to reduce cholesterol levels and lower blood pressure.

Reduce Fevers-
Due to its anti-micorbial properties, tulsi tea can be used in treating mild fever conditions, and helps speed up recovery from major infectious fevers like dengue and malaria. As we all know that fever itself is not a disease, and is the result of any infection caused by bacteria, fungus and protozoa, treating the infection will quickly bring down the fever. That is why this wonder herb can be used in treating a variety of fever-like conditions.

Beat stress-
According to studies, tulsi helps in maintaining the normal levels of cortisol hormone in the body, which is also known as the stress hormone. High levels of cortisol make you feel stressed out and anxious. Therefore, by lowering cortisol levels, tulsi acts a natural anti-stress herb.
Moreover, being an adaptogenic herb, tulsi contains anti-stress agents that help in soothing the nerves, fighting free radicals and regulating blood flow in the body.

Dental and oral health-
This aromatic herb has excellent benefits in promoting dental and oral health. As it contains antimicrobial properties, the compounds in holy basil tea help fight germs and bacteria in the oral cavity. It also prevents bad breath and acts as a mouth freshner. It is also found to be useful in other dental and oral conditions such as pyorrhea, mouth ulcers and oral cancer.

Skin and hair benefits-
Loaded with anti-oxidants and other nutrients, tulsi tea is also beneficial for maintaining beautiful and healthy skin. With age, our body’s ability to fight free radicals decreases, and as a result, we start noticing various age related signs on our skin. However, the antioxidants or polyphenols present in herbal tea help in fighting these radicals and delaying the signs of aging. So, just one cup of holy basil tea can help you stay young and beautiful for years to come.
Apart from that, it also helps in reducing itchiness of the scalp and helps to reduce hairfall. Daily intake of tulsi tea helps in curing skin and hair conditions.

Get Rid of Headaches-
Headache is one of the most common symtpoms of Americans. Whether it is due to improper sleep, stress or a long hectic schedule, pain in the head can be frustrating. It affects more than your physical stamina but also makes you feel mentally exhausted. Tulsi tea can be beneficial in treating headaches. This aromatic perennial shrub helps in relieving migraine and other stress related headaches. Sip a cup of tulsi tea, and rejuvenate your senses.
Lose Weight-
You must have tried several weight loss products and supplements to shed those extra calories and achieve a healthy and slimmer body. Some of those supplements work, but most are just a scam! If you are tired of trying several diet pills without any successful results, try tulsi tea for effective and safe weight loss results. This herbal brew works by increasing your metabolism, which in turn helps in accelerating fat burning process. It provides a healthy and natural way to lose weight.

Digestive system benefits-
One of the main benefits of this flavorful drink is through improved digestion. Holy basil tea facilitates healthy liver function, which is a must for improving digestive health. It also helps in proper metabolism, absorption and assimilation of lipids, carbohydrates and proteins.

Dissolve kidney stones-
The tulsi plant is a great diuretic and detoxifier, which is great for the kidneys. Uric acid is the major component of kidney stones. Uric is the by product of various metabolic processes. Excess uric acid is excreted from the body by the kidneys. It helps in reducing the uric acid levels in the body by improving the functioning of kidney cells. Tulsi tea contains essential oils that help in breaking down kidney stones. These essential oils also help to dull down the pain of kidney stones.

According to a study done in India, the leaf extracts from holy basil help in lowering blood sugar levels, by as much as 17 percent in fasting glucose and 7 percent in glucose readings immediately following a meal. Daily intake of tulsi tea facilitates metabolism of carbs and fats, and ensures that the sugar in the blood is utilized for energy. By keeping the blood sugar levels under check, tulsi tea reduces the risk of diabetes.

According to research and clinical studies, it has been found that tulsi may offer protection against various types of cancers. It neutralizes dangerous chemicals that lead to the formation of cancerous cells. With strong anti-carcinogenic and anti-oxidant properties, tulsi has been found to stop the progression of breast cancer and oral cancer.
It also reduces cell and tissue damage from sun rays, radiation therapy and other radiation sources.

Quit Smoking-
Ask a cigarette smoke, trying to quit smoking is not an easy task. Apart from developing physical dependency, cigarettes also create psychological dependency that forces the smoker to smoke. One of the major reasons for smoking is stress. It has been found that tulsi tea contains various anti-stress compounds that help one to quit smoking.
Ayurveda (Indian system of traditional medicine) relies heavily on using tulsi tea for the cessation of smoking. Try drinking a cup of herbal tulsi tea in replace of your daily smoking habit.

Nervous system-
Tulsi tea has been discovered a very good remedy for epilepsy and other nervous system disorders. It helps in calming the nervous and improving the motor-sensory coordination. According to a study done in Punjab University in India, tulsi has the same effect on convulsions and seizures as that of phenytoin (anti-epileptic medicine).

Arthritis is a degenerative chronic disorder caused by slow inflammation and wear and tear of the joints. Characterized by inflammation and swelling of the joint, this painful condition affects daily routine activities. Studies have found that tulsi can be effective in treating arthritis and other joint related disorders. It contains anti-inflammatory as well as anti-oxidant properties that help in relieving the pain and inflammation associated with joint disorders. The anti-oxidants help fight free radicals, which are responsible for degeneration of the joint and the surrounding tissues.

In a nutshell, tulsi tea provides you potential health benefits that are helpful in promoting physical as well as mental well-being. It helps the mind and body adapt, and effectively cope with infectious diseases, emotional stresses and mental problems.

Tulsi tea is made from the leaves and blossoms of the revered tulsi or holy basil plant. It is brewed in the same way you would prepare a cup of black, white, green or oolong tea. “
So Ive decided to try a new Third Eye Blend of “Super Tea” made with a variety of super herbs (that im making myself. Im not sure of quantities yet, so that will be fun figuring it out :lol:). We will see how it goes. Im going to try an experiment. for one month im going to try a vegetarian diet, “eating rainbows”, and implement Third Eye Tea and some physical exercises in the morning (beyond the mile walk to school ) and see where that gets me.
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Holy Basil is fantastic! It's one of my favs. My only complaint is my King says he hates the smell of it :(
I especially like it as a tea (mixed with a pinch of damiana ). Sort of a super calming sensual high ....

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Awesome!. Can what herbs you are using for the tea Wanda? Sounds wonderful!
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Hiya Star!! :hug: (because i NEVER see you anymore! lol )

I am using Holy Basil, wood betony, gotu kola, and at some point I *might* add ginger. I havent actually tried this yet because i ordered it so its on its way. it will probably taste like ass so i'll have to add some peppermint or honey lol

oh dez, star, what do you think about apple cider vinegar in water?thats supposed to work too. I tried it today and nearly gagged roflol felt like i needed some chips with it...
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Aw really fruits and veggies mostly...This would be a challenge for me as I do not have a ref to store the food.I wish one day I would be able to afford one so that I can try to eat rainbows and store the food for another bite. :-)
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This is really interesting, thank you for sharing it Wanda. Seems like I might be reading it at just the right time since I screwed up one of my chakras lol

How has this been going for you? Oh and I do love the turning it into tea idea. I cannot get enough tea <333
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Eilana wrote:This is really interesting, thank you for sharing it Wanda. Seems like I might be reading it at just the right time since I screwed up one of my chakras lol

How has this been going for you? Oh and I do love the turning it into tea idea. I cannot get enough tea <333
Eilana ,
the tulsi tea is off the chain good. I buy it powdered, the tulsi herb. I put a spoonful in my tea and it actually tastes REALLY good.
Ive taken to using wood betony extract (that i make myself.. and ok, i could just use the herb but i lost my little tea ball dealie so yeah i have to do things the hard way :lol: ) , a little bit of powdered ginger and a spoon of powdered tulsi. But.. i cant seem to break my English tea habit, so i throw that in with my normal tea. LOL actually it tastes really good swirling around, unlike some other herbal teas which taste like total ass.
Ive also not eaten meat for three weeks and am in my first week of no dairy. THAT part of things has been difficult. BUT at this point, i really dont miss the meat. Not saying i wont ever eat it again (im from texas, being a vegetarian is the ultimage sacrilege lol) but for now, im staying away from it. I nibbled a piece of pork the other day and felt sick for hours after. I do find im able to concentrate more and my third eye actually is sparking into life and my communications and even magick are clearer and stronger now, so yeah im sure there is something to it. is it one thing or a combination? i dont know. i just know ive been making some pretty drastic changes that when combined, seem to have an astounding effect.
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MagicWand-a wrote:
Eilana wrote:This is really interesting, thank you for sharing it Wanda. Seems like I might be reading it at just the right time since I screwed up one of my chakras lol

How has this been going for you? Oh and I do love the turning it into tea idea. I cannot get enough tea <333
Eilana ,
the tulsi tea is off the chain good. I buy it powdered, the tulsi herb. I put a spoonful in my tea and it actually tastes REALLY good.
Ive taken to using wood betony extract (that i make myself.. and ok, i could just use the herb but i lost my little tea ball dealie so yeah i have to do things the hard way :lol: ) , a little bit of powdered ginger and a spoon of powdered tulsi. But.. i cant seem to break my English tea habit, so i throw that in with my normal tea. LOL actually it tastes really good swirling around, unlike some other herbal teas which taste like total ass.
Ive also not eaten meat for three weeks and am in my first week of no dairy. THAT part of things has been difficult. BUT at this point, i really dont miss the meat. Not saying i wont ever eat it again (im from texas, being a vegetarian is the ultimage sacrilege lol) but for now, im staying away from it. I nibbled a piece of pork the other day and felt sick for hours after. I do find im able to concentrate more and my third eye actually is sparking into life and my communications and even magick are clearer and stronger now, so yeah im sure there is something to it. is it one thing or a combination? i dont know. i just know ive been making some pretty drastic changes that when combined, seem to have an astounding effect.
Wanda ^-^ <333 thank you. I am glad the tea is actually tasting good haha.

I gave up meat for, awhile at one point. 6+ months. The smell of it at holiday gatherings made me gag and when I tried to eat it, I couldn't do it. It made me physically ill. I ended up not being able to meet my nutritional needs without eating meat (I am severely opposed to pills and supplements for personal reasons) so decided to eat meat again. So now I eat some meat, not nearly what I used to eat though. I also am very picky about what meat I eat... if it's not a certain quality, I cannot eat it. I actually tried to eat meat without giving a thought to the quality of it (it just slipped my mind at the time) and it was HORRIBLE. I skipped dinner entirely because I could not choke the stuff down.

But back to giving up meat, yes I also noticed my communication abilities and magick kicked into high gear when I only ate vegetables. It was incredible, really. At the same time though, I found myself becoming ungrounded a lot easier. I had to do a LOT more grounding when I was not eating meat.
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MagicWand-a wrote:Hiya Star!! :hug: (because i NEVER see you anymore! lol )

I am using Holy Basil, wood betony, gotu kola, and at some point I *might* add ginger. I havent actually tried this yet because i ordered it so its on its way. it will probably taste like ass so i'll have to add some peppermint or honey lol

oh dez, star, what do you think about apple cider vinegar in water?thats supposed to work too. I tried it today and nearly gagged roflol felt like i needed some chips with it...

I know acv in water is great but I don't do well with it unless mixed with food. I love the chips idea but I go for it on salads. Fresh lemon is useful too if your body likes it better then the vinegar.
Got me thinking of fries, drool, which I never eat ..... :eyerolldevil:
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I would like to note that vegetarians have the brightest. most beautiful and colorful auras (when I can see them), but getting off sugar 'the White Death' (white sugar, white potatoes, white rice, white bread) is the most important to me. I have been anti-fluoride for a while, and have anti-fluoride filters in my apartment. The chemicals and poor nutrition of most Americans is terrible! I honestly believe we should love ourselves enough to take care of our bodies better, but it is SO TOUGH in America to cut out all the chemical poisons they put in foods here! And exercise! We need that DAILY! :devilbanana:
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